Google Calendar Mobile Version - embed - iphone

I want to embed a google calendar into an iphone app, my webview is fine, except I can't seem to get the URL I need to view the mobile version without having to logging in.
I know its possible as this is done in the twit app (See Screenshot below).
How can I do this?
Lets say the public google calendar is link text and I want to view the Mobile version of this page in a UIView.
The mobile view is available at link text, but you must first be logged into a google account.
Help Stackoverflow!
alt text

All under control now. Although I didn't find it possible to access the gp mobile view, it turned out infact to be just the agenda view of the normal view.
NSString *gcal = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"<html><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=320\"/><iframe src=\"\" style=\"border-width: 0pt;\" mce_style=\" border-width:0 \" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"400\" width=\"300\"></iframe>"];
[webview loadHTMLString:gcal baseURL:nil]; //load above html string (notice the viewport=320 for iphone resizing
webview.delegate = self; //add delegate for activity access
webview.scalesPageToFit =YES; //scale nicely


Pinch To Zoom in UIWebView in iphone App

I am Developing simple App. I am accessing html pages on UIWebVIew. and I wanted to zoom that html pages with the help of zoom option
please help me out.
Zooming IN, OUT and Pinch are Built In feature of UIWebView. You don't need to write any code to achieve that.
Simply , Use your fingers.
On Simulator , you can use Option (Alt) and Shift Keys with Mouse.
Make your option Scale Page to Fit ON.
Try this below property
webView.scalesPageToFit = YES;
First of all set this property given below:
webView.scalesPageToFit = YES;
Then you have to set view port on meta data on the html string. In my case head tag was empty. Thats why I just replaced head with the with head containing meta tag.
htmlString = [htmlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"<head></head>"
withString:#"<head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=568\"/></head>"];
[webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:nil];
Using Storyboard :
There is built-in property of WebView ‘Scales Page To Fit’ which is false by default.
Select WebView -> Open Utilities Window -> Goto Attribute Inspector’
Set ‘Scales Page To Fit’ to true (Checkmark it)
Programmatically :
objWebView.scalesPageToFit = true

how to move moretab in iphone

in my applicaton,i have one directions tab in moretab.In directions tab, i displays the safari view through coding like this
NSString* url = #",-117.834073&daddr=33.67425,-117.835073&dirflg=w";//[NSString stringWithFormat: #"",#"1101+E+Fletcher+Ave+Tampa+FL+33612"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
when click the directions tab it shows the safari browser.But my problem is after open the safari view, iam not able to move the more tab again. now what i want be done is ,when closing this safari view and reopen my application it directly shows the more tab not directions tab.How to do this.
Often times directing the user to Safari can be very confusing and some users don't understand how to come back. Consider using UIWebView instead for this since it stays inside your app and also provides you with the control that you are talking about now.
If you absolutely have to direct the user to safari I would take a look at this post that talk about how to catch the events of a user leaving your app and different states for that.

iOS ShareKit, twitter logout? facebook status empty?

I am using ShareKit plugin for iPhone to enable social sharing for the application I'm working on. I set up everything, I stripped it to have Facebook and Twitter services only, connected successfully to both and now I have 1 problem in each of the services...
The problem with Twitter is how to logout/signout...
ShareKit sends the text and the url to Twitter's publish box. It is saving status perfectly. The question is where to put "logout" button for twitter? I want the iPhone user to logout in order to change username. This is done by calling the method
[SHKTwitter logout];.
Now, the problem is where to put the button that will fire this method? In navigationToolbar of Twitter actionSheet I already have 2 buttons and the toolbar (bottom one) is covered by the keyboard?
[EDIT]: I solved this issue by modifying the twitter action sheet. I resized the textView and then added UIToolbar and changed its position so that it fits into the gap between the keyboard and textView. Into the toolbar I added one button with an action that calls a logoutTwitter method
Facebook problem is more of a mystery...
So, in my sharreKitButtonHandler I have the following code:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
SHKItem *shareItem = [SHKItem URL:url title:self.itemTitle.text];
SHKActionSheet *actionSheet = [SHKActionSheet actionSheetForItem:shareItem];
[actionSheet showFromToolbar:self.shareKitToolbar];
This code prepares some ivars of a shareItem object and in the case of Twitter shareKit manages to fill the status box so that user just needs to press publish and its done...
In the case of Facebook it is not working. FB dialog pops out and the share box is empty saying "What's on your mind?" The url and the title are not put into the publish form?
So, please if you have any clue what's going on in the latter problem or how to solve the former problem, I would really appreciate your help...
It takes five lines to add twitter. I wouldn't bother with Sharekit for that.
TWTweetComposeViewController *tweetView = [[TWTweetComposeViewController alloc] init];
[tweetView addImage:imageToShare;
[tweetView addURL:URLToShare];
[tweetView setInitialText:messageToShare];
[senderViewController presentViewController:tweetView animated:YES completion:nil];
I wanted to use sharekit for my projects, but it was difficult to use and after a week I gave up as I couldn't share more than one thing at the same time (URL, Image, Message, etc.) which is pretty useless if you want to promote your app.
Facebook is more difficult, probably a 100 lines. It took me 3-4 days to implement. It will be integrated in iOS 6 just like Twitter :)

Disable the Alert Box in UIWebView

I am loading an External web page in the UIWebView. When the web page loads, there is an Alert Box ( with OK and Cancel buttons) with some Suggestion/ Info about the web page. I want to block this Alert Box when the web page loads in the UIWebView component in my iphone app. How can I implement in my code?
Thanks for your reply. I am not in-charge for the external web page(but i could ask the concern web page owner to do the changes with respect to following requirement). The requirement is that the Alert Box (used to tell about my iphone app) could be shown when we view the web page in iPhone Safari browswer , but not in UIWebView in which I am using the same web page) of my iphone app. I am using the same web page url both in iPhone Safari and in my iPhone app with UIWebView. So requirement is show the Alert box when we view the web page in iPHone Safari and don't show the Alert box when we view the same web page in iPhone app (within in UIWebView). Hope I have clearly explained my requirement. Please give any solution for this.
using stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: method you can change anything you want on the page with any javascript you provide, so you can overload or replace the alert function to do what you want
Are you the one 'in charge' of this external web page? If that's the case, you could do something like this:
Make the UIWebView load externalpage.html?noalert instead of externalpage.html.
Then on externalpage.html you can check whether this query string variable exists, and only show the alert() if it doesn't:
if(! || != 'noalert') {
duplicate: UIWebView: Can I disable the javascript alert() inside any web page?
Since a UIWebView translates all Javascript alerts into native UIAlertViews it is fairly simple to block it on the native end. Looking into UIAlertView.h there is only one public method for showing an alert which is conveniently called: - (void)show;.
#interface UIAlertView (Blocker)
#import "UIAlertView+Blocker.h"
#implementation UIAlertView (Blocker)
- (void)show {
You can find the answer here:

How can I make iPhone hotspot login UIWebView open a link in Safari?

We have a wifi hotspot that displays a terms of service page before people are allowed to start using it.
After acceptance, a new page with a few links is displayed. I'd like to have those links open in Safari instead of in UIWebView.
I know there's a way to program UIWebView to open links in Safari, but that's not an option as this is the default UIWebView for logging into wifi hotspots and not a custom app.
Is there another way to have the links open in Safari and not in UIWebView? I've tried javascript and I've tried setting the target to _blank.
EDIT: After reading some responses, it seems like the only way to do this is to set the UIWebView delegate. I don't think this is an option because I'm not the one launching the UIWebView.
When the iPhone connects to the network (at least with version 3.0), it checks to see if it's being redirected to a login page. If it is, it does what you're saying with authentication and such inside of a UIWebView. Have you checked to see what it's reporting as the browser in use? If it isn't Mobile Safari, then you could do something server-side the first time someone connects using Mobile Safari.
If it does report as Mobile Safari when it's checking redirection, then another alternative is to figure out what site it tries to go to - maybe Then, on the server side, the first time a different URL is loaded, redirect to your links. This will only work when the user opens Mobile Safari, however.
Other than that, I think what you're asking to do is outside of the scope of the current iPhone OS. I'd recommend filing a ‘feature request’ with Apple at
The only way I know how to do this is to set up a UIWebView delegate and supply something like the following:
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView*)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
if (navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked &&
[request.URL isFileURL] == false)
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:request.URL];
return NO;
return YES;
The code above will cause Safari to open a link clicked on by the user. I know you said you had little control over this UIWebView -- perhaps you have more than you think by setting the delegate?
Use the openURL method of UIApplication:
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:#""];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url];
[url release];
An Apple example of this is available as part of the LaunchMe sample.