How to get a 3D picture in an iphone app? - iphone

In an application, i saw that they used to display pictures of vehicles. But what was amazing was when we touch and swipe in that picture, it rotates in 3d way left and right. And from the front view we can rotate and get to see its back view also. It is a very good feature and i was trying to replicate it. But couldnt get an idea of how and where to start. My doubts are
Whats the actual format of the thing, it surely isn't a picture.
How do they get to rotate it?
Could someone give me an idea where i should start or where I should look upon?

Just like the KennyTM told you, OpenGL-ES is the weapon of choice. Take pictures of that object from all the sides you need to show, then use those as textures for the faces of the cube. Got the idea?


Rendering a 3D object from four different angles

I am working on a project where I have to render 4 different sides of a 3D object at the same time on the screen. The output should have 4 different camera outputs rendering the front side, left side, right side and back side of the 3d object.
I found that a gaming engine like Unity may help to do something like this. However, I have just started using Unity and can't figure out how to do it.
Here is the link for some examples. This is how I want the output to look like
Well first of all, welcome to Stackoverflow. And you are right, Unity is an excellent IDE to achieve what you described.
As stated in the FAQ and here, I'm going to give you an answer I deem fitting to your question. I can post the code here in about 30 minutes which does exactly what you asked for, but then we'd miss the point of learning to program and posting at StackOverflow in general. I'll show you the way on how to start on this project, but then you'll have to try yourself. If you have any troubles after trying some more, we can help you with specific problems, provided you have researched some before and show us what you tried.
As to your question, it's relative easy to do so. First create your object in the scene, then drag and place four different Camera-objects in the screen. Using the Camera's Normalized View Port Rect (Four values that indicate where on the screen this camera view will be drawn, in Screen Coordinates (values 0-1)), you can then split up the view to show the feed of each Camera.
This ofcourse happens in a script. You can read here about Scripting in Unity. Even if you are an expert in programming, that link is worth a read when you are new to Unity.
Good luck.

Navigating a view with Gyroscopes - iOS

i'm new to game developing so i might be a little confusing on defining what i need.
Assume i have a wide background picture, much bigger than the screen(e.g.4000*3000px), how should i approach if i want to navigate it with the input from the gyroscopes?
i mean handling the device up, down, left, right and so on.
If you remember the old Mosquitoes game on Symbian i would like to do something similar but without the camera.
However any suggestion is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Use UIScrollView - put your pic inside the scroll view and try to navigate with fingers.
When scroll will be working nice, use this or this or any other tutorial to find out how to use accelerometer.
Finally, when you will be able to collect data from accelerometer, give it to UIScrollView using [myScrollView scrollRectToVisible:myRect animated:YES];
All needed math and physics must be done by you.

Work with iphone camera

I am looking for anyone that can help create some source and a tutorial with me to answer how to create a transparent straight line on iphone camera.
Please , If anyone knows of a tutorial already then pls reply me.
If I understand you correctly, you want to have a live preview of the camera overlays by I more or less transparent line, right ?
Two solution come to my mind:
Build one view that gets the camera input via AvFoundation framework and build another - transparent - view that holds whatever elements you want to display on top of that.
Another solution would be to build one OpenGL view, use the camera input as texture for a background rectangle filling the whole screen and then render your other content on top of that.
If you are looking tutorial for camera overlay you can visit this. It has source code attached too. So you will find easy with that. But pls don't just copy paste try to understand the code when you have time.

Creating a 360 degrees image turntable viewcontroller?

I want to create a 360 degree turntable showing lots of pictures (12, 24 or 36) by controlling that rotation with touch events (like that example but coded for an iOS app natively).
The simplest idea depending on the touch position is to load that specific uiimage.
Any ideas what's the best practice for that? Is there a chance to create that image-turntable with the help of coreanimation faster? Any other hints on that? Any other projects known where I can get some help on that?
Thanks for your time and hints in the right direction.
Here's another example for an ipad-app from the "audi a8".
From the first example it becomes obvious that the objects have actually been photographed for each angle of rotation. This is the really tricky part. You will need a tripod and a camera with remote control, and if possible also a rotational platter to keep angles consistent.
Implementation is relatively straightforward. As you guessed, you just track the touch positions and, depending on delta to the last touch position, show the appropriate image.
well, you can just use the HTML/CSS/JS used in the same example... just load that in an UIWebView in your app and load your site embedded as a resource...
Subclass UIImageView, load array of your frames, handle tap movement over the screen y-axis and change active image accordingly. Don't forget to loop your images. :)

iphone image carousel

I hardly know how to explain my case other than to point to the excellent Absolute vodka app, Drink Spiration.
I am trying to make a carousel like image browsing with a little spice. I would really like to find a simple core animation explanation on how to accomplish something like the above app.
I hope someone can help with this. The solution doesn't have to be exactly the same, but just explain what is happening and it would be best if it was simple and no opengl. Just something to point me in the right direction. I don't think using just a scrollview with uiimageviews is enough.
I wrote something similar and its quite easy once you figure it out in your mind. All done justing using regular old views and animating transforms on them.
Say its 3 images on screen, and you can rotate new ones on and off ... then you will need 5 views set up (most simply just a UIImageView with a relevant image set). They are the currently selected image, the two either side of it and the ones that are, or will be animating on or off when the user flicks left or right.
Each of these 5 images has a position, an angle and an image. When the user flicks left or right each gets animated to the next position and angle, views that are about to come onscreen have their image updated to the next image in the set. If the user keeps on flicking in the same direction you simply reposition views on one side as they come off the other.
With this setup you can do lots of cool carousel like things very simply.