iPhone app -- are plists the way to handle default values and other languages? - iphone

I wrote my first program almost fifty years ago (yes, coding is still a blast, managing big projects with many programmers was not), but my Von Neumann thinking gets in the way.
I want to (a) load default values and (b) account for multiple languages more elegantly (?) than 60-plus iterations of NSLocalizedString. Can I park all of this data into what amounts to a record with fields like this: (key value stuff), (tweak-able user prompt / screen name / whatever), (tasteful default), (user-supplied value)? NSUserDefault has worked well so far; Core Data looks like overkill (?), and sql lite, well, where's Oracle when you need it?

It is certainly possible to store this information in plists and make them localizable; right-click the plist in the Groups & Files window -> get info then select 'Add Localization' at the bottom left.
Enter the country code you would like to support and xCode will go ahead and create a language specific version of the resource.
Your code doesn't need to know about any of this since your app will know it supports a language (when you make the file localized) so any plist key value requests that exist already will be mapped to the appropriate value (depending on the current language).
Same applies for your xibs etc.
Personally, I use NSLocalizedString for strings generated inside the code and plists for resources, since it is easier to get the strings I need translated to the translators this way (Can't assume they can edit a plist).
Hope this helps


PostgreSQL: how to define and use "global" constants

I am writing a few stored procs that process some batch upload data. Each input line can be flagged for a variety of application errors. I have nearly 100 different types of errors in all, and over a dozen different file load procedures.
In C/C++ the idiom for error codes is a bunch of #define or const in a project-wide include (class) file and then using the symbolic names in application code. The compilers check for wayward spellings. Java/C# too offer a similar construct. How does one obtain a similar effect in plpgsql? I have toyed with setting up these in postgresql.conf but is that a sound approach? It obviously will not work at compile time. And I don't want to grant write privileges to conf files to application developers. Further, it will require a reload of conf for every application change, possibly a system stability issue. I am sure there are many other drawbacks.
In a like vein, I have also a need for plain "user-defined" types wherein I would like to fix the representation of certain application data types, such as "part_number" to be varchar(20), "currency_code" to be char(3) and so on. Again, in C/C++ one would use typedef or struct as the case might be. So I tried creating a TYPE in PostgreSQL for consistent usage across tables, views, function headers. But with the UDTs I ran into a new set of issues: specifying primary keys, and in CSV input specs where the value must now be given in parentheses. Is there a different way of dealing with such objectives in PostgreSQL?
I am new to PostgreSQL. We are using 9.2 on Linux. I am tempted to use a pre-processor but then it will not be compatible with any design tool I have seen.
For your first question you could potentially use an ENUM type.
CREATE TYPE flag AS ENUM ('ok', 'bad', 'superbad');
Which would at least allow for sanity checking of your spellings for each of the flag states.
For your second question (and please ask multiple questions in the future - since it keeps things on topic) you might want to look at DOMAINs

Is it possible to create permanent object aliases

I recently found myself using some rather lengthy names for the tables and views involved in a development piece, which got me wondering whether it's possible to create client/database/server level aliases for objects.
Say for example I have a view named dbo.vAlphaBetaGammaDelta . Is there a way (with or without Intellisense) to create a reference to it named dbo.vABGD ?
If not, would there be any downfalls to creating a view of a view or single table aside from maintenance necessary if/when the table schema changes?
I should note that these aliases/views would not be intended for use in other objects, but for alleviation and prevention of carpal tunnel during day-to-day troubleshooting and delving xD
SQL Server allows for the creation of synonyms. That seems to be what you are looking for: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177544.aspx
However, as #MitchWheat mentioned. this seems to be going in the wrong direction. There are a few quite good SSMS plugins available that provide auto completion of long object names (e.g. SQL Prompt). Incidentally those products have trouble with synonyms...
There are many cases where you would like to have synonyms.
Let me state just one for start:
You have a well defined hypothetical name of a table: GlobalStatisticalRecord. Hundreds of lines of code and objects (keys, indexes, etc.) in SQL and elsewhere are referring to this table name.
After 5 years of usage, the abbreviation GSR was accustomed not only among the technical people, but also among the business users. So, to stress again, GSR is now even more recognizable than GlobalStatisticalRecord. However, for the new people that come into the technical team, it is good to keep the name GlobalStatisticalRecord as a table name, since it nicely describes what is the table all about. Now, when writing a quick adhoc query - and that may not be from your tool of choice with all the Intellisense features you are accustom to - then these aliases are really saving your time (and "life" at 2am in the morning when you are frantically trying to diagnose a production problem).
Please, if you never faced a case when you would need this, just don't assume that there is none.
I stressed the adhoc adjective, since I agree that in permanent queries (stored procedures, etc.), for the reasons you pointed out, it is advisable to use the full table names.

The logic behind the generated ID values from controls on storyboard files/NIB files

I'm creating a code generator for Xcode code and it's interface markup
I notice that the "ID" xml attribute from UI controls has some scrambled value, I was wondering what is the logic generating this info.
would it be just a apple approach to make it harder to create self generated code?
would I be able to make my generated app work with my-own-whatever-IDvalue setup?
I'm developing it anyway with any value and it is working fine so far, but not sure when it gets more complex
edwin, mine is an examination only, and from having tried to tweak the .storyboard/.nib code in the past, and having had to match up these ids, i think the only things that are critical are that:
the ids can contain "0-9" "A-Z" "a-z" and dashes ('-')
they must be unique and cannot conflict with other ids within the same xml
they must match in declaration and identifier
ids for storyboard scenes and for controllers seem to be numeric, starting at the top of the file and ascending
ids for views seem to consist of a triple of the form xxx-xx-xxx
if you stick with that, and especially if you don't expect to then tweak the generated files, you should be safe. even if you do expect to tweak the files, Xcode should honor those ids you've generated as long as they're unique. i just don't know what would happen if you then add a view that creates an id that conflicts with one you've generated.
Does anyone have a definitive answer on how these identities are created? "orR-Rm-srM" appears to be a base-62 number with each digit being a-zA-Z0-9. I've heard comments that the identity is a randomly generated value, but I have a hard time believing that since it would require unnecessary lookup tables during compilation.

Versioning a persistent keyed archive?

For my current app I'm using the NSKeyedArchiver approach to persist my objects to the iPhone between launches. I'm wondering if it makes sense to tag this file when it's created with a version number so that in the future when the app revs we'll know what kind of data we're dealing with should migration be necessary. Is this recommended for something as simple as an NSArray of custom objects that are serialized with NSKeyedArchiver? If so how/where to stash the version number?
If you feel like the format will change, then yes, you'll want some way to detect which version of the file you're working with. A simple way to do this (since you're using NSArray) would be to simply add the version number as an NSNumber to either the beginning or end of the array. Alternatively, for a more complicated approach that doesn't actually change the files, you could store the information in a separate file (say, using an NSDictionary that links the file name and version number). Or, you could use the user defaults system to store it, and if it's frome an older version, update the file and the user defaults key.
I wouldn't use the second method, unless you're dealing with multiple keyed data files. Of those three, I'd probably choose the last, but there may be some other way to do it that makes more sense.

Encrypting SQLite Database file in iPhone OS

Any SQLite database on the iPhone is simply a file bundled with the application. It is relatively simple for anyone to extract this file and query it.
What are your suggestions for encrypting either the file or the data stored within the database.
Edit: The App is a game that will be played against other users. Information about a users relative strengths and weaknesses will be stored in the DB. I don't want a user to be able to jail-break the phone up their reputation/power etc then win the tournament/league etc (NB: Trying to be vague as the idea is under NDA).
I don't need military encryption, I just don't want to store things in plain text.
Edit 2: A little more clarification, my main goals are
Make it non-trivial to hack sensitive data
Have a simple way to discover if data has been altered (some kind of checksum)
You cannot trust the client, period. If your standalone app can decrypt it, so will they. Either put the data on a server or don't bother, as the number of people who actually crack it to enhance stats will be minuscule, and they should probably be rewarded for the effort anyway!
Put a string in the database saying "please don't cheat".
There are at least two easier approaches here (both complimentary) that avoid encrypting values or in-memory databases:
#1 - ipa crack detection
Avoid the technical (and legal) hassle of encrypting the database and/or the contents and just determine if the app is pirated and disable the network/scoring/ranking aspects of the game. See the following for more details:
#2 - data integrity verification
Alternatively store a HMAC/salted hash of the important columns in each row when saving your data (and in your initial sqlite db). When loading each row, verify the data against the HMAC/hash and if verification fails act accordingly.
Neither approach will force you to fill out the encryption export forms required by Apple/US government.
Score submission
Don't forget you'll need to do something similar for the actual score submissions to protect against values coming from something other than your app. You can see an implementation of this in the cocos2d-iphone and cocoslive frameworks at http://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-iphone/ and http://code.google.com/p/cocoslive/
Response to comments
There is no solution here that will 100% prevent data tampering. If that is a requirement, the client needs to be view only and all state and logic must be calculated on a trusted server. Depending on the application, extra anti-cheat mechanisms will be required on the client.
There are a number of books on developing massively-multiplayer games that discuss these issues.
Having a hash with a known secret in the code is likely a reasonable approach (at least, when considering the type of applications that generally exist on the App Store).
Like Kendall said, including the key on the device is basically asking to get cracked. However, there are folks who have their reasons for obfuscating data with a key on-device. If you're determined to do it, you might consider using SQLCipher for your implementation. It's a build of SQLite that provides transparent, page-level encryption of the entire DB. There's a tutorial over on Mobile Orchard for using it in iPhone apps.
How likely do you think it is that your normal user will be doing this? I assume you're going through the app store, which means that everything is signed/encrypted before getting on to the user's device. They would have to jailbreak their device to get access to your database.
What sort of data are you storing such that it needs encryption? If it contains passwords that the user entered, then you don't really need to encrypt them; the user will not need to find out their own password. If it's generic BLOB data that you only want the user to access through the application, it could be as simple as storing an encrypted blob using the security API.
If it's the whole database you want secured, then you'd still want to use the security api, but on the whole file instead, and decrypt the file as necessary before opening it. The issue here is that if the application closes without cleanup, you're left with a decrypted file.
You may want to take a look at memory-resident databases, or temporary databases which you can create either using a template db or a hard-coded schema in the program (take a look at the documentation for sqlite3_open). The data could be decrypted, inserted into the temporary database, then delete the decrypted database. Do it in the opposite direction when closing the connection.
You can cook up your own encryption scheme I'm sure with just a very simple security system by XOR-ing the data with a value stored in the app, and store a hash somewhere else to make sure it doesn't change, or something.
Based on my experience SQLCipher is the best option to encrypt the data base.
Once the key("PRAGMA key") is set SQLCipher will automatically encrypt all data in the database! Note that if you don't set a key then SQLCipher will operate identically to a standard SQLite database.
The call to sqlite3_key or "PRAGMA key" should occur as the first operation after opening the database. In most cases SQLCipher uses PBKDF2, a salted and iterated key derivation function, to obtain the encryption key. Alternately, an application can tell SQLCipher to use a specific binary key in blob notation (note that SQLCipher requires exactly 256 bits of key material), i.e.
I hope someone would save time on exploring about this
Ignoring the philosophical and export issues, I'd suggest that you'd be better off encrypting the data in the table directly.
You need to obfuscate the decryption key(s) in your code. Typically, this means breaking them into pieces and encoding the strings in hex and using functions to assemble the pieces of the key together.
For the algorithm, I'd use a trusted implementation of AES for whatever language you're using.
Maybe this one for C#:
Finally, you need to be aware of the limitations of the approach. Namely, the decryption key is a weak link, it will be available in memory at run-time in clear text. (At a minimum) It has to be so that you can use it. The implementation of your encryption scheme is another weakness--any flaws there are flaws in your code too. As several other people have pointed out your client-server communications are suspect too.
You should remember that your executable can be examined in a hex editor where cleartext strings will leap out of the random junk that is your compiled code. And that many languages (like C# for example) can be reverse-compiled and all that will be missing are the comments.
All that said, encrypting your data will raise the bar for cheating a bit. How much depends on how careful you are; but even so a determined adversary will still break your encryption and cheat. Furthermore, they will probably write a tool to make it easy if your game is popular; leaving you with an arms-race scenario at that point.
Regarding a checksum value, you can compute a checksum based on the sum of the values in a row assuming that you have enough numeric values in your database to do so. Or, for an bunch of boolean values you can store them in a varbinary field and use the bitwise exclusive operator ^ to compare them--you should end up with 0s.
For example,
for numeric columns,
2|3|5|7| with a checksum column | 17 |
for booleans,
0|1|0|1| with a checksum column | 0101 |
If you do this, you can even add a summary row at the end that sums your checksums. Although this can be problematic if you are constantly adding new records. You can also convert strings to their ANSI/UNICODE components and sum these too.
Then when you want to check the checksum simple do a select like so:
Select *
FROM OrigTable
right outer join
(select pk, (col1 + col2 + col3) as OnTheFlyChecksum, PreComputedChecksum from OrigTable) OT on OrigTable.pk = OT.pk
where OT.OnTheFlyChecksum = OT.PreComputedChecksum
It appears to be simplest to sync all tournament results to all iPhones in the tournament. You can do it during every game: before a game, if the databases of two phones contradict each other, the warning is shown.
If the User A falsifies the result if his game with User B, this result will propagate until B eventually sees it with the warning that A's data don't match with his phone. He then can go and beat up explain to A that his behavior isn't right, just the way it is in real life if somebody cheats.
When you compute the final tournament results, show the warning, name names, and throw out all games with contradictory results. This takes away the incentive to cheat.
As said before, encryption won't solve the problem since you can't trust the client. Even if your average person can't use disassembler, all it takes is one motivated person and whatever encryption you have will be broken.
Yet, if on windows platform, you also can select SQLiteEncrypt to satisfy your needs.SQLiteEncrypt extends sqlite encryption support, but you can treat it as original sqlite3 c library.