I want to use sed to replace every occurrence of /dir with $dir (replace / with $) in every script in a directory - sed

use sed to replace every occurrence of /dir with $dir (replace / with $) in every script in a directory.
sed "s#/dir#$dir#g"
The $ keeps being interpreted as a function or variable call.
Is there a way around this?

Read your shell's friendly manual:
man sh
In the shell, "double quotes" around text allow variable interpretation inside, while 'single quotes' do not, a convention adopted by later languages such as Perl and PHP (but not e.g. JavaScript).
sed 's#/dir#$dir#g' *
To perform the replacement within the scripts do something like
find * -maxdepth 0 -type f | while read f; do mv $f $f.old && sed 's#/dir#$dir#' $f.old > $f; done
or just
perl -pi.old -e 's#/dir#\$dir#' * # Perl also interpolates variables in s commands

You can simply escape it with a backslash:
sed "s#/dir#\$dir#g"

shell approach
for file in file*
if [ -f "$file ];then
while read -r line
case "$line" in
*/dir* ) line=${line///dir/\$dir}
echo $line > temp
done < "file"
mv temp $file


How to Find & Replace a String Within Files with Find / Grep / Sed

I have a folder of 500 *.INI files that I need to manually edit. Within each INI file, I have the line Source =. I would like that line to become Source = C:\software\{filename}.
For instance, a dx4.ini file would need to be fixed to become: Source = C:\software\dx4
Is there a quick way to do this with Find, Grep, or Sed functions?
You can try with sed
For example
Input file contents:
Source =
some lines..
newstring='Source = C:\software\dx4'
oldstring='Source ='
echo `sed "s/$oldstring/$newstring/g" file.txt` > file.txt
After running the above commands
Source = C:\software\dx4
some lines..
If you want to edit a file in a script, I think ed is the way to go. Combined with a shell for loop:
for file in *.INI; do
base=$(basename "$file" .INI)
ed -s "$file" <<EOF
/^Source =/s/=/= C:\\\\software\\\\$base/
(This does assume that filenames will not have newlines or ampersands in their names)
With GNU awk for the 3rd arg to match(), gensub(), and "inplace" editing:
awk -i inplace '
match($0,/(.*Source = C:\\software\\){filename}(.*)/,a) {
fname = gensub(/\..*/,"",1,FILENAME)
$0 = a[1] fname a[2]
1' *.INI
The above assumes you're running in a UNIX environment though your use of the term folder instead of directory and that path starting with C: and containing backslashes makes me suspicious. If you're on Windows then save the part between the 2 's (exclusive) in a file named foo.awk and execute it as awk -i inplace foo.awk *.INI or however it is you normally execute commands like this in Windows.
find *.ini -type -f > stack
while read line
sed -i s"#Source =#Source = C:\\software\\dx4#" "${line}"
done < stack
Assuming that a} You have sed with "-i" (the insert flag, which AFAIK is not always portable) and b} sed doesn't crap itself about a double escape sequence, I think that will work.

unix find and replace text in dir and subdirs

I'm trying to change the name of "my-silly-home-page-name.html" to "index.html" in all documents within a given master directory and subdirs.
I saw this: Shell script - search and replace text in multiple files using a list of strings.
And this: How to change all occurrences of a word in all files in a directory
I have tried this:
grep -r "my-silly-home-page-name.html" .
This finds the lines on which the text exists, but now I would like to substitute 'my-silly-home-page-name' for 'index'.
How would I do this with sed or perl?
Or do I even need sed/perl?
Something like:
grep -r "my-silly-home-page-name.html" . | sed 's/$1/'index'/g'
Also; I am trying this with perl, and I try the following:
perl -i -p -e 's/my-silly-home-page-name\.html/index\.html/g' *
This works, but I get an error when perl encounters directories, saying "Can't do inplace edit: SOMEDIR-NAME is not a regular file, <> line N"
find . -type f -exec \
perl -i -pe's/my-silly-home-page-name(?=\.html)/index/g' {} +
Or if your find doesn't support -exec +,
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 \
perl -i -pe's/my-silly-home-page-name(?=\.html)/index/g'
Both pass to Perl as arguments as many names at a time as possible. Both work with any file name, including those that contains newlines.
If you are on Windows and you are using a Windows build of Perl (as opposed to a cygwin build), -i won't work unless you also do a backup of the original. Change -i to -i.bak. You can then go and delete the backups using
find . -type f -name '*.bak' -delete
This should do the job:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -e 's/my-silly-home-page-name\.html/index\.html/g' -i
Basically it gathers recursively all the files from the given directory (. in the example) with find and runs sed with the same substitution command as in the perl command in the question through xargs.
Regarding the question about sed vs. perl, I'd say that you should use the one you're more comfortable with since I don't expect huge differences (the substitution command is the same one after all).
There are probably better ways to do this but you can use:
find . -name oldname.html |perl -e 'map { s/[\r\n]//g; $old = $_; s/oldname.txt$/newname.html/; rename $old,$_ } <>';
Fyi, grep searches for a pattern; find searches for files.

perl -pe to manipulate filenames

I was trying to do some quick filename cleanup at the shell (zsh, if it matters). Renaming files. (I'm using cp instead of mv just to be safe)
foreach f (\#*.ogg)
cp $f `echo $f | perl -pe 's/\#\d+ (.+)$/"\1"/'`
Now, I know there are tools to do stuff like this, but for personal interest I'm wondering how I can do it this way. Right now, I get an error:
cp: target `When.ogg"' is not a directory
Where 'When.ogg' is the last part of the filename. I've tried adding quotes (see above) and escaping the spaces, but nonetheless this is what I get.
Is there a reason I can't use the output of s perl pmr=;omrt as the final argument to another command line tool?
It looks like you have a space in the file names being processed, so each of your cp command lines evaluates to something like
cp \#nnnn When.Ogg When.ogg
When the cp command sees more than two arguments, the last one must be a target directory name for all the files to be copied to - hence the error message. Because your source filename ($f) contains a space it is being treated as two arguments - cp sees three args, rather than the two you intend.
If you put double quotes around the first $f that should prevent the two 'halves' of the name from being treated as separate file names:
cp "$f" `echo ...
This is what you need in bash, hope it's good for zsh too.
cp "$f" "`echo $f | perl -pe 's/\#\d+ (.+)$/\1/'`"
If the filename contains spaces, you also have quote the second argument of cp.
I often use
dir /b ... | perl -nle"$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_; rename $o,$n if !-e $n"
The -l chomps the input.
The -e check is to avoid accidentally renaming all the files to one name. I've done that a couple of times.
In bash (and I'm guessing zsh), that would be
foreach f (...)
echo "$f" | perl -nle'$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_; rename $o,$n if !-e $n'
find -name '...' -maxdepth 1 \
| perl -nle'$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_; rename $o,$n if !-e $n'
find -name '...' -maxdepth 1 -exec \
perl -e'for (#ARGV) {
$o=$_; s/.../.../; $n=$_;
rename $o,$n if !-e $n;
}' {} +
The last supports file names with newlines in them.

How to remove trailing whitespaces with sed?

I have a simple shell script that removes trailing whitespace from a file. Is there any way to make this script more compact (without creating a temporary file)?
sed 's/[ \t]*$//' $1 > $1__.tmp
cat $1__.tmp > $1
rm $1__.tmp
You can use the in place option -i of sed for Linux and Unix:
sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//' "$1"
Be aware the expression will delete trailing t's on OSX (you can use gsed to avoid this problem). It may delete them on BSD too.
If you don't have gsed, here is the correct (but hard-to-read) sed syntax on OSX:
sed -i '' -E 's/[ '$'\t'']+$//' "$1"
Three single-quoted strings ultimately become concatenated into a single argument/expression. There is no concatenation operator in bash, you just place strings one after the other with no space in between.
The $'\t' resolves as a literal tab-character in bash (using ANSI-C quoting), so the tab is correctly concatenated into the expression.
At least on Mountain Lion, Viktor's answer will also remove the character 't' when it is at the end of a line. The following fixes that issue:
sed -i '' -e's/[[:space:]]*$//' "$1"
Thanks to codaddict for suggesting the -i option.
The following command solves the problem on Snow Leopard
sed -i '' -e's/[ \t]*$//' "$1"
It is best to also quote $1:
sed -i.bak 's/[[:blank:]]*$//' "$1"
var1="\t\t Test String trimming "
echo $var1
Var2=$(echo "${var1}" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//')
echo $Var2
I have a script in my .bashrc that works under OSX and Linux (bash only !)
function trim_trailing_space() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME will trim (in place) trailing spaces in the given file (remove unwanted spaces at end of lines)"
echo "Usage :"
echo "$FUNCNAME file"
local file=$1
if [[ $unamestr == 'Darwin' ]]; then
#specific case for Mac OSX
sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]*$//' $file
sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' $file
to which I add:
function find_source_files() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME will list sources files (having extensions $SRC_FILES_EXTENSIONS)"
echo "Usage :"
echo "$FUNCNAME folder"
local folder=$1
if [[ $unamestr == 'Darwin' ]]; then
#specific case for Mac OSX
find -E $folder -iregex '.*\.('$SRC_FILES_EXTENSIONS')'
#Rhahhh, lovely
local extensions_escaped=$(echo $SRC_FILES_EXTENSIONS | sed s/\|/\\\\\|/g)
#echo "extensions_escaped:$extensions_escaped"
find $folder -iregex '.*\.\('$extensions_escaped'\)$'
function trim_trailing_space_all_source_files() {
for f in $(find_source_files .); do trim_trailing_space $f;done
For those who look for efficiency (many files to process, or huge files), using the + repetition operator instead of * makes the command more than twice faster.
With GNU sed:
sed -Ei 's/[ \t]+$//' "$1"
sed -i 's/[ \t]\+$//' "$1" # The same without extended regex
I also quickly benchmarked something else: using [ \t] instead of [[:space:]] also significantly speeds up the process (GNU sed v4.4):
sed -Ei 's/[ \t]+$//' "$1"
real 0m0,335s
user 0m0,133s
sys 0m0,193s
sed -Ei 's/[[:space:]]+$//' "$1"
real 0m0,838s
user 0m0,630s
sys 0m0,207s
sed -Ei 's/[ \t]*$//' "$1"
real 0m0,882s
user 0m0,657s
sys 0m0,227s
sed -Ei 's/[[:space:]]*$//' "$1"
real 0m1,711s
user 0m1,423s
sys 0m0,283s
Just for fun:
if [[ -z $FILE ]]; then
echo "You must pass a filename -- exiting" >&2
exit 1
if [[ ! -f $FILE ]]; then
echo "There is not file '$FILE' here -- exiting" >&2
exit 1
BEFORE=`wc -c "$FILE" | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=1`
# >>>>>>>>>>
sed -i.bak -e's/[ \t]*$//' "$FILE"
# <<<<<<<<<<
AFTER=`wc -c "$FILE" | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=1`
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Some error occurred" >&2
echo "Filtered '$FILE' from $BEFORE characters to $AFTER characters"
In the specific case of sed, the -i option that others have already mentioned is far and away the simplest and sanest one.
In the more general case, sponge, from the moreutils collection, does exactly what you want: it lets you replace a file with the result of processing it, in a way specifically designed to keep the processing step from tripping over itself by overwriting the very file it's working on. To quote the sponge man page:
sponge reads standard input and writes it out to the specified file. Unlike a shell redirect, sponge soaks up all its input before writing the output file. This allows constructing pipelines that read from and write to the same file.
To remove trailing whitespace for all files in the current directory, I use
ls | xargs sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//'
These answers confused me. Both of these sed commands worked for me on a Java source file:
sed 's/\s\+$/ filename
sed 's/[[:space:]]\+$// filename
for test purposes, I used:
$ echo " abc " | sed 's/\s\+$/-xx/'
$ echo -e " abc \t\t " | sed 's/\s\+$/-xx/'
Replacing all trailing whitespace with "-xx".
#Viktor wishes to avoid a temporay file, personally I would only use the -i => in-place with a back-up suffix. At least until I know the command works.
Sorry, I just found the existing responses a little oblique. sed is straightforward tool. It is easier to approach it in a straightforward way 90% of the time. Or perhaps I missed something, happy to corrected there.
To only strip whitespaces (in my case spaces and tabs) from lines with at least one non-whitespace character (this way empty indented lines are not touched):
sed -i -r 's/([^ \t]+)[ \t]+$/\1/' "$file"

How can I append the name of a file to end of each line in that file?

I need to do the following for hundreds of files:
Append the name of the file (which may contain spaces) to the end of each line in the file.
It seems to me there should be some way to do this:
sed -e 's/$/FILENAME/' *
where FILENAME represents the name of the current file. Is there a sed variable representing the current filename? Or does anyone have a different solution using bash, awk, etc.?
I'm sure there are other ways to do it, I'd use perl:
perl -p -i -e 's/$/$ARGV/;' *
Some versions of sed support the "--in-place" argument so you can condense Tyler's solution to
for i in * ; do
sed -e "s/\$/$i/" --in-place "$i"
You could do it with a bash script
for i in *
sed -e "s/\$/$i/" "$i"
One-liner version:
for i in * ; do sed -e "s/\$/$i/" "$i" ; done
Edit: If you want to replace the contents of the file with the new, name-appended lines, do this:
for i in *
sed -e "s/\$/$i/" "$i" > $TFILE
cp -f $TFILE "$i"
rm -f $TFILE
awk '{print $0,FILENAME}' > tmpfile
In BASH, I'd do something to the effect of:
for f in *; do echo $f >> $f; done
More or less how Tyler suggested, just with some modifications to allow for spaces in the name. I was hoping for a one-liner though...
for f in *
sed -e "s/\$/$f/" $f > tmpfile
mv tmpfile $f
This might work for you:
printf "%s\n" * | sed 's/.*/sed -i "s|$| &|" &/' | bash