How to compute 99% coverage in MATLAB? - matlab

I have a matrix in MATLAB and I need to find the 99% value for each column. In other words, the value such that 99% of the population has a larger value than it. Is there a function in MATLAB for this?

Use QUANTILE function.
Y = quantile(X,P);
where X is a matrix and P is scalar or vector of probabilities. For example, if P=0.01, the Y will be vector of values for each columns, so that 99% of column values are larger.

The simplest solution is to use the function QUANTILE as yuk suggested.
Y = quantile(X,0.01);
However, you will need the Statistics Toolbox to use the function QUANTILE. A solution that is not dependent on toolboxes can be found by noting that QUANTILE calls the function PRCTILE, which itself calls the built-in function INTERP1Q to do the primary computation. For the general case of a 2-D matrix that contains no NaN values you can compute the quantiles of each column using the following code:
P = 0.01; %# Your probability
S = sort(X); %# Sort the columns of your data X
N = size(X,1); %# The number of rows of X
Y = interp1q([0 (0.5:(N-0.5))./N 1]',S([1 1:N N],:),P); %'# Get the quantiles
This should give you the same results as calling QUANTILE, without needing any toolboxes.

If you do not have the Statistics Toolbox, there is always
depending on what you meant.


Calculating the most similar pair of column vectors using cosine distance in a matrix

I have a 943x1682 matrix in which I want to calculate the two most similar vectors in this matrix. So I want see the cosine distance of each vector in the matrix to each vector in the matrix, of course not including the vector with itself, if one cannot do that I can just ignore those.
I made this loop to try to calculate this, so I can get a 1682x1682 matrix, with each cell corresponding to the similarity between i and j. However when I run this, it takes forever to run, and when I try to open the resulting matrix in my workspace, it says:
Cannot display summaries of variables with more than 524288 elements.
Is there an easier way to do this or am I doing something wrong?
Cross posted on MATLAB Answers. Repeating answer here:
Use a standard matrix multiply to get the dot products. MATLAB is very fast at standard matrix multiplies. And then normalize the result. E.g.,
AA = A' * A; % the column dot products via a standard matrix multiply
Anorm = sqrt(diag(AA)); % the norms of the columns
Adist = AA ./ (Anorm .* Anorm.'); % normalize the column dot products into cosine distances
Then pick off the maximum value for your answer, disregarding the diagonal. E.g.,
n = size(A,2); % the number of columns
Adist(1:n+1:end) = -inf; % disregard the diagonal (column compared to itself)
[~,x] = max(Adist(:)); % find the max cosine distance linear index
[col1,col2] = ind2sub(size(Adist),x); % convert linear index into the original columns
Then col1 and col2 are the column numbers of the most similiar columns using cosine distance as a measure.
You can normalise the columns of the matrix first, then the cosine similarity equation simplifies to a matrix multiplication:
aNorm = normc(A);
cosSim = aNorm' * aNorm;
Generally, matrix multiplication is more performant than looping. In a quick test, with N = 1000, the looping code takes ~7 seconds and the matrix multiplication code ~0.5 seconds.
The resultant matrix may still be too large to open in your workspace, you could copy any individual rows or columns into a temporary and view those, or do a contour plot (heat-map) of the matrix to get a visual representation.

Calculating covariance in Matlab for large dataset and different mean

So I'm trying to implement an EM-Algorithm to train a Gaussian Class Conditional model for classifying data. I'm stuck in the M-step at the moment because I can't figure out how to calculate the covariance matrix.
The problem is I have a big data set and using a for loop to go through each point would be way to slow. I also can't use the covariance function cov(), because I need to use a mean which I calculated using this formula(mu symbol one)
Is there a way to adjust cov() to use the mean I want? Or is there another way I could do this without for loops?
Edit: Forgot to explain what the data matrix is like. Its an nx3 where each row is a data point.
It technically needs to work for the general case nxm but n is usually really big(1000 or more) while m is relatively small.
You can calculate your covariance matrix manually. Let data be the matrix containing all your variables (for example, [x y]) and mu your custom mean, proceed as follows:
n = size(data,1);
data_dem = data - (ones(n,1) * mu);
cov_mat = (data_dem.' * data_dem) ./ (n - 1);
Notice that I used the Bessel's Correction (n-1 instead of n) because the Matlab cov function uses it, unless you specify the third argument as 1:
cov_mat = cov(x,y,1);
C = cov(___,w) specifies the normalization weight for any of the
previous syntaxes. When w = 0 (default), C is normalized by the number
of observations-1. When w = 1, it is normalized by the number of

How to select first component and calculate percentage of variation in PCA?

I have a matrix M where the columns are data points and the rows are features. Now I want to do PCA and select only the first component which has highest variance.
I know that I can do it in Matlab with [coeff,score,latent] = pca(M'). First I think I have to transpose matrix M.
How can I select now the first component? I'm not sure about the three different output matrices.
Second, I also want to calculate the percentage of variance explained for each component. How can I do this?
Indeed, you should transpose your input to have rows as data points and columns as features:
[coeff, score, latent, ~, explained] = pca(M');
The principal components are given by the columns of coeff in order of descending variance, so the first column holds the most important component. The variances for each component are given in latent, and the percentage of total variance explained is given in explained.
firstCompCoeff = coeff(:,1);
firstCompVar = latent(1);
For more information: pca documentation.
Note that the pca function requires the Statistics Toolbox. If you don't have it, you can either search the internet for an alternative or implement it yourself using svd.
If your matrix has dimensions m x n, where m is cases and n is variables:
% First you might want to normalize the matrix...
M = normalize(M);
% means very close to zero
% standard deviations all one
% Perform a singular value decomposition of the matrix
[U,S,V] = svd(M);
% First Principal Component is the first column of V
% Calculate percentage of variation
(var(S) / sum(var(S))) * 100

Mahalanobis distance in matlab: pdist2() vs. mahal() function

I have two matrices X and Y. Both represent a number of positions in 3D-space. X is a 50*3 matrix, Y is a 60*3 matrix.
My question: why does applying the mean-function over the output of pdist2() in combination with 'Mahalanobis' not give the result obtained with mahal()?
More details on what I'm trying to do below, as well as the code I used to test this.
Let's suppose the 60 observations in matrix Y are obtained after an experimental manipulation of some kind. I'm trying to assess whether this manipulation had a significant effect on the positions observed in Y. Therefore, I used pdist2(X,X,'Mahalanobis') to compare X to X to obtain a baseline, and later, X to Y (with X the reference matrix: pdist2(X,Y,'Mahalanobis')), and I plotted both distributions to have a look at the overlap.
Subsequently, I calculated the mean Mahalanobis distance for both distributions and the 95% CI and did a t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test to asses if the difference between the distributions was significant. This seemed very intuitive to me, however, when testing with mahal(), I get different values, although the reference matrix is the same. I don't get what the difference between both ways of calculating mahalanobis distance is exactly.
Comment that is too long #3lectrologos:
You mean this: d(I) = (Y(I,:)-mu)inv(SIGMA)(Y(I,:)-mu)'? This is just the formula for calculating mahalanobis, so should be the same for pdist2() and mahal() functions. I think mu is a scalar and SIGMA is a matrix based on the reference distribution as a whole in both pdist2() and mahal(). Only in mahal you are comparing each point of your sample set to the points of the reference distribution, while in pdist2 you are making pairwise comparisons based on a reference distribution. Actually, with my purpose in my mind, I think I should go for mahal() instead of pdist2(). I can interpret a pairwise distance based on a reference distribution, but I don't think it's what I need here.
% test pdist2 vs. mahal in matlab
% the purpose of this script is to see whether the average over the rows of E equals the values in d...
% data
X = []; % 50*3 matrix, data omitted
Y = []; % 60*3 matrix, data omitted
% calculations
S = nancov(X);
% mahal()
d = mahal(Y,X); % gives an 60*1 matrix with a value for each Cartesian element in Y (second matrix is always the reference matrix)
% pairwise mahalanobis distance with pdist2()
E = pdist2(X,Y,'mahalanobis',S); % outputs an 50*60 matrix with each ij-th element the pairwise distance between element X(i,:) and Y(j,:) based on the covariance matrix of X: nancov(X)
so this is harder to interpret than mahal(), as elements of Y are not just compared to the "mahalanobis-centroid" based on X,
% but to each individual element of X
% so the purpose of this script is to see whether the average over the rows of E equals the values in d...
F = mean(E); % now I averaged over the rows, which means, over all values of X, the reference matrix
mean(E(:)) % not equal to mean(d)
d-F' % not zero
% plot output
plot(d,'bo'), hold on
legend('mahal()','avaraged over all x values pdist2()')
ylabel('Mahalanobis distance')
plot(d,'bo'), hold on
xlabel('values in matrix Y (Yi) ... or ... pairwise comparison Yi. (Yi vs. all Xi values)')
ylabel('Mahalanobis distance')
One immediate difference between the two is that mahal subtracts the sample mean of X from each point in Y before computing distances.
Try something like E = pdist2(X,Y-mean(X),'mahalanobis',S); to see if that gives you the same results as mahal.
Note that
is equivalent to
Well, I guess there are two different ways to calculate mahalanobis distance between two clusters of data like you explain above:
1) you compare each data point from your sample set to mu and sigma matrices calculated from your reference distribution (although labeling one cluster sample set and the other reference distribution may be arbitrary), thereby calculating the distance from each point to this so called mahalanobis-centroid of the reference distribution.
2) you compare each datapoint from matrix Y to each datapoint of matrix X, with, X the reference distribution (mu and sigma are calculated from X only)
The values of the distances will be different, but I guess the ordinal order of dissimilarity between clusters is preserved when using either method 1 or 2? I actually wonder when comparing 10 different clusters to a reference matrix X, or to each other, if the order of the dissimilarities would differ using method 1 or method 2? Also, I can't imagine a situation where one method would be wrong and the other method not. Although method 1 seems more intuitive in some situations, like mine.

Multivariate Random Number Generation in Matlab

I'm probably being a little dense but I'm not very mathsy and can't seem to understand the covariance element of creating multivariate data.
I'm after two columns of random data (representing two correlated variables).
I think I am right in needing to use the mvnrnd function and I understand that 'mu' must be a column of my mean vectors. As I need 4 distinct classes within my data these are going to be (1, 1) (-1 1) (1 -1) and (-1 -1). I assume I will have to do the function 4x with a different column of mean vectors each time and then combine them to get my full data set.
I don't understand what I should put for SIGMA - Matlab help tells me that it must be 'a d-by-d symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, or a d-by-d-by-n array' i.e. a covariance matrix. I don't understand how I create a covariance matrix for numbers that I am yet to generate.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Assuming that I understood your case properly, I would go this way:
data = [normrnd(0,1,5000,1),normrnd(0,1,5000,1)]; %% your starting data series
MU = mean(data,1);
SIGMA = cov(data);
Now, it should be possible to feed mvnrnd with MU and SIGMA:
r = mvnrnd(MU,SIGMA,5000);
plot(r(:,1),r(:,2),'+') %% in case you wanna plot the results
I hope this helps.
I think your aim is to generate the simulated multivariate gaussian distributed data. For example, I use
k = 6; % feature dimension
mu = rand(1,k);
sigma = 10*eye(k,k);
unit matrix by 10 times is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix. And the gaussian distribution will be more round than other type of sigma.
then you can use it as the above example of mvnrnd function and see the plot.