Converting .doc Format to Pdf file in iphone - iphone

How do i Convert .doc format to pdf file from iphone .
i Want same layout as .doc format.
i Tried with html format but did not get any success.
anyone suggest any solution would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Since you are creating a PD based on a DOC Docmosis might help. The cloud system can work from an iPhone as long as you are happy calling a web service.


editing pdf contents in uiwebview iphone

hi im working on pdf manipulation.
my requirements are to edit the existing pdf document.
looks like there is no actual way to do it. i found out using javascript i can edit the html contents.
so now that my pdf is in uiwebview is there any way to convert pdf document to html content???
i have to do it programatically.
preferred language is objective c but its k if any suggestions in C/C++
thanks in advance
You will have to drop down to C if you want to do this. Basically you need to get hold of a CGPDFDocumentRef reference, and through that iterate each CGPDFPageRef. From the page you can get access to the CGPDFContentStreamRef.
From the content stream you can parse out the primitive data that is is PDF document. From there only a good understanding of the PDF document format can help you.
I would advice you to find a commercial tool, hire an experience contractor, or change your plan. What you have your sights on is allot of hard work.

Create/Edit .doc .xls files on the iPhone/iPad

I know .doc and .xls can be viewed using UIWebView but I want to make an App that will edit .doc and .xls files. could anyone enlighten me on how should I do this? or a library I can use or buy.
I believe you can utilize Googls docs api.

Browse pdf with IText (or Itextsharp)

I'm receiving a pdf that contains some data I would like to parse.
For example, there's an array with some integer data that I would like to parse for an automatic treatment.
I've looked at itext but the sample I've found are for writing pdf only.
Can someone give me an example of how to read through a pdf ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Best regards
PdfBox is much better for reading text from a PDF file.
I'm converting PDF to Word and I'm using Word interop :)

Converting HTML file to PDF file in Iphone

This is my first thread iam developing an application in which i have to convert the HTML contents to pdf file.
I had generate the PDF File but don't know how to create a pdf file from HTML format.
Anyone can suggest the solution?
Thank You.
First, are you sure that's really what you want to do? It's not as if an iPhone application can't display HTML if that's what's needed...
You can use a UIWebView to render the HTML into a pdf file as a bitmap: see
this discussion (HTML to PDF conversion library?).

Generate PDF from html file on iPhone

In my iPhone application I'm generating an HTML file. I would like to convert that HTML file to a PDF file programatically. The PDF will then be attached to an email.
Does anyone know (have an example) how to convert the HTML file to a PDF?
maybe you should start from here:
I don't know if this is what your looking for it helped me because it's much easier to generate a prepared html doc then PDF for me. I found a library that does that here