Getting past Salesforce trigger governors - triggers

I'm trying to write an "after update" trigger that does a batch update on all child records of the record that has just been updated. This needs to be able to handle 15k+ child records at a time. Unfortunately, the limit appears to be 100, which is so far below my needs it's not even close to acceptable. I haven't tried splitting the records into batches of 100 each, since this will still put me at a cap of 10k updates per trigger execution. (Maybe I could just daisy-chain triggers together? ugh.)
Does anyone know what series of hoops I can jump through to overcome this limitation?
Edit: I tried calling following #future function in my trigger, but it never updates the child records:
global class ParentChildBulkUpdater
public static void UpdateChildDistributors(String parentId) {
Account[] children = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE ParentId = :parentId];
for(Account child : children)
child.Site = 'Bulk Updater Fired';
update children;

The best (and easiest) route to take with this problem is to use Batch Apex, you can create a batch class and fire it from the trigger. Like #future it runs in a separate thread, but it can process up to 50,000,000 records!
You'll need to pass some information to your batch class before using database.executeBatch so that it has the list of parent IDs to work with, or you could just get all of the accounts of course ;)
I've only just noticed how old this question is but hopefully this answer will help others.

It's worst than that, you're not even going to be able to get those 15k records in the first place, because there is a 1,000 row query limit within a trigger (This scales to the number of rows the trigger is being called for, but that probably doesnt help)
I guess your only way to do it is with the #future tag - read up on that in the docs. It gives you much higher limits. Although, you can only call so many of those in a day - so you may need to somehow keep track of which parent objects have their children updating, and then process that offline.
A final option may be to use the API via some external tool. But you'll still have to make sure everything in your code is batched up.
I thought these limits were draconian at first, but actually you can do a hell of a lot within them if you batch things correctly, we regularly update 1,000's of rows from triggers. And from an architectural point of view, much more than that and you're really talking batch processing anyway which isnt normally activated by a trigger. One things for sure - they make you jump through hoops to do it.

I think Codek is right, going the API / external tool route is a good way to go. The governor limits still apply, but are much less strict with API calls. Salesforce recently revamped their DataLoader tool, so that might be something to look into.
Another thing you could try is using a Workflow rule with an Outbound Message to call a web service on your end. Just send over the parent object and let a process on your end handle the child record updates via the API. One thing to be aware of with outbound messages, it is best to queue up the process on your end somehow, and immediately respond to Salesforce. Otherwise Salesforce will resend the message.

#future doesn't work (does not update records at all)? Weird. Did you try using your function in automated test? It should work and and the annotation should be ignored (during the test it will be executed instantly, test methods have higher limits). I suggest you investigate this a bit more, it seems like best solution to what you want to accomplish.
Also - maybe try to call it from your class, not the trigger?
Daisy-chaining triggers together will not work, I've tried it in the past.
Your last option might be batch Apex (from Winter'10 release so all organisations should have it by now). It's meant for mass data update/validation jobs, things you typically run overnight in normal databases (it can be scheduled). See and release notes PDF.

I believe in version 18 of the API the 1000 limit has been removed. (so the documentations says but in some cases I still hit a limit)
So you may be able to use batch apex. With a single APEX update statement
Something like:
List children = new List{};
for(childObect__c c : [SELECT ....]) {
c.foo__c = 'bar';
Besure you bulkify your tigger also see

Maybe a change to your data model is the better option here. Think of creating a formula on the children object where you access the data from the parent. This would be far more efficient probably.


Early firing in Flink - how to emit early window results to a different DataStream with a trigger

I'm working with code that uses a tumbling window of one day, and would like to send early results to a different DataStream on an hourly basis.
I understand that triggers are a way to go here, but don't really see how it would work.
The current code is as follows:
.aggregate(new MyAggregateFunction(), new MyProcessWindowFunction())
In my understanding, I should register a trigger, and then on its onEventTime method get a hold of a TriggerContext and I can send data to the labeled output from there. But how do I get the current state of MyAggregateFunction from there? Or would I need to my own computation here inside of onEventTime()?
Also, the documentation states that "By specifying a trigger using trigger() you are overwriting the default trigger of a WindowAssigner.". Would my one day window then still fire correctly, or do I need to trigger it somehow differently?
Another way of doing this is creating two different operators - one that windows by 1 hour, and another that windows by 1 day. Would triggers be a preferred approach to that?
Rather than using a custom Trigger, it would be simpler to have two layers of windowing, where the hourly results are further aggregated into daily results. Something like this:
hourlyResults = myStream
.aggregate(new MyAggregateFunction(), new MyProcessWindowFunction())
dailyResults = hourlyResults
.aggregate(new MyAggregateFunction(), new MyProcessWindowFunction())
Note that the result of a window is not a KeyedStream, so you will need to use keyBy again, unless you can arrange to leverage reinterpretAsKeyedStream (docs).
Normally when I get to more complex behavior like this, I use a KeyedProcessFunction. You can aggregate (and save in state) hourly and daily results, set timers as needed, and use a side output for the hourly results versus the regular output for the daily results.
There are quite a few questions here. I will try to ask all of them. First of all, if You specify Your own trigger using trigger() this means You are going to effectively override the default trigger and thus the window may not work the way it would by default. So, if You for example if You create the 1 day event time tumbling window, but override a trigger so that it fires for every 20th element, it will never fire based on event time.
Now, after Your custom trigger fires, the output from MyAggregateFunction will be passed to MyProcessWindowFunction, so It will work the same as for the default trigger, you don't need to access the MyAggregateFunction from inside the trigger.
Finally, while it may be technically possible to implement trigger to trigger partial results every hour, my personal opinion is that You should probably go with the two separate windows. While this solution may create a slightly larger overhead and may result in a larger state, it should be much clearer, easier to implement, and finally much more error resistant.

Data syncing with pouchdb-based systems client-side: is there a workaround to the 'deleted' flag?

I'm planning on using rxdb + hasura/postgresql in the backend. I'm reading this rxdb page for example, which off the bat requires sync-able entities to have a deleted flag.
Q1 (main question)
Is there ANY point at which I can finally hard-delete these entities? What conditions would have to be met - eg could I simply use "older than X months" and then force my app to only ever displays data for less than X months?
Is such a hard-delete, if possible, best carried out directly in the central db, since it will be the source of truth? Would there be any repercussions client-side that I'm not foreseeing/understanding?
I foresee the number of deleted's growing rapidly in my app and i don't want to have to store all this extra data forever.
Q2 (bonus / just curious)
What is the (algorithmic) basis for needing a 'deleted' flag? Is it that it's just faster to check a flag rather than to check for the omission of an object from, say, a very large list. I apologize if it's kind of a stupid question :(
Ultimately it comes down to a decision that's informed by your particular business/product with regards to how long you want to keep deleted entities in your system. For some applications it's important to always keep a history of deleted things or even individual revisions to records stored as a kind of ledger or history. You'll have to make a judgement call as to how long you want to keep your deleted entities.
I'd recommend that you also add a deleted_at column if you haven't already and then you could easily leverage something like Hasura's new Scheduled Triggers functionality to run a recurring job that fully deletes records older than whatever your threshold is.
You could also leverage Hasura's permissions system to ensure that rows that have been deleted aren't returned to the client. There is documentation and examples for ways to work with soft deletes and Hasura
For your second question it is definitely much faster to check for the deleted flag on records than to have to try and diff the entire dataset looking for things that are now missing.

Complicated job aggregate

I have a very complicated job process and it's not 100% clear to me where to handle what.
I don't want to have code, it just the question who is responsible for what.
Given is the following:
There is a root directory "C:\server"
Inside are two directories "ftp" and "backup"
Imagine the following process:
An external customer sends a file into the ftp directory.
An importer application get's the file and now the fun starts.
A job aggregate have to be created for this file.
The command "CreateJob(string file)" is fired.
?. The file have to be moved from ftp to backup. Inside the CommandHandler or inside the Aggregate or on JobCreated event?
StartJob(Guid jobId) get's called. A third folder have to be created "in-progress", File have to be copied from backup to in-progress. Who does it?
So it's unclear for me where Filesystem things have to be handled if the Aggregate can not work correctly without the correct filesystem.
Because my first approach was to do that inside an Infrastructure layer/lib which listen to the events from the job layer. But it seems not 100% correct?!
And top of this, what is with replaying?
You can't replay things/files that were moved, you have to somehow simulate that a customer sends the file to the ftp folder...
Thankful for answers
The file have to be moved from ftp to backup. Inside the CommandHandler or inside the Aggregate or on JobCreated event?
In situations like this, I move the file to the destination folder in the Application service that sends the command to the Aggregate (or that calls a command-like method on the Aggregate, it's the same) before the command is sent to the Aggregate. In this way, if there are some problems with the file-system (not enough permissions or space is not available etc) the command is not sent. These kind of problems should not reach our Aggregate. We most protect it from the infrastructure. In fact we should keep the Aggregate isolated from anything else; it must contain only pure business logic that is used to decide what events get generated.
Because my first approach was to do that inside an Infrastructure layer/lib which listen to the events from the job layer. But it seems not 100% correct?!
Indeed, this seems like over engineering to me. You must KISS.
StartJob(Guid jobId) get's called. A third folder have to be created "in-progress", File have to be copied from backup to in-progress. Who does it?
Whoever's calling the StartJob could do the moving, before the StartJob gets called. Again, keep the Aggregate pure. In this case it depends on your framework/domain details.
And top of this, what is with replaying? You can't replay things/files that where moved, you have to somehow simulate that a customer sends the file to the ftp folder...
The events are loaded from the event store and replayed in two situations:
Before every command gets sent to the Aggregate, the Aggregate Repository loads all the events from the event store then it applies every one of them to the Aggregate, probably calling some applyThisEvent(TheEvent) method on the Aggregate. So, this methods should be with no side effects (pure) otherwise you change the outside world again and again at every command execution and you don't want that.
The read-models (the projections, the query-models) that present data to the user listen to those events and update the database tables that hold the data that the users see. The events are sent to those read-models after they are generated and every time the read-models are being recreated. When you invent a new read-model, you must pass it all the events that were previous generated by the aggregates in order to build the correct/complete state on them. If your read-model's event listeners have side effects what do you think happens when you replay those long past events? The outside world is modified again and again and you don't want that! The read-models only interpret the events, they don't generate other events and they don't change the outside world.
There is a special third case when events reach another type of model, a Saga. A Saga must receive an event only once! This is the case that you thought to use in Because my first approach was to do that inside an Infrastructure layer/lib which listen to the events from the job layer. You could do this in your case but is not KISS.
I have a very complicated job process and it's not 100% clear to me where to handle what. I don't want to have code, it just the question who is responsible for what.
The usual answer is that the domain model -- aka the "aggregate" makes decisions, and saves them. Observing those decisions, some event handler induces side effects.
And top of this, what is with replaying? You can't replay things/files that where moved, you have to somehow simulate that a customer sends the file to the ftp folder...
You replay the events to the aggregate, so that it is restored to the state where it made the last decision. That's a separate concern from replaying the side effects -- which is part of the motivation for handling the side effects elsewhere.
Where possible, of course, you prefer to have the side effects be idempotent, so that a duplicated message doesn't create a problem. But notice that from the point of view of the model, it doesn't actually matter whether the side effect succeeds or not.

Could I save Postgres transaction and continue work with db within it later

I know about prepared transaction in Postgres, but seems you can just commit or rollback it later. You cannot even view the transaction's db state before you've committed it. Is any way to save transaction for later use?
What I want to achieve actually is a preview (and correcting) of some changes in db (changes are imports from csv file, so user need to see preview before apply it). I want to make changes, add some changes later, see full state of db and apply it (certainly, commit transaction)
I cannot find a very good reference in docs, but I have a very strong feeling that the answer is: No, you cannot do that.
It would mean that when you "save" the transaction, the database would basically have to maintain all of its locks in place for an indefinite amount of time. Even if it was possible, it would mean horrible failure modes and trouble on all fronts.
For the pattern that you are describing, I would use two separate transactions. Import to a staging table and show that to user (or import to the main table but mark rows as "unapproved"). If user approves, in another transactions move or update these rows.
You can always end up in a situation where user can simply leave or crash without clicking "OK" or "Cancel". If what you're describing was possible, you would end up with a hung transaction holding all these resources. In my proposed solution you end up with wasteful rows in "staging" table that you may still show to user later or remove.
You may want to read up on persistence saga. This is actually a very simple example of a well known and researched problem.
To make the long story short, this pattern breaks down a long-running process like yours into smaller operations that are applied and persisted in some way in separate transactions. If any of them happens to fail (or does not occur as expected), you have compensating actions that usually undo what the steps executed so far have done (e.g. by throwing away stale/irrelevant data).
Here's a decent introduction:,completion%20of%20the%20previous%20one.
This concept was formally introduced in the 80s, but is well alive and relevant today. UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record

In our production org, we have a system of uploading sales data into Salesforce using command line data loader. This data is loaded into a temporary object Temp. We have created a formula field (which combines three fields) to form a unique key. The purpose of the object is to reduce user efforts for creating the key manually.
There is an after insert trigger on Temp which calls an asynchronous method which upserts the data to another object SalesData using the key. The insert/update trigger on SalesData checks the various fields and creates/updates the records in another object SalesRecords. After the insertion/updation is complete, all the records in temp object Temp are deleted. The SalesRecords object does not have any trigger on it and is a child of another object Sales. The Sales object has some rollup fields which are summing up fields from SalesRecords object.
Lately, we are getting the below error for some of the records which are updated.
UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record
Please provide some pointers to resolve the issue
this could either be caused by conflicting DML operations in the various trigger execution or some recursive trigger execution. i would assume that the async executions cause multiple subsequent updates on the same records, probably on the SalesRecords object. I would recommend to try to simplify the process to avoid too many related trigger executions.
I'm a little surprised you were able to get this to work in the first place. After triggers should be used with caution and only when before triggers can't be. One reason for this is that you don't need to perform additional DML to make changes to records, since in before triggers you simply change the values and the insert/update commit happens automatically. But recursive trigger firings is the main problem with after triggers.
One quick way to avoid trigger re-entry is to use a public static Boolean in a class that states whether you're already in this trigger from the same thread of execution.
Something like:
public static Boolean isExecuting = false;
Once set to true, any trigger code that is a re-fire can be avoided with:
if(Class.isExecuting == false)
Class.isExecuting = true;
// Perform trigger logic
// ...
Additionally, since the order of trigger execution cannot be determined up front, you might be seeing an issue with deletions or other data changes that depend on other parts of your flow to finish first.
Also, without knowing the details of your custom unique 3-part key, I'd wonder if there's a problem there too such as whether it's truly unique or not. Case insensitivity is a common mistake and it's the reason there are 15 AND 18 character Ids in Salesforce. For example, when people export to Excel (a case-insensitive environment) and do VLOOKUPs, they would occasionally find the wrong record. The 3-digit calculated suffix was added to disambiguate for case-insensitive environments.
Googling for this same error lead me to this post:
Which points out some common causes for this to happen:
Sharing Rules are being calculated.
A picklist value has been replaced and replacement is in progress.
A custom index creation/removal is in progress.
Most unlikely one - someone else is already editing the same record that you are trying to access at the same time.
Posting here in case somebody else needs it.
I got this error multiple times today. Turned out one of our vendors was updating their installed package during that time in the same org. All kinds of things were going wrong also - some object validation exceptions were being thrown on DMLs, without any error message content.
The error is shown when a field update such as a roll-up summary field is being attempted on a parent object that already had a field update to cause the roll-up summary field to calculate. This could also occur if a trigger or another apex job running on the master object and it also attempting to do an update.
You can either reduce the batch size and try again or create separate smaller files to be imported if this issue occurs.