GWT MVP - retriving custom event parameters problem - gwt

I am developing a GWT application with presenter, dispatcher and Gin.
I have a presenter which is retrieving an ArrayList<JobPosting> from
server and firing a ManageJobsEvent.
dispatcher.execute(new GetJobPostings(userId), new
DisplayCallback<GetJobPostingsResult>(display) {
protected void handleFailure(Throwable e) {
protected void handleSuccess(GetJobPostingsResult value) {
eventBus.fireEvent(new ManageJobsEvent(value.getUserId(),
I get the callback to onPlaceRequest(PlaceRequest request) of my
another presenter
but how do i get the ArrayList<JobPostings> set in the event.

I'm not sure I understand your problem correctly, but since you are passing the ArrayList<JobPostings> to the constructor of the ManageJobsEvent, why not just add a getter to retrieve it?


Migration wicket 8.* from 7.*, problem with onRequestHandlerResolved() method on AbstractRequestCycleListener

I'm working on Wicket 8.* migration when I struggle on onRequestHandlerResolved() under IRequestCycleListener method conversion.
As per my structure of logic in my code wicket 7.15.0
public class MyRequestCycleListener extends AbstractRequestCycleListener{
//All methods override here
public void onRequestHandlerResolved(RequestCycle cycle, IRequestHandler handler) {
if (handler instanceof ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler) {
ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler requestHandler = (ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler) handler;
if (requestHandler.getListenerInterface().getListenerInterfaceClass().isAssignableFrom( IFormSubmitListener.class)) {
//here made some login as well as every onSubmit
As wicket 8.* changes
AbstractRequestCycleListener class converts to IRequestCycleListener interface
ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler renamed to ListenerRequestHandler
Deprecates RequestListenerInterface and also IFormSubmitListener makes error
How to convert code to migration on wicket 8.9.0 ?
It should be something like this:
public class MyRequestCycleListener implements IRequestCycleListener{
public void onRequestHandlerResolved(RequestCycle cycle, IRequestHandler handler) {
if (handler instanceof ListenerRequestHandler) {
ListenerRequestHandler requestHandler = (ListenerRequestHandler) handler;
if (requestHandler.getComponent() instanceof Form) {
//here made some login as well as every onSubmit
Form form = (Form) requestHandler.getComponent();

How do I inherit from an Observable<T>?

I want to build an event broker class that inherits from Observable<EventArgs>. In the .NET implementation of Rx, you can simply implement IObservable<EventArgs>; furthermore, in .NET the publish() method just takes the argument that you want the subscribers to receive.
Can someone explain how this is done in Java? All I want is a class who inherently behaves as Observable<Foo>.
In most cases, there is no necessity to implement your own Observable inheritor. There is a bunch of fabrics methods to create Observable and handle it's behavior. For example:
Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<String>() {
#Override public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<String> emitter) throws Exception {
emitter.onNext("New event");
emitter.onError(new Error());
But, if you really need to create exactly an inheritor it is not difficult either.
class MarkedObservable extends Observable<String> {
#Override protected void subscribeActual(Observer<? super String> observer) {
observer.onError(new Error());

SwipeRefreshLayout error

I am trying to implement swiperefreshlayout and I am getting error at "this"
public class viewBets_activity extends ActionBarActivity {
SwipeRefreshLayout swipeLayout;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
swipeLayout = (SwipeRefreshLayout) findViewById(;
public void onRefresh() {
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 5000);
I am getting error at swipeLayout.setOnRefreshListener(this); screenshot below
Well, now that you added the screenshot, the error is clear.
You're passing the wrong argument into setOnRefreshListener()! And of course, this makes sense, if you think about it. Your class is a ActionBarActivity. You're trying to set the OnRefreshListener as an ActionBarActivity...doesn't make any sense! You need to change your code to this:
swipeLayout.setOnRefreshListener(new OnRefreshListener()
public void onRefresh()
// what you want to happen onRefresh goes here
Here, you're creating a new OnRefreshListener object which you're adding as the listener.
For the future, in general, any time you have a setOn______Listener() method, the argument you'll be passing will be a On_____Listener object that you've customized. You can either created separately, or create it right in the set method the way I did in my answer.
Your class is missing
implement SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener
This allows the listener to refer to the overridden method onRefresh when passing through this as the argument for setOnRefreshListener

Using HeaderResponseContainer: No FilteringHeaderResponse is present in the request cycle

I'm trying to add a custom HeaderResponseContainer in my wicket application. The tutorial looks quite simple (see Positioning of contributions), but when I add these lines and run the application I alwas get an IllegalStateException:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No FilteringHeaderResponse is present in the request cycle. This may mean that you have not decorated the header response with a FilteringHeaderResponse. Simply calling the FilteringHeaderResponse constructor sets itself on the request cycle
at org.apache.wicket.markup.head.filter.FilteringHeaderResponse.get(
at org.apache.wicket.markup.head.filter.HeaderResponseContainer.onComponentTagBody(
at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.DefaultMarkupSourcingStrategy.onComponentTagBody(
Yes, I already saw the note about FilteringHeaderResponse. But I am not sure where I should call the constructor. I already tried to add it in renderHead before calling response.render but I still get the same exception:
public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
FilteringHeaderResponse resp = new FilteringHeaderResponse(response);
resp.render(new FilteredHeaderItem(..., "myKey"));
You can create a decorator that wraps responses in a FilteringHeaderResponse:
public final class FilteringHeaderResponseDecorator implements IHeaderResponseDecorator {
public IHeaderResponse decorate(IHeaderResponse response) {
return new FilteringHeaderResponse(response);
And that set it during application initialization:
public void init() {
setHeaderResponseDecorator(new FilteringHeaderResponseDecorator());
I just ran into this same problem and found that the Wicket In Action tutorial leaves out the part about setting up a custom IHeaderResponseDecorator in your main Wicket Application init. The Wicket guide has a more thorough example:
Apache Wicket User Guide - Put JavaScript inside page body
You need something like this in your wicket Application:
public void init()
setHeaderResponseDecorator(new JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator("myKey"));
* Decorates an original IHeaderResponse and renders all javascript items
* (JavaScriptHeaderItem), to a specific container in the page.
static class JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator implements IHeaderResponseDecorator
private String bucketName;
public JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator(String bucketName) {
this.bucketName = bucketName;
public IHeaderResponse decorate(IHeaderResponse response) {
return new JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse(response, bucketName);

How to save/edit object and refresh datagrid using request factory

I started with dynatableref example of Request Factory. I read request factory document. but still I am unclear about life cycle or flow of client to server.
I want to make a call to server. Insert data and update grid also. It is easy with RPC call. But I don't understand how to do with Request Factory.
This is one method of request factory. It call persist method automatically of server. It refresh grid also automatically. can I anybody tell how is it working? Receiver<Void>() {
public void onConstraintViolation(Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> errors) {
// Otherwise, show ConstraintViolations in the UI
dialog.setText("Errors detected on the server");
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
// If everything went as planned, just dismiss the dialog box
I want to edit some data in to grid also. is this method help me? or I have to write other method.
I wrote other method like
requestFactory.schoolCalendarRequest().savePerson(personProxy).fire(new Receiver<PersonProxy>() {
public void onSuccess(PersonProxy person) {
// Re-check offset in case of changes while waiting for data
This is not refreshing grid. why?
The flow client-server of the RuequestFactory is similar to RPC or any XMLHTTP request
1) You invoke a remote method on the server.
2) You receive a response in the Receiver object (which is the Callback object). In onSeccess Method you get the returned object if everything went well. onFailure you get an error if something went wrong.
So to populate the Person table from data retrieved from the server the code should look something like this
requestFactory.schoolCalendarRequest().getPersonList(param1).fire(new Receiver<List<PersonProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<PersonProxy> personList) {
Now when you edit a Person (e.g. name ) it's important to initialize and use the same RequestContext until you call fire on the request. So the part where you update the Person's name should look something like this
column.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<Person, String>() {
public void update(PersonProxy personProxy, String value) {
RequestContext requestContext = requestFactory.schoolCalendarRequest()
PersonProxy personProxy= requestContext.edit(personProxy);
requestFactory.schoolCalendarRequest().savePerson(personProxy).fire(new Receiver<PersonProxy>() {
public void onSuccess(PersonProxy person) {
//Do something after the update
The interaction with the RequestFactory should be placed in a Presenter, so you should probably consider implementing a MVP pattern.