iPhone Developer's Cookbook: ModalAlert Frozen - iphone

I've used a recipe from the iPhone Developer's Cookbook called ModalAlert in order to get some text from a user; however, when the alert is shown, the keyboard and buttons are frozen. Here is the code for the modal alert.
+(NSString *) textQueryWith: (NSString *)question prompt: (NSString *)prompt button1: (NSString *)button1 button2:(NSString *) button2
// Create alert
CFRunLoopRef currentLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
ModalAlertDelegate *madelegate = [[ModalAlertDelegate alloc] initWithRunLoop:currentLoop];
UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:question message:#"\n" delegate:madelegate cancelButtonTitle:button1 otherButtonTitles:button2, nil];
// Build text field
UITextField *tf = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 260.0f, 30.0f)];
tf.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
tf.tag = TEXT_FIELD_TAG;
tf.placeholder = prompt;
tf.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing;
tf.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet;
tf.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert;
tf.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords;
tf.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
tf.contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter;
// Show alert and wait for it to finish displaying
[alertView show];
while (CGRectEqualToRect(alertView.bounds, CGRectZero));
// Find the center for the text field and add it
CGRect bounds = alertView.bounds;
tf.center = CGPointMake(bounds.size.width / 2.0f, bounds.size.height / 2.0f - 10.0f);
[alertView addSubview:tf];
[tf release];
// Set the field to first responder and move it into place
[madelegate performSelector:#selector(moveAlert:) withObject:alertView afterDelay: 0.7f];
// Start the run loop
// Retrieve the user choices
NSUInteger index = madelegate.index;
NSString *answer = [[madelegate.text copy] autorelease];
if (index == 0) answer = nil; // assumes cancel in position 0
[alertView release];
[madelegate release];
return answer;

You should probably check whether a UITextField's userInteractionEnabled property defaults to YES or NO.

// Put the modal alert inside a new thread. This happened to me before, and this is how i fixed it.
- (void)SomeMethod {
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(CheckCurrentPuzzle) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; }
-(void) CheckCurrentPuzzle {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool2 = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// code that should be run in the new thread goes here
if ([gameBoard AreAllCellsFilled]) {
if ([gameBoard FilledWithoutWin]) {
//only show this message once per puzzle
if (![currentPuzzle showedRemovalMessage]) {
NSArray *buttons = [NSArray arrayWithObject:#"Yes"];
if ([ModalAlert ask:#"blah blah blah" withTitle:#"Incomplete Puzzle" withCancel:#"No" withButtons:buttons] == 1) {
NSLog(#"Remove The Incorrect Cells");
[gameBoard RemoveIncorrect];
} else {
[gameSounds.bloop2 play];
} else {
if ([gameBoard IsBoardComplete]) {
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(WINNER) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:false];
[pool2 release];
-(void) WINNER {
//ladies and gentleman we have a winner

I had a problem similar to this in my educational game QPlus. It bugged me because I had the "exact" same code in two related apps, and they did not have the bug. It turned out that the bug was because the selector method was not declared in the header file. I am working in Xcode 4.2.
Details below:
In .m:
tapRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(emailLabelPressed)];
tapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1;
[aLabel addGestureRecognizer:tapRecognizer];
[aLabel setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
And later in the .m:
(void)emailLabelPressed {
That works just fine in the simulator, but on an actual device the email interface presented modally will not edit. You can send or save as draft but no editing.
Then add this to the .h file:
And voila, it works on the device. Of course this was the difference with the related apps - they both had the method declared in the header file. I would classify this as an iOS bug, but being such a novice developer I wouldn't presume to know.
Based on this, you may want to verify that your selector method moveAlert: is declared in your header file.


App crashes while using setContentViewController in iOS 5

I am making my app compatible to iOS 5 but the app crashes on the code where i have used setContentViewController.
Here is my code.
[[ChoicesViewController sharedChoices] setCurrentValue:[[(UIButton *)sender titleLabel] text]];
[self.choicesPopoverController setContentViewController:[ChoicesViewController sharedChoices]];
CGFloat popoverHeight = 44.0f * [[[ChoicesViewController sharedChoices] choices] count];
[self.choicesPopoverController setPopoverContentSize:CGSizeMake(380.0f, MIN(400.0f, popoverHeight))];
if ([self.choicesPopoverController isPopoverVisible]) {
[self.choicesPopoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
} else {
[self.choicesPopoverController presentPopoverFromRect:[(UIButton *)sender frame]
here is what shared choices returns:
static ChoicesViewController *_sharedChoices = nil;
if (!_sharedChoices)
_sharedChoices = [[[self class] alloc] init];
return _sharedChoices;
//When i comment the below code , the app wont crash in iOS 5 but the UIPopover is not shown too. And if I uncomment it it will crash in iOS 5.
-(UIPopoverController *)choicesPopoverController
if (!choicesPopoverController)
choicesPopoverController = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:self];
return choicesPopoverController;
You say you set breakpoints and found this line was the problem :
[self.choicesPopoverController setContentViewController:[ChoicesViewController sharedChoices]];
but there's a few things going on there. Where does it crash if you change that line to
id controller = self.choicesPopoverController;
id shared = [ChoicesViewController sharedChoices];
[controller setContentViewController:shared];
Finally i found the solution :
instead of writing
[self.choicesPopoverController setContentViewController:[ChoicesViewController sharedChoices]];
i did
choicesPopoverController = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:[ChoicesViewController sharedChoices]];
and commented out the this code
-(UIPopoverController *)choicesPopoverController
if (!choicesPopoverController)
choicesPopoverController = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:self];
return choicesPopoverController;
Now it doesnt crash in iOS 5.

TTPostController - Keyboard is not appearing

I am adding a "post comment section in my iPhone APP"
rest all things are working fine but when I tap on "postController textView" a keyboard is suppose to appear from the bottom but it is not appearing However the cursor is displaying and the text that I am passing using postController.textView.text = #"" is also displaying.
Please suggest the areas to be looked for fixing this bug.
TTPostController *postController = [[TTPostController alloc] init];
// self must implement the TTPostControllerDelegate protocol
postController.delegate = self;
self.popupViewController = postController;
// assuming self to be the current UIViewController
postController.superController = self;
postController.textView.text=#"temporary text";
[postController showInView:self.view animated:YES];
[postController release];
above is the code that is giving call to the Three20 PostController
below is the calling method which is unchanged...
[UserManager instance]authenticateUserAndProceed:self withSelector:#selector(showCommentView)];
TTPostController *postController = [[TTPostController alloc] init];
// self must implement the TTPostControllerDelegate protocol
postController.delegate = self;
self.popupViewController = postController;
// assuming self to be the current UIViewController
postController.superController = self;
postController.textView.text=#"temporary text";
[postController showInView:self.view animated:YES];
[postController release];
changed method
-(void)authenticateUserAndProceed:(id)parent withSelector:(SEL)selector
theParentViewController = parent;
self.theFunctionToCall = selector;
if(userid == nil)
GetUserInfoViewController *guivc = [[GetUserInfoViewController alloc] init];
[parent presentModalViewController:guivc animated:YES];
guivc.delegate = self;
[guivc release];
else {
//////////////////// below line was replaced///////////
// 2. [theParentViewController performSelector:selector];
// with below code
UIAlertView *alert =[[UIAlertView alloc]initWith Title........
[alert show];
as soon as the user registered, he was not able to the kyboard for the TTPostController
As soon as the user is registered the call to
[theParentViewController performSelector:selector];
is not sent directly but the call goes to ann alertview which inter calls it.
the user will see a "you are registered successfully" (kind of) alertview.
tapping OK on which, he will be sent to TTPostController. (this time the keyboard is appearing)
I kept the line# 2 in the AlertViewDelegate method.
I was amazed o see it working just by not calling the line 2 directly.
this worked for me.
I welcome any new and better idea to implement the same

How to have a Score Integer updated and displayed in Cocos2d?

I am obviously making a game that has a score. How do I call an update method and have the integer actually displayed in the Top-Right corner?
Here, this might work
In the .h file:
#interface HelloWorld : CCLayer {
int score;
CCLabelTTF *scoreLabel;
- (void)addPoint;
In the .m file:
In the init method:
//Set the score to zero.
score = 0;
//Create and add the score label as a child.
scoreLabel = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"8" fontName:#"Marker Felt" fontSize:24];
scoreLabel.position = ccp(240, 160); //Middle of the screen...
[self addChild:scoreLabel z:1];
Somewhere else:
- (void)addPoint
score = score + 1; //I think: score++; will also work.
[scoreLabel setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", score]];
Now just call: [self addPoint]; whenever the user kills an enemy.
That should work, tell me if it didn't because I have not tested it.
in header file:
#interface GameLayer : CCLayer
CCLabelTTF *_scoreLabel;
-(void) updateScore:(int) newScore;
in implementation file:
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init])) {
// ..
// add score label
_scoreLabel = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"0" dimensions:CGSizeMake(200,30) alignment:UITextAlignmentRight fontName:#"Marker Felt" fontSize:30];
[self addChild:_scoreLabel];
_scoreLabel.position = ccp( screenSize.width-100, screenSize.height-20);
return self;
-(void) updateScore:(int) newScore {
[_scoreLabel setString: [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", newScore]];
EDIT: if you don't want to use an ivar, you can use tags:
[self addChild:scoreLabel z:0 tag:kScoreLabel];
// ...
CCLabelTTF *scoreLabel = (CCLabelTTF*)[self getChildByTag:kScoreLabel];
EDIT 2: For performance reasons you should switch to CCLabelAtlas or CCBitmapFontAtlas if you update the score very frequently.
Also read the cocos2d programming guide about labels.
Using UILabel
UILabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%lu",score];
Move the UILabel in the top of the view using interface builder
you could also create it programmatically
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,500,30)];
[[self view] addSubview:label];
[label release]; // dont leak :)

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags

Is it just me or has the action sheet on <img> tags been disabled in UIWebView? In Safari, e.g, when you want to save an image locally, you touch and hold on the image to get an action sheet shown. But it's not working in my custom UIWebView. I mean, it is still working for <a> tags, i.e, when I touch and hold on html links, an action sheet shows up. But not for the <img> tags.
I've tried things like putting img { -webkit-touch-callout: inherit; } in css, which didn't work. On the other hand, when I double-tap and hold on the images, a copy-balloon shows up.
So the question is, has the default action sheet callout for <img> tags been disabled for UIWebView? Is so, is there a way to re-enable it? I've googled around and saw many Q&As on how to disable it in UIWebView, so is it just me who aren't seeing the popup?
Thanks in advance!
Yes apple has disabled this feature (among others) in UIWebViews and kept it for Safari only.
However you can recreate this yourself by extending this tutorial, http://www.icab.de/blog/2010/07/11/customize-the-contextual-menu-of-uiwebview/.
Once you've finished this tutorial you'll want to add a few extra's so you can actually save images (which the tutorial doesn't cover).
I added an extra notification called #"tapAndHoldShortNotification" after 0.3 seconds which calls a method with just the disable callout code in it (to prevent both the default and your own menu popping while the page is still loading, a little bug fix).
Also to detect images you'll need to extend the JSTools.js, here's mine with the extra functions.
function MyAppGetHTMLElementsAtPoint(x,y) {
var tags = ",";
var e = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
while (e) {
if (e.tagName) {
tags += e.tagName + ',';
e = e.parentNode;
return tags;
function MyAppGetLinkSRCAtPoint(x,y) {
var tags = "";
var e = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
while (e) {
if (e.src) {
tags += e.src;
e = e.parentNode;
return tags;
function MyAppGetLinkHREFAtPoint(x,y) {
var tags = "";
var e = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
while (e) {
if (e.href) {
tags += e.href;
e = e.parentNode;
return tags;
Now you can detect the user clicking on images and actually find out the images url they are clicking on, but we need to change the -(void)openContextualMenuAtPoint: method to provide extra options.
Again here's mine (I tried to copy Safari's behaviour for this):
- (void)openContextualMenuAt:(CGPoint)pt{
// Load the JavaScript code from the Resources and inject it into the web page
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"JSTools" ofType:#"js"];
NSString *jsCode = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCode];
// get the Tags at the touch location
NSString *tags = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"MyAppGetHTMLElementsAtPoint(%i,%i);",(NSInteger)pt.x,(NSInteger)pt.y]];
NSString *tagsHREF = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"MyAppGetLinkHREFAtPoint(%i,%i);",(NSInteger)pt.x,(NSInteger)pt.y]];
NSString *tagsSRC = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"MyAppGetLinkSRCAtPoint(%i,%i);",(NSInteger)pt.x,(NSInteger)pt.y]];
UIActionSheet *sheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:nil];
selectedLinkURL = #"";
selectedImageURL = #"";
// If an image was touched, add image-related buttons.
if ([tags rangeOfString:#",IMG,"].location != NSNotFound) {
selectedImageURL = tagsSRC;
if (sheet.title == nil) {
sheet.title = tagsSRC;
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Save Image"];
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Copy Image"];
// If a link is pressed add image buttons.
if ([tags rangeOfString:#",A,"].location != NSNotFound){
selectedLinkURL = tagsHREF;
sheet.title = tagsHREF;
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Open"];
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Copy"];
if (sheet.numberOfButtons > 0) {
[sheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Cancel"];
sheet.cancelButtonIndex = (sheet.numberOfButtons-1);
[sheet showInView:webView];
[selectedLinkURL retain];
[selectedImageURL retain];
[sheet release];
(NOTES: selectedLinkURL and selectedImageURL are declared in the .h file to let them be accessed throughout the class, for saving or opening the link latter.
So far we've just been going back over the tutorials code making changes but now we will move into what the tutorial doesn't cover (it stops before actually mentioning how to handle saving the images or opening the links).
To handle the users choice we now need to add the actionSheet:clickedButtonAtIndex: method.
-(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex{
if ([[actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex] isEqualToString:#"Open"]){
[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:selectedLinkURL]]];
else if ([[actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex] isEqualToString:#"Copy"]){
[[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard] setString:selectedLinkURL];
else if ([[actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex] isEqualToString:#"Copy Image"]){
[[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard] setString:selectedImageURL];
else if ([[actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex] isEqualToString:#"Save Image"]){
NSOperationQueue *queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
NSInvocationOperation *operation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(saveImageURL:) object:selectedImageURL];
[queue addOperation:operation];
[operation release];
This checks what the user wants to do and handles /most/ of them, only the "save image" operation needs another method to handle that. For the progress I used MBProgressHub.
Add an MBProgressHUB *progressHud; to the interface declaration in the .h and set it up in the init method (of whatever class you're handling the webview from).
progressHud = [[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithView:self.view];
progressHud.customView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"Tick.png"]] autorelease];
progressHud.opacity = 0.8;
[self.view addSubview:progressHud];
[progressHud hide:NO];
progressHud.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
And the -(void)saveImageURL:(NSString*)url; method will actually save it to the image library.
(A better way would be to do the download through an NSURLRequest and update the progress hud in MBProgressHUDModeDeterminate to deflect how long it'll actually take to download, but this is a more hacked together implementation then that)
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(showStartSaveAlert) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum([UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]]], nil, nil, nil);
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(showFinishedSaveAlert) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
progressHud.mode = MBProgressHUDModeIndeterminate;
progressHud.labelText = #"Saving Image...";
[progressHud show:YES];
// Set custom view mode
progressHud.mode = MBProgressHUDModeCustomView;
progressHud.labelText = #"Completed";
[progressHud performSelector:#selector(hide:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] afterDelay:0.5];
And of cause add [progressHud release]; to the dealloc method.
Hopefully this shows you how to add some of the options to a webView that apple left out.
Of cause though you can add more things to this like a "Read Later" option for instapaper or a "Open In Safari" button.
(looking at the length of this post I'm seeing why the original tutorial left out the finial implementation details)
Edit: (updated with more info)
I was asked about the detail I glossed over at the top, the #"tapAndHoldShortNotification", so this is clarifying it.
This is my UIWindow subclass, it adds the second notification to cancel the default selection menu (this is because when I tried the tutorial it showed both menus).
- (void)tapAndHoldAction:(NSTimer*)timer {
contextualMenuTimer = nil;
UIView* clickedView = [self hitTest:CGPointMake(tapLocation.x, tapLocation.y) withEvent:nil];
while (clickedView != nil) {
if ([clickedView isKindOfClass:[UIWebView class]]) {
clickedView = clickedView.superview;
if (clickedView) {
NSDictionary *coord = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:tapLocation.x],#"x",
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:tapLocation.y],#"y",nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"TapAndHoldNotification" object:coord];
- (void)tapAndHoldActionShort:(NSTimer*)timer {
UIView* clickedView = [self hitTest:CGPointMake(tapLocation.x, tapLocation.y) withEvent:nil];
while (clickedView != nil) {
if ([clickedView isKindOfClass:[UIWebView class]]) {
clickedView = clickedView.superview;
if (clickedView) {
NSDictionary *coord = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:tapLocation.x],#"x",
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:tapLocation.y],#"y",nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"TapAndHoldShortNotification" object:coord];
- (void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
NSSet *touches = [event touchesForWindow:self];
[touches retain];
[super sendEvent:event]; // Call super to make sure the event is processed as usual
if ([touches count] == 1) { // We're only interested in one-finger events
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
switch ([touch phase]) {
case UITouchPhaseBegan: // A finger touched the screen
tapLocation = [touch locationInView:self];
[contextualMenuTimer invalidate];
contextualMenuTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.8 target:self selector:#selector(tapAndHoldAction:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
NSTimer *myTimer;
myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.2 target:self selector:#selector(tapAndHoldActionShort:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
case UITouchPhaseEnded:
case UITouchPhaseMoved:
case UITouchPhaseCancelled:
[contextualMenuTimer invalidate];
contextualMenuTimer = nil;
} else { // Multiple fingers are touching the screen
[contextualMenuTimer invalidate];
contextualMenuTimer = nil;
[touches release];
The notification is then handled like this:
// in -viewDidLoad
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(stopSelection:) name:#"TapAndHoldShortNotification" object:nil];
- (void)stopSelection:(NSNotification*)notification{
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.documentElement.style.webkitTouchCallout='none';"];
It's only a little change but it fixes the annoying little bug where you get 2 menus appear (the standard one and yours).
Also you could easily add iPad support by sending the touches location as the notification fires and then showing the UIActionSheet from that point, though this was written before the iPad so doesn't include support for that.
After struggling for, like 2 or 3 days non-stop on this problem, it seems like the position is computed "relatively" to the UIWebView's "TOP-LEFT" corner (I am programing for iOS 7).
So, to make this work, when you get the position, on the controller where your WebView is (i'll put a snippet of my code below), don't add the "scroll-offset"
SNIPPET - ContextualMenuAction:
- (void)contextualMenuAction:(NSNotification*)notification {
// Load javascript
[self loadJavascript];
// Initialize the coordinates
CGPoint pt;
pt.x = [[[notification object] objectForKey:#"x"] floatValue];
pt.y = [[[notification object] objectForKey:#"y"] floatValue];
// Convert point from window to view coordinate system
pt = [self.WebView convertPoint:pt fromView:nil];
// Get PAGE and UIWEBVIEW dimensions
CGSize pageDimensions = [self.WebView documentSize];
CGSize webviewDimensions = self.WebView.frame.size;
/***** If the page is in MOBILE version *****/
if (webviewDimensions.width == pageDimensions.width) {
/***** If the page is in DESKTOP version *****/
else {
// convert point from view to HTML coordinate system
CGSize viewSize = [self.WebView frame].size;
// Contiens la portion de la page visible depuis la webview (en fonction du zoom)
CGSize windowSize = [self.WebView windowSize];
CGFloat factor = windowSize.width / viewSize.width;
CGFloat factorHeight = windowSize.height / viewSize.height;
NSLog(#"factor: %f", factor);
pt.x = pt.x * factor; // ** logically, we would add the offset **
pt.y = pt.y * factorHeight; // ** logically, we would add the offset **
NSLog(#"x: %f and y: %f", pt.x, pt.y);
NSLog(#"WINDOW: width: %f height: %f", [self.WebView windowSize].width, [self.WebView windowSize].height);
NSLog(#"DOCUMENT: width: %f height: %f", pageDimensions.width, pageDimensions.height);
[self openContextualMenuAt:pt];
SNIPPET - in openContextualMenuAt:
To load the correct JS function:
- (void)openContextualMenuAt:(CGPoint)pt {
// Load javascript
[self loadJavascript];
// get the Tags at the touch location
NSString *tags = [self.WebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"getHTMLTagsAtPoint(%li,%li);",(long)pt.x,(long)pt.y]];
SNIPPET - in JSTools.js:
This is the function I use to get the element touched
function getHTMLTagsAtPoint(x,y) {
var tags = ",";
var element = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
while (element) {
if (element.tagName) {
tags += element.tagName + ',';
element = element.parentNode;
return tags;
SNIPPET - loadJavascript
I use this one to inject my JS code in the webview
-(void)loadJavascript {
[self.WebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
[NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"JSTools" ofType:#"js"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]];
This part (everything I did to overrride the default UIActionSheet) is HEAVILY (should I say completely) based on
this post
#Freerunning's answer is complete (i did almost everything he said in my other classes, like on the post my code is based on), the snippets i posted is just to show you more "completely" how my code is.
Hope this helps! ^^
First of all thanks to Freerunnering for the great solution!
But you can do this with an UILongPressGestureRecognizer instead of a custom LongPressRecognizer. This makes things a bit easier to implement:
In the Viewcontroller Containing the webView:
Add UIGestureRecognizerDelegate to your ViewController
let mainJavascript = "function MyAppGetHTMLElementsAtPoint(x,y) { var tags = \",\"; var e = document.elementFromPoint(x,y); while (e) { if (e.tagName) { tags += e.tagName + ','; } e = e.parentNode; } return tags; } function MyAppGetLinkSRCAtPoint(x,y) { var tags = \"\"; var e = document.elementFromPoint(x,y); while (e) { if (e.src) { tags += e.src; break; } e = e.parentNode; } return tags; } function MyAppGetLinkHREFAtPoint(x,y) { var tags = \"\"; var e = document.elementFromPoint(x,y); while (e) { if (e.href) { tags += e.href; break; } e = e.parentNode; } return tags; }"
func viewDidLoad() {
let longPressRecognizer = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(CustomViewController.longPressRecognizerAction(_:)))
longPressRecognizer.delegate = self
func longPressRecognizerAction(sender: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
if sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Began {
let tapPostion = sender.locationInView(self.webView)
let tags = self.webView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("MyAppGetHTMLElementsAtPoint(\(tapPostion.x),\(tapPostion.y));")
let href = self.webView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("MyAppGetLinkHREFAtPoint(\(tapPostion.x),\(tapPostion.y));")
let src = self.webView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("MyAppGetLinkSRCAtPoint(\(tapPostion.x),\(tapPostion.y));")
print("tags: \(tags)\nhref: \(href)\nsrc: \(src)")
// handle the results, for example with an UIDocumentInteractionController
// Without this function, the customLongPressRecognizer would be replaced by the original UIWebView LongPressRecognizer
func gestureRecognizer(gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
return true
And thats it!

Why isn't my UILabel being changed?

Why isn't my UILabel being changed? I am using the following code, and nothing is happening:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
percentCorrect.numberOfLines = 3;
percentCorrect.minimumFontSize = 100;
Here is my Implemintation code:
- (void) updateScore {
double percentScore = 100.0 * varRight / (varWrong + varRight);
percentCorrect.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f%%", percentScore];
- (void)viewDidLoad {
percentCorrect.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;
percentCorrect.numberOfLines = 3;
percentCorrect.minimumFontSize = 100;
percentCorrect.text = #"sesd";
- (void)correctAns {
numberRight.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i Correct", varRight];
-(void)wrongAns {
numberWrong.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i Incorrect", varWrong];
#pragma mark Reset Methods
- (IBAction)reset:(id)sender; {
NSString *message = #"Are you sure you would like to reset?";
self.wouldYouLikeToReset = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Reset?" message:message delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:#"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[wouldYouLikeToReset addButtonWithTitle:#"Continue"];
[self.wouldYouLikeToReset show];
// Now goes to (void)alertView and see's what is being pressed!
- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
if (buttonIndex == 0)
NSLog(#"Cancel button pressed");
varRight = 0;
varWrong = 0;
[self wrongAns];
[self correctAns];
percentCorrect.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0.0%%"];
#pragma mark Button Action Methods
- (IBAction)right:(id)sender; {
[self correctAns];
[self updateScore];
- (IBAction)wrong:(id)sender; {
[self wrongAns];
[self updateScore];
- (IBAction)subOneRight:(id)sender {
if (varRight > 0 ) {
[self correctAns];
[self updateScore];
- (IBAction)subOneWrong:(id)sender {
if (varWrong > 0) {
[self wrongAns];
[self updateScore];
[self wrongAns];
[self correctAns];
[self updateScore];
Any ideas?
In order for the adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth setting to come into effect, the numberOfLines property must be set to 1. It won't work if it's != 1.
Are awakeFromNib, viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear being called at all?
The minimumFontSize property will do nothing if the text fits in the current bounds with the current font. Did you set the font property for the label?
percentCorrect.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:20];
Finally, isn't a minimumFontSize = 100 a little too big for a min font size?
Make sure everything is hooked up correctly. Make sure the IBOutlet for the UITextfield is setup and set break points within the method and see that the code is being touched. If it is, it's possible percentCorrect hasn't been hooked up correctly.
You shouldn't have to init your label if it is in the nib. If you are, then you created the label twice. So who knows which one you are messaging to. As soon as you initialized the label, you leaked the first one. So the label you have on screen is NOT the one you are manipulating in code.
Try placing your code in viewDidLoad instead. It should be initialized by then.
If that doesn't work, try viewDidAppear: simply to try to debug this.
It's possible that percentCorrect hasn't yet been initialized. Is percentCorrect equal to nil when that function is called, by any chance? If so, wait until after it's properly initialized to set its properties.
What are you expecting to happen? Does the label show when your code is commented out? How is percentCorrect defined in the nib?
Have you tried:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
percentCorrect.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;
percentCorrect.numberOfLines = 3;
percentCorrect.minimumFontSize = 100;
percentcorrent.text = #"What is the text in percentCorrect?";
I had the same problem. Seems that setText doesn't automatically force a redraw when the change happens on a non-main thread. UI updates should always be done on the main thread to ensure responsiveness. There's another way to force it, using a selector:
label = [[UILabel alloc] init]; //assumes label is a data member of some class
(some later method where you want to update the label)
[label performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(setText) withObject:#"New label value" waitUntilDone:false];
You may also get results from simply saying:
[label setNeedsDisplay];
which will force the update internally, but at the SDK's discretion. I found that didn't work for me, thus why I recommend the selector on the main thread.
What I found is sometimes , don't rely too much on IB , just add a line to set the frame :
labelx.frame=CGRectMake(labelx.frame.origin.x,labelx.frame.origin.y, 300, labelx.frame.size.height);
Then , autoresize works !