Execute code when Eclipse workbench loads - eclipse

I'm writing an Eclipse plug-in and I've bumped into an issue. Amongst others I'm creating a new custom perspective. I need to execute some code when the workbench loads. I'm using a WorkbenchAdvisor and putting the code in the initialize method. However as it is now it's not being called...
Apparently I need to call this PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(display, new ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor(); but I don't know where to put this... I can't put it in the createInitialLayout of the perspective because this is only called when the perspective is created for the first time.
Any ideas please?
Thanks and regards,

You can use the startup extension point to run code before your plugin is loaded. You should place the extension in an seperate plugin, as all code inside the plugin with the startup extension is loaded after the workbench is started.
The interface to look for is org.eclipse.ui.IStartup.


Missing component tab in blueprint

I can't find the component tabs anymore. It shows here that the component tab is opening but actually it isn't. I've cleared all the window but this tick of components tab still exists. Now my code is broken and I can't link the new tank barrel to the Tank_BP blueprint class. What should I do? Try resetting layout and even reinstall Unreal but it still didn't work. Any help will be appreciated!
Are all actor blueprint editor view all the same as you described? Did the log report some errors about that?
I think maybe there is something wrong with your editor, several ways to solve youre problem:
+ If you are using the installed version(which is installed from Epic Games Launcher),just try to use verify to repair your editor.
verify entry
If you are using the compiled version, just try to debug the blueprint editor module.

Instantiate CompilationUnitEditor for usage in a custom Eclipse plugin

I currently work on a custom Eclipse plugin. The plugin expects the user to type in some Java code, so I want Code Assistance for that. The plugin looks like this so far
https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/findreplace-regular-expressions-and-match-evaluators#group-screenshots .
Now my idea was to instantiate a CompilationUnitEditor, e.g. like this
CompilationUnitEditor javaEditor = new CompilationUnitEditor();
Composite placeWhereINeedToHaveIt = new Composite(...
The problem with above code is that I didn't set the EditorInput (i.e. the CompilationUnit ) for the javaEditor, but there is no public method on CompilationUnitEditor allowing me to do this.
What can I do? Any help is appreciated!
I also would like to have the source code for CompilationUnitEditor in my Eclipse IDE. Right know if I hit Alt+Shift+F1 on an active JavaEditor (activating the Eclipse Spy) and then click on CompilationUnitEditor, the source code isn't shown.

Programmatically affecting load order of perspectives

So, I'm working on an Eclipse Plugin which includes a custom view based on analysis of source code. The majority of the time, it works great. However, if I quit Eclipse with that view open, when I reopen it, it runs into an error with either IWorkbenchWindow.getActivePage() or IWorkbenchPage.getEditorReferences() returning null. This inconsistency seems to be because the view has the focus when Eclipse quits and is the first thing that Eclipse tries to reconstruct on start up. the focus is on a non-window shell (I don't fully understand this, but that's what this said). Is there a workaround so that I can ensure that Eclipse fully loads its IWorkbenchWindow before my custom plugin regardless of what has the focus when Eclipse closes?
You can consider using the site instead: getSite().getPage()...
Tonny Madsen pointed out in the comments that, from within a View, I can access the Active Page from getSite().getPage(), which solved the issues.

Execute code when loading an Eclipse perspective

I'm creating an Eclipse plug-in which amongst other things creates a new perspective. I want to I execute some code when the perspective loads. Previously I was doing this through createInitialLayout of IPerspectiveFactory but then I realized that this is for defining the page layout only and is usually called when when launching the perspective for the first time only.
How can I specify some code to execute whenever the perspective is displayed? (e.g. when it is loaded as the default perspective by Eclipse)
Thanks and regards,
Check the documentation for the IPerspectiveListener interface or the PerspectiveAdapter class, the perspective lifecycle events are explained there.

Eclipse: How debug without source jar?

I am using Eclipse 3.4. I want to be able to put a breakpoint in a line of code that's in a jar for which I dont have the source code and no source code is available. How can I do this?
Even without the source you can view the outlines for classes and from the outline view, set breakpoints on methods.
If you must see some representation of the source, these are both pretty good: http://jadclipse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page and http://java.decompiler.free.fr/
Try this: Bytecode Outline Plugin for Eclipse