shellcode is truncated by \x20 - exploit

Why is my shellcode is truncated after \x20 opcode, when it is copied by string to stack on a second vulnerable program?
char shell[]=
"\xc7\x44\x24\x0c\x65\x78\x65\x20" ← only this line is put in stack, though hv a enough space
--end shell--

Are you passing this shellcode as a command-line argument? In that case, take a look at the ASCII code for 0x20 ;)

Put a double quotations around the entire command.
For example, run:
"$shellcode" (gdb)r "$(python -c 'print "\x41" * 100 + "\x20\x83\x04\x08" + ....')"

My theory is that things like quote, space, null, etc are being interpreted by the windows shell rather than being sent through. You could escape it somehow, but I think it's easier to just encode the shellcode. So try metasploit's msfencode utility to avoid those opcodes altogether. I know null (/x00), space (/x20) and quote (/x22) can't be passed directly, but I suppose that there are other opcodes that can't be passed as well.
That's my solution, but does anyone know of any other ones that are better?

\x20 like <space> in ASCII format


use a variable with whitespace Perl

I am currently working on a project but I have one big problem. I have some picture with a whitespace in the name and I want to do a montage. The problem is that I can't rename my picture and my code is like that :
$pic1 = qq(picture one.png);
$pic2 = qq(picture two.png);
my $cmd = "C:\...\montage.exe $pic1 $pic2 output.png";
but because of the whitespace montage.exe doesn't work. How can I execute my code without renaming all my pictures?
Thanks a lot for your answer!
You can properly quote the filenames within the string you pass to system, as #Borodin shows in his answer. Something like: system("montage.exe '$pic1' '$pic2'")
However, A more reliable and safer solution is to pass the arguments to montage.exe as extra parameters in the system call:
system('montage.exe', $pic2, $pic2, 'output.png')
Now you don't have to worry about nesting the correct quotes, or worry about files with unexpected characters. Not only is this simpler code, but it avoids malicious injection issues, should those file names ever come from a tainted source. Someone could enter | rm *, but your system call will not remove all your files for you.
Further, in real life, you probably are not going to have a separate scalar variable for each file name. You'll have them in an array. This makes your system call even easier:
system('montage.exe', #filenames, 'output.png')
Not only is that super easy, but it avoids the pitfall of having a command line too long. If your filenames have nice long paths (maybe 50-100 characters), a Windows command line will exceed the max command length after around 100 files. Passing the arguments through system() instead of in one big string avoids that limitation.
Alternatively, you can pass the arguments to montage.exe as a list (instead of concatenating them all into a string):
use strict;
use warnings;
my $pic1 = qq(picture one.png);
my $pic2 = qq(picture two.png);
my #cmd = ("C:\...\montage.exe", $pic1, $pic2, "output.png");
You need to put quotes around the file names that have spaces. You also need to escape the backslashes
my $cmd = qq{C:\\...\\montage.exe "$pic1" "$pic2" output.png};
In unix systems, the best approach is the multi-argument form of system because 1) it avoids invoking a shell, and 2) that's the format accepted by the OS call. Neither of those are true in Windows. The OS call to spawn a program expects a command line, and system's attempt to form this command line is sometimes incorrect. The safest approach is to use Win32::ShellQuote.
use Win32::ShellQuote qw( quote_system );
system quote_system("C:\\...\\montage.exe", $pic1, $pic2, "output.png");

Prevent powershell script arguments with asterisk from expanding into separate file names when passed to Java program [duplicate]

I wrote a program in Java that accepts input via command line arguments.
I get an input of two numbers and an operator from the command line.
To multiply two numbers, I have to give input as e.g. 5 3 *, but it's not working as written.
Why is it not accepting * from the command line?
That's because * is a shell wildcard: it has a special meaning to the shell, which expands it before passing it on to the command (in this case, java).
Since you need a literal *, you need to escape it from the shell. The exact way of escaping varies depending on your shell, but you can try:
java ProgramName 5 3 "*"
java ProgramName 5 3 \*
By the way, if you want to know what the shell does with the *, try printing the content of String[] args to your main method. You'll find that it will contain names of the files in your directory.
This can be handy if you need to pass some filenames as command line arguments.
See also
Wikipedia: glob
For example, if a directory contains two files, a.log and b.log then the command cat *.log will be expanded by the shell to cat a.log b.log
Wikipedia: Escape character
In Bourne shell (sh), the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters are wildcard characters expanded via globbing. Without a preceding escape character, an * will expand to the names of all files in the working directory that don't start with a period if and only if there are such files, otherwise * remains unexpanded. So to refer to a file literally called "*", the shell must be told not to interpret it in this way, by preceding it with a backslash (\).
Under MS WINDOWS not quite true: "java.exe" silently expands command line arguments with the wildcards
, but only in the last component, so
does not work as you may expect.
It also ignores the entries "." and "..", but does honor other file names starting with ".".
To avoid misunderstandings: If I look at the command line of the running JAVA process with PROCEXP, I see the unexpanded args!
I found no way to work around this. In other words: As long as you have at least one file or directory in the current directory, "java Calc 3 * 7" will NOT work!
This is VERY ugly, and seems to always having been there in all JRE versions up to and including Java 8.
Does anybody have an idea how to disable Java's nasty command line expansion?
* has special meaning in shell interpreters. How to get a * literally is depending on what shell interpreter you are using. For Bash, you should put single quotes around the *, i.e. '*', instead of double quotes like "*".
Try surrounding the * with quotes like "*". The star is a reserved symbol on the command line.
Use single quotes:
java FooBar 5 3 '*'
This works with most of the popular shells (including bash and ksh).
Expanding on #Arno Unkrig's answer:
On Windows, some JVMs definitely do expand the "*" character, and it is not the shell expanding the path. You can confirm this by writing a small Java program that prints out the arguments:
public class TestArgs {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Arg " + i + ": " + args[i]);
The good news is, there is a workaround! You can use #filename as an argument to JVM like this:
java #args.txt where args.txt is a text file that contains the arguments for each line. Example content:
This is equivalent to calling java with two arguments TestArgs and *. Most importantly, * is not expanded when it is included using the #filename method. I was able to find the details from this page.

How do I replace spaces with %20 in PowerShell?

I'm creating a PowerShell script that will assemble an HTTP path from user input. The output has to convert any spaces in the user input to the product specific codes, "%2F".
Here's a sample of the source and the output:
The site URL can be a constant, though a variable would be a better approach for reuse, as used in the program is: /http:%2F%2SPServer/Projects/"
$Project="The new project"
As output I need:
To replace " " with %20 and / with %2F and so on, do the following:
The solution of #manojlds converts all odd characters in the supplied string.
If you want to do escaping for URLs only, use
This will leave, e.g., slashes (/) or equal signs (=) as they are.
# Returns
[uri]::EscapeDataString(" value")
# Returns
[uri]::EscapeUriString(" value")
For newer operating systems, the command is changed. I had problems with this in Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10.
[System.Net.WebUtility] is what you should use if you get errors that [System.Web.HttpUtility] is not there.
$Escaped = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($SitePath)
The output transformation you need (spaces to %20, forward slashes to %2F) is called URL encoding. It replaces (escapes) characters that have a special meaning when part of a URL with their hex equivalent preceded by a % sign.
You can use .NET framework classes from within Powershell.
Encodes a URL string. These method overloads can be used to encode the entire URL, including query-string values.

Substitute only one part of a string using perl

I have an array that have some symbols that I want to remove and even thought I find a solution, I will like to know if this is the right way because I'm afraid if I use it with array will remove the character that I might need on future arrays.
Here is an example item on my array:
$string1='22 | logging monitor informational';
so I try the following:
$string1=~ s/\s{6}\|(?=\s{6})//;
So my output is:
22 logging monitor informational
Is the other way that best match "|". I just want to remove the pipe character.
Thanks in advance
"I want to remove just the pipe character."
OK, then do this:
$string1 =~ s/\|//;
This will remove the first pipe character in the string. (You said in another comment that you don't want to remove any additional pipe characters.) If that's not what you want, then I'd suggest telling us exactly what you do want. We can't read minds, you know.
In the mean time, I'd also strongly recommend reading the Perl regular expressions tutorial.

Sas9 Replace special characters with underscores

In Sas9, how can I replace all the , \ / or spaces, and other special characters of my choosing with underscores? A solution either in a datastep or in macro functions would do the trick, I'm just looking for a method to do it.
You can use the Perl regular expression functionality built into SAS.
data tmp;
set tmp;
var1 = prxchange('s/[,\/\\]/_/', -1, var);
or something similar.
The translate function might be what you're looking for
field2 = translate(trim(field_name),'_______',' ,.\/()')
Make sure to have as many underscores as you have special characters. Also, because you're translating spaces, you have to use the trim function or else you'll get a bunch of underscores after the name.