Data Access Layer with Enterprise Library in Mobile Applications - enterprise-library

How can I use Enterprise Library to do a Data Access Layer in c# for Sql CE and .NET Compact Framework?
I haven't found clear examples. I would like to learn Enterprise Library but any example will be appreciated.

You cannot use Enterprise Library with Compact Framework, it's only available for dekstop/server.


Our requirement is to fetch the data for code effects editor to be fetched from database using dotnetcore 3.0 and VueJs 2.0

We want to integrate code effects library in our project,We need the sample code for Vue.js 2.0 using typescipt and dotnet core 3.0.
Our requirement is to fetch the data for code effects editor to be fetched from database.
We noticed that the samples available in codeeffects with database support is in 4.0 Flexi Source,Can you please provide the Flexisource sample in .Net core 3.0 and Vuejs with typescript
The client code of the rule editor is implemented as a stand-alone single object encapsulated in a separate class that can be instantiated and used on any client platform such as Vue, Angular, and so on. The same is with the rule engine which is delivered as a single .NET Standard 2.0 assembly that you can reference in any .NET code and use the same code samples provided in any of the demo projects available at Code Effects documentation section to evaluate your rules. There is no need to have a demo project for any possible client/server platform combination. Please ask here any question that is specific to your particular implementation of the Code Effects rules engine.

Ado.NET "Disconnected Architecture" for web development

I am new to and I must to develop a content management system with .net and I wonder which option is right for me, disconnected or connected architecture for web?
I dont understand why I should use dataset on online applications.
It sounds like you are getting started with ASP.NET so depending on which technology you prefer (MVC or Web Forms) either of these two tutorials provided by Microsoft will be of great help on general data access.
Web Forms:

Recommendations for a Full-stack Framework for REST?

I am looking for a robust REST framework to eliminate all that boilerplate code with starting up a new REST-only web service (mobile clients). Is there a framework that already has this built-in where I could, for example, simply build the domain models and run with it? I would like to see:
Authentication & User Model
Basic CRUD
Permissions (for model access)
It seems every web service at a minimum needs the above capabilities. Somebody, somewhere must have written a good re-usable framework with the above capabilities. Any ideas? I would prefer Node.js, Java or even hosting with a PaaS service provider that offers these features.
Spring 3 MVC provides a very nice and simple annotation based framework for REST.
See it can be deployed on any java web server like Jetty or Tomcat.
A framework like XAP provides a combined solution of Spring and Jetty plus it's built for dynamic scaling.
Last if you want to easily on board this solution on any cloud CloudifySource provides an open source project which includes XAP capabilities and PaaS.
I use Symfony 1.4 for this. It is an PHP framework. It generates most of what you need for free. The database stuff is also quite easy as the Symfony uses ORM libraries (you can choose but I can recommend Doctrine:
For example the whole backend site(admin) generating is a matter of running one command. They have a great e-book fro free. More info here:
There is also Symfony 2.X (, which have a lot of new features (e.g. new Doctrine 2.0). Especially with the bundle (plugin) is the RESTful service quite easy.

Any framework can generate forms from database schema?

As titled, in any language. Just do not want to miss any great framework.
CakePHP - scaffolding
Maybe Dynamic Data with ASP.NET? It's very much like scaffolding in CakePHP, which is, in turn, very much like Ruby on Rails scaffolding.
Ruby on Rails and Grails can generate CRUD with their scaffolding.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is a program analysis and transformation engine that is usable on many languages, including SQL, Java, C#, PHP, C++, ...
We have used it specifically to automatically construct the data access layer generation in C# (specificially NHibernate) from SQL DDL. Generating screens (HTML pages, etc.) to match would be pretty easy.

Recommendation required RESTful web services on Linux

Looking for a recommendation of which framework/web server to go with on Linux. The idea is to build database backed RESTful web services.
I know Java, c++, c# (irrelevant I guess on linux) and C. Okay with developing in any of those.
Here is a table of frameworks that have varying degrees of support for REST and the languages they use.
You might want to check out RESTx. It is multi lingual: You can write code in Java, Python (server-side JavaScript coming soon). RESTx is specifically a platform for the creation of RESTful resources and web services. It is NOT a traditional application framework. DB backed web services are actually a specialty of RESTx: You identify the reusable components you want (in this case a JDBC capable DB access component), and then just configure it through the RESTful API or by filling out a small form in a browser. As a result, you get a new RESTful web service, which encapsulates the query you specified when creating the new resource.
I'm the lead developer on RESTx, so if you have any questions, please contact me or visit our forums.
If I were you I would go with Ruby 1.9.2 + Rails 3
they're fun and you get to learn something new
ubuntu specific install guide:
official RoR intro: