iPhone SDK: How to get 4.0 on a device? - iphone

This is a question about installing 4.0 on an 3rd gen iPod Touch. I already have a developer account. I have also downloaded the 4.0 SDK with XCode. I can test the new functionality in the simulator but I want to also try it on my device hence my question. I am looking for instructions on how to get it on my new third gen iPod Touch. Could someone suggest a link that has worked well for them? thanks.

In the iPhone portal there is a section entitled: iPhone OS Beta. There you can download the OS for the appropriate device. This appears once you accept the updated agreement, etc.


Installing older iOS for device testing

It used to be simpler to test versions of the iOS that were older than the currently shipping iOS. I can't seem to find a way to do it now that Apple calls home when trying to restore a device. If the device is eligible for a more recent iOS, iTunes and XCode 4.5 force you to upgrade the iOS.
In my case, I have an iPhone 4 that I want to test with iOS 5.1.1. I have the .ipsw file that actually was used on this device. iTunes generates an "not eligible" error when I try and force the restore from this .ipsw. XCode 4.5 does also. My understanding is that Apple is no longer signing 5.1.1 and my device is eligible for iOS 6, the reason for the error.
In the past, I had enough devices laying around that I shelved and used for testing. I don't have that luxury now.
Two questions:
1. Is there any way to install an older iOS on device that is eligible for a newer iOS?
2. How are you testing on older iOS versions?
I welcome suggestions
No, you cannot install an older iOS unless you are jailbroken and your SHSH blobs were stored with Cydia or TinyUmbrella.
Most people use the simulator, or older devices.
can be used to find old xcodes and ios SDKs.

Testing on iOS 3.1 simulator

iOS project. Base SDK 4.2, deployment target 3.0. A customer is complaining about an issue on iOS 3.1 (he has an old device).
I tried installing Xcode 3.2.3 - the oldest there is for download. It does not offer iOS 3.1 as a test target. Does anyone know how can I enable older versions of iOS on the simulator?
The box also has Xcode 4 (in a different folder). Could it be the case that they're sharing the iOS simulator, and the backwards-incompatible one from Xcode 4 is getting in the way?
There is no substitute for testing on a real device.
I've had a problem with my iPod touch (3rd gen, ios 5.0) crashing in one app. Every day. The dev won't buy, beg, borrow or steal a real iPod touch to test it on so he can fix it. As a user this is extremely frustrating.
The final versions of Xcode with the iPhone SDK, as it was called then, are not available from Apple's download page, but the direct links still work.
The direct links can be found at:
If you use the latest Xcode, you can install device debugging support via the Downloads->Components section, a la: http://cl.ly/3U1V1G3W2p2E1G29342e
Some of the links are dead though. Apple is removing those old files little by little. Get them while supplies last.

How do you test against a specific version when you don't have a device with the version?

I have 3.1.2 device and have used 3.1.2 as minimum iOS requirement for my app.
Now I want to set the minimum iOS requirement for my app to 4.0.
The problem is it seems there's no way I can upgrade my device to 4.0 without jailbreaking.
(and it seems if I jailbreak my device, I won't be able to test IAP)
Hence, I can only update the device's iOS to 5.0, and I won't have 4.0 device to test against.
What do you do when you are in such a situation?
Yes that is a problem, i've faced my self. I still own an iPhone 3G which is still running 4.2.1 and I can down grade it to iOS 4.0 My iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4S are stuck on iOS 5.
I've used testflight to for an open beta to get 20 test with different iOS version, which if it is possible can help a bit. But getting and iPhone 3G or second gen iPod touch might help.
You can install all version of the iOS (up to the one they support) on them since there is real install check done. You might need a tool to finish the installation if it hangs on the final step, but there is no need to jailbreak them.
You may need to buy an old used iOS device running the old OS version which you want to test against. You could sell your other test device with an unusable OS version to help pay for it.

iPhone SDK: Profile was not copied because it cannot be played on this iPod

I've created an AdHoc distribution profile. When I try to copy it to an 3g iPod touch, I get the following error message.
Profile.mobileprovision was not copied to the iPod because it cannot be played in this iPod.
I am confused.
Why would I have a problem installing a Adhoc provisioning profile on an iPod touch?
Any help appreciated.
Because you haven't registered that specific device in the Provisioning Portal.
For each and every device, you have to make sure they are added to your iPhone Provisioning Portal, just like you did with your original device using the UDID.
Make sure you have the sdk installed in Xcode that is on your iPod. That caught me out earlier this week - upgraded my iPad to 3.2.1 and Xcode could only handle 3.2, so had to then upgrade that too

iphone and ipad development

Can anyone explain how to start with iPhone and iPad development?
Dont you have to pay? or is it just pay when you release?
I dont see where to get the iPad SDK or anything.
I already have XCode 3.2.1 on Snow Leopard.
You have to pay $99 to test your app on a real device. You can develop for iPhone and iPad with the simulator for free though. Go to the Apple Developer site and login to download the iPhone SDK 3.2 beta. There you will find necessary iPad resources.
I think coneybeare has this right. To summarize it:
You don't need to be a paid member to get the SDK (to get started)
but, iPad's SDK is in beta, so you do need to be a member (for now)
The important thing here is to get started, you need to learn the library (and maybe the language). There is no point in paying the $99 to become a member just because you want to work with the iPad specific libraries (which are in beta anyway).
You should get started by learning the basics of the OS's SDK and then, when ready, move to the iPad's SDK. It is likely that once apple releases the iPad, non-members will be able to get the iPad SDK like non-members can get the iPhone SDK.
You should check out these links (namely the first one):
What does being a paid member get you?
Access to beta SDKs (which include the iPad, for now)
The ability to test on a device
the ability to submit to apple for distribution
You need to register yourself as a developer on http://developer.apple.com.
Registration costs $99/yr.
You can download the SDK and then release apps through the iTunes AppStore. This doesn't cost you anything.
I think, since the 3.2 SDK is still a beta, you can't download it unless you are a paying developer, so you can only start developing for iphone (not ipad) without paying