How can use a new font in iphone application - iphone

I want to used the particular fonts for my application. But I don't how can use that font that are in the iPhone SDK library.
Any idea how can I do this ?
By the way I want to use hindi and punjabi fonts in it.

The FontLabel open source project provides a means of drawing your own .ttf fonts on the iPhone.

There is currently no official way to do this; but given the presentations of iWork on the iPad, it's possible that the 3.2 SDK adds this.
Edit: Assuming Jasarien is right about this; you'd probably be better off developing for iPhone OS 3.2; as you'll need an iPhone Dev Central membership to publish your applications at any rate; you might as well get started right away.


iOS - How to install a custom font into the iPhone OS (Not just my APP) just like the AnyFont App?

My App uses a custom ancient font for a language that is about to be extinct, interesting right.
Now I am using the custom font thru out my app but I need to install the font into the iOS operating system I hope this is possible so that I can copy and paste text from my app into other apps like email, SMS and especially Facebook otherwise the chars come up as squares because Apple don't even support their unicode.
I think its possible because AnyFont is an app that does that without jailbreaking.
This feature is a crucial feature for users using the app to be able to communicate with the language.
So this would be much appreciated if someone could help me with some hints please.
I am not sure if I need to post code here !.
Thank you,
Kind Regards,
You have to create a configuration profile for each font. With the manual installation by the user of that profile the font will be available for Numbers, Keynote and some others. It's available since iOS 7.
See Apple's reference page for that. Basically, you have to use the Font Payload:
A Font payload lets you add an additional font to an iOS device. Font
payloads are designated by specifying as the
PayloadType value. You can include multiple Font payloads, as needed.
Each payload must contain exactly one font file in TrueType (.ttf)
or OpenType (.otf) format. Collection formats (.ttc or .otc) are not
You can also take a look at here:
If you're using a Mac, you can also checkout Apple's Apple Configurator which allows you to create those MDM profiles too.

Getting an editable text from UIImage of text in Xcode

I want to develop an application in which I capture an image of text (a business card, for example), and now I want it to be scanned and converted into an editable text. Is it possible? Something like optical character recognition.
Here are some examples
OpenCV library for Apple iOS. It includes two XCode projects: one for iPhone, the other one for iPad Try OpenCV with iOS
demo application that utilizes the Tesseract library as a static library compiled under Mac OS 10.6 Try Tesseract with iOS
And Here is good question realte to this.
Hope this information should be useful for you.

Using standard iOS images in UIImageView?

I am looking for a way to use the standard iOS image resources through my application. For instance I would like to place the DisclosureIndicator icon in an image view of mine. How would you go about using the standard resources in iOS?
I believe it would be considered a private API to use iOS resources within your app but I would check out this project art work extractor which will allow you to extract art from existing native iOS applications and you can include them in your project. Be sure to run this in the retina version to get the #2x versions.

PhoneGap: download & save binary files (mp3s) for iPhone & Android

Is there a way in PhoneGap to download & save a binary file (I'm specifically interested in mp3s) that works across both iPhone and Android?
A web search reveals a plugin for Android:
And some code for iPhone:
But nothing that covers both.
PhoneGap has evolved & added this functionality.
I would suggest that you write some lines of javascript code to hide them both behind the same interface (you will have to provide different storage locations anyway)
Their interfaces look pretty similar already

Will all javascript libraries work with Iphone? Aptana question

I am trying to use Aptana to build an IPhone web application. I've never use Aptana. I downloaded the iphone support and started a new project. It is now asking me if I want to import a javascript library and lists the "big ones." Will IPhone's Safari be able to use these, specifically jquery? I saw that jquery had a special iphone library so my guess is no.
Should I tell it to use jquery (or other library) or should I download the special iphone javascript subset manually and try an integrate it in my project?
As far as I know JQuery should work fine on the iPhone. The specific libraries you are talking about must be additions to take advantage of iPhone only features like being able to handle the display orientation event or maybe use the webkit css animation extensions.
Although you will need to be careful with events since most mouse related events on the iPhone behave a little different from what you might expect. This presentation by PPK offers some clues about it:
Yep, iphone should run jquery just fine. The javascript support is surprisingly capable. Although you may want to look at some of the iPhone specific libraries out there. I forget their names. iUI I think?