Subdomain, a place to check for SQL injection? - sql-injection

I understand the benefits of cleaning all data and quoting data, etc, but I'm wondering if http allows for a situation where a subdomain could have the right chars for SQL injection.

You mean like
I'm guessing you have a wildcard DNS entry and are taking the subdomain as a form of input. If so, then yes, it's user-generated input and you have to be as suspicious of it as anything else. Even if none of us here on SO can come up with a real example for this question, that doesn't mean someone much more determined who spends more time on it couldn't come up with one.
Is there an argument against escaping/processing/checking the subdomain name?

You shouldn't "clean" or quote your data to avoid SQL injection. You should use query parameters.


Do i need to put path params in an URI if i don't use them [REST APIs]

I'm having a debate with a senior of mine at work and i want to know if what he says is true. Imagine I have a path /users/bucket-list that gets the currently logged in user bucket list. Now my question is, since i get the ID of the logged in user from the context do i still need to name my path like this /users/:user_id/bucket-list. I don't use the path param but my senior thinks that it should still be there and I think that since i don't use it i need to omit it. I want to hear your thoughts about this.
You are "doing it wrong"
Most of the time, you'll get away with it
Getting away with it is the wrong goal
Any information that can be named can be a resource -- Fielding, 2000
In most cases, I find that the easiest way to reason about "resources" is to substitute "documents", and then once the basic ideas are in place to then generalize if necessary.
One of the design problems that we face in creating our API is figuring out our resources; should "Alice's bucket-list" be presented separately from "Bob's bucket-list", or do they belong together? Do we have one resource for the entire list, or one resource for each entry in the list, and so on.
A related problem we need to consider in our design is how many representations a resource should support. This might include choosing to support multiple file formats (csv vs plain-text vs json, etc), and different languages (EN vs FR), and so on.
Your senior's proposed design is analogous to having two different resources. And having done that, everything will Just Work[tm]. There's no confusion about which resource is being identified, authorization is completely separate from identification, and so on.
Your design, however, is analogous to having a single resource with multiple representations, where a representation is chosen based on who is looking at it. And that's kind of a mess -- certainly your server can interpret the HTTP request, but general purpose components are not going to know that your resource has different identification semantics than every other resource on the internet.
We normally discriminate different representations using the Vary header; but the Authorization field is sort of out of bounds there, see RFC 7231.
In practice, you are likely to get away with your design because we have special rules about how shared-caches interact with authenticated requests, see RFC 7234.
But "likely to get away with it" is pretty weak. The point of having common standards is to get interop. If you are going to risk interop, you had better be getting something very valuable back in exchange. Nothing you have presented here suggests a compensating advantage.

How to design a query where I retrieve last data from resource that I want to apply filter to in RESTful way?

How should a query look like when I want to retrieve last measurements from installations that aren't removed?
Something like that?
The thing is, I don't want to retrieve last measurements that weren't removed from installations. I want to retrieve last measurements from installations that weren't removed.
I see a couple possibilities here:
If you need to read the data from the endpoint transactionally, the way you designed it is the way to go. What I'd change is the name of the param from removed to installationRemoved since it's more descriptive and shorten the endpoint to /my-web-service/measurements/ - since with installations it's unclear in which scope does the client operate. Also, don't you need since param to filter the last measurements?
It there's a chance to split the two endpoints I'd add:
It does not make it better (when it comes to better or worse) but easier and more predictive for the users.
In general try to add more general endpoints with filtering options rather then highly dedicated - doing one particular thing. This way leads to hard to use, loose API. Also, on filtering.
And final notice, your API is good if your clients use it not because they have to but when they like it ;)
According to this best practices article, you could use "aliases for common queries":
To make the API experience more pleasant for the average consumer,
consider packaging up sets of conditions into easily accessible
RESTful paths. For example, the recently closed tickets query above
could be packaged up as GET /tickets/recently_closed
So, in your case, it could be:
where non_removed would be an alias for querying installations that weren't removed.
Hope it helps!

REST API - string or numerical identifier in URL

We're developing a REST API for our platform. Let's say we have organisations and projects, and projects belong to organisations.
After reading this answer, I would be inclined to use numerical ID's in the URL, so that some of the URLs would become (say with a prefix of /api/v1):
However, we want to use the same URL structure for our front end UI, so that if you type these URLs in the browser, you will get the relevant webpage in the response instead of a JSON file. Much in the same way you see relevant names of persons and organisations in sites like Facebook or Github.
Using this, we could get something like:
It looks like Github actually exposes their API in the same way.
The advantages and disadvantages I can come up with for using names instead of IDs for URL definitions, are the following:
More intuitive URLs for end users
1 to 1 mapping of front end UI and JSON API
Have to use unique names
Have to take care of conflict with reserved names, such as count, so later on, you can still develop an API endpoint like /organisations/count and actually get the number of organisations instead of the organisation called count.
Especially the latter one seems to become a potential pain in the rear. Still, after reading this answer, I'm almost convinced to use the string identifier, since it doesn't seem to make a difference from a convention point of view.
My questions are:
Did I miss important advantages / disadvantages of using strings instead of numerical IDs?
Did Github develop their string-based approach after their platform matured, or did they know from the start that it would imply some limitations (like the one I mentioned earlier, it seems that they did not implement such functionality)?
It's common to use a combination of both:
where the last part is simply ignored but used to make the url more readable.
In your case, with multiple levels of collections you could experiment with this format:
If somebody writes
it would still map to the rembrandt, but that should be ok. That will leave room for editing the names without messing up url:s allready out there. Also, names doesn't have to be unique if you don't really need that.
Reserved HTTP characters: such as “:”, “/”, “?”, “#”, “[“, “]” and “#” – These characters and others are “reserved” in the HTTP protocol to have “special” meaning in the implementation syntax so that they are distinguishable to other data in the URL. If a variable value within the path contains one or more of these reserved characters then it will break the path and generate a malformed request. You can workaround reserved characters in query string parameters by URL encoding them or sometimes by double escaping them, but you cannot in path parameters.
Numerical consecutive IDs are not recommended anymore because it is very easy to guess records in your database and some might use that to obtain info they do not have access to.
Numerical IDs are used because the in the database it is a fixed length storage which makes indexing easy for the database. For example INT has 4 bytes in MySQL and BIGINT is 8 bytes so the number have the same length in memory (100 in INT has the same length as 200) so it is very easy to index and search for records.
If you have a lot of entries in the database then using a VARCHAR field to index is a bad idea. You should use a fixed width field like CHAR(32) and fill the difference with spaces but you have to add logic in your program to treat the differences when searching the database.
Another idea would be to use slugs but here you should take into consideration the fact that some records might have the same slug, depends on what are you using to form that slug.
I would recommend using UUIDs since they have the same length and resolve this issue easily.

REST API naming convention: referencing unique resources with nested paths

Given there is a one to many relationship between users and comments, and all ids are provided to be unique;
what are the considerations between naming the operation as:
DELETE /users/{user_uuid}/comments/{comment_uuid}
DELETE /comments/{comment_uuid}?
In the former user_uuid is redundant as it's not needed to delete a comment. Is it worth keeping user_uuid just to make the urls looks RESTful?
Both work fine for well structured RESTful resource--long as the comment_uuid is indeed a uuid. Neither hint at the underlying implementation or strikes me as screaming this is an RPC service :)
Whatever you choose, rule #1... Keep it consistent.
That being said, I prefer the first one as it reinforces semantic information that this is a user comment. I can see that and know pretty much what I'm getting back, without making a request.
Comment is a bad one to show a counter case, because most comments are from users, but think about this... conceivably, you could have some other type of entity that leaves comments, imagine registering bots in your system /bot/{bot_uuid},
Now if you go with just /comment you did you just delete a user or bot comment?
Compare this as you're scanning code vs /bot/{bot_uuid}/comment/{comment_uuid}. The more verbose is a lot clearer IMOP.
Finally, if someone provides a get request for a specific comment /users/{user_uuid}/comments/{comment_uuid} I know the URL for the user, just drop the omment part. Sure, most might guess, /user/{user_uuid}, but like I said, user and comment are bad examples, as you get more non-typical resource name it becomes less obvious. The thing is if you're alway's explicit, you don't have to worry when the resources looks like these:
Now would you just do parts:
probably nots as it could be confusing to the consumer
Is it worth keeping user_uuid just to make the urls looks RESTful?
No. The business value that you get from making the identifiers look RESTful is indistinguishable from zero.
You might do it for other reasons: URI design is primarily about making things easier for humans. As far as the machines are concerned, all of the URI could just be UUIDS with no other hints.
That said, there is something important to consider....
These are different identifiers; therefore, as far as the clients are concerned, they are different resources. This means that, as far as clients are concerned, they are cached separately. Invalidating one does not invalidate the other.
(Of course, other clients, unaware that the DELETE happened, will continue using cached copies of both resources. Cache invalidation is one of the two hard problems).
I think that what your question is a design question and not a RESTful question as #ray said, and like for all design question the answer is... depends.
I prefer the first one also, because the comment (as I understand a comment) could not exist without a user.
But for this kind of questions I use the Entity-Control-Boundary Pattern (EBC) it basically propose a form to interact with your application in the context of certain entities, not using all the entities of the system, just the key ones, I generally use this as my rule to identify the paths that make more sense.

How to structure a RESTful URI with mulitple inter-related parameters

I'm building a RESTful API in which the user can issue a query about a given object, with a weight attached to that object. E.g.:
(This is a contrived, simplified example, so apologies if this doesn't make much semantic sense!)
The complication is that the user might need to combine multiple objects in a single query. What I'm wondering is if there is a standard RESTful way to do this? For example, options that occur to me include:,200&weights=50,90
I don't like the second one, because, for example, weights are optional, so you'd need to allow something like this:,200&weights=,90
The first one seems preferable to me, but it seems like it could become complicated, particularly as I already have indexed arguments (e.g. x1, x2) meaning I'll need to have two levels of indexes (x1_1, x1_2, ...)
Anyone know of a standard approach to this kind of thing? Or can anyone think of a pragmatic, sensible solution?
I am not sure your question is covered by Cool URIs -
My personal choice, with no citations to support it, would be to firstly get rid of the query string using the server configuration (redirects or aliases), so that the base resource would appear as:
The list of IDs and weights could then be appended (in the URI's 'path info'), delimited as you see fit -- semi-colons, or slashes. My choice would be the latter, simply as it makes the URI cleaner to read and easier to type. The only time that becomes a problem is if weights are sometimes omitted, though that could be overcome if the IDs were alphanumeric (perhaps hashes), and the weights always numeric.
I still don't know if this is right or not, and LeeGee's suggestion seems reasonable, but I've ended up going with something like this:
It ends up creating ugly looking URIs, but it seems to me that they're consistent, and unambiguous, particularly when optional arguments are omitted.