How XOR Hash Works + Picking A Key - hash

I've been tasked with implementing an XOR hash for a variable length binary string in Perl; the length can range from 18 up to well over 100. In my understanding of it, I XOR the binary string I have with a key. I've read two different applications of this online:
One of the options is if the length of my key is shorter than the string, I divide up the string into blocks that are the length of the key; these are then all folded together (so the length of the resulting hash would be the length of the key).
I've also read that you just XOR the key across each key-length block of the string (so the resulting hash would be the length of string).
Is one of these more correct than the other? This is for hashing values in an index, so I'm inclined to think the first option (which could produce shorted hashes) would be better.
Finally, is there a good way to generate a sufficiently random key? And is there a good length to choose for the key based on the length of the strings to be hashed?
EDIT: By the way, I am very aware of how bad this hash works. It's strictly for comparison purposes. :)

One other alternative, from here (search for XOR hashing).
Assuming the hash is supposed to be x bytes long, break the message into blocks of x bytes; and xor them together. This is effectively the same as using method 1 with a key of x 0's. (or, alternatively, starting with a key of the first x bytes of the string, and ignoring those first bytes of the string. All manner of fun ways to think about it)
(Also note what is said about XOR hashing, namely that it is bad. Very bad.) (Roughly. It's better then alternatives, but it is not sufficient for a lot of what hashing is used for)
EDIT: One other small thing; if method 1 uses the same key across all binary strings that are hashed; then it doesn't really matter what the key is. xor'ing against a constant is akin to, say, ROT13. <sarcasm>Alternatively, if you use SHA1 to derive a key per string... that might make the XOR hash much better.</sarcasm>
key xor key == 0 //always
key xor (((key xor msg1) xor msg2) xor msg3)
== (msg1 xor msg2 xor msg3)

Generally you want your hash values to all be a consistant length. The second method you describe sounds like encryption where you want to recover your data, the first is a one way hash.

xor is not a really good way to hash:
1 is sort of a hash since you realy cant get the original data back, with or without a key. i suggest using sha2 (224/256/384/512), md5, ripemd160 or whirlpool, if you can
2 is an xor cipher with a repeating key. it is definitely not a hash.
as for generating random numbers, you can find programs that generate irrational numbers in hex (like pi: 3.243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299....)

The first technique can be used to create a quick and dirty hash of the string.
The second technique can be used to create a quick, dirty and terribly insecure symmetric encryption of the string.
If you want a hash, use the first method (or even better, pick an existing hash function off-the-shelf.)
The randomness of the key isn't going to be your biggest issue - the whole technique is insecure.
The longer the key, the more distinct hash values you will get, the less likely you have a collision. It doesn't take long before collisions are very rare for moderately sized data sets.

If you want to perform a 'hash' that only uses XOR, I'd simply split the string up into blocks of some predetermined size X. Don't forget to somehow compensate for when the input string is smaller than X.


Hash that generates Decimal output for Swift

I want to hashed a String into a hashed object which has some numerical values NSNumber/Int as an output instead of alpha-numeric values.
The problem is that after digging through swift and some 3rd party library, I'm not able to find any library that suffices our need.
I'm working on a Chat SDK and it takes NSNumber/Int as unique identifier to co-relate Chat Message and Conversation Message.
My company demand is not to store any addition field onto the database
or change the schema that we have which complicates thing.
A neat solution my team came with was some sort of hashed function that generates number.
func userIdToConversationNumber(id:String) -> NSNumber
We can use that function to convert String to NSNumber/Int. This Int should be produced by that function and probability of colliding should be negligible. Any suggestion on any approach.
The key calculation you need to perform is the birthday bound. My favorite table is the one in Wikipedia, and I reference it regularly when I'm designing systems like this one.
The table expresses how many items you can hash for a given hash size before you have a certain expectation of a collision. This is based on a perfectly uniform hash, which a cryptographic hash is a close approximation of.
So for a 64-bit integer, after hashing 6M elements, there is a 1-in-a-million chance that there was a single collision anywhere in that list. After hashing 20M elements, there is a 1-in-a-thousand chance that there was a single collision. And after 5 billion elements, you should bet on a collision (50% chance).
So it all comes down to how many elements you plan to hash and how bad it is if there is a collision (would it create a security problem? can you detect it? can you do anything about it like change the input data?), and of course how much risk you're willing to take for the given problem.
Personally, I'm a 1-in-a-million type of person for these things, though I've been convinced to go down to 1-in-a-thousand at times. (Again, this is not 1:1000 chance of any given element colliding; that would be horrible. This is 1:1000 chance of there being a collision at all after hashing some number of elements.) I would not accept 1-in-a-million in situations where an attacker can craft arbitrary things (of arbitrary size) for you to hash. But I'm very comfortable with it for structured data (email addresses, URLs) of constrained length.
If these numbers work for you, then what you want is a hash that is highly uniform in all its bits. And that's a SHA hash. I'd use a SHA-2 (like SHA-256) because you should always use SHA-2 unless you have a good reason not to. Since SHA-2's bits are all independent of each other (or at least that's its intent), you can select any number of its bits to create a shorter hash. So you compute a SHA-256, and take the top (or bottom) 64-bits as an integer, and that's your hash.
As a rule, for modest sized things, you can get away with this in 64 bits. You cannot get away with this in 32 bits. So when you say "NSNumber/Int", I want you to mean explicitly "64-bit integer." For example, on a 32-bit platform, Swift's Int is only 32 bits, so I would use UInt64 or uint64_t, not Int or NSInteger. I recommend unsigned integers here because these are really unique bit patterns, not "numbers" (i.e. it is not meaningful to add or multiply them) and having negative values tends to be confusing in identifiers unless there is some semantic meaning to it.
Note that everything said about hashes here is also true of random numbers, if they're generated by a cryptographic random number generator. In fact, I generally use random numbers for these kinds of problems. For example, if I want clients to generate their own random unique IDs for messages, how many bits do I need to safely avoid collisions? (In many of my systems, you may not be able to use all the bits in your value; some may be used as flags.)
That's my general solution, but there's an even better solution if your input space is constrained. If your input space is smaller than 2^64, then you don't need hashing at all. Obviously, any Latin-1 string up to 8 characters can be stored in a 64-bit value. But if your input is even more constrained, then you can compress the data and get slightly longer strings. It only takes 5 bits to encode 26 symbols, so you can store a 12 letter string (of a single Latin case) in a UInt64 if you're willing to do the math. It's pretty rare that you get lucky enough to use this, but it's worth keeping in the back of your mind when space is at a premium.
I've built a lot of these kinds of systems, and I will say that eventually, we almost always wind up just making a longer identifier. You can make it work on a small identifier, but it's always a little complicated, and there is nothing as effective as just having more bits.... Best of luck till you get there.
Yes, you can create a hashes that are collision resistant using a cryptographic hash function. The output of such a hash function is in bits if you follow the algorithms specifications. However, implementations will generally only return bytes or an encoding of the byte values. A hash does not return a number, as other's have indicated in the comments.
It is relatively easy to convert such a hash into a number of 32 bites such as an Int or Int32. You just take the leftmost bytes of the hash and interpret those to be an unsigned integer.
However, a cryptographic hash has a relatively large output size precisely to make sure that the chance of collisions is small. Collisions are prone to the birthday problem, which means that you only have to try about 2 to the power of hLen divided by 2 inputs to create a collision within the generated set. E.g. you'd need 2^80 tries to create a collision of RIPEMD-160 hashes.
Now for most cryptographic hashes, certainly the common ones, the same rule counts. That means that for 32 bit hash that you'd only need 2^16 hashes to be reasonably sure that you have a collision. That's not good, 65536 tries are very easy to accomplish. And somebody may get lucky, e.g. after 256 tries you'd have a 1 in 256 chance of a collision. That's no good.
So calculating a hash value to use it as ID is fine, but you'd need the full output of a hash function, e.g. 256 bits of SHA-2 to be very sure you don't have a collision. Otherwise you may need to use something line a serial number instead.

Hash UUIDs without requiring ordering

I have two UUIDs. I want to hash them perfectly to produce a single unique value, but with a constraint that f(m,n) and f(n,m) must generate the same hash.
UUIDs are 128-bit values
the hash function should have no collisions - all possible input pairings must generate unique hash values
f(m,n) and f(n,m) must generate the same hash - that is, ordering is not important
I'm working in Go, so the resulting value must fit in a 256-bit int
the hash does not need to be reversible
Can anyone help?
Concatenate them with the smaller one first.
To build on user2357112's brilliant solution and boil down the comment chain, let's consider your requirements one by one (and out of order):
No collisions
Technically, that's not a hash function. A hash function is about mapping heterogeneous, arbitrary length data inputs into fixed-width, homogenous outputs. The only way to accomplish that if the input is longer than the output is through some data loss. For most applications, this is tolerable because the hash function is only used as a fast lookup key and the code falls back onto the slower, complete comparison of the data. That's why many guides and languages insist that if you implement one, you must implement the other.
Fortunately, you say:
Two UUID inputs m and n
UUIDs are 128 bits each
Output of f(m,n) must be 256 bits or less
Combined your two inputs are exactly 256 bits, which means you do not have to lose any data. If you needed a smaller output, then you would be out of luck. As it is, you can concatenate the two numbers together and generate a perfect, unique representation.
f(m,n) and f(n,m) must generate the same hash
To accomplish this final requirement, make a decision on the concatenation order by some intrinsic value of the two UUIDs. The suggested smaller-first works just great. However...
The hash does not need to be reversible
If you specifically need irreversible hashing, that's a different question entirely. You could still use the less-than comparison to ensure order independence when feeding to a cryptographically hash function, but you would be hard pressed to find something that guaranteed no collisions even with fixed-width inputs a 256 bit output width.

Checking for string matches using hashes, without double-checking the entire string

I'm trying to check if two strings are identical as quickly as possible. Can I protect myself from hash collisions without also comparing the entire string?
I've got a cache of items that are keyed by a string. I store the hash of the string, the length of the string, and the string itself. (I'm currently using djb2 to generate the hash.)
To check if an input string is a match to an item in the cache, I compute the input's hash, and compare it to the stored hash. If that matches, I compare the length of the input (which I got as a side effect of computing the hash) to the stored length. Finally, if that matches, I do a full string comparison of the input and the stored string.
Is it necessary to do that full string comparison? For example, is there a string hashing algorithm that can mathematically guarantee that no two strings of the same length will generate the same hash? If not, can an algorithm guarantee that two different strings of the same length will generate different hash codes if any of the first N characters differ?
Basically, any string comparison scheme that offers O(1) performance when the strings differ but better than O(n) performance when they match would be an improvement over what I'm doing now.
For example, is there a string hashing algorithm that can mathematically guarantee that no two strings of the same length will generate the same hash?
No, and there can't be. Think about it: The hash has a finite length, but the strings do not. Say for argument's sake that the hash is 32-bits. Can you create more than 2 billion unique strings with the same length? Of course you can - you can create an infinite number of unique strings, so comparing the hashes is not enough to guarantee uniqueness. This argument scales to longer hashes.
If not, can an algorithm guarantee that two different strings of the same length will generate different hash codes if any of the first N characters differ?
Well, yes, as long as the number of bits in the hash is as great as the number of bits in the string, but that's probably not the answer you were looking for.
Some of the algorithms used for cyclic redundancy checks have guarantees like if there's exactly one bit different then the CRC is guaranteed to be different over a certain run length of bits, but that only works for relatively short runs.
You should be safe from collisions if you use a modern hashing function such as one of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) variants.

Is a hash result ever the same as the source value?

This is more of a cryptography theory question, but is it possible that the result of a hash algorithm will ever be the same value as the source? For example, say I have a string:
If I get the SHA1 hash on it, the result is:
In theory, is there ever a case where these two values would match? I'm not asking about SHA1 specifically here - it's just my example. I'm just wondering if hashing algorithms are built in such a way as to prevent this.
Well, it would depend on the hashing algorithm - but I'd be surprised to see anything explicitly prevent this. After all, it really shouldn't matter.
I suspect it's very unlikely to happen, of course (for cryptographic hashes)... but even if it does, that shouldn't cause a problem.
For non-crypto hashes (used in hash tables etc) it would be perfectly reasonable to return the source value in some cases. For example, in Java, Integer.hashCode() just returns the embedded value.
Sure, the Python hashing algorithm for integers returns the value of the integer. So hash(1) == 1.
Given a good hashing algorithm, one that returns a seemingly random output, I believe there should be on average one input that gives itself as the output. Let's say the hash can give N possible outputs. That means there are N possible inputs for which this is possible. For each of those, the odds of the output matching the input is 1/N, so there the expected number of fixed points is N*1/N, or 1.
A hash function might be defined to avoid ‘fixed points’ where hash(x)==x, but your hash-quine differs a little in that you're taking the string representation in hex of the hash rather than the raw binary. It would, I think, be infeasible to design a hash that could frustrate that, and it's mathematically less interesting since it depends on the arbitrary mapping of 0-F to ASCII character codes.
See Is there an MD5 Fixed Point where md5(x) == x? for a discussion about fixed points in MD5. The probability calculation would be equally true for hex hash-quines and any other hash function with 128 bits of output.

What are the important points about cryptographic hash functions?

I was reading this question on MD5 hash values and the accepted answer confuses me. One of the main properties, as I understand it, of a cryptopgraphic hash function is that it is infeasible to find two different messages (inputs) with the same hash value.
Yet the consensus answer to the question Why aren't MD5 hash values reversible? is Because an infinite number of input strings will generate the same output. This seems completely contradictory to me.
Also, what perplexes me somewhat is the fact that the algorithms are public, yet the hash values are still irreversible. Is this because there is always data loss in a hash function so there's no way to tell which data was thrown away?
What happens when the input data size is smaller than the fixed output data size (e.g., hashing a password "abc")?
OK, let me see if I have this straight:
It is really, really hard to infer the input from the hash because there are an infinite amount of input strings that will generate the same output (irreversible property).
However, finding even a single instance of multiple input strings that generate the same output is also really, really hard (collision resistant property).
Warning: Long answer
I think all of these answers are missing a very important property of cryptographic hash functions: Not only is it impossible to compute the original message that was hashed to get a given hash, it's impossible to compute any message that would hash to a given hash value. This is called preimage resistance.
(By "impossible" - I mean that no one knows how to do it in less time than it takes to guess every possible message until you guess the one that was hashed into your hash.)
(Despite popular belief in the insecurity of MD5, MD5 is still preimage resistant. Anyone who doesn't believe me is free to give me anything that hashes to 2aaddf751bff2121cc51dc709e866f19. What MD5 doesn't have is collision resistance, which is something else entirely.)
Now, if the only reason you can't "work backwards" in a cryptographic hash function was because the hash function discards data to create the hash, then it would not guarantee preimage resistance: You can still "work backwards", and just insert random data wherever the hash function discards data, and while you wouldn't come up with the original message, you'd still come up with a message that hashes to the desired hash value. But you can't.
So the question becomes: Why not? (Or, in other words, how do you make a function preimage resistant?)
The answer is that cryptographic hash functions simulate chaotic systems. They take your message, break it into blocks, mix those blocks around, have some of the blocks interact with each other, mix those blocks around, and repeat that a lot of times (well, one cryptographic hash function does that; others have their own methods). Since the blocks interact with each other, block C not only has to interact with block D to produce block A, but it has to interact with block E to produce block B. Now, sure, you can find values of blocks C, D, E that would produce the blocks A and B in your hash value, but as you go further back, suddenly you need a block F that interacts with C to make D, and with E to make B, and no such block can do both at the same time! You must have guessed wrong values for C, D, and E.
While not all cryptographic hash functions are exactly as described above with block interaction, they have the same idea: That if you try to "work backwards", you're going to end up with a whole lot of dead ends, and the time it takes for you to try enough values to generate a preimage is on the order of hundreds to millions of years (depending on the hash function), not much better than the time it would take just to try messages until you find one that works.
1: The primary purpose of a hash is to map a very, very large space to a smaller but still very large space (e.g., MD5, which will take 'anything' and convert it into a space of size 2^128 -- big, but not nearly as big as aleph-0.)
In addition to other features, good hashes fill the destination space homogeneously. Bad hashes fill the space in a clumpy fashion, coming up with the same hash for many common inputs.
Imagine the idiotic hash function sum(), which just adds all the digits of the input number: it succeeds in mapping down, but there are a bunch of collisions (inputs with the same output, like 3 and 12 and 21) at the low end of the output space and the upper end of the space is nearly empty. As a result it makes very poor use of the space, is easy to crack, etc.
So a good hash that makes even use of the destination space will make it difficult to find two inputs with the same output, just by the odds: if MD5 were perfect, the odds that two inputs would have the same output would be 2^-128. That's pretty decent odds: the best you can do without resorting to a larger output space. (In truth MD5 isn't perfect, which is one of the things that makes it vulnerable.)
But it will still be true that a huge number of inputs will map to any given hash, because the input space is 'infinite', and dividing infinity by 2^128 still gives you infinity.
2: Yes, hashes always cause data loss, except in the case where your output space is the same as, or larger than, your input space -- and in that case you probably didn't need to hash!
3: For smaller inputs, best practice is to salt the input. Actually, that's good practice for any cryptographic hashing, because otherwise an attacker can feed you specific inputs and try to figure out which hash you are using. 'Salt' is just a set of additional information that you append (or prepend) to your input; you then hash the result.
edit: In cryptography, it is also important that the hash function is resistant to preimage attacks, intuitively, that is hard to guess the input for a given output even knowing many other input/output pairs. The "sum" function could probably be guessed rather easily (but since it destroys data still might not be easy to reverse).
You may be confused, because the answer to the question you cite is confusing.
One of the requirements for a cryptographic hash function is that it should be preimage resistant. That is, if you know MD5(x) but not the message x, then it is difficult to find any x' (either equal x or different from x) such that MD5(x') = MD5(x).
Being preimage resistant is a different property than being reversible. A function is reversible if given y = f(x) there is exactly one x which fits (whether this is easy or not). For example define f(x) = x mod 10.
Then f is not reversible. From f(x) = 7 you can't determine whether x was 17, 27 or something else. But f is not preimage resistant, since values x' such that f(x) = 7 are easy to find. x' = 17, 27, 12341237 etc all work.
When doing crypto you usually need functions that are preimage resistant (and other properties such as collision resistance), not just something that is not reversible.
These are the properties of hash functions in general.
A word of caution though, MD5 shouldn't be used anymore because of vulnerabilities that have been found in it. Check the 'Vulnerabilities' section and external links detailing these attacks. You can make an MD5 collision by changing only 128 bits in a message.
SHA-1 is safe for simple hashing although there are some attacks that would make it weaker against well-funded entities (Governments, large corporations)
SHA-256 is a safe starting point against technology for the next couple decades.
Yet the consensus answer to the question "why aren't MD5 hash values reversible?" is because "an infinite number of input strings will generate the same output."
This is true for any hash function, but it is not the essence of a cryptographic hash function.
For short input strings such as passwords it is theoretically possible to reverse a cryptographic hash function, but it ought to be computationally infeasible. I.e. your computation would run too long to be useful.
The reason for this infeasibility is that the input is so thoroughly "mixed together" in the hash value that it becomes impossible to disentangle it with any less effort than the brute force attack of computing the hash value for all inputs
"why aren't MD5 hash values reversible?" is because "an infinite number of input strings >will generate the same output"
this is the reason that it isn't possible to reverse the hash function (get the same input).
cryptographic hash functions are collision resistant, that means that it's also hard to find another input value that maps to the same output (if your hash function was mod 2 : 134 mod 2 = 0; now you can't get the 134 back from the result, but we can stil find number 2 with the same output value (134 and 2 collide)).
When the input is smaller than the block size, padding is used to fit it to the block size.