Emacs outline view possible in CC mode? - emacs

I'm an Eclipse addict trying to get more comfortable with Emacs for C code. Is there a way to get an outline view of a C file, similar to the view on the right of the image below, in Emacs in CC mode?
(source: eclipse.org)

Check out ECB, the Emacs Code Browser.

Definitely check out Speedbar. That will make a new Emacs frame that can be used as an outline. If you want something in the same frame, check out Sr Speedbar.

ECB is an integration tool that uses Speedbar anyways. It offers a lot more functionality though - the file browser with VC integration is particularly nice IMO. All in all I think that if one needs to make Emacs look more like Eclipse he needs ECB.

Take a look at Speedbar, which will provide this kind of functionality in any mode that has imenu support (including C).


What is the correct way to show menu / help screens in Emacs?

When using tools like Org-mode and Magit the mode will sometimes show help menus. For instance, org-mode export will show a nice menu that accept single keys and then executes some command. In Magit, when looking at the status view it will accept tabs to expand the staged and commit areas.
These areas, for both Git and Org, are nicely placed to take up some portion of the emacs frame that is mostly convenient. How does emacs do choose this?
Additionally, these views are read-only, up until the user presses tab in the case of Magit and the status view. Is there a best practice when creating these views which control editing, but allows the mode to edit the file and present alternative text?
Perhaps the answer is take a look at these function A, B, and C. Which is fine, I'm just learning and experimenting on my own.
Magit in particular is not the simplest introduction to popup buffers in Emacs, but it certainly is sophisticated and a good read. Find magit-popup.el on your machine, for example M-x find-function RET magit-popup-mode-setup. To me, that function looks like a good candidate to start reading that file. You can see the macro magit-define-popup in use for example in magit-push-popup in the file magit-remote.el
In the end, it boils down to opening a new buffer in a new window and give it a dedicated major mode which has all the key-bindings.
Another good candidate is the family of temp-buffer-* functions.
Hope, that gives some pointers to start reading.
An easy way to show menus/help screens à la Magit and org-mode is with Hydras:
It's a short elisp method to write and it will give you a menu like org-mode. For example:
(defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "<f2>")
("g" text-scale-increase "in")
("l" text-scale-decrease "out"))
ps: it's not what org-mode and magit use. Magit's system wasn't re-usable until recently and I don't know how it compares with Hydra. A nice feature of Hydras is that you can tell it to not disappear after a keypress, so than you can press many keys in a row.

How to achieve this in Emacs?

I saw the feature shown and described below in Sublime Text and was curious to know how does one achieve it in Emacs?
A brief description of the feature:
Have a condensed view of the entire code/text file currently opened and highlight the region, in the very same condensed view, which is currently being viewed. Clicking on any part of the condensed view would bring that part in focus.
Although I know, almost certainly, that I would rarely use this feature since it would be, in my view, a estate hog, considering the fact that I have even had my scroll-mode disabled, but still I am curious to know how it can be done in Emacs.
And yeah I went through(skimmed) Sublime's feature list to find the name of the feature, so that I could then try to find it for Emacs, but couldn't. Therefore, another question: What's this feature called?
Original source of the image above.
There is MiniMap package. From EmacsWiki:
Put minimap.el in your load path.
(require 'minimap)
Use M-x minimap-create in a buffer you’re currently editing.
Use M-x minimap-kill to kill the minimap.
Use M-x customize-groupRETminimap RET to adapt minimap to your needs.

Is there a good Emacs mode or method for lex/flex/yacc/bison files?

Editing lex or yacc files with Emacs is a nuisance: if I use C mode the indenting goes wrong, and if I don't use C mode I can't use indenting. Does anyone have a trick, a method, or an editing mode to get around it?
It's not entirely what you want but there is a very excelent Bison mode for Emacs.
This is a better link:
Since Yacc and bison are so closely related I don't find it lacking too much. Though I do most of my work with Antlr anymore.
Looks like Matz (of Ruby fame) wrote a yacc(/bison) mode. Have a look at http://www.rubyist.net/~matz/a/yacc.el
How about this one?
or this one
I generally toggle between Makefile mode, text mode, and C mode depending on which line I am on. If you want better, you should write the mode!

Icons in dired mode for Emacs

I would like to use the dired mode of emacs as my file browser. I am very much addicted to see an icon for file/folder rather that to see the extension and color. The icons give me a very quick visual feedback. I have searched the web for display of icons in dired but found none. So I wonder whether it is even possible to do this and if yes how?
To put my question clearly
How can I display icons for files and folders in dired mode of Emacs?
all-the-icons-dired is a more current solution. Another option that looks quite nice is to use treemacs-icons-dired
I just switched to treemacs-icons-dired and recommend it. Simply install the package and add a mode hook like:
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'treemacs-icons-dired-mode)
If you are using Windows, you can try dired-dispicon.el.
Get the relevant files from here.
See http://wiki.gohome.org/teranisi/?EmacsOnWindows for what it looks like. Note that you will probably need a version of emacs that supports images (e.g. for Windows you could try EmacsW32).
Use the dired-icon extension, which works for GTK (on Linux).
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the extension.

Better control over Emacs windows

I spend a lot of my time in emacs, and for the most part it's wonderful. But one thing really drives me nuts when I'm deep in it, and that's control over which window various new buffers are opened in. When I do find-file, it always opens in the current window, and this is what I like. But tons of other modes like to split my windows for me, change the layout, and do various other things that annoy me. For example running M-x manual-entry seems to have no rhyme or reason about where it opens the manpage, and various org-mode commands do the same thing, closing windows I want to keep open, etc. I don't like having to redo my layout everytime I want to look at my org agenda or open a manpage.
In short, is there anyway to globally control which windows are used for modes that want to open in a window other than the current one? Can I direct them more easily? Or will I have to hack each mode to act the way I want it to?
Try Winner mode:
It provides an undo/redo for changes to the window configuration.
This question has always bugged me too. I found this:
It looks like you can use (setf pop-up-frames t) to make stuff show up in a new frame.
Also, it looks like you can use display-buffer-function to override the display function (how buffers are chosen.) Of course, you'd have to be good at elisp.