GWT and Panda Video Converter - gwt

I'm writing GWT application where I need to upload video file and encode that video into different video formats. I've decided to use Panda Video Converter. I was able to run panda on my EC2 instance (using their image) and I can upload video from Panda's test pages but now I'm trying to make same thing with my own application in GWT.
The question that I have is: How do I get Video id and how do I post my video to the server. What URL do I need to use for that? I tried to read their documentation but have no clue where to start. This is my fist time working with webservices and url, probably that's why I don't how it works.

Disclaimer: I have no idea how the Panda Video Converter works, this is just an example of using RequestBuilder to make GET and POST requests to a server.
The steps to accomplish this seem to be roughly:
Send a POST to|xml) with your account ID as a parameter.
Receive a response including the ID of the new video you've created (a placeholder)
Display a form to the user based on the ID. The form is retrieved by sending a GET to[id]/form
Submitting this form uploads the video, whose information can be retrieved by sending a GET to GET|xml)
Since the only elements of this process are POST and GET requests, you can use the RequestBuilder to make these requests for you in GWT.
We'll go through step by step.
Send a POST to with your account ID as a parameter.
RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, "");
rb.sendRequest("account_key=foo", new RequestCallback() {
protected void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response, response) {
// parse XML to get "id" element
// onError() ...
Now that you have the ID, you can make another request to get the upload form HTML.
rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, "" + id + "/form");
rb.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
protected void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response, response) {
// this may not work, and it may be a bad idea to inject third-party HTML
// straight into your page. You might also want to open a popup window
// instead of injecting the HTML directly.
// onError() ...
With that form, the user uploads the video, etc.
Now, to get info about the video, it's -- you guessed it -- another RequestBuilder call.
rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, "" + id + ".xml");
rb.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
protected void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response, response) {
// parse response XML to get info you want
// onError() ...
Another disclaimer: This is a very rough outline of what appears to be the process of uploading a video, based on the docs you linked. This just serves as a basic example of using RequestBuilder to make GET/POST calls.

I just wanted to see if you had worked this out. If you need some more help with the open source version feel free to ask on the Google Groups list we have:
You might also be interested in trying out the hosted version we launched publicly last week:

In my opinion, U2Any Video Converter is also a good choice for us because it is practical and professional yet easy to use. It can handle all the problem of converting video/audio formats. Hope my info can help you.


How do I handle the need for CSFR token when using SAP Cloud SDK?

I am using the SAP Cloud SDK for Java to do CRUD on the SalesOrder APIs in S/4. Everything works well in that I can carry out these actions from Postman. However, these requests from Postman only work if I include a pre-request script to get a csrf token as outlined in this blog post
If I run the requests without the pre-request script outlined in the blog post, I get a '403 Forbidden'. As I said it works from Postman, but I would like to understand how this should be handled without the need for this script, for example if I was making a request from another application. Does the SDK allow me to handle this from the application code somehow. Maybe I am missing something.
Thanks for your time.
I am not making requests to the S/4 directly from Postman. I have an app deployed which is using the Cloud SDK to make the requests to S/4. It works if I use the pre-request script to fetch the CSFR token and attach it to the request before I send it, but 403 if I don't. So, if we imagine I am not using Postman but some ui somewhere to fill a form and send this request my understanding is that I shouldn't, as you suggested, have to worry about this token, that my service in the middle which uses the SDK and the VDM should handle this for me. This is what I am struggling to understand.
This is the servlet code:
protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String body = IOUtils.toString(request.getReader());
JSONObject so = new JSONObject(body);
String distributionChannel = so.get("DistributionChannel").toString();
String salesOrderType = so.get("SalesOrderType").toString();
String salesOrganization = so.get("SalesOrganization").toString();
String soldToParty = so.get("SoldToParty").toString();
String organizationDivision = so.get("OrganizationDivision").toString();
String material = so.get("Material").toString();
String requestedQuantityUnit = so.get("RequestedQuantityUnit").toString();
SalesOrderItem salesOrderItem = SalesOrderItem.builder()
SalesOrder salesOrder = SalesOrder.builder()
try {
final ErpHttpDestination destination = DestinationAccessor.getDestination(DESTINATION_NAME).asHttp()
final SalesOrder storedSalesOrder = new CreateSalesOrderCommand(destination, new DefaultSalesOrderService(),
response.getWriter().write(new Gson().toJson(storedSalesOrder));"Succeeded to CREATE {} sales order", storedSalesOrder);
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
logger.error("Failed to CREATE sales order", e);
And the CreateSalesOrder command:
public SalesOrder execute() {
return ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(this::run, myResilienceConfig);
protected SalesOrder run() {
try {
return salesOrderService.createSalesOrder(salesOrder).execute(destination);
} catch (final ODataException e) {
throw new ResilienceRuntimeException(e);
I am using the version 3.16.1 of the SDK and have set logging level to DEBUG for the SDK in the manifest:
and logging level to DEBUG in logback
If I remove the pre-request script from the request and send it I get the 403 response and logs shows the following messages:
user principal"
"logger":"","thread":"http-nio-","level":"DEBUG","categories":[],"msg":"Destroying Authorization as it is end of request." }
"logger":"","thread":"http-nio-","level":"DEBUG","categories":[],"msg":"Destroying Authorization JWT Token." }
As the other answers focus on the app to S/4 communication and you adjusted your question to make clear that you mean the User (e.g. Postman) to app communication I'll provide some additional information.
As mentioned by the other answers the CSRF handling to the S/4 system (or any OData endpoint) is automatically handled on side of the OData VDM.
What you are now encountering is the secure default configuration of the SAP Cloud SDK Maven Archetypes, which have the RestCsrfPreventionFilter activated by default.
This filter automatically protects all non-GET endpoints from CSRF by requiring you to fetch a CSRF Token prior to your request which you then provide.
This is completely unrelated to the OData VDM call to the S/4 system in the background.
To remedy your problems there are now three next steps:
Use a GET endpoint instead of POST
Probably only as a temporary workaround
Remove the RestCsrfPreventionFilter temporarily from your web.xml
This should not be done for productive uses, but might make your life in the initial evaluation easier.
"Live with it"
As this is a commonly used pattern to protect your application against CSRF it's advised to keep the filter in place and do the CSRF-Token "flow" as required.
Further Reading
OWASP description of CSRF:
OWASP cheat sheet on CSRF protection (linked to the approach used by the filter):
JavaDoc of the RestCsrfPreventionFilter:
You're correct, with an API tool like Postman you have to make a HEAD request first to get a CSRF token.
However, in Cloud SDK for Java, we take care of getting and refreshing CSRF token for you when you're making any CRUD request.
Here's an example of reading a Saler Oder item and updating it afterward:
// Create a new sales order item
SalesOrderItem item = new SalesOrderItem();
item.setNetAmount(new BigDecimal(NET_VALUE));
item = service.createSalesOrderItem(item).execute(destination).getResponseEntity().get();
// Modify it with a PATCH update to 9000 net value
item.setNetAmount(new BigDecimal(NET_VALUE_UPDATED));
ModificationResponse<SalesOrderItem> response = service.updateSalesOrderItem(item).modifyingEntity().execute(destination);
Try it and let up know if it works fine for you. We're happy to assist if you'll encounter any difficulties.
The SDK makes an attempt to fetch a CSRF token automatically within execute(destination). This happens before issuing the actual request. If the attempt is successful the token will be included in the request. If not, the request will be send regardless.
Please increase the log level to debug for all packages if you think this is not happening correctly. Also it would be great to see the actual HTTP requests that go in and out which you can enable by setting the log level of org.apache.http.wire also to debug. Then attach the stack trace here together with the SDK version you are using and the exact code you are invoking.

Get html output from a jcr node in CQ5

I wanted to know if there is a way to get the rendered HTML output of a Page node in CQ5 without hitting the actual url. I have the Page node and I want to get the rendered HTML output of that Page node programmatically in java and store it in a string without hitting the page URL.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
Node itself it's just a data. Sling framework responsible for rendering this data. It use a bunch of rules to determine how this data should be rendered.Sling Script Resolution Cheet Sheet As Sling is web framework it renders data via http requests.
To emulate this request in CQ/AEM I suggest to use service
private RequestResponseFactory requestResponseFactory;
private SlingRequestProcessor requestProcessor;
public String doStuff(){
HttpServletRequest request = requestResponseFactory.createRequest("GET", "/path/to/your/node.html");
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
HttpServletResponse response = requestResponseFactory.createResponse(out);
requestProcessor.processRequest(request, response, resourceResolver);
return out.toString(response.getCharacterEncoding());
Hope it helps.
You can access node by providing a correct view. As you need rendered html view, use .html with your node to get rendered html. So your node path will be
Now to read html programmatically, you can make an http request to above path from your path, and save response as string.

Downloading a PDF from an HTTP POST call

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish (IE 9+, Chrome, FF, Safari) without the use of JQuery:
Make an http POST call to my API endpoint with some data
Server dynamically generates a PDF and returns the PDF as a binary attachment
Browser does default download behavior and downloads the PDF without refreshing the page
Basically I want to get the behavior similar to <a href="test.pdf"> but for a dynamically generated PDF after making a POST call instead of a GET call.
I've tried lots of different things, but they either didn't work cross browser (such as using $ with a blob URL), were blocked by popup blockers (any $window call outside of the click scope), or didn't cause the PDF to be automatically downloaded (any $http POST solution).
I finally found one solution that seems to work which creates a form using javascript and submits it.
var form = document.createElement('form');
form.setAttribute('method', 'post');
form.setAttribute('action', myurl);
var params = {foo: 'bar'};
for(var key in params) {
if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var hiddenField = document.createElement('input');
hiddenField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
hiddenField.setAttribute('name', key);
hiddenField.setAttribute('value', params[key]);
This successfully accomplishes the 3 steps above, but now I've run into a new problem. There is no way to determine when the PDF file has been successfully downloaded. This is preventing me from removing the form and from displaying a friendly 'Please wait...' message to the user. There is also the additional problem that submitting the form cancels any outstanding ajax requests as well which isn't optimal.
I have full control over both the server and the client, so what's the best way to fix this? I don't want to have to save the PDF on the server so passing back a url and doing a second GET request from the client won't work in this case. Thanks!
You can make an server response behave as a download by applying some HTTP headers:
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SOME_NAME.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
If you're initiating the download through JS only (instead of having the user click a download link), then check out this question for some caveats.
Update: Syntax for POST
Better Update: Form solution with iframe target
You can detect that your server-side script has finished (and subsequently, that the download is ready to begin) by having the form target an iframe. I believe this should also fix the issue of cancelling outstanding Ajax calls, but I'm not certain. Here is the code to do it (just stick this into your code example after the for loop and before document.body.appendChild(form);):
var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.setAttribute('id', 'pdfFrame');
frame.onload = function(){
alert('Download ready!');
form.setAttribute('target', 'pdfFrame');
You can replace my alert with your code to remove the 'Please wait...'.

Simplest example for sending post data via links in Zend Framework

Starting with Zend and I´d like to know what is the simplest way of sending POST data to another page, not by forms, but by some link in my view instead. Thanks :)
You can't send POST data through a link. At least not through a normal link. Link can only carry GET data.
If you need to send POST over a link it's most certainly a design flaw.
If you're 100% sure, that you need it, you can do that using jQuery and onclick event. It`s not possible to do it without javascript. Other option would be to send it using form with hidden fields with single submit button visible - that would even work without javascript.
Normal hyperlinks in HTML are sent with GET requests and are not supposed to change the state of the resource being accessed. This is known as being idempotent. You can repeat the request over and over, and the result of each succeeding request to the same URL is the same as the first one.
POST requests don't have this restriction and are intended for when the user needs to change something (such as creating a new resource.)
It's not possible to send a POST request via a normal HTML link. And even if you find a way, it breaks an almost universal expectation that web users have. What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe there's a better way.
But to answer your question, you could use something like jQuery to capture the "click" event and make it do a POST request:
$('.my-link').click(function() {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
var data = {};
$.post(url, data, function() {
return false;
If your URL has any query parameters, i.e. "?foo=bar&baz=bum", then you'd probably need to strip them off of the URL and pass them as a second parameter to the $.post() function. This is left as an exercise for the reader. ;-)

GWT:How to generate pdf save/open window?

I am using GWT2.4 version in my application.In this I application I have created Form using GWT control (like textbox,textaera).
I have also created preview of form.In that preview I have button of pdf generation.
Now I want to create behavior to deal with pdf link same as browsers(Mozilla/chrome).
For example in Mozilla on click of pdf link it asks for either save or open in a pop up window.
While debugging I found a jar name iText which can be used to create pdf, I want to implement browsers behavior in this also.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Read file contents into byte array.
Then do request for servlet or service, for eg. this way:
That Service should return Response with the right content type:
public Response downloadPdf() throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = getYourPDFContents();
return Response
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"yourFile.pdf\"")
Browser will then show save as dialog.
That's example of Service, you must include Jersey library into your project to be able to use method like I've wrote above .