How to locate device on network? - find

CodeLath, maker of the TonidoPlug walwart, provides a web server to locate the Plug on the LAN:
I'm curious to know how a script located on some web servers on the Net manages to find the IP address of a device located on my LAN that uses the non-routable, private address plan 192.168.x.x.
If it fails, the user can enter the MAC address, and the web script will try again to find it.
Does someone have an idea how it's done?
Thank you.

I think the devices "phone home" to TonidoPlug's website with their MAC and IP addresses, and this script just queries the database for a matching device...

If what you want is a replica of your SQLEXPRESS/MDF local file- on a remote server (SQL Server 2005), you can right click in the "Server Explorer" on your db.mdf file and press "Publish to provider...". You can choose a variety of compatibilities with SQL Server 2005, 2008, etc. The output is a .sql query file .


Deploying with Visual Studio 2019 to Hololens 2

I am trying to deploy to my Hololens 2 and I'm trying to connect to it via wifi.
I am following the instructions here:
I also followed the instructions here for connecting via wifi:
I am using Master/Arm64/Remote Machine
I got the IP address for my Hololens 2 and put it in the Remote Machine Name under Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties - > Debugging -> Remote Machine.
For authentication type, I am using "No Authentication".
The project builds successfully
Problem comes from when I try to deploy.
The error message I am getting is this:
DEP6957: Failed to connect to device '' using Universal
Authentication. Please verify the correct remote authentication mode
is specified in the project debug settings. COMException - No
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused
it. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007274D) [0x8007274D]
I have confirmed that my machine is in fact turned on when I try to deploy.
Has anyone seen this before?
Do you have any suggestions?
My ip address, on my hololens, is not, why does it say that is my IP address? I put something completely different in Configuration Properties -> Debugging.
Make sure that you enter the IP address (machine name) in the active configuration (Master/ARM64 in your case). For the authentication type select the Universal (Unencrypted Protocol), as mentioned in the manual.
Check the IP of the HoloLens 2, which must be entered as the machine name, this can change over time.
You can find the IPv4 address under Settings -> Network&Internet -> Advanced options of the Wifi network you are connected to.
Also make sure that the PC from which you deploy the HoloLens 2 and the HoloLens 2 are in the same Wifi network.
I never figured out what caused this error, but I know how I fixed it.
Close out of Visual Studio.
Search for a '.suo' file.
Delete this file.
Open the solution back up.
Redeploy the program.
This did it for me.
Solution User Options file (.suo), this file stores user preference settings and is created automatically when Visual Studio saves a solution.

Can netbeans be used with noip to be able to log in remotely?

I would like to know if it is possible to use no-ip to be able to remotely enter a netbeans project raised at the address http://localhost:8084 executed with the "run project" button or if it is possible to do that by modifying something inside of the netbeans. Thank you.
You need to figure out the IP of your machine on your local network.
To do that, follow either of the following tutorials :
Find your local IP with Windows cmd
Find your local IP with Mac System Preferences
Afterwards, you can enter that IP instead of "localhost" and that address should work on any computer on the same network, assuming your firewall is not blocking it (by default it should not).

how to setup web server,application server,db server on multiple vm?

I would like to do my study practice.
To install the multiservers seperating on multiple vm -web server in first vm ,app server in second and db server in the last vm .then,I will create my own webpage to test about accessing data in db .Each of vm is based on VMware in my computer and just do it on localhost environment.not need to connect internet.
How can I do this or Where can I find any Tutorial .Plese give me some suggestion to finish my project ^^"
Thank u very muchh
Just like what you do in physical machines. And IMHO, your question is too general and has nothing to do with virtual machines. I think what you are looking for is how to setup a web server and how to use a database. Why not check the sites such as nginx or apache and mysql or postgresql ?
First of all you need to run all the machines and connected with each other.
By doing this you'll get IP addresses of those machines..
Now simply replace your IP addresses with localhost according to server
Note that every machine must have an appropriate server

How to connect and read/write file to a local computer on iphone?

i have a problem with local network connection. i'm writing an iphone application and i need to read/write files to a computer. Both devices connected on the same network.
if it's possible, i want to get connected computers ip list, select one of them and read/write files like pdf, doc, txt etc.. if it's not possible to do, i will write the computer ip which i want to connect. There is no problem, both of solution is OK.
But i dont know what do i do after get the computer's ip ?
i found this chat client/server on local, but i got it very complicated.
Anyone have any idea about this ?
You'll need to have a server running on the computer, which can show files and allow for files to be read and created.
Easiest is to run a webdav service on the computer, Apache provides the mod_dav module for this purpose.
The iPhone app then becomes the client. I'd suggest using neon for this purpose. It's a C library that provides listing, reading and writing files on a remote webdav server.
That's how I would do it.
1) Find the network address of the computer you want to connect to. For this you can make use of Bonjour. It's very easy to setup because Bonjour handles the resolving of address for you.
You just have to publish a service (e.g. _myprotocol._tcp) via the ´NSNetService` class which is available on iOS and OS X (Windows too)- in your case you would publish the service on your computer.
Then you search for the service with the NSNetServiceBrowser class.
When you found a service you can then resolve it. This actually gives you the network name of the other device.
2) Connect to the other device via a tcp socket. The CocoaAsyncSocket library is very good at this. This project also includes some examples. One example already provides a bonjour server and client implementation.
i found exactly what i want. The solution is here

rdp web client of virtualbox

thank you for reading my question.
I want to login the virtual machine romotely through rdpweb shipped with virtualbox sdk.Of course, the virtual machine was installed in the virtualbox.The rdpweb(a folder) contains 4 files, webclient3.html, swfobject.js, webclient.js and RDPClientUI.swf.
Firstly, I copy rdpweb to the /.../tomcat/webapp. So i can visit webclinet3.html now. And there is a image which shows what i get.Sorry, i haven't enough reputation for posting a image.I just can put a link to the image.
An error happened. Google says that putting the crossdomin.xml to the root of webapp would solve the bug.The bug may be aroused by flash.But it is invalid for me. Why ?
My physical host is win7(ip:, and my virtual guest is windowsxp(ip: The version of the virtualbox is 4.1.8.
Any help would be appreciated!Thank you very much.
I am so sorry for my poor english.
Your configuration looks like you have configured your WinXP guest with a bridged network adapter, and you are trying to connect directly to it. Have you enabled Remote Desktop on the WinXP guest? Go to the Control Panel -> System applet, then choose the remote tab and be sure to check both boxes to allow remote desktop connections. You will also need to make sure the firewall will allow this connection to the guest.
VirtualBox also have the capability to serve up a virtual machines display over RDP or VNC (VNC in the OSE - Open Source Edition). If you are wanting to use that capability then you should be connecting to the HOST IP address - not the guest. Since your host is Windows 7 you will also need to adjust the Remote Display Server Port for your guest (in the VM Settings in VirtualBox) to use a port besides 3389. I usually pick 3390. Your screenshot doesn't show somewhere you can enter the TCP port, so this approach may not be supported, but you could try appending :3390 to the IP address.
Original Answer:
Could you post the crossdomain.xml file you are currently using? This is almost certainly a problem with it.
My guess is that your crossdomain.xml file should look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- -->
<allow-access-from domain="" />
You could start with just putting * instead of the IP address in the file as well - though that is generally not recommended as it opens the possibility that the flash player can access any resource on any network. It would make it easier to access other virtual machines you might use in the future with different addresses.