how to get html element id of smartgwt widgets? - gwt

I want get html id of input field & icon field of a TextItem widget, how can i do this ???
(no getId methos is available for TextItem widget & seems that setAttribiute("id", "foo") has no effect)

since everything is on a single page, i wouldn't dare to set any IDs yourself, the probability that you create two items (by mistake) with the same id is quite high.
why would you need it anyway?
you may get the html element by name


SAPUI5 No dynamic way to get form data without data binding. And no Form submit event.

I have a simple form that's in a dialog fragment used to submitting two fields for log-in auth.
For simplicity I was hoping to not have to use data binding, but rather use some method to gather all data inside my sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm.
I added a name property to each input element which says in the docs it is " Defines the name of the control for the purposes of form submission."
However hard as I try to find there doesn't seem to be any getFormData methods.
All SO questions and guides either use data binding to a model, or hard-code references to the individual input controls with .getValue() methods.
And looking further into the form API, there doesn't seem to be a Submit event either.
Given an arbitrary form, what would be the best way to gather all submission values without hard-coded references or data-binding?
Would a method that walks though all the children elements of a form looking for all submission values work? I think it might, but there are more submission input types then just the input component.
You can get the value of the fields by directly using;
var oField = sap.ui.getCore().byId('IdOfTheFieldAtTheDialog');
var sValue = oField.getValue();
But it's always better and convenient to use data binding which keep things neat.
And If I assume that you have the id of parent form container, you can iterate over the items and get the sap.m.Input elements in it without knowing the IDs of the individual inputs, and you may check the name property of the fields if you want. Check this snippet;

How can I get the Zend_Form object via the Zend_Form_Element child

I've built a Zend_Form_Decorator_Input class which extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract, so that I could customize my form inputs -- works great. I ran into a problem in the decorate class, in trying to get the form name of the element, so as to built a unique id for each field (in case there are multiple forms with identical field names).
There is no method like this: Zend_Form_Element::getForm(); It seems Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract doesn't have this ability either. Any ideas?
I don't think changing the id from the decorator is the right approach. At the time the decorator is called the element already has been rendered. Thus changing the id would have no effect to the source code. Additionally, as you already have pointed out, the relation between a form and its elements is unidirectional, i.e. (to my best knowledge) there is no direct way to access the form from the element.
So far the bad news.
The good news is, that there actually is a pretty easy solution to your problem: The Zend_Form option elementsBelongTo. It prevents that the same ID is assigned to two form elements that have the same name but belong to different forms:
$form1 = new Zend_Form(array('elementsBelongTo' => 'form1'));
$form1->addElement('Text', 'text1');
$form2 = new Zend_Form(array('elementsBelongTo' => 'form2'));
$form2->addElement('Text', 'text1');
Although both forms have a text field named 'text1', they have different ids: 'form1-text1' and 'form2-text1'. However, there is a major drawback to this: This also changes the name elements in such a way that they are in the format formname[elementname]. Therefore $this->getRequest()->getParam('formname') will return an associative array containing the form elements.

Print the particular GWT widget

I'm trying to print a GWT widget as follows,
String html = DOM.getElementById("id").getInnerHTML();;
I'm not getting the entire html content of the widget. So i'm not able to print the expected result.
Can you help me? Or tell me the alternative way of printing a particular GWT widget from the view.
Thanks in advance,
Well, it should print the HTML code. Calling DOM statically may generate 2 problems for you:
The ID you are trying to use isn't the right one. There is another element with the same ID and you are retrieving the element for that ID.
The ID you are using doesn't exist, as a framework may be changing this ID.
You can try to retrieve the HTML code with this widget.asWidget().getElement().getInnerHTML();
That should give you the correct HTML representation of the widget.
And make sure you are calling those methods after the elements are loaded (onLoad()) into the document, or you may recieve a JavaScriptException due to the element being null (check here for more info).

Wicket - can you specify markups IDs for elements inside repeaters?

I'm having a hard time testing our Wicket application using Selenium because of the random markup ids.
For individual elements, I can use abc.setOutputMarkupId(true).setMarkupId("myId")
to set their markup id explicitly.
But what if the element is added dynamically using a repeater (like ListView)? Is there a way to specify how the markup id sequence should look like?
Well, can't you do the same thing with ListView? If you make your own ListView implementation, and then in the populateItem(final ListItem<?> listItem) method, on that respective listItem you do:
listItem.setOutputMarkupId(true); // write id attribute of element to html
where i is some index you initialize in the ListView's constructor or something?
as Andrei told that its possible but dangerous.
setMarkupId doc:
Retrieves id by which this component is represented within the markup. This is either the id attribute set explicitly via a call to
org.apache.wicket.Component.setMarkupId(java.lang.String), id
attribute defined in the markup, or an automatically generated id - in
that order. If no explicit id is set this function will generate an id
value that will be unique in the page. This is the preferred way as
there is no chance of id collision.
and also you cant get the markup id with getMarkupId()

Access select using div/span id

In jquery is it possible to access a select element by simply using the div or span id plus the "select" selector? I ask because i have a series of auto-generated forms meaning I can't assign an id to the form elements plus the names are weird like "w24", I'd like to access a form element specifically a select using the surrounding span id and "select" selector example:
$("#hiv_care select").attr("disabled",true);
I've tried this but it doesn't work, forcing me to explicitly use the dropdown name.
Seems I was using the wrong div id. SLaks thanks for the link to it exposed my ways and is really helping me with testing out my jquery code.