JDK/JRE/JVM/Java SDK | What do they all mean? Sometimes you can develop with JRE and sometimes you need JDK? - eclipse

To tell the truth, I am quite confused on all these terms (JDK/JRE/Java SDK). I am not sure what each one does.
When I first started doing simple java examples in eclipse, I am pretty sure I only had the JRE, which I believed was the default java installer regular users use to be able to run java programs/applets on their system.
However, now in class we are using Google Appengine, and this requires the JDK which I am guessing is the same as Java SDK. After wasting some time finding out that installing the JDK meant I also had to add java/bin to the environment variables to get javac -version to work in the command prompt I find that only the JDK has javac...
How were my early java programs working without having installed the JDK and therefore not having javac? And really the main question... What is the difference between the JRE and JDK, and when do you use each one?
Thank you :)

JRE = Java Runtime Environment - what you need to run programs/software that require Java or use libraries written in Java. For example, OpenOffice requires the Java Runtime Environment
JDK/Java SDK = Java Development Kit/Java Software Development Kit - what you need to write programs that require Java or use libraries written in Java. For example, if you were to write your own word-processing tool in Java.
java comes with the JRE because it launches the VM (virtual machine). It can take in class files which are files that have been compiled using the JDK.
The JDK comes with javac because that's what you need to compile your .java files into .class files that can then run on the JRE.

Eclipse has its own built-in compiler (called ecj), which is probably the reason you could get away with not having the JDK installed to use it. It does not use javac.
Google App Engine uses the javac that comes with the JDK.

What is the difference between the JRE and JDK and when do you use each one?
JRE: Java Runtime Environment. It is used to run Java programs only. As Chris Jester -Young mentioned, Eclipse had a built in compiler. That's why you just needed JRE ( to run eclipse )
If you ship a Java program, the only thing the client need to have is this runtime environment
JDK: Java Develpment Kit, this also includes a JRE inside, but additionally have other tools for program development such as the java compiler javac among many others.
If you want to create java program you should use this.

There's no way you used the JRE to compile Java programs. javac, the Java compiler, only comes with the JDK.
You may write Java programs with whatever text editor, you don't need anything special to do this.
You need the JRE to run Java programs. The JRE includes the Java Virtual Machine, needed to run already compiled Java programs.
You need the JDK to compile Java programs. So if you are a Java developer, you may want to only install the JDK since it comes with the tools needed to compile, in addition to the Java Virtual Machine.

'Sometimes you can develop with jre'
No. Never.
You develop with the Java Development Kit. You run with the Java Runtime Environment or Engine or whatever it's called.


javah.exe not included in Windows JDK 8?

I'm trying to learn JNI on Windows 7 64-bit, but JDK 8 does not include javah.exe. I tried both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The Oracle documentation shows that javah is part of JDK 8 and doesn't make any platform distinction. Is there a separate download for JNI?
Also, the tutorials that I could find on JNI on Windows are pretty old - is there a newer way to do JNI in Windows, or does anyone have any suggestions for current Windows JNI Tutorials? NetBeans is my preferred IDE, but I'm not exclusive.
Hej Kevin, there is no seperate download needed for JNI and javah.exe is included in your JDK, search for it in %JAVA_HOME%/bin (if you don't have set this environment variable, look into C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin or the version you have). Make sure you have downloaded the JDK, not JRE. And, the best JNI tutorial to start with is indeed that one, at least for me it was.

Improvement: decoupled jre version for installer and application possible?

For now it seems to be impossible the decouple the jre for the main application from the jre used by the installer/updater itself. But sometimes there is a reason to use two different jre/jdk. Maybe the application needs java 8 and the installer is built with java 7 or older. Or maybe there are two applications to install which use two different java versions. Another idea is to create some kind of a meta installer that decide during runtime whether to install 32bit or 64bit java depend on the underlying platform architecture? The installer itself then has to use a 32bit version. So what about to decouple it and configure the jre for the application launchers itself independend from the java version of the installer/updater?
Starting with version 6.1.2 the launcher wizard will have an option to configured the JRE search sequence differently from the installer.
The setting will be available under the "Java invocation->Override Java version" step.

What is the purpose of Java JDK to Eclipse?

I've just installed Eclipse, after i installed the java JDK.
The Getting Started guide (in Eclipse) says i should reference my JDK installation in Window>Preferences>Java>Installed JREs, but that a JRE would also work.
Select the Java > Installed JREs preference page to display the installed Java Runtime Environments. Confirm that a JRE has been detected. By default, the JRE used to run the workbench will be used to build and run Java programs. It should appear with a checkmark in the list of installed JREs. We recommend that you use a Java SDK instead of a JRE. An SDK is designed for development and contains the source code for the Java library, easing debugging.
There was already a JRE set up there (not a JDK), so i did nothing and tried to compile a Hello World (just to see what would happen). To my surprise, it compiled!
I searched a little bit and it looks like this works because Eclipse has a built-in Java Compiler. I tried debugging using the same eclipse set up, and it was also successful.
So, what is the difference between setting a JDK and JRE there? Why is it important to download the JDK, since in my default configuration Eclipse doesn't seem to use it?
Probably the main difference is you get the source to all of the Java runtime libraries (with the JDK) which can be a big help. I always use the JDKs for that reason.
Also if you are debugging, this will allow you to meaningfully step into Java runtime libraries.
There are a number of tools that come with the JDK that don't come with the JRE - JConsole (http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/jconsole.html) springs to mind. This for example can help you understand & monitor the memory usage of your application and so on. Either way if you head into unfamiliar territory, I highly recommend you follow the Eclipse suggestion and use the JDK!
JDK is equipped with different helpful tools, as DotMasta mentioned. Eclipse's "version" of JDK is called JDT. Apart from range of shipped tools, there are also differences between javac and Eclipse built-in compiler ecj, so check here to see the comparison. One of the most important differences is that javac is strict, i.e. with ecj you can create a class file even in case of errors in code, which is perfectly suitable for testing phase, but not for launch :)
JDK contains software development tools which are used to compile and run the Java program.
Plenty of classes and methods in standard jdk library
Javac java compiler
Diffrences and why you will need this?
JDK includes the JVM, standard class libraries, and several other tools that a developer needs in order to create a Java program.
JRE includes the JVM, as the JRE provides some standard libraries and the JVM which can be used to execute a Java program.
You can even look there: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Development_Kit

Java and Eclipse - 32 vs. 64bit

I'm a little bit confused about the two different versions of Eclipse - 32/64bit.
As far as I know, Java bytecode (= build of your code) is platform independend. If a user runs your bytecode in a 32bit JRE, the code is executed in as a 32bit process, if a user runs your bytecode in a 64bit JRE, the code is exectued as a 64bit process.
Eclipse needs the JRE to run, cause it's written in Java. But why are there 32 and 64bit versions of Eclipse on the Eclipse download page if only the user's JRE version does matter?
Does a 64bit Eclipse version need a 64bit JRE or JDK? If yes ,why?
Second confusion: I understand the need for a 32 and 64 bit version of the JRE. But why are there 32 and 64 bit versions of the JDK if the resulting bytecode is platform independet?
Thank you
Eclipse relies on SWT, which is essentially native code. There will be quite a few DLLs etc. exists (in the plugins or features directories) that will be used by the 64-bit version, that are drastically different from the 32-bit version.
It is not because of the running environment, it is because Eclipse uses some native stuff and must be run on corresponding JDK. The applications you are developing inside Eclipse can then be run on whatever JRE you have installed, just specify it in the settings.
JDK is a compiler and also a lot of other stuff. Many of them are native applications that need to be run corresponding platform.

How install multiple JDK on Windows?

I want to install JDK 1.5 and 1.6 on XP, is it possible? how to do it
Also, I am using Eclipse how to setup using different JDK for different projects?
You may install different JDKs easily: just specify different folders.
You can setup the installed JDKs in Eclipse Window/Preferences/Installed JREs
You can pick the JDK and Java version for every single project in Project/Properties/Java Compiler
I have solved this by creating batch files for different Java versions.
I have installed the Java versions I need to have
Whenever, I need to use Java I run the appropriate batch file and set the environment variables to work with that Java version.
Java 8.bat
#echo off
echo Setting JAVA_HOME
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121
echo setting PATH
echo Display java version
java -version
Java 10.bat
#echo off
echo Setting JAVA_HOME
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2
echo setting PATH
echo Display java version
java -version
Why? There is an option (can't remember where exactly - right-click on your project) that allows you to set the target JDK level. I use this when developing GWT applications.
Try using sdkman. Even though the installing on Windows is a bit 'tricky' but there are several options.
There was a big mess with different incompatible JDK and JRE from 90s when Java was created and still this problem exists.
The main rule is when you type in console:
java -version
javac -version
the result should be the same then you sure both JRE and JDK (JSDK) are compatible, so when you compile you can rut it without any problems.
JAVA_HOME and PATH are essential for many console applications
and some GUI tools might use those variables as well but often is possible to alter default settings in GUI application instead of messing with environment variables. Also CLASSPATH still sometimes are used as well, however better use ANT as compiler than javac directly.
You can install multiple JDK and JRE but each one should to have its own separate folder, the default should be usually ok.
Worth mentioning that every JDK have JRE included and it instal in separate folder and as separate APP in Windows Control Panel -> Applications to be more confusing, so basically developer will never have to download and install JRE. Do not use Java update application which might cause problems after update some apps might not work, just do it manually.