Integrating Codeigniter and Objective C - iphone

I'm currently building a social networking site using the codeIgniter PHP framework. One of our major focuses of this site is to be able to upload images through the use of smartphones. We were focusing on building for the iPhone, but the iPhone doesn't let you upload files for some reason beyond me. I have been looking through solutions for days seeing if we could somehow integrate an iPhone app and have come up with nothing. The only thing I have found is using Cocoa Xcode in Objective C to somehow get around the fact. Now I don't know anything about objective C and I was wondering if I could somehow integrate a snippet of objective C into my PHP to allow users to upload photos off their iPhone and onto our site.
Is this possible? If so how? If not, does anyone know another work around?

You can avoid having to code an iPhone app by allowing images to be submitted by email. This is one of the ways Posterous works. I'm pretty sure that there's no other way to access the photo library outside of building your own app in Objective-C.

It seems that you would actually have to create an iPhone application doing the job for you. Check this article on how such application would be done in Objective C on the iPhone.
As an alternative, you could try third party tools like e.g. Image Upload

If I have understood ur problem, u are finding a way in what manner u should send the image with ur request to ur php.
If this is ur problem, the I suggest u to first convert the image into Base64Encoded data and send it with ur request. Now php do have inbuilt methods to convert this data to an image.
Try looking for Base64Encoding help for php.

This is the very reason why social platforms have their Apps on the App Store and not just simply the Wap Sites. So either you can have email attachments, or write an app which uploads the images, and a controller which manages those uploads.


Upload image from IPhone in

I don't know anything about Objective C. I am developing a website in for
mobile version. And in this application I need to upload an image from mobile.
But uploading from iPhone not working. After searching I found this link
Post image and text from iPhone to
Where a xcode is used.
The problem is that I don't know how to use this code in my application. I can understand
handler used for uploading but not Objective C code. And can any one help me how to
use this code on IIS server.
Thanks in advance.
I have quite an old blog about posting files to site from iOS. You can check it out at -
This might help you.

Instagram like filters in a phonegap application using JavaScript

I am about to build a phonegap application and was wanting to build a function, a little but like how you can add filters on your photos like you can On instagram
Il tried to find how it's done with no luck.
Anyone have any ideas on the technique or if it's even possible without objective c?
I had the same problem wound up creating a new phonegap plugin to accomplish the task!
Basically how it works in theory is to capture the image with phonegap and pass the new image's URI to objective-c to edit. Using the CoreImage Framework you can apply and edit the photo then save it back and pass a new url back to your app.
Check out this blog post and git project!
hope this helps!

Salesforce Api implementation on iPhone

I am implementing salesforce api in my project. I downloaded code from the below link
But the problem is that i want this api on iPhone not on iPad.
When i am going to convert it on iPhone. I am fail. It is typical to convert it because of difference of code like split view etc.
I dont want split view just simple api. If you guys source code of it then share. Thanks.
(Note: I am using xcode not phonegap)
I think you're confusing yourself by looking at the sample app, the actual api library itself doesn't use splitviews as far as i know. Concentrate on what's in the ZKSforce directory, and not the sample SVNTest app.
There is a document link
here is the code:

How to create an iPhone app that interacts with my website?

What I want to do is to make an iPhone application for my website similar to the photofunia. The users will be able to select an effect from a list, and then upload their own photo. Then the result will be shown in the browser where the user can save the image and/or publish to website like facebook, etc.
What software can I use to do that? Phonegap, appcelerator, etc? Can some of these help?
First of all, you may be able to make an iPhone app using Adobe Flash and the Adobe Packager for iPhone.
The other option is to get a Mac and Learn Objective-C.
There is no "easy" solution here.
Create a webservice for your website and try to use that in your iPhone Application
Of course I know there is no "easy" solution, but I'm almost sure there are other options for making iphone apps, instead of using Objective-C.
I only don't know the name of the tools.
Flash doesn't works. Adobe Air currently doesn't offer a way to access the camera roll on the ios.

how can I build and iphone app which tracks a users location uploads the coordinates

I am writing an app for iphone to go along site my website which tracks the location of the user. Can anyone give me any pointers on where to begin. I am very good with mysql and php etc but I am a novice with iphone apps.
The coordinates from the app need to be able to upload to my api which I have set up.
What you probably want to do is create a simple app that can run in the background.
During background execution you cannot do anything really too much with the network so I suggest logging it using CoreData and then on resume/startup to send an HTTP post to a PHP page that logs it into your DB?
You might want to check out the HTML5 geolocation API. Also reading "Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript" is recommended. I read the same book for Android and was very pleased. Building your app in HTML5/CSS/JS will also mean that it will probably work on other platforms.