In my Application i want to perform Scaling and Translation together? - iphone

i want to perform Scaling and Translation of image together so how its possible?

Just make the new opposite corners of your image the two detected multitouch points. You have to keep either the rotation or the aspect ratio fixed, of course. (In theory, you could mess with the aspect ratio rather than the rotation, but you probably want the rotation to change, not the aspect ratio).
i.e. Override the touchesBegan and touchesMoved to save the initial points (in the began) and calculate rotation, translation and zoom (in the Moved), and construct a CGAffineTransform to apply to the imageView.


Changing UIVIEW's transformation/rotation/scale WITHOUT animation

I need to change the size of my images according to their distance from the center of the screen. If an image is closer to the middle, it should be given a scale of 1, and the further it is from the center, the nearer it's scale is to zero by some function.
Since the user is panning the screen, I need a way to change the images (UIViews) scale, but since this is not a very classic animation where I know a how to define an animation sequence exactly - mostly because of timing issues (due to system performance, I don't know how long the animation will last), I am going to need to simply change the scale in one step (no timed animations).
This way every frame the functiion gets called when panning, all images should update easily.
Is there a way to do that ?
You could directly apply a CGAffineTransform to your UIImageView. i,e:
CGAffineTransform trans = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.0,1.0);
imageView.transform = trans;
Of course you can change your values, and or use other CGAffineTransform's, this should get you on your way though.
Hope it helps !

iPhone iOS which CGAffineTransform does isometric transform [ _ ] to /_/

I need to make a rectangular view [ ] appear as if it's top is rotated back, while the bottom is pinned in place: / \ . The resulting image is isometric with the bottom being wider than the top.
Which CGAffineTransform do I need to accomplish this goal?
As others have pointed out, you can't do this with a CGAffineTransform.
However, it's relatively easy to do with a CATransform3D, as I describe in this answer. You'll need to adjust the m34 component of the CATransform3D to give the transform some degree of perspective, rotate the view about the X axis, and potentially scale it so that the bottom edge remains at the same width as for your original unrotated view.
Alternatively, you might be able to adjust the anchorPoint of your view's underlying layer to be at the bottom, rather than the center. Rotations will then be applied from that edge, which should keep the bottom edge length constant and give you a receding perspective effect for the view. I believe a value of (0.5, 1.0) will set the anchorPoint to the lower edge.
Brad, I found this example (by you!) on how to do a perspective transformation:
For some reason it does not work in my code. My buttons have the 3d transform applied, but not the scaling effect.

Analog clock using CALayers

I'm trying to make an analog clock for the iPhone, in which the clock hands will automatically update to the current time. I also want the clock hands to be images, unlike this: What would be the easiest way to create this using CALayers to rotate the images/hands?
There are two properties of CALayers that may be of interest to you - the anchorPoint and the transform. Set the anchor point at the origin around which you want to rotate the images, calculate the angle of rotation, make a transformation matrix from it (using CATransform3DMakeRotation around the appropriate axis) and set the transform on the layer.
It's all explained in detail here.

How do I position `contents` png in CALayer?

Do I have to move the layer frame or apply translate matrix transformation to layer? Or perhaps I can move the contents inside of the layer? If contents is not movable inside of layer, how it would position initially?
A CALayer has a frame (or, equivalently, a bounds and an origin), which is used logically to determine what to draw. When drawInContext: or equivalent is called, it's the frame that determines how the contents are produced.
However, like OS X, iOS adopts a compositing window manager, which means that views know how to draw their output to a buffer and the buffers are combined to create the view, with the window manager figuring out what to do about caching and video memory management in between.
If you adjust the transform property of the view or of the layer class, then you adjust how the compositing happens. However, the results of drawInContext: should explicitly still be the same so the window manager knows it can just use the cached image.
So, for example, if you set a frame of size 128x128 and then a transform that scales the CALayer up to double, you'll occupy a 256x256 area of the screen but the image used for compositing will be only 128x128 in size, making each source pixel into four target pixels. If you set a frame of size 256x256 and the identity transform, you'll cover the same amount of screen space but with each source pixel being 1:1 related to a target pixel.
A side effect is that changing the frame causes a redraw from first principles. Changing the transform doesn't. So the latter is usually faster, and is also the thing to do if you decide to use something like CATiledLayer (as used in Safari, Maps, etc) that draws in a separate thread and may take a while to come up with results.
As a rule of thumb, you use the frame to set the initial position and update the frame for normal work stuff. You play with the transform for transitions and other special effects. However, all of the frame and transform properties of a CATiledLayer are animatable in the CoreAnimation sense, so that's really still at your discretion.
Most people don't work on the level of a CALayer, but prefer to work with UIViews. In which case the comments are mostly the same, with the caveat that you can then adjust the [2d] transform on the view or the [3d] transform on the view's layer and have the compositor figure it all out, but change the frame to prompt a redraw.

iphone cocoa : how to drag an image along a path

I am trying to figure out how can you drag an image while constraining its movement along a certain path.
I tried several tricks including animation along a path, but couldn't get the animation to play and pause and play backwards - so that seems out of the question.
Any ideas ? anyone ?
What you're basically trying to do is match finger movement to a 'translation' transition.
As the user touches down and starts to move their finger you want to use the current touch point value to create a translation transform which you apply to your UIImageView. Here's how you would do it:
On touch down, save the imageview's starting x,y position.
On move, calculate the delta from old point to new one. This is where you can clamp the values. So you can ignore, say, the y change and only use the x deltas. This means that the image will only move left to right. If you ignore the x and use y, then it only moves up and down.
Once you have the 'new' calculated/clamped x,y values, use it to create a new transform using CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(x, y). Assign this transform to the UIImageView. The image moves to that place.
Once the finger lifts, figure out the delta from the original starting x,y, point and the lift-off point, then adjust the ImageView's bounds and reset the transform to CGAffineTransformIdentity. This doesn't move the object, but it sets it so subsequent accesses to the ImageView use the actual position and don't have to keep adjusting for transforms.
Moving along on a grid is easy too. Just round out the x,y values in step 2 so they're a multiple of the grid size (i.e. round out to every 10 pixel) before you pass it on to make the translation transform.
If you want to make it extra smooth, surround the code where you assign the transition with UIView animation blocks. Mess around with the easing and timing settings. The image should drag behind a bit but smoothly 'rubber-band' from one touch point to the next.
See this Sample Code : Move Me