Eclipse 3.5 (Cocoa) slowing down irregularly after some time - eclipse

I'd like to hear, if anyone else encounters the same problems, and doesn't use Google's GWT (2.0) plugins:
Sometimes, my Eclipse 3.5 (Cocoa) slows down after some time of usage (>=30 minutes), so that things like maximizing an editor or moving the splitters becomes unbearably slow (reacting only after several seconds). After an Eclipse restart, everything's fine again.
I'm not running low on memory (neither free RAM, nor memory available to Eclipse - Heap/Stack/PermGenSpace), and my system specs are not too bad.
I know exactly one other person so far, who sees the same problem - but he also uses the GWT plugins. Since these issues appear irregularly, they're hard to track. Before creating an issue on the GWT bug tracker, I'd like to find out, if this also happens for somebody without Google's plugins.
I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.2, Eclipse 3.5 Cocoa 32-bit.

A good eclipse.ini can help.
But as mentioned in "Horrible eclipse performance on macbook pro running 10.5.8" (which kind of illustrate the fact that performance issue can happen with Galileo without GWT), it can depend on the OS version (Snow Leopard or Leopard).

I have macbook with osx 10.6.3
Eclipse 3.5.2
I develop gwt 2.0.3 + ext-gwt 2.1.3.
I have noticed that suddenly a part of the project slows down. I mean, while before loading the screen was 2-5 sec in dev mode, suddenly increased to a minute or two (?????).
I remember, that earlier, I have re-installed eclipse, but that did not work (????), and when created a new workspace, and moved the project there, suddenly the slowing was gone.
So, I did the same now also.
I don't know the exact reason / solution. However, under the workspace there is a folder ".metadata/.plugins" in there there are lot's of folders. In the "org.eclipse.core.resources" / ".projects" you have for each project you got in your workspace a folder.
Noticed that when I have copied here the project-folder of the same project, created in other workspace, the slowing was gone.
So, eventually the solution is simple: to delete the project from the workspace, but only from the "Package explorer" - that actually removes the folder belonging to the removed project from the above mentioned folder (".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/"), while keeping the project files at their location (you should make a backup of it just for sure :) ), and than importing it back.
It works fine again.


After upgrading to Eclipse Juno facing performance issues

After I have upgraded to Eclipse Juno
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Juno Release
Build id: 20120614-1722
I am facing following issues:
It takes ~5 mins to open eclipse.
If I try to clean a project it takes ~10 mins.
The following are the args that I have set
-vmargs -Xms256m -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
I have an 8GB RAM installed and I am using Windows 7.
Is there anything I can do about this issue? As during this period my system is stuck.
Thanks for your help.
This is a known issue. They have recently released a minor update (4.2.1) but much of the main issues with performance have yet to be addressed. If you read through that ticket you will see that there are a couple of things that can help speed things up immediately.
Switch to classic theme. Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Theme switch to classic
On the same preference page disable animations.
I would add your name to the CC list and you can keep apprised of the improvements to performance. It seems that many of the performance issues (especially with the XML editor) will not be fixed until 4.2.2.

Very slow Eclipse 4.2, how to make it more responsive?

I'm using Eclipse PDT on a rather large PHP project and the IDE is almost unusable. It takes nearly 30 seconds to open a file, and other actions, like selecting a folder in the file explorer, editing some text, etc. are equally slow.
I followed various instructions to speed it up but nothing seems to work. This is my current eclipse.ini file. Any idea how I can improve it?
System: Eclipse 4.2.0, Windows 7, 4 GB RAM
It looks like Eclipse in silence have created a fix and announced it in all secracy through their wiki (!). It seems to alleviate the problems for me at least; though I have not tested it in length yet.
Basically you should install the "Juno SR1 Patches/Eclipse UI Juno SR1 Optimization" from their 4.2 update site:
Bug-tracking for this optimization:
There are known performance issues with PDT 3.1 and eclipse 4.2 (juno).
This is the solution:
Open a different perspective (for example java, but not php) and restart eclipse. Afterwards you can savely switch back to php perspective. Eclipse will have no performance issues.
Also mentioned here
Actually in looking at your machine configuration, you should make sure nothing else is going on in the machine and experiment with reducing your required memory, say something like -Xmx512m. If you are requesting too much heap space, then it's possible you are doing a lot of OS paging.
There is also a known bug which makes eclipse juno slow on some systems :
A workaround seems to be to delete the workbench.xmi file.
Ensure you are already running on a package from the Juno SR1 release (September 2012)
Invoke Help > Install New Software
Select this repository:
Expand Juno SR1 Patches and install Eclipse UI Juno SR1 Optimizations
Worked for me
I was having similar issues with the Eclipse and the ARM emulator running. When I switched from tab to tab on Eclipse it would take 5 seconds for it to switch over and Eclipse would be in a "Not Responding" mode for a moment. I actually increased my heap memory on my eclipse.ini by using -Xmx1024m. It fixed the issue.
I had very big UI performance issues upon switching to 4.2 (using PDT) and after investigating for a while, I noticed it was due to... the PHP perspective. That doesn't make any sense, but I could confirm it on two different computers.
Try switching to another one (like, the Resource one), then restart Eclipse (last part is important).
Let me know if that helped.
I was having huge problems with performance (switching between editor windows was SLOW). I modified the eclipse.ini file to use -Xmx1024m rather than -Xmx512m and the performance is much better.
Update -- After a while I started noticing the fix above did not make my problems go away entirely. I did find another post above helpful. I install the Spring Source Toolsuite plugin and I believe that may be the source of the slowness. After installing the patch at the following link, Eclipse is running much more smoothly:
Eclipse 4.2 Service Release 2 was released a few days ago (1 Mar 2013. It is the result of the all of these investigations and the patches suggested previously.
Give it a shot!
Make sure you have turned off "show whitespace characters" on Linux.
I'm using Eclipse 4.2.2 version for Developing android Apps. But its slow when coding my applications. (not XML graphical layout or Android Emulator)
I'm using NetBeans also, but it's working really well!
Specially I want to notify here I've added many more plugins to Eclipse and now I've uninstalled all of that. Now there is only ADT Plugin with Eclipse Base Plugins.
I've seen some best settings for speed up eclipse UI.
I want to know what's the best settings for my laptop.
Windows 8.1, 12 GB Ram.
at lastly sorry for posting here, I cant post any questions because I'm blocked.
I hope best solution from here.

Qt Jambi eclipse integration error on Windows 64 bits

I can't seem to figure out how to properly integrate Qt Jambi to eclipse. Here is what I did:
I installed the version of the toolkit for Windows 64 bits;
I copied the required integration plugins in {ECLIPSE_PATH}\plugins;
I launched eclipse and set Qt Jambi's installation directory in the preferences;
Then, when I tried to apply the new preferences, I got an error that said something about a module that couldn't be launched ({QT_JAMBI_PATH}\bin\qtdesigner.dll);
After restarting eclipse, I can't find any of Qt Jambi's integration views. I can switch to Qt Designer UI perspective, but then, no new panel is appearing. Finally, .jui files are not recognized and appear as simple text files.
The DLL file qtdesigner.dll does not exist in the bin folder. I tried the same procedure using eclipse 32 bits, and Qt Jambi 32 bits, but it's not working either.
Where do you think the problem comes from?
There is currently no known release of QtJambi Eclipse integration plugins that are compatible with a Windows 64bit JVM and therefore also provided as 64bit DLLs (as many parts of it are native code components).
Here is the official page to back up that claim:
Also the QtJambi Eclipse integration source code was never released to the community in order to allow them to either maintain it or build versons for other OS and ABI (like 64bit Windows). Also the version in the page is probably most compatible with older versions of Eclipse such a Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5.
However all is not lost, it is my intention (as one of the QtJambi maintainers) to get something back working again within the next 6 months. But my current attention is on more urgent matters within the project as per our bug reporting system indicates.
It is not possible to mix 32bit DLLs in 64bit process address space a simple/naive way. So as a rule all EXE and DLLs have to be the same kind. Since we know that QtJambi Eclipse integration works from windows 32bit here is some information below to help you with that.
A Windows 64bit system is capable of running 32bit applications and also capable of having both the 64bit and 32bit JVMs installed separately (just download the appropiate JVM install EXE for each kind 32bit and 64bit and install both individually).
You then of course need to obtain the Win32 version of Eclipse and unzip/install it.
In order to get a 32bit version of Eclipse to run on a 64bit system it is necessary to manually edit the eclipse.ini file here is my example of a working eclipse.ini with the important parts of the additions highlighted (taken from eclipse-jee-indigo-win32 which is Eclipse 3.7 Indigo from ) :
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_26/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll
The important changes I ensure I make to the default eclipse.exe are:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_26/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll
Note you need to modify this to the path of the file that exists for your JDK that is installed, in my example I am using the Sun/Oracle JDK. So check the file actually exists in your system, this forces the 32bit JVM to be used with the 32bit version of Eclipse. I don't know why their container exe (eclipse.exe) doesn't already do this at runtime, but still.
Always a good idea as eclipse needs a larger than usual PermGen heap. But all versions of eclipse probably want this configuration and this doesn't affect your problem just some advise here.

Eclipse Helios not launching

I have used Eclipse in the past without problems over a year ago, but I downloaded Helios onto a new computer having Windows Vista and Java 1.6.13 currently. I extract the folder and try to run the Eclipse EXE and get an error stating "Java was started but returned exit code=13".
I did some digging and it appears that the config file is requiring Java 1.5 to launch (dosgiRequiredJavaVersion=1.5). Removing this line does not matter.
I went and got an archived copy of 1.5.0_22 and tried to use -vm mypath/java/jre1.5.0_22/bin in the config file before vmargs and it still does not help.
I have also tried making a shortcut and specified the "eclipse -vm mypath" in the target field of properties and still nothing.
Here are my config settings which still give the error:
c:\program files\java\jre1.5.0_22\bin
Has anyone solved this problem?
This occurs when using an x86 Eclipse with a x64 JDK (and perhaps vice-versa).
Just point to a JDK with the same architecture as your Eclipse in your eclipse.ini file, eg:
I had this same problem.
I'm on Windows Vista 64, with the 64-bit versions of both Helios and the JDK/JRE 1.6 update 14. I had been using Eclipse Galileo just fine.
Upgrading to the JDK/JRE 1.6 update 24 (the latest as of this date) fixed the problem. I didn't have to make any changes to the Helios eclipse.ini file.
If this started happening when seemingly nothing has changed with respect to your eclipse and java installations, and there is a chance that this started happening after a system (Windows) crash or an unexpected eclipse shutdown, the problem may be due to a change in the compatibility mode of eclipse.exe. When the system or eclipse crashed, Windows may have decided to change the compatibility mode of eclipse.exe whether you liked it or not.
Unfortunately, this mode can not be changed through the "compatibility" tab on the file properties. The change has to be made by editing the registry. Look for the two keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Persisted
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
Look for any entries for eclipse.exe. I deleted one from each location and this solved the problem for me.
The compatibility information is tied to the file name and is persisted in the registry even if the file itself is deleted or moved. This is why changing the location of the eclipse directory will solve the problem. This also means that reinstalling eclipse in the same location will not fix the problem since the registry entry will still be there.
ok, so i had this problem and updating did not work, i fixed it because apparently my computer didnt point to the right place or got confused
I have a 32 bit machine and the 32 bit java
I had the eclipse folder on my desktop and it gave me this error
I simply moved the eclipse folder to program files and it worked, no idea why
Hopefully that helped gud luck!
For me worked placing the switch -VM at the beginning of the eclipse.ini file. Plus having both Java and Eclipse in 32-bit version, even though I have 64-bits Win 7.
I also had the same issue with Eclipse Indigo on 64-bit Windows 7. The error message was "Java was started but returned exit code=1".
Updating to latest JRE 1.6 update 29 fixed it.
Move the folder in your Program Files. That fixed my problem with the error code 13.

speed up Eclipse on OSX

Trying to work with Eclipse for Android (ADT plugin) development at my iMac (2.4Ghz, 4Gb RAM) and it's very slow (Eclipse Galileo SR2 x64).
I know about eclipse.ini tricks and make some changes like:
And use Java 1.6 by default:
But still have freezing at small project. Even scrolling of class with 50LOC very slow. At same projects IntellijIdea works much faster.
Have some secret spells to win?
I find the best way to keep eclipse performant is to use as few plugins as possible.
To that end, I keep totally separate eclipse installations for different development tasks (one for Android, one for Python, etc.).
Rather than using one of the prescribed distributions (like "Eclipse for Java developers"), I always start with a PDE installation (i.e., basically no plugins). Then I add only the plugins that I need for the particular task.
I find that startup time, memory usage, and performance are a lot better. None of my environments require more than 200MB of RAM, even with lots of big projects open. Also, no need to mess with eclipse.ini.
As an added bonus, the PDE download is a mere 50MB, not 100-200MB for the standard distributions.