What happens after you reach the Salesforce daily Email limit? - email

In Salesforce you can set up various workflow processes or build API apps that send email. For most standard Salesforce orgs, there is a limit of 1000 emails per day. (e.g. see here)
I can't find any info on what happens after you reach the limit.
e.g. what sort of errors occur, and are administrators automatically notified?

It'll throw an exception (I can't remember the exact message). I've gotten these from time to time and I think they can't be caught. A quick way to check would be create an anonymous block with an isFuture method that sends 10 emails inside of a loop. Call this isFuture method inside of another loop (also 10x) and you'll send 100 emails without hitting governor limits.
Of course you'll have to run your code 11x to get the email exception. This is a pretty shite way to do it, but it's better than clicking a button 1000x.


How to fix the quota problem of email wotj G Suite account?

I have some a script with trigger set up to send emails daily with GSuite account (about 10 triggers to send about 15 email in total per day, average 6 recipients/email.
However, last few days, I got the alert:
Exception: Service invoked too many times for one day: email
when running the script by trigger or by manually.
I do not think I hit the quota of sending email daily of Google. This morning, when I check the quota remaining by function MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota(), I only get 4 email remaining. I do not know what happened.
Is there anyone could please help me to solve this problem?
This is the alert I receive:
Your script, AutomaticSendingEmail, has recently failed to finish
successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure
the triggers for this script, or change your setting for receiving
future failure notifications, click here.
Start Function Error Message Trigger End
6/13/20 3:59 PM send_overtimerequest_email Exception: Service invoked too many times for one day: email. time-based 6/13/20 3:59 PM
Looking at the page for Apps Script quotas it does specify that the limitations per day is counting recipient (100 recipient/day), so in this case you have no much option. Make sure that you are using the correct account because the limitation for G Suite accounts are 1500 recipient/day. Also check out if this may be applying to you right now:
Note: Newly created G Suite domains are subject to the consumer limit for the first billing cycle if they have six or more users, or several billing cycles if they have fewer users. For more information, see the Help Center page on sending limits.
A workaround that I would suggest is to have a service account and use Domain Wide Delegation to impersonate and user then make use of the Gmal API

What to do if a RESTful api is only partly successful

In our design we have something of a paradox. We have a database of projects. Each project has a status. We have a REST api to change a project from “Ready” status to “Cleanup” status. Two things must happen.
update the status in the database
send out an email to the approvers
Currently RESTful api does 1, and if that is successful, do 2.
But sometimes the email fails to send. But since (1) is already committed, it is not possible to rollback.
I don't want to send the email prior to commit, because I want to make sure the commit is successful before sending the email.
I thought about undoing step 1, but that is very hard. The status change involves adding new records to the history table, so I need to delete them. And if another person make other changes concurrently, the undo might get messed up.
So what can I do? If (2) fails, should I return “200 OK” to the client?
Seems like the best option is to return “500 Server Error” with error message that says “The project status was changed. However, sending the email to the approvers failed. Please take appropriate action.”
Perhaps I should not try to do 1 + 2 in a single operation? But that just puts the burden on the client, which is worse!
Just some random thoughts:
You can have a notification sent status flag along with a datetime of submission. When an email is successful then it flips, if not then it stays. When changes are submitted then your code iterates through ALL unsent notifications and tries to send. No idea what backend db you are suing but I believe many have the functionality to send emails as well. You could have a scheduled Job (SQL Server Agent for MSSQL) that runs hourly and tries to send if the datetime of the submission is lapsed a certain amount or starts setting off alarms if it fails as well.
If ti is that insanely important then maybe you could integrate a third party service such as sendgrid to run as a backup sending mech. That of course would be more $$ though...
Traditionally I've always separated functions like this into a backend worker process that handles this kind of administrative tasking stuff across many different applications. Some notifications get sent out every morning. Some get sent out every 15 minutes. Some are weekly summaries. If I run into a crash and burn then I light up the event log and we are (lucky/unlucky) enough to have server monitoring tools that alert us on specified application events.

Facebook Graph - What is the limit to send private messages from page to users?

I am developing a chat robot that works with private messages on facebook. The person sends a private message to a page that I own, and then I will send an answer for each message.
Everything is working, but I need to be sure facebook won't complain about the amount of messages I will send. This application will receive a lot of interactions at the same time, but in some early tests one of my messages were received like that:
I am now using Batch Requests to send all messages, on an interval of 15s.
Do someone know some way to test it with multiple users and multiple messages at the same time? How the process of identification of spam messages work on facebook? How many messages can I send at the same time and in what time range to prevent that kind of behaviour?
There is no set limit or guideline on volume.
But really volume should not be the issue. There's a huge number of factors that is taken into account to determine if a message is spam... too many to discuss here. But you can assume basics: the content of the messages, the volume per user in a given time period, the content variation per user, has this app been flagged as spammy before, by how many users, etc. I would say its reasonable to assume your test user is probably going to be triggered as spammy because you're likely using it far far more than the average user would.
So, in short: it depends entirely on what exactly you're doing every 15 seconds.
Tip (although I cannot verify it): if you are trying to batch send a message to a number of users at once, without them very recently contacting you, you're probably gonna be flagged as spammy.

Multiple emails from PHP application using Gmail SMTP

I am working on an application which need to notify around 100 people at once when a specific condition is met. Now when a user who is performing the action which results in the specific condition need to wait till all 100 emails are sent which takes quite long using Gmail SMTP. The application is built on top of Cake PHP.
My question is whether there is a way application can send 100 emails without blocking the user whose action results in meeting the specific condition.
To make my question clear, think of Groupon. It sends notification to all buyers when minimum numbers of buyers are met. So when the nth person make the purchase, Google sends the notification.One way is to notify all buyers immediately after the purchase is complete (which is what we are doing n context of our application) and probably other way is to wait and send the notification using an external script/app at a pre-defined time.
In case of former, the application would block while sending emails is complete. Since PHP deosn't support multi-threading, I was wondering if there is an easy way to make this operation asynchoronous so it doesn't affect main application flow.
You could put the notification in a queue, and use a cronjob that checks and sends notifications every 5 minutes. That way your user isn't locked up while the operation happens.
I'm not 100% sure, but you might be able to use an ajax call too, which would keep the user free to carry on after the request is sent.

Real time App with Facebook

Does Facebook provide access to any real time APIs so that you can respond to events as soon as they happen? If not, what alternatives are there and what are their limitations? For example, if I use polling instead, will they limit my api calls? And if I try using RSS feeds, about how much delay can I expect? Or maybe it would be possible to receive and process email notifications (if I could convince a user to forward mail to another email address), as they seem to be dispatched pretty promptly.
I've never tried polling user data, but I think it will work without issues. As far as I know there are no restrictions on the number of API calls you can make on facebook.
As far as the Queries are concerned, what I have seen and I think this is how they implement it. If your query asks for too much data(takes too much time to process is how they measure this I think) - the query will just fail.
eg: I had this app that would pull all the status messages of all the friends of the user and display it in one place. I first queried for all the friends of the user - this worked okay. But at the same time if I ran a loop to get all the status messages for each friend - it would just fail.
I think you can call individual queries without issues, just be careful you query only data you need, cause, if the queries are too big or too many they will just fail. Best way to findout is running tests yourself.
The Facebook Graph API will allow you to subscribe to real time changes. You can currently only subscribe to users, permissions and errors, but they promise to allow subscribing to more objects in the future.