IPhone application in HTML 5 - iphone

I have got a assignment to develop a IPhone application in HTML 5 & I really don't have any idea from where I have to start.
Please let me know which editor I have to use to develop IPhone application in HTML 5.
also, as I am a pure .NET developer, what other skills I need to write the program in HTML 5.
Thanks in advance.

When they say develop an iPhone application in HTML 5, what they are really saying is develop a web application that fits in the dimensions of an iPhone. So you do not need to know any Apple centric technologies. You can use your ASP.NET/HTML/Javascript/CSS skills.
If you need any rich interactions in your app, you will then need to use HTML 5 with the canvas element. I recommend using the library Processing.js which makes working with the canvas element much easier.

HTML5 isn't that different from HTML. For a great resource, check out Apple's developer site. Here's the section on Safari: http://developer.apple.com/safari/.
In terms of what editor you should use: You can use whatever editor you want! Notepad for Windows works fine ;) On the Mac, I prefer Coda or Textwranger. Dashcode will work too! In order to write HTML5, you just need to know HTML, CSS and Javascript (jQuery would help too).
And, what's more, since this is just HTML, don't forget you can test it in the browser on your desktop before you test on the iPhone or the iPhone Simulator (included in Xcode). I'd recommend testing in Safari first and Google Chrome second.
Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of HTML5 and iPhone development!

Please let me know which editor I have to use to develop IPhone application in HTML 5.
Any you like. I usually go to Komodo Edit.
What other skills I need to write the program in HTML 5.
HTML, JavaScript and DOM are key, along with the new JS APIs introduced in the HTML 5 Drafts. CSS is all but essential and you'll probably want some skill at graphics editing. SQL will be useful if you want to use a database.


I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. How i am set?

I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. Please help me to set the html files in phone ...
Thanks in advance..
Based on what I was able to grasp from you question you have an HTML file and you want that file to act as an iPhone hybrid app using mGWT. If that's the case, then there is an huge abyss to cover before getting to that point. This is the list of general steps you would need to cover to get all the way there.
Get a grasp of GWT Basics
Configure a simple mGWT application with PhoneGap support.
Understanding the way GWT MVP works will also be very helpful but not required
Once you have that working its time to wrap the web app into a iOS cordova webview with PhoneGap
Please note that you will require an Apple Mac to acomplish the last step. You will also reequire to be registered as an Apple developer if you intent to get your resulting app into a real device. Also you will require a good understanding of Java application development and a good grasp on how Web applications work (HTML, JS and CSS at least).
You have a long way ahead of you.

HTML5 optimized for iPhone

I have a software that eventually will have some reports to be accessed via iPhone.
Once I am not willing to develop an iPhone app, I´d like to make these reports accessible via iPhone Safari browsers.
GMail in iPad uses HTML 5, so I guess I can do the same.
My question is where can I find some resources to learn best practices doing so and how can I test it in a PC computer.
Here is a similar answer I've given: Exclusive CSS for iPhone/Android
For testing you can use Chrome or Safari, as they are both webkit browsers (which is what the iPhone uses). Safari can even render as the iPhone user agent.
Hope this helps.
Please take a look at PhoneGap, I think that is what you are looking for.
You can emulate the program in xCode, but you will need an Apple for that. For PhoneGap also..
From the app architecture view-point you should also consider introducing app-specific optimization such us:
Simplify the app (show only what you need for mobile)
Minimize Application and Data Size

Aggregate Images into a Single Composite Resource (Sprites)

Include Background Images Inline in CSS Style Sheets

Keep DOM Size Reasonable

Ensure Paragraph Text Flows

Avoid Redirects

develop iphone application - is the GUI HTML?

I want to start developing IPhone application.
I need to understand something about it - I am working with a graphic designer.
If she supplies the GUI in HTML - will it be easy for me to develop with it?
How does it work? like regular web development?
Apple uses Objective C and Cocoa for iPhone applications. Neither uses HTML; you'll instead be using interactive controls like you'd find in a desktop application. Whether it's easy for you to develop using an HTML mockup will depend entirely on your skills with Cocoa. (In the same way I encourage designers to give me mockups in Photoshop knowing that I can easily build HTML versions of them.)
You might want to start with some of Apple's documentation on iPhone development: http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action
For GUI development of your own apps you have several options:
Code: UIKit framework in Objective-C
Interface Builder: Tool to click
your GUI together, but the logic
will be coded like in 1 in C, Obj-C
or C++
You can build a HTML gui and
present it in a web view, but for
native apps, this will only bring
you so far.
Oh, and no native Flash on iOS. :-)
You could write an app that uses HTML for its UI - in essence you'd simply be wrapping a webkit widget and driving your app from events generated by that UI. However, that's not going to give you a UI that really takes advantage of the phone.
For that, you need to get down and dirty with Objective C and the Cocoa Touch API for iOS. Another option is using Flash CS5, which is ActionScript based.
Strictly speaking, the answer is no, your HTML skills are not transferrable.
That said, there are two projects that deserve looking into, both of which are about producing native (or "native-ish") apps from HTML and JavaScript. The first is PhoneGap, and the second (which I think is more robust and promising) is called Appcellerator.
Neither of them give you really-and-truly full access to to the iPhone API, but they do allow a significant flattening of the learning curve for people who already have well developed web app skillz.
If you go the native route, bear this in mind: it took me about a month to go from being a web developer to being a slightly competent iOS developer, and six months or so to feel solid and reliable and productive with iOS.

best-practice to display flash on Iphone / Ipad?

I have a website that uses flash. I would like to convert the website so that iphone / ipad users can see my website. I understand that Iphone / Ipad can't render flash. What would be the best-practice to convert flash website to iphone / ipad compatible?
I am thinking HTML 5.
[tongue in cheek]
It's not that it "can't" render Flash, it's that it's not allowed to.
[/tongue in cheek]
For Flash Video, html5 has <video> tags. Bear in mind, though, that not all browsers support video tags.
For basic animation, javascript has come a long way.
I'm starting to think that html5 is the new buzzword. The old one was "Web 2.0"
There's a brief example of someone porting a piece of Flash code into canvas/html5, here:
I think the lesson is that it's possible, but there's not (yet) an automated method.
If you were starting from scratch, you could look at haxe which I understand can be used to create either Actionscript or Javascript code:
Hope this helps a bit.

Will all javascript libraries work with Iphone? Aptana question

I am trying to use Aptana to build an IPhone web application. I've never use Aptana. I downloaded the iphone support and started a new project. It is now asking me if I want to import a javascript library and lists the "big ones." Will IPhone's Safari be able to use these, specifically jquery? I saw that jquery had a special iphone library so my guess is no.
Should I tell it to use jquery (or other library) or should I download the special iphone javascript subset manually and try an integrate it in my project?
As far as I know JQuery should work fine on the iPhone. The specific libraries you are talking about must be additions to take advantage of iPhone only features like being able to handle the display orientation event or maybe use the webkit css animation extensions.
Although you will need to be careful with events since most mouse related events on the iPhone behave a little different from what you might expect. This presentation by PPK offers some clues about it:
Yep, iphone should run jquery just fine. The javascript support is surprisingly capable. Although you may want to look at some of the iPhone specific libraries out there. I forget their names. iUI I think?