iPhone memory management, a newbie question - iphone

I've seen in (Apple) sample code two types of ways of allocation memory, and am not sure I understand the difference and resulting behavior.
NSMutableArray *anArray = [NSMutableArray array];
[anArray release];
NSMutableArray *anArray1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[anArray release];
By "FAILS" I mean I get crashes/runtime warnings etc., and not always as soon as I call the release...
Any explanation appreciated.

Please keep in mind that
NSMutableArray *anArray = [NSMutableArray array];
acts like:
NSMutableArray *anArray1 = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
So doing a release again will cause the crash as you are trying to release an autoreleased object.
Hope this helps you.

In the first instance you are getting an autoreleased object, which you don't need to release
The second instance is where you are manually allocating the memory yourself, so you a responsible for releasing it.
Read this documentation for help:-

To clarify on djhworlds response:
alloc, copy, mutableCopy and new make you the owner of the new object, retain makes you an owner of an existing object, and you become responsible for -[(auto)release]ing it. Other methods return an object that has been -[autoreleased], and thus you don't have any responsibility for it, but beware: It will disappear on the next iteration of the run loop (usually), as that is generally when the autorelease pool drains.
The practical upshot of this is that the //FAILS version works perfectly in the context of that particular piece of code, but once the run loop rolls around and the pool is drained, your object, being already released and gone, causes things to go boom.


Why create a variable rather than direct assignment?

This is a basic question, and I'm not really sure what to search for to see if its been asked before.
In a lot of examples, I've seen property assignments handled like this:
NSArray *tempArray = [/*some code to get array*/];
self.propertyArray = tempArray;
[tempArray release];
Why not just do:
self.propertyArray = [/*some code to get array*/];
What's the difference between the two?
This answer is assuming your not using ARC.
The first code snippet, is the way Apple recommends initializing a property as long as you are doing this in any method besides init. You'll notice Apple code snippets do this a lot. It makes it much easier to manage your memory, and in my opinion it makes it easier to read.
NSArray *tempArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWith....]
self.propertyArray = tempArray;
[tempArray release];
The second code snippet you have could potential lead to a memory leak depending how you set up the NSArray.
This would be a leak. The propertyArray would have an retain count of 2. After you release the instance variable in dealloc, you still have a retain count of 1. That is a leak.
self.propertyArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWith...];
This would be okay, because they both are being autoreleased, which would give you a retain count of 1. As, long as you release the instance variable in dealloc.
// Class Method so autoreleased
self.propertyArray = [NSArray arrayWith....];
// Explicitly declaring autorelease
self.propertyArray = [[[NSArray alloc] initWith.....] autorelease];
It's simply just a matter of preference. I prefer the first way, I think it is easier to to read and follow.
Edit (with ARC):
All these methods would be acceptable with the exception of the release statement and autorelease statement.
[tempArray release];
ARC automatically takes care of the memory management for you, so you do not have to explicitly release them. This is the benefit of ARC, you can create as many objects as you want without the headache of trying to figure out where to release them.
Also, your property would be different. You must either use strong or weak, and not retain. In this case strong would be the solution.
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *tempArray;
In the second example, you don't release the object, which is retained by the property, so you have a memory leak.
self.propertyArray = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
// ^ no release
With ARC, the two statements are equivalent in practice (although you would have to omit the release call for it to actually compile in ARC).
In a manual managed memory scenario, you would leak tempArray in the second ("direct assignment", which it isn't because you're calling a property setter not setting an ivar) example, as you do not have a release call on tempArray to balance it's alloc/init.
The the useful distinction is reduced to expressiveness, the ability to debug, and ultimately the programmers personal preference.
Your first example is the way it was done before the advent of automatic reference counting (ARC). The second example works fine under ARC. Unless you have to do it the old-fashioned way, select ARC for all your projects.
Code like that most likely means that somebody wanted an ability to debug it easier. Basically if you have a separate variable, you can print it out in the debugger without triggering (possibly custom) property setters and getters.

objective-c: when to autorelease an nsnumber object when not using alloc

I noticed that my program was crashing because it was running out of memory. I figured out that this was happening because of this code segment:
DataSet *tempSet = [[DataSet alloc] init];
tempSet.rightFoot = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp1];
tempSet.leftFoot = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp2];
[footData addObject:tempSet]; //add dataSet object to the array
[tempSet release];
I read some tutorials about memory management online and was able to figure out that I needed to do this: (notice the added "autoreleases")
DataSet *tempSet = [[DataSet alloc] init];
tempSet.rightFoot = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp1] autorelease];
tempSet.leftFoot = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp2] autorelease];
[footData addObject:tempSet]; //add dataSet object to the array
[tempSet release];
I am still confused about why I had to do this. I did not use alloc, new or copy when creating the numberWithDouble.
Does this mean that I would need to add autorelease in this situation as well?:
[subset addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp]];
What about this situation?:
tempSet.rightFoot = [NSString stringWithString:#"temp"];
I appreciate any help.
is called a convenience method. Meaning, it replaces the little section of code that would look like this:
[[[NSNumber alloc]initWithDouble:double]autorelease];
Most (if not all) convenience methods are auto release by default, so the OP code with the autoreleases is incorrect, as it drops the retain count to -1.
The equals sign however is equivalent to
[self setRightFoot:[[[NSString alloc]initWithString]autorelease]];
which increments rightFoot's retain count and requires it to be released elsewhere.
as for the -addObject code, it returns void, so it does not in fact increment the receiver's retain count, and requires no release of the receiver. The object in the array should already be released by the convenience method for later, which doesn't matter because the array is now holding "copy" of it.
This is not an answer (I just do not know how to comment -- I only see "share, edit, flag"), but just a few info about Memory Management in iOS:
1. Don't release objects that you do not own.. ---> owned objects are usually the ones you "alloc", "new", "copy." //And probably the one in your #property wherein you "retain" an object.
2. when you "autorelease" an object, don't "release" it afterwards, because that would mean you're releasing the same object twice.
But there's ARC already, so you better upgrade your Xcode to avoid overreleasing objects / memory leaks (for not releasing objects)..
If there's something wrong or inappropriate with the one I put here, please edit. :)

Understanding memory management in ios

I am in the process of learnig objective-c and programming an iPad app. One thing I keep tripping myself up on and having to re-read is memory management. I am getting there...slowly. Basic rules such as for every alloc / retain you must have a release is useful. However, one relatively basic thing eludes me and I wonder if someone could explain...
Take the following code...
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
myArray = [someNSSet allObjects];
This is relatively straight forward coding and would require a [myArray release] statement.
However, I keep seeing examples of (and indeed, I have used extensively the following 'short cut'...
NSArray *myArray = (NSArray *)[someNSSet allObjects];
How, as far as I understand when you use the (NSString *) you dont need to use a [myArray release] statement, but I dont understand why.
Could someone possible explain?
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
myArray = [someNSSet allObjects];
this code is leaking myArray because you lose the reference to NSArray that you've allocated on the first line; you don't need to alloc here, because on the second line you're assigning a new value to myArray.
NSArray *myArray = (NSArray *)[someNSSet allObjects];
and this code example is perfectly fine, you're assigning the result of [someNSSet allObjects] to myArray pointer and you don't own the returned value, so you don't need to care about releasing it.
Consider using ARC (Automatic Retain Counting) for you project. With ARC the compiler takes care of retain counts so you don't have to, in fact aren't allowed to. There is a refactoring that will convert a current project.
As you said, there is a leak in the first code you posted. so you must add a release:
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
[myArray release];
myArray = [someNSSet allObjects];
In fact, when you obtain an object through a method that starts with alloc, new or copy, you own it, and you should release it. That's why, here you should release the array you obtained using the method alloc. This convention makes it easy to know when you own objects and when you don't. So remember: alloc, new or copy.
As for the second example, you obtained the array though a method that doesn't start with one of the three words (alloc, new or copy), so you don't own the object, and you are not responsible of releasing it. In fact, the array you obtained is an autoreleased object, which means that even though its retain count is currently 1, it will be automatically released when something called the autorelease pool is drained.
Here is a reference about Memory Management Rules.
In the first line:
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init]
some amount of memory is allocated for an array (actually in this case it is senseless since the size of the array is 0. Keep in mind that NSArray is immutable!).
The variable myArray holds the address of the first byte of the reserved memory area.
Now in the second line you change the value of myArray which now will point to the first byte of the memory area where [someNSSet allObjects] is stored. At this moment you do not know any more where the array is stored what you've created in the first line. And so you have a leak.
The line:
NSArray *myArray = (NSArray *)[someNSSet allObjects];
is correct, since you do not reserve any memory at this point. If you are not using ARC you might call retain in order to keep GC away from the referenced block of memory. In other way you might receive a BAD_EXEC when the owner of the object releases it and you try to access it through e.g.: [myArray objectAtIndex:0]

TablewView example in Beginning iPhone book

This is probably a dumb question, but in the introduction to TableViews, the author has a property of NSArray *listData to fill the table with dummy data. In the viewDidLoad, he basically does this:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects#"1", #"2", #"3", more stuff, nil];
self.listData = array;
[array release];
Why does he create another array and set it to the property as opposed to doing something like
- (void)viewDidLoad {
listData = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects#"1", #"2", #"3", more stuff, nil]autorelease];
Is it to manage memory better by using alloc/init vs the autorelease pool? Or is the second way just not going to work? Thanks.
Your code is wrong and is likely to crash. In his code, he calls alloc, meaning the retain count is 1. He then assigns it to a property. I'm assuming this property is declared to be retain, in which case the retain count would go up to 2. He then called release, which drops the retain count back to 1.
In your code, you call alloc, meaning the retain count is 1, then you call autorelease, which means that the retain count will drop to 0 and the object's memory will be deallocated soon. You assign the object to an instance variable - not a retained property like he does - so you won't increase the retain count any more. This means that you'll be left with a dangling pointer to memory that could be overwritten with anything else at any time. When you try to access listData, you'll crash because it is likely to have been overwritten.
Please read Memory Management Programming Guide if you do not understand what is happening here.
Having said that, the core of your question is valid. There's nothing stopping him from doing the same as you, except assigning to a retained property instead of an instance variable.

NSDictionary leak on iPhone and object reference graph

I am simply loading a plist into a temporary dictionary for initializing my data model. Unfortunately this single line of code below results in consistent leak throughout the app life cycle as per Instruments. The leaked objects being NSCFString and GeneralBlock on a Malloc and the responsible library being Foundations.
My two questions for the experienced eyes:
Am I doing something strange to trigger this ? I tried surrounding it in autorelease block but it had no effect.
Is there a way to print list of object references of a suspect object to get insight into the object orphaning process.
Leaking Line:
NSDictionary *tempDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:
[[NSBundle mainBundle]
totalChapters = [[tempDict objectForKey:#"NumberOfChapters"] intValue];
chapterList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: totalChapters];
[chapterList addObjectsFromArray:[tempDict objectForKey:#"Chapters"]];
It appears you may be leaking at this line:
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: totalChapters];
If that object isn't being released, then any objects you add to it won't be released either
Edit (because it's too long for a comment):
Instruments tells you where the memory was allocated, but not why it is still being retained. When NSDictionary loads the contents of a file, it has to create an object for each element it loads. If one later retrieves an object using objectForKey:, retain it and forget to release, a leak will be reported. The dictionaryWithContentsOfFile statement will be blamed for it because it performed the allocation.
I concur with Don's phantom debugging. Most likely you haven't released the old chapterList when you assign to it the second time.
I am releasing all the allocated stuff in the dealloc method of this class. The TROUBLED line below gets repeatedly called in each alloc init to help me load new chapters based on user selection.
NSDictionary *tempDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:resourceName ofType:#"plist"]];
Since I am using convenience method on NSDictionary I don't have anything to Dealloc. But Instrument points to this particular line as the source of leak via a Malloc.
tempDict is a just a scratch space for a dictionary to load a plist and init the ivars.
The autorelease block only effects objects placed into the autorelease pool. So tempDict is place in the autorelease pool but totalChapters is not. If you would like to use the autorelease pool then you either want:
[[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: totalChapters] autorelease];
or don't use the autorelease pool and use:
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: totalChapters]
and then
[totalChapters release]
Avoiding the autorelease pool is recommended unless necessary.