How can I create a new file using a variable value as the name in Perl? - perl

$variable = "10000";
for($i=0; $i<3;$i++)
$file = $variable."."."txt";
open output,'>$file' or die "Can't open the output file!";
This doesn't work. Please suggest a new way.

Everyone here has it right, you are using single quotes in your call to open. Single quotes do not interpolate variables into the quoted string. Double quotes do.
my $foo = 'cat';
print 'Why does the dog chase the $foo?'; # prints: Why does the dog chase the $foo?
print "Why does the dog chase the $foo?"; # prints: Why does the dog chase the cat?
So far, so good. But, the others have neglected to give you some important advice about open.
The open function has evolved over the years, as has the way that Perl works with filehandles. In the old days, open was always called with the mode and the file name combined in the second argument. The first argument was always a global filehandle.
Experience showed that this was a bad idea. Combining the mode and the filename in one argument created security problems. Using global variables, well, is using global variables.
Since Perl 5.6.0 you can use a 3 argument form of open that is much more secure, and you can store your filehandle in a lexically scoped scalar.
open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Can't open $file - $!\n";
print $fh "Goes into the file\n";
There are many nice things about lexical filehandles, but one excellent property is that they are automatically closed when their refcount drops to 0 and they are destroyed. There is no need to explicitly close them.
Something else worth noting is that it is considered by most of the Perl community that it is a good idea to always use the strict and warnings pragmas. Using them helps catch many bugs early in the development process and can be a huge time saver.
use strict;
use warnings;
for my $base ( 10_001..10_003 ) {
my $file = "$base.txt";
print "file: $file\n";
open my $fh,'>', $file or die "Can't open the output file: $!";
# Do stuff with handle.
I simplified your code a bit too. I used the range operator to generate your base numbers for the file names. Since we are working with numbers and not strings, I was able to use the _, as the thousands separator to improve readability without impacting the final result. Finally, I used an idiomatic perl for loop instead of the C style for you had.
I hope you find this helpful.

use double quotes: ">$file". single quotes will not interpolate your variable.
$variable = "10000";
for($i=0; $i<3;$i++)
$file = $variable."."."txt";
print "file: $file\n";
open $output,">$file" or die "Can't open the output file!";

The problem is that you're using single quotes for the second argument to open, and single-quoted strings do not interpolate variables mentioned in them. Perl interpreted your code as though you wanted to open a file that really had a dollar sign for the first character of its name. (Check your disk; you should see an empty file named $file there.)
You can avoid the issue by using the three-argument version of open:
open output, '>', $file
Then the file-name argument can't accidentally interfere with the open-mode argument, and there's no unnecessary variable interpolation or concatenation.

$variable = "10000";
for($i=0; $i<3;$i++)
$file = $variable . 'txt';
open output,'>$file' or die "Can't open the output file!";
this works
2.txt and so on ..

Use a file handle:
my $file = "whatevernameyouwant";
open (MYFILE, ">>$file");
print MYFILE "Bob\n";
close (MYFILE);
print '$file' yields $file, whereas print "$file" yields whatevernameyouwant.

You almost have it right, but there are a couple of issues.
1 - You need to use double quotes around the file you're opening.
open output,">$file" or die[...]
2 - Minor niggles, you don't close the files afterwards.
I'd rewrite your code something like this:
$variable = "1000";
for($i=0; $i<3;$i++) {
$file = $variable."."."txt";
open output,">$file" or die "Can't open the output file!";


How to match and find common based on substring from two files?

I have two files. File1 contains list of email addresses. File2 contains list of domains.
I want to filter out all the email addresses after matching exact domain using Perl script.
I am using below code, but I don't get correct result.
#use strict;
#use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $file1 = "/home/user/domain_file" or die " FIle not found\n";
my $file2 = "/home/user/email_address_file" or die " FIle not found\n";
my $match = open(MATCH, ">matching_domain") || die;
open(my $data1, '<', $file1) or die "Could not open '$file1' $!\n";
my #wrd = <$data1>;
chomp #wrd;
# loop on the fiile to be searched
open(my $data2, '<', $file2) or die "Could not open '$file2' $!\n";
while(my $line = <$data2>) {
chomp $line;
foreach (#wrd) {
if($line =~ /\#$_$/) {
print MATCH "$line\n";
Expected output
First off, since you seem to be on *nix, you might want to check out grep -f, which can take search patterns from a given file. I'm no expert in grep, but I would try the file and "match whole words" and this should be fairly easy.
Second: Your Perl code can be improved, but it works as expected. If you put the emails and domains in the files as indicated by your code. It may be that you have mixed the files up.
If I run your code, fixing only the paths, and keeping the domains in file1, it does create the file matching_domain and it contains your expected output:
So I don't know what you think your problem is (because you did not say). Maybe you were expecting it to print output to the terminal. Either way, it does work, but there are things to fix.
#use strict;
#use warnings;
It is a huge mistake to remove these two. Biggest mistake you will ever do while coding Perl. It will not remove your errors, just hide them. You will spend 10 times as much time bug fixing. Uncomment this as your first thing you do to fix this.
use feature 'say';
You never use this. You could for example replace print MATCH "$line\n" with say MATCH $line, which is slightly more concise.
my $file1 = "/home/user/domain_file" or die " FIle not found\n";
my $file2 = "/home/user/email_address_file" or die " FIle not found\n";
This is very incorrect. You are placing a condition on the creation of a variable. If the condition fails, does the variable exist? Don't do this. I assume this is to check if the file exists, but that is not what this does. To check if a file exists, you can use -e, documented as perldoc "-X" (various file tests).
Furthermore, a statement in the form of a string, "/home/user..." is TRUE ("truthy"), as far as Perl conditions are concerned. It is only false if it is "0" (zero), "" (empty) or undef (undefined). So your or clause will never be executed. E.g. "foo" or die will never die.
Lastly, this test is quite meaningless, as you will be testing this in your open statement later on anyway. If the file does not exist, the open will fail and your program will die.
my $match = open(MATCH, ">matching_domain") || die;
This is also very incorrect. First off, you never use the $match variable. Secondly, I bet it does not contain what you think it does. (it contains a boolean which states whether open was successful or not, see perldoc -f open) Thirdly, again, don't put conditions on my declarations of variables, it is a bad idea.
What this statement really means is that $match will contain either the return value of the open, or the return value of die. This should probably be simply:
open my $match, ">", "matching_domain" or die "Cannot open '$match': $!;
Also, use the three argument open with explicit open MODE, and use lexical file handles, like you have done elsewhere.
And one more thing on top of all the stuff I've already badgered you with: I don't recommend hard coding output files for small programs like this. If you want to redirect the output, use shell redirection: perl > output.txt. I think this is what has prompted you to think something is wrong with your code: You don't see the output.
Other than that, your code is fine, as near as I can tell. You may want to chomp the lines from the domain file, but it should not matter. Also remember that indentation is a good thing, and it helps you read your code. I mentioned this in a comment, but it was removed for some reason. It is important though.
Good luck!
This assumes that the lines labeled File1 are in the file pointed to by $file1 and the lines labeled File2 are in the file pointed to by $file2.
You have your variables swapped. You want to match what is in $line against $_, not the other way around:
# loop on the file to be searched
open( my $data2, '<', $file2 ) or die "Could not open '$file2' $!\n";
while ( my $line = <$data2> ) {
chomp $line;
foreach (#wrd) {
if (/\#$line$/) {
print MATCH "$_\n";
You should un-comment the warnings and strict lines:
use strict;
use warnings;
warnings shows you that the or die checks are not really working the way you intended in the file name assignment statements. Just use :
my $file1 = "/home/user/domain_file";
my $file2 = "/home/user/email_address_file";
You are already doing the checks where they belong (on open).

Replace multiple lines in text file

I have text files containing the text below (amongst other text)
DIFF_COEFF= 1.000e+07,1.000e+07,1.000e+07,1.000e+07,
and I need to replace it with the following text:
DIFF_COEFF= 2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,
Each line above corresponds to a new line in the text file.
After some googling, I thought making use of Perl in the following might work, but it did not. I got the error message
Illegal division by zero at -e line 1, <> chunk 1
s_new='DIFF_COEFF= 2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,\n2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,\n2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,\n2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,\n2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,\n2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,2.000e+07,8.000e+05,'
perl -0 -i -pe "s:\Q${s_orig}\E:${s_new}:/igs" file.txt
Does anyone here know the right way to do this?
Edit - some more details: the text after this block is "DIFF_COEFF_Q=" followed by the same set of numbers, so I need to search for and replace the specific lines shown. The text files are not very large in size.
Copy the file over to a new one, except that within the range of text between these markers drop the replacement text instead. Then move that file to replace the original, as it may be needed judging by the attempted perl -0 -i in the question.
Note that when changing a file we have to build new content and then replace the file. There are a few ways to do this and modules that make it easier, shown further below.
The code below uses the range operator and the fact that it returns the counter for lines within the range, 1 for the first and the number ending with E0 for the last. So we don't copy lines inside that region while we write the replacement text (and the post-region-end marker) on the last line.
I consider the region of interest to end right before DIFF_COEFF_Q= line, per the question edit.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use File::Copy 'move';
my $replacement = "replacement text";
my $file = 'input.txt';
my $out_file = 'new_' . $file;
open my $fh_out, '>', $out_file or die "Can't open $out_file: $!";
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
while (<$fh>)
if (my $range_cnt = /^\s*DIFF_COEFF\s*=/ .. /^\s*DIFF_COEFF_Q\s*=/) #/
if ($range_cnt =~ /E0$/)
print $fh_out $replacement; # may need a newline
print $fh_out $_;
else {
print $fh_out $_;
close $fh or die "Can't close $file: $!"; # don't overwrite original
close $fh_out or die "Can't close $out_file: $!"; # if there are problems
#move $out_file, $file or die "Can't move $file to $out_file: $!";
Uncomment the move line once this has been tested well enough on your actual files, if you want to replace the original. You may or may not need a newline after $replacement, depending on it.
An alternative is to use flags for entering/leaving that range. But this won't be cleaner since there are two distinct actions, to stop copying when entering the range and write replacement when leaving. Thus multiple flags need be set and checked, what may end up messier.
If the files can't ever be huge it is simpler to read and process the file in memory. Then open the same file for writing and dump the new content
my $text = do { # slurp file into a scalar
local $/;
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
$text =~ s/^\s*DIFF_COEFF\s*=.*?(\n\s*DIFF_COEFF_Q)/$replacement$1/ms;
# Change $out_file to $file to overwrite
open my $fh_out, '>', $out_file or die "Can't open $out_file: $!";
print $fh_out $text;
Here /m modifier is for multiline mode in which we can use ^ for the beginning of a line (not the whole string), what is helpful here. The /s makes . match a newline, too. Also note that we can slurp a file with Path::Tiny as simply as: my $text = path($file)->slurp;
Another option is to use Path::Tiny, which in newer versions has edit and edit_lines methods
use Path::Tiny;
# NOTE: edits $file in place (changes it)
sub { s/DIFF_COEFF=.*?(\n\s*DIFF_COEFF_Q)/$replacement$1/s }
For more on this see, for example, this post and this post and this post.
The first and last way change the inode number of the file. See this post if that is a problem.
It's an interesting error that you've made and I can see what has led you to make it. But I don't think I've ever seen anyone else make the same mistake :-)
Your substitution statement is this:
So you've decided to use : as the delimiter of the substitution operator. But you want to use the options i, g and s and everywhere you've seen people talk about options on a substitution operator, they talk about using / to introduce the options. So you've added /igs to your substitution operator.
But what you've missed (and I completely understand why) is that the / that comes before the options is actually the closing delimiter of the standard, s/.../.../, version of the substitution operator. If you change the delimiter (as you have done) then your altered closing delimiter is all you need.
In your case, Perl doesn't expect the / as it has already seen the closing delimiter. It, therefore, decides that the / is a division operator and tries to divide the result of your substitution by igs. It interprets igs as zero and you get your error.
The fix is to remove that / so:

Perl script find and replace not working?

I am trying to create a script in Perl to replace text in all HTML files in a given directory. However, it is not working. Could anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?
my #files = glob "ACM_CCS/*.html";
foreach my $file (#files)
open(FILE, $file) || die "File not found";
my #lines = <FILE>;
my #newlines;
foreach(#lines) {
$_ =~ s/Authors Here/Authors introduced this subject for the first time in this paper./g;
#$_ =~ s/Authors Elsewhere/Authors introduced this subject in a previous paper./g;
#$_ =~ s/D4-/D4: Is the supporting evidence described or cited?/g;
open(FILE, $file) || die "File not found";
print FILE #newlines;
For example, I'd want to replace "D4-" with "D4: Is the...", etc. Thanks, I'd appreciate any tips.
You are using the two argument version of open. If $file does not start with "<", ">", or ">>", it will be opened as read filehandle. You cannot write to a read file handle. To solve this, use the three argument version of open:
open my $in, "<", $file or die "could not open $file: $!";
open my $out, ">", $file or die "could not open $file: $!";
Also note the use of lexical filehandles ($in) instead of the bareword file handles (FILE). Lexical filehandles have many benefits over bareword filehandles:
They are lexically scoped instead of global
They close when they go out of scope instead of at the end of the program
They are easier to pass to functions (ie you don't have to use a typeglob reference).
You use them just like you would use a bareword filehandle.
Other things you might want to consider:
use the strict pragma
use the warnings pragma
work on files a line or chunk at a time rather than reading them in all at once
use an HTML parser instead of regex
use named variables instead of the default variable ($_)
if you are using the default variable, don't include it where it is already going to be used (eg s/foo/bar/; instead of $_ =~ s/foo/bar/;)
Number 4 may be very important for what you are doing. If you are not certain of the format these HTML files are in, then you could easily miss things. For instance, "Authors Here" and "Authors\nHere" means the same thing to HTML, but your regex will miss the later. You might want to take a look at XML::Twig (I know it says XML, but it handles HTML as well). It is a very easy to use XML/HTML parser.

File truncated, when opened in Perl

Im new to perl, so sorry if this is obvious, but i looked up how to open a file, and use the flags, but for the life of me they dont seem to work right I narrowed it down to these lines of code.
if ($flag eq "T"){
open xFile, ">" , "$lUsername\\$openFile";
open xFile, ">>", "$lUsername\\$openFile";
Both of these methods seem to delete the contents of my file. I also checked if the flag is formatted correctly and it is, i know for a fact ive gone down both conditions.
EDIT: codepaste of a larger portion of my code
New to Perl? I hope you're using use strict and use warnings.
As other's have stated, you should be using a test to make sure your file is open. However, that's not really the problem here. In fact, I used your code, and it seems to work fine for me. Maybe you should try printing some debugging messages to see if this is doing what you think it's doing:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie; #Will stop your program if the "open" doesn't work.
my $lUsername = "ABaker";
my $openFile = "somefile.txt";
if ($flag eq "T") {
print qq(DEBUG: Flag = "$flag": Deleting file "$lUsername/$openFile");
open xFile, ">" , "$lUsername/$openFile";
else {
print qq(DEBUG: Flag = "$flag": Appending file "$lUsername/$openFile");
open xFile, ">>", "$lUsername/$openFile";
You want to use strict and warnings in order to make sure you're not having issues with variable names. The use strict forces you to declare your variables first. For example, are you setting $Flag, but then using $flag? Maybe $flag is set the first time through, but you're setting $Flag the second time through.
Anyway, the DEBUG: statements will give you a better idea of what your error could be.
By the way, in Perl, you're checking if $flag is set to T and not t. If you want to test against both t and T, test whether uc $flag eq 'T' and not just $flag eq 'T'.
I reformated to comply with use strict, i also made print statements to make sure i was trunctating when i want to, and not when i dont. It still is deleting the file. Although now sometimes its simply not writing, im going to give a larger portion of my code in a link, id really appreciate it if you gave it a once over.
Are you seeing it say Truncating, but the file is empty? Are you sure the file already existed? There's a reason why I put the flag and everything in my debug statements. The more you print, the more you know. Try the following section of code:
$file = "lUsername/$openFile" #Use forward slashes vs. back slashes.
if ($flag eq "T") {
print qq(Flag = "$flag". Truncating file "$file"\n);
open $File , '>', $file
or die qq(Unable to open file "$file" for writing: $!\n);
else {
print qq(Flag = "$flag". Appending to file "$file"\n);
if (not -e $file) {
print qq(File "$file" does not exist. Will create it\n");
open $File , '>>', $file
or die qq(Unable to open file "$file" for appending: $!\n);
Note I'm printing out the flag and the name of the file in quotes. This will allow me to see if there are any hidden characters in my file name.
I'm using the qq(...) method to quote strings, so I can use the quotation marks in my print statements.
Also note I'm checking for the existence of the file when I truncate. This way, I make sure the file actually exists.
This should point out any possible errors in your logic. The other thing you can do is to stop your program when you finish writing out the file and verify that the file was written out as expected.
print "Write to file now:\n";
my $writeToFile = <>;
printf $File "$writeToFile";
close $File;
print "DEBUG: Temporary stop. Examine file\n";
Now, if you see it saying it's appending to the file, and the file exists, and you still see the file being overwritten, we'll know the problem lies in your actual open xFile, ">>" $file statement.
You should use the three-argument-version of open, lexical filehandles and check wether there might have been an error:
# Writing to file (clobbering it if it exists)
open my $file , '>', $filename
or die "Unable to write to file '$filename': $!";
# Appending to file
open my $file , '>>', $filename
or die "Unable to append to file '$filename': $!";
>> does not clobber or truncate. Either you ended up in the "then" clause when you expected to be in the "else" clause, or the problem is elsewhere.
To check what $flag contains:
use Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
For your reference I have mentioned some basic file handling techniques below.
open FILE, "filename.txt" or die $!;
The command above will associate the FILE filehandle with the file filename.txt. You can use the filehandle to read from the file. If the file doesn't exist - or you cannot read it for any other reason - then the script will die with the appropriate error message stored in the $! variable.
The available modes are the following:
read < #this mode will read the file
write > # this mode will create the new file. If the file already exists it will truncate and overwrite.
append >> #this will append the contents if the file already exists,else it will create new one.
if you have confusion on this, you can use the module called File::Slurp;
I have mentioned the sample codes using File::Slurp module.
use strict;
use File::Slurp;
my $read_mode=read_file("test.txt"); #to read file contents
write_file("test2.txt",$read_mode); #to write file
my #all_files=read_dir("/home/desktop",keep_dot_dot=>0); #read a dir
write_file("test2.txt",{append=>1},"#all_files"); #Append mode

issues for a code snippet to handle the input file

I am studying a Perl program, which includes the following segment for handling an input file. I do not understand what is s/^\s+//; used for? Moreover, what are '|' and '||' stand for in open(FILE, "cat $fileName |") || die "could not open file";
open(FILE, "cat $fileName |") || die "could not open file";
while (<FILE>)
my #line = split;
if ($line[0]!~ /\:/) {$mark=0}
my $var = $line[$mark];
## some other code
You can read the documentation for the various functions in perlfunc.
This code will open a file for reading, by the rather circumspect way of piping from cat instead of simply opening the file. The | means that the shell command cat is piped to the open command, and our file handle will read from the output.
|| is simply or. Open the pipe, and if that fails, the program dies.
while(<FILE>) will read through every line of the input and assign each line to $_. That line is then used implicitly in the substitution and split below. I.e. s/^\s+// is equal to $_ =~ s/^\s+//, and split is equal to split(' ', $_).
Will remove leading whitespace. The split will split each line on whitespace, and the elements are stored in the array #line.
Because of the use of implicit split on whitespace, the stripping the leading whitespace with s/^\s+// is not really needed, as that is done automatically.
If the first element does not contain a colon :, $mark is set to 0. Otherwise, it is not set, and will presumably use the value from the previous iteration, since it is not defined inside the loop. Finally, $var is initialized as element number $mark, which is either 0 or whatever.
ETA: As a rather insidious oops: If $mark is undefined, i.e. it does not contain a colon, then $var will still be assigned $line[0], since undef will be converted to 0, with a warning. If use warnings is not in effect, this error is silent, and therefore insidious.
This code seems to be written by someone who does not know too much about perl, and it might not be very safe to use.
The substitution trims leading whitespace that appears at the beginning of the line (^), leaving any non-whitespace characters as the first.
The || operator in open... || die ... is a high-precedence or. If open fails, die executes.
open(FILE, "cat $fileName |") is a waste of an external process. To read a file for input, simply do:
open FILE, '<', $filename or die qq{Could not open "$filename" for reading: $!};
The parentheses for the open call are optional because or does not bind tightly.
It is also better to use lexical file handles:
open my $fh, '<' $filename or die qq{Could not open "$filename" for reading: $!};
This file handle is assigned to a lexical variable that lives only within the scope it is declared. Once the program flow exits this scope, the file closes automatically.
Part of the confusion is that the developer is using the default variable, $_. Many Perl commands (I would say about 1/3 of them) act upon $_ when you don't specify the name of the variable in the function. For example, these are syntactically the same:
my $uppercase_name = uc($_);
my $uppercase_name = uc;
In both cases, the uc function will print the string in the $_ variable in upper case characters. In fact, even the print statement uses the $_ variable. Again, these are both the same:
print $_;
It's frowned upon to use the default variable in newer Perl scripts because it doesn't add clarity to the program and it doesn't make the program faster. I've rewritten the same code snippet you used in order to show the missing $_ variable. It might make the code easier to understand:
open(FILE, "cat $fileName |") || die "could not open file";
while ($_ = <FILE>)
$_ =~ s/^\s+//;
my #line = split $_;
if ($line[0] !~ /\:/) {
$mark = 0;
my $var = $line[$mark];
## some other code
Notice that the while statement is putting the value of the line read into the $_ variable and that the substitute command (the s/^\s+//) is also operating on the $_ variable. I hope that clarifies the code a bit for you.
Now for your questions:
_[W]hat do '|' and '||' stand for?
The || means or as in do this or that. In practice, the or can be thought of as an if statement:
if (not open(FILE, "cat $fileName |")) {
die "could not open file";
That is, if the open statement failed, then execute the die statement. If the open statement did manage to open the file, then don't execute the die statement.
In Perl, you now see or instead of || in cases like this:
open(FILE, "cat $fileName |") or die "could not open file";
which makes the meaning a bit more obvious: Open the file, or kill the program.
The single pipe (|) at the end of the file name means execute the command in the open statement (the cat $filename) and read from the output of this command. Imagine something like this:
open (COMMAND, "java -jar foo.war|") or die "Can't execute 'java -jar foo.war'";
Now, I'm running the command java -jar foo.war and using its output in my Perl script.
You can do this the other way around too:
open (MAIL, "|mail $recipient") or die "Can't mail $recipient";
print MAIL "Dear $recipient\n\n";
print MAIL "I hope everything is well.\n";
print MAIL "Sincerely,\n\nDavid";
close MAIL;
I'm now opening the command mail $recipient and writing to it with the print statements. In this case, I'm emailing $recipient with a simple message.
I do not understand what is s/^\s+//; used for?
In the original program, it was on a line by itself:
I've added the missing variable which should help clarify it a bit:
$_ =~ s/^\s+//;
This is the Substitute command in Perl. It's taking the $_ variable and substituting the regular expression ^\s+ with nothing. If you don't understand what are regular expressions, you should take a look at the Perldoc tutorial on the subject. Basically, this is removing all spaces, tabs, and other forms of white space from the beginning of the line.