Playing portion of an audio file on iPhone - iphone

Does anyone knows how to play a portion of a sound file on the iPhone?
Using the SDK, or any other library (Cocos Desnhion...).
I know how to play an entire sound, but not an exact portion of it (eg. from 2,5ms to 6ms).

AVAudioPlayer has a currentTime property. Set it to start playing the file at a specific time mark and then watch its progress to stop playing when it reaches a desired mark.


Audio file cannot be played on watchOS after background

When playing an audio file in watchOS (using SpriteKit):
run(SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("ready.wav", waitForCompletion:false))
It will works until you background the app (says face the watch outwards) and back, then the audio file cannot be played anymore.
I have tried many workarounds, including setting UIBackgroundModes to audio, but the sound will always stop working after the app is background and back. Any solution?
PS: I think I might have found the answer: use AVAudioPlayer instead of SKAction.
You need to start HKWorkoutSession and in info.plist enable workout background processing. Don't need the audio to play in background, just continue to play once it comes back from background.
Use AVAudioPlayer instead of SKAction. This works.
Only SKAction.playSoundFileNamed has this issue.

iPhone short file to play

I am wondering if it is possible to play several little audio files on iPhone. I created a sound file of 25µs but I can't play it on Simulator or on the Device.
So I created several files 25µs, 50µs and 100µs but even if I use NSArray or NSMutableArray with ÀVQueuePlayer`I couldn't play it!
Do someone know the minimum time to play a sound or if what I am doing is possible?
Thank you for your answers
PS : My project is to communicate with other device on the audio
What makes you think it is not being played ? 25µs is 25 millionth of a second long !
I suggest you start playing a clip which is audible, then cut its length in half
and repeat until it becomes inaudible. Is your intention to have the other device listen ? you could get your play/listen loop working with audible clips then drill down.

Play audio and video at a same time in iPhone application

Is it possible to play audio and video file at a same time? I want to play different audio file and video file at a same time and also want control for both, so is it possible?
Sorry, not that I know of. The movie view automatically stops all audio files and takes up the whole screen, so you are forced to listen to the audio for the video.
If the audio is part of the video file, yes.
If it's an MP3 file or some other external type how are you planning on playing it? The phone might allow this to happen depending on what you're up too.
You might be in luck soon though...
Another helpful link is here.

How can i use more them one sound simultainiously in iphone application using cocos2d?

use more then one sound in my iphone application using cocos2d
All of the member of this forums.I need to help yours for doing my game project.I want to play some sound in my gaming project.When this game is started a background sound is playing continuously until the game is stop (exit). When game is played that time some action button are work and every action one sound is play for few second but background sound did not stop that time. How can i do this if anyone have a solution than reply with answer please.
If you are using cocos2d 0.82, then you can use denshion for this.
Play background music:
[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playBackgroundMusic:#"somemusic.mp3"];
[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:#"mysound.wav"]
You can find this and more at
You could, if you implemented your own mixer. Just playback a buffer and mix the audio yourself. It' basically boils down to just averaging two different amplitudes. In some cases it's a bit more advanced.
Check out the AVAudioPlayer class. It will do what you need.
One thing to be aware of is that this class will only play one mp3 format sound at one time. I suggest converting to IMA4 format if you are using mp3 and need to play multiple sounds at once.
You can use the afconvert command to convert between sound file formats.
AVAudioPlayer is available in firmware 2.2+.

How can Play Audio file in loop without any interruption?

I am trying to develop a simple iPhone app. I need to play sound within a loop.
How can Play Audio file in loop without any interruption ?
Take a look at the new AVAudioPlayer class in the 2.2 release:
It has functionality for looping sounds.
I really don't know the iPhone SDK at all, but this should be quick: try making the sound itself looping. That way, you should be able to play it with just a single call, and won't need to worry about timing the repeat properly to restart it at the exact right moment.
For instance, WAV files have very flexible support for looping, and any decent audio editor should let you set looping points.
The AVAudioPlayer has numberOfLoops property where you can specify the number of times you want the audio to loop.