How to set "toggle-spacing" style property to GtkMenuItem in gtk+? - gtk

How can I set "toggle-spacing" style property to GtkMenuItem in gtk+?
I have added five GtkImageMenuItem(gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label) to GtkMenu. Now I want to provide spacing between Image and label of this GtkImageMenuItem.
There is a style property (toggle-spacing) in GtkMenuItem to provide spacing between image and label.
How can I use this property?
I want to give alternate colors to each GtkMenuItem. How it is possible?
Kinda menu I want to create is shown in this image.

Setting Properties.
To make the row colors alternate use gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint.


in syncfusion_flutter_calendar how can I customize CalendarElement.calendarCell?

I'm using syncfusion_flutter_calendar package, and when its set on, how can I customize empty day/time cell, for example how to change background color or border style and so on ?
to customize appointments it is quite easy but cant figure out how to customize empty cells.
I tried to customize it with basic SfCalendar properties, but couldn't find it.
you can see image here, what I'm talking about
This is not what I wanted but fixed it with these 2 properties :
specialRegions: ...... ,
timeRegionBuilder: ....... ,

Default font size for ListTile's title property in Flutter?

What is the default font size for ListTile's title property in Flutter? Also, is there a quick and easy way to know font styles / sizes / color of different UI elements at run time?
I don't know exactly all the default values of ThemeData, but ListTile's title property always sets its texts to the following TextStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.title. You can define your own ThemeData and set its textTheme's title property to change ListTile's titles. This also applies to colors. Similarly, ListTile's subtile property always sets its texts to Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle
Check out the documentation on Theme Data for more info on its properties.

How to set the form as not resizable in C++ Builder?

In C++ Builder how can I set the form's window as not resizable?
Is there some property that needs to be set?
Set the Form's BorderStyle property to one of the non-resizable styles that is not bsSizeable or bsSizeToolWin:
bsNone: Not resizable; no visible border line
bsSingle: Not resizable; minimize/maximize menu
bsDialog: Not resizable; no minimize/maximize menu
bsToolWindow: like bsSingle but with a smaller caption
This is kind of a primitive way, but it works:
Find Constrains in Object Inspector -> Properties
If you set:
MaxHeightequal to MinHeight
MaxWidthequal to MinWidth
this will also make your TForm non-resizable.

Reference for phClr in openxml

I am trying to find value for phClr, but no results.
Slide master is not having mapping for phClr.
I am aware that phClr is just a passed-in color value, but what exactly is its color reference?
Is it bg2 or anything else?
The scheme color value is set to placeholder color (the value phClr). This value appears throughout the fill, line, effect, and background styles and indicates that the settings are applied to the theme color applicable for a given style. This allows the same fill, line, and effect styles to populate across the theme colors that appear in the OfficeArt galleries.
“phClr” is a kind of placeholder color

spark form item gap in Flex

Is there a way to change the space between a spark form item and its content(textinput, conbobox)? I already set to 0 the "gap" property of the form, but still there is a lot of vertical space left between the form inputs.
Set the gap to -14 to get no gap between the items
<s:FormLayout gap="-14"/>
<s:FormItem .....>
The spark skin for formItem has left/right variables set based on "columns." I.e. left="column1:10" means the element is 10 pixels to the right of column 1.
So, create the skin, reduce those numbers in the "content" column area and check it.
Reducing all those numbers and the gap should tighten, along with setting the gap in form layout.
If you want to change the vertical gap between each Spark Form Item, create a custom skin based on FormSkin and change the gap property FormLayout.
If you want to change the horizontal gap between skin parts (labelDisplay, indicatorDisplay, helpContentGroup, ...), you need to create a custom skin based on FormItemSkin and change the ConstraintColumn values
I changed in my custom FormItem skin as followed, and it worked for me:
<s:ConstraintRow id="row1" baseline="maxAscent:10" height="100%"/>
<s:ConstraintRow id="row1" baseline="maxAscent:0" height="100%"/>
There are no paddingLeft, paddingRight etc. properties in FormItemLayout yet.