Facebook | redirect error - facebook

I have facebook connect button on a page of my site and I want user to redirect to a page after a successful login: here's the code snippet:
<fb:login-button onlogin="facebook_onlogin();">
</fb:login-button> <script type="text/javascript">
FB.init("API_KEY", "http://myip/facebookapp/xd_reciver.html/");
function facebook_onlogin() {
But when I logged in it redirects to the page INSIDE the pop-up, how can I redirect to the page out side of the popup..

In my experience, this is generally caused by not having the cross-domain receiver file set up properly.
Assuming you copied the cross-domain receiver file that Facebook provides, then in your code snippet above, it looks like you misspelled "receiver" in xd_receiver.html. Double-check that it is a valid URL by copying and pasting it into your browser and making sure it can be loaded... my guess is you'll have to fix the spelling and remove the trailing slash, ie. http://myip/facebookapp/xd_receiver.html. Double-check the API key while you're at it, Facebook Connect can be quite frustrating to set up sometimes.

Are you using latest connect javascript sdk by facebook or the oldest one ?
checkout the latest javascript sdk by facebook http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/
Here you'll see nice working example.


AddThis and History.js - automatic redirection to wrong URL

I have a problem with AddThis widget and History.js script.
Once user shares some page on Facebook using AddThis widget, some hashtag is appended to URL (e.g. #.U-S_Q-q0tE8.facebook).
Then, if user clicks such link on Facebook and goes to my website with URL e.g.: http://domain.com/path/to/content,123.html#.U-S_Q-q0tE8.facebook, they get redirected to http://domain.com/path/to/.U-S_Q-q0tE8.facebook which throws error 404.
The weird thing is that History.js is not even initialized or used. It's just embed on the site with <script...> tag.
Is there any solution to this? Is it possible to disable such behavior in History.js?
I have the exact same problem, and while I don't know if you can disable the history.js behavior, you can disable the addthis hashes by adding the following before the addthis script
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
data_track_clickback: false
This means you wont be able to track how many click that link gets using addthis, but something like Google Analytics is able to show traffic source.

Facebook gives security warning: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone

I have integrated Facebook with my application to post content. It was working until version 1.2 of the application, but now I am getting a security warning just after login as bellow.
The weird thing about this security warning is that it works for one of my Facebook accounts properly without any warning as previously, but I get this warning with my other account. I have attached a screen shot of the issue:
Disabling the secure browsing is not worth , as we cant make all the users to disable secure browsing.
I do have resolved.Check my answer here. Escape from Facebook security Warning
After a long time spend on Internet to search this issue. Finally I got the answer about it.
Login to Facebook account > Go to Privacy Setting > Click on Security tag on left side of Page > then Disable Secure browsing
Now Reset your simulator and and then Run application and again login it will work for sure
Short answer is that the problem can be solved if you use your own redirect_uri rather than the standard facebook one. When the access token is returned, the standard www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html page has a timer which will change the URL possibly before your app can retrieve the access token.
This problem can occur related to internet latency. We had two customers report issues with this one in Myanmar and one in the UK. No issues for anyone else. Assuming you are authorizing like this:
For the default redirect_uri (https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html), facebook returns the access_token in the parameters of the URL, but the html body for that page contains two timers:
Success <br/>
<b id="warning" style="display: none; color:red">
SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.
See the Facebook Help Center for more information.
<script type="text/javascript">
document.domain = 'facebook.com';
if (window == top) {
setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById("warning").style.display = "block"; }, 2000);
setTimeout(function () { if (window.history.replaceState) { window.history.replaceState({}, "", "\/connect\/blank.html#_=_"); } }, 2000);
When either timer fires, it will change the URL which removes the access_token. So as long as you catch that before it changes, everything works. In our case, we were using an embedded browser control under Windows and monitoring the navigated links. As long as the code can receive a navigation event containing the access_token before this timeout occurs, then everything worked. We were never able to determine how latency of the internet connection and possibly some combination of a user's slow computer caused this problem, but this solved it.
In the Facebook Login settings for your facebook app, add your own URIs to the list of Valid OAuth redirect URIs. If you redirect to your own html page, then you can avoid the facebook timeout.

Error launching native application from web app - iOS - URL can't be shown

I'm running into a bit of trouble trying to call my native iOS application from my web app (apple-mobile-web-app-capable). Whenever I'm in Safari pressing the button to open my app with a custom url scheme, that works just fine.
However, when I've added it to the home screen I get stuck with the error: The URL can't be shown. Redirecting to http or https works fine but if I call mysupercustomurlscheme:// I get the error message above.
I've tried opening it by document.location.href, window.location, etc etc but nothing seems to do the trick and I've run out of ideas.
If anyone has got any ideas I'd be most grateful to hear them.
Thanks in advance!
Okay, here's a somewhat clumsy way to do it, but it works and might help some poor soul out there trying to achieve the same thing.
First, create a simple HTML link as, apparently, regular HTML links open in Mobile Safari instead of within the full screen view in the web app.
In redirect.html you simply redirect the user with some simple javascript.
window.location = "mysupercustomurlscheme://"
And that's it! It's certainly not the best way to do it but it's 'fairly' seamless. That's what I came up with at least, if you have any other suggestions do let me know.
Hope this helps someone!
Just wanted to post an example of what Tobias is referencing. You need to host on your server and link to in emails, social media, etc. Simply substitute in your app's URI and your App Store link. Note that the iframe works on more browsers.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
// Deep link to your app goes here
document.getElementById("l").src = "my_app://";
setTimeout(function() {
// Link to the App Store should go here -- only fires if deep link fails
window.location = "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/my.app/id123456789?ls=1&mt=8";
}, 500);
<iframe id="l" width="1" height="1" style="visibility:hidden"></iframe>
So, if the user has your app installed, the link with the URI will succeed and you will exist the browser before the script for redirecting to the App Store can be triggered. If the user does not have your app, the redirect succeeds (after a brief ugly error message). I am a developer at Branch and we use this, so feel free to reach out with questions in implementing.

Correct way to redirect to a facebook tab after authentication for an app?

We're hosting a PHP facebook canvas application (http://apps.facebook.com/myapp). One of the pages (http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/foobar) requires authentication from facebook so we can access some information about the user. This is achieved by using the PHP-SDK's $facebook->getLoginUrl() method to generate the url for authentication and works as expected.
We have since added the app to as a Tab (iFrame) to our Page (http://www.facebook.com/MyPage?sk=app_nnnnn). Now when we try to authenticate the user they are redirected to the app's url (http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/foobar) rather than having the /foobar page load in the Tab's iFrame as expected.
Is it possible to set the auth so that it doesn't bounce to the app's url but stays within the Tab using the PHP-SDK? If so, what is the workflow I should follow to achieve this?
I would simply add code to http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/foobar to check for authentication, and if it is, echo:
<script type="text/javascript">
top.location.href = 'http://www.facebook.com/MyPage?sk=whatever';
That should break out of the iframe and redirect you to where you want to go.
The way I have achieved this is to do the following:
On the /myapp/foobar page I check to see whether the user has been authenticated. If they haven't I set a session value and use the PHP-SDK's $facebook->getLoginUrl() to generate the auth url and send a response back containing just the javascript to redirect window.top.
Once they've authenticated they're redirected back to the main page. When this page loads it checks for the session value and, if set, removes it and issues a redirect header to /myapp/foobar.
It's a little convoluted but seems to be quite a stable solution.

Redirection loop problem at facebook iframe application

I do IFrame application for facebook.
Problem is: any link inside it causes redirect loop
Link is: http://mydomain/mypage?fb_sig=[what I got from $_GET['fb_sig']]
(to test I link to the same page as my loaded canvas is loaded from)
when I click on it, my server returns:
<script type="text/javascript">
top.location.href = "http://www.facebook.com/login.php?api_key=5dc632fcef992470341178f492f79b93&v=1.0&next=http%3A%2F%2Fthiismydomain%2Ffacebook%2F%3Ffb_sig%3D96a5c47f133eadcfbba4abf82e5311e0%26page%3D1";
then it goes to corresponding page, and facebook returns
Location: http://thisismydomain/facebook/?fb_sig=96a5c47f133eadcfbba4abf82e5311e0&page=1&auth_token=ce4cf4968f91cace5b3e915f5b658984
then, my server replies with
<script type="text/javascript">
top.location.href = "http://www.facebook.com/login.php?api_key=5dc632fcef992470341178f492f79b93&v=1.0&next=http%3A%2F%2Fthisismydomain%2Ffacebook%2F%3Ffb_sig%3D96a5c47f133eadcfbba4abf82e5311e0%26page%3D1%26auth_token%3Dce4cf4968f91cace5b3e915f5b658984";
and back, facebook replies:
Location: http://thisismydomain/facebook/?fb_sig=96a5c47f133eadcfbba4abf82e5311e0&page=1&auth_token=ce4cf4968f91cace5b3e915f5b658984&auth_token=77df653b7949ca39c1a226c82cce8add
and it goes on and one without end.
Should I say that this redirect responce from my server is generated automately (most probaby my facebook php lib)
I have no more ideas why this happends. Any ideas?
I had a similar problem, where getSession() returned nothing, and thus sending me out on an infinite redirect loop. I solved it by enabling OAuth 2.0 in the settings for the application, as stated here:
Ok, if you recognize the problem, here is the solution:
fb_sig is not the only param to be passed manually. Whole fb_sig* should be passed. Read more at this beautiful page http://www.foobots.net/breakouts.html