UIPickerView row selection - iphone

I have a UIPickerView with two components.
It works fine when the user scrolls each component until it reaches the desired value.
But I want it to behave like the picker in the calendar or the clock apps. Meaning: When the user presses a certain value in one of the components, I want that component to automatically turn that row to be the selected row (so the user doesn't always have to scroll, he/she can also simply select the value they want).
Does anyone know how to do that?
Thank you,

It is standard picker behaviour and it should work so automatically.
If your picker does not select tapped row automatically try to set userInteractionEnabled property to NO for the view you return from viewForRow: method in picker data source.


Select the first element in view for Voice Over

I am using Xcode to make an iOS app. When I segue into the next view controller, it has objects in the following order from top to bottom on the screen: label, collection view, button. When I use voiceover, I want the first item on the screen to be in focus (the label). However, whatever I do, it is always a particular cell from the collection view that is selected by default (somewhere in the middle of the screen). In landscape it is a different cell and in portrait a different cell. But every time it is that same cell. I tried using UIAccessibilityPostNotification, as well as using delays and other things. Nothing seems to work.
Should be posted when a new view appears that encompasses a major portion of the screen.
Optionally, pass the element that VoiceOver should move to after processing the notification.
UIKIT_EXTERN UIAccessibilityNotifications
You need to provide
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, youLabel);

Custom UIPickerView to have unselectable first row

I'd like to create a custom UIPickerView in iOS that will present the elements of the picker to the user, but have a "blank" selection at the top. If the user doesn't select anything then the result from the UIPickerView is nil. If the user scrolls down to select something, then it just returns to proper index in the list.
The problem with the UIPickerView is that when you come into it, it looks like the user has at least selected the first element.
I would like to "force" the user to pick something.
Thanks for your help.
can't you just make the first item in the datasource a #""?

IPhone need design idea for tableview

i have a UITableView where i want one cell(database row) needs to be default,
So I am thinking of two options
in TableView upon clicking a cell, change accessoryType to mark just like ringtone selection in settings app
when user enters data, add an option (like radio button or segmented control) to make that cell (database row) as default one
I feel first option is good but we can implement code for that only in didSelectRowAtIndexPath but i need to jump to another view when user click on a cell.
So please give me an idea how to accomplish this
One idea iam thinking is adding an edit button but don't know whether its possible or not.
Not sure if i understand your question correctly , but according to what i understand you want a table view in which many values will be there , and you want one value to be default which can be changed later.
According to me these ways would be pretty good,
Changing the accessorytype of the tableViewCell. (Most common way)
Changing the Highlighted property of the cell on loading the tableView.
Adding some image then setting the image as the background view of the selected cell.
Adding custom image view (such as tick or something and adding to the cell).
this code can be put in the viewDidload so your default selected value appears.
Hope this helps.
Don't know what you mean by default. I'm assuming you mean already selected. You might just want to set the accessoryType to the checkbox. That would be Apple's way of doing it.

UIPickerView - Selects row too fast

I am currently using a UIPIckerView in my app to allow a user to select from a list of options. The problem is that there isn't enough of a delay when the user stops spinning the wheel and it is selecting a value before the user has a chance to scroll further down the list.
Is there a way to override the default behavior that selects the row as soon as the wheel stops spinning and the user removes their finger? I see Mobile Safari includes a "Done" button which would be great.
I can provide code if necessary (not sure how it would help).
You can add this manually; just add a done button to the view that holds the UIPicker, and have IT do whatever action you're currently performing in – pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:.
The UIPickerView automatically selects which ever row stops in the center. It does not work like a table but more like a popup menu. As such, you can't use a picker view like a button to call an action because it will trigger the moment the user stops moving it whether that represents their final choice or not.
Instead, as noted previously, you need a second control element (usually a button) to call the action that makes use of the pickerview's selection.

UITextField and UITableViews... Am I doing this correctly? If not, what is the best way?

I have an array of folders. Each folder is listed as a table view row.
When I display my table, I populate it with a set of textfields on the left hand side of the row (i want the user to be able to edit them) and a set of switches (on/off) on the right hand side of the row.
All is working well, you can touch the textfield and the keyboard appears. You can changed the values of the switch each time also.
The problem I'm having is knowing which text field has been changed so that I can update my array ready to save the values.
I'm using..
[textField addTarget:self action:#selector(textFieldDone:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit];
-(void)textFieldDone:(UITextField *)textField
The problem is that the textField object does not contain any unique information about it in the textFieldDone selector. I've tried setting
[textField setTag:rowNumber];
But it doesn't show as tag is not part of the textField object.
Anyone any ideas on the best way of doing this? Surely there must be lots of applications that have have textfields in table rows that you can switch between?
Or maybe I'm missing something here....
Actually 'tag' is part of the UITextField as it is inherited from UIView.
Maybe I can suggest a different approach. Use your table view to display the data with a checkmark in the accessory view if the boolean value you are representing with a switch currently is set to YES. When the user taps that row, push a new view controller that contains a text field and a switch that the user can edit.
Is there an application you've seen that uses the UI method your attempting with the text field and switch in a table cell?
Keep in mind that you are probably reusing table cells, which is what you're supposed to do, however you may not be setting the tag on subsequent uses of that cell. Just guessing here.