How to use "this" and not "this" selectors in jQuery - jquery-selectors

I have 4 divs with content like below:
<div class="prodNav-Info-Panel">content</div>
<div class="prodNav-Usage-Panel">content</div>
<div class="prodNav-Guarantee-Panel">content</div>
<div class="prodNav-FAQ-Panel">content</div>
And a navigation list like this:
<div id="nav">
<ul id="navigation">
<li><a class="prodNav-Info" ></a></li>
<li><a class="prodNav-Usage" ></a></li>
<li><a class="prodNav-Guarantee"></a></li>
<li><a class="prodNav-FAQ" ></a></li>
When the page is first displayed I show all the content by executing this:
Now, when you click the navigation list item it reveals the clicked content and hides the others, like this:
$('.prodNav-Info').click( function() {
So what I have is 4 separate functions because I do not know which content is currently displayed. I know this is inefficient and can be done with a couple of lines of code. It seems like there is a way of saying: when this is clicked, hide the rest.
Can I do this with something like $(this) and $(not this)?

In your particular case you maybe able to use the .sibilings() method something like this:
Otherwise, lets say that you have a set of elements stored somewhere that points to all of your elements:
// contains 5 elements:
var $hiders = $(".prodNavPanel");
// somewhere later:
Also, I would suggest changing the classes for your <div> and <a> to something more like:
<div class="prodNavPanel" id="panel-Info">content</div>
<a class="prodNavLink" href="#panel-Info">info</a>
This gives you a few advantages over your HTML. First: the links will have useful hrefs. Second: You can easily select all your <div>/<a> tags. Then you can do this with jQuery:
$(function() {
var $panels = $(".prodNavPanel");
$(".prodNavLink").click(function() {
var m = this.href.match(/(#panel.*)$/);
if (m) {
var panelId = m[1];
return false; // prevents browser from "moving" the page


jQuery.on() for children with no particular selector

I have HTML structure like this:
<div class="parent">
<div class="child">
<div class="something">...</div>
<div class="child">
<div class="something-else">...</div>
<div class="child">
I catch events (like click) on .child elements like this:
$('.parent').on('click', '.child', function() { ... });
However, I would like to get rid of explicit class specification and base on the fact of direct ancestry itself.
I want to write the code which would not require any particular classes for children elements. Closest thing to this is:
$('.parent').on('click', '*', function() { ... });
But obviously such handler will spread on deeper descendants (.something, .something-else etc.), not only on the first level.
Is there a way to acheive what I look for, being it using something instead of * or some other way?
P.S. I don't want to use direct binding - $('.parent').children().click(function() {...}); - as it is slower and will not work in case of children being dynamically added.
The selector sought for is > *:
$('.parent').on('click', '> *', function() { ... });
(The actual solution was suggested by Josh Crozier in the comments, I just reposted it as an answer.)

Bootstrap Dropdown Toggle Icon issue

I am using Twitter Bootstraps "dropdown menu" on WordPress for some widget I created and it works fine. But I want to change the icon to "minus" when it drops the content and when another "plus"-icon is clicked the "minus" should close. At the moment it will only toggle the current "plus".
<div class="dropdown toggle-details">
<img src="">
<a class="dropdown-toggle my-btn" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" >
<li> <h6>item 1</h6></li>
<li><h6>item 2</h6></li>
my script is
jQuery('a').click(function() {
You're missing a dot in your jQuery, so right now jQuery is looking for an html element with tag name fa-minus-circle within the "a" element. And obviously not finding it.
actually that probably won't fix it either, because after that statement you'll end up with both classes on the i element. I guess you could work around that with css, but cleaner would be to have the "i" element default to a + icon, and then toggle a more semantic class name like "open".
So css:
i { /* show plus icon */ } { /* show minus icon */ }
And jQuery:
jQuery("a").on("click", function() {
Heh - now that I just typed everything out I see what you were doing with that second statement. So yeah, you just need a dot so jquery looks for the classname not the element.

Jquery mobile : popup removed from DOM

In my JQUerymobile pages, I have embedded popup div.
Here is an example of my pages content :
<div data-role="page" id="myPage" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="content" data-theme="a" >...</div>
<div data-role="footer" data-theme="a" data-id="footer-sante" data-position="fixed">...</div>
<div data-role="popup" id="popupOne" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="b">
<div data-role="popup" id="popupTwo" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="b">
I navigate from pages to anothers. Suddently, my embedded popups disappear from my DOM when I inspect my code.
As shown in my example, the popup location in the source code doesn't seem to change anything to the problem.
Since popups are removed from DOM, the code bellow does nothing (it actually worked before) :
$('#popupOne').popup({ transition: "slidedown", position:"position-header" });
Is there a solution to keep my popups in my DOM ?
Is there a better location to embed popups in source code ?
Another way could be to load a popup from an external (cached) page but i never achieved to do that by javascript.
Any idea to solve the problem (or a workaround) ?
(Both) your HTML placements might be incorrect here. Remove the popupOne markup from the end of the page and paste it inside the div with data-role=content like this :
<div data-role="page" id="myPage" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="content" data-theme="a" >
<div data-role="popup" id="popupOne" data-dom-cache="true" data-theme="b"></div>
<div data-role="footer" data-theme="a" data-id="footer-sante" data-position="fixed">...</div>
And if you want to reuse popups, I suggest you go the JS way. You could create popups n the fly and open them. Here's some code which does just that. Feel free to alter it to any thing you want :)
"makePopup": function (text) {
var $popup;
//creat popup element
$popup = $("<div/>", {
"data-role": "popup",
"data-theme": "a",
"data-overlay-theme": "a",
"data-transition": "pop"
//create close element
var $close = $("<a/>", {
"data-role": "button",
"html": "Close",
"href": "#",
"data-theme": "e"
}).on("click", function () {
//click event of close element
//create content div - makes a nice jQM page structure.
var $content = $("<div/>", {
"data-role": "content",
//change this any way you want- Im just adding the text from clicked link here.
"html": "<span>" + text + "</span>"
//append $close to $content, then append $content to $popup
return $popup;
And when you want to use this, just do this,
var popupEl = $.makePopup("Some HTML");
And then you could, say, open it :
Or simply,
$.makePopup("Some HTML").popup("open");
Here's a demo :
Hope this is what you wanted :)

Need help Selecting

I have HTML similar to this :
<div class="MainForm">
<form name="FromName">
<button name="Button1"></button>
<Div class="blackBox" style="visibility:hidden;"></div>
<Div class="SubFotm" style="visibility:hidden;"></div>
Now I can properly find the trigger for my button click in my script, but I'm not able to target only the closet blackbox to turn it visible.
Currently I'm doing :
if (PButtonName=="Fermer") {
$(this).closest("div .ProfileForm").remove(); // Closing Profile Form
} else if (PButtonName=="plusAdresse") {
$(this).closest("div .BlackBox").css("visibility","visible");
I can get the alert "In" to show, but not the BlackBox
If I change the
$(this).closest("div .BlackBox").css("visibility","visible");
for :
$("div .FormBlackBox").css("visibility","visible");
It will show, but will also show all the black box in the document.
If you are using the above HTML, or something similar, I would do it using a reference to the parents.
instead of:
$(".MainForm").closest("div .BlackBox").css('visibility','visible');
This is assuming you have more than one MainForm div and they all have a single child with the BlackBox class.
here is an example.
Instead of what you have done just add styles display:none; to your divs and then show them whenever you want.So you can do this as below:
<div class="MainForm">
<form name="FromName">
<button name="Button1"></button>
<div class="blackBox" style="display:none;"></div>
<div class="SubFotm" style="display:none;"></div>
and then in your script
if (PButtonName=="Fermer")
$(".MainForm").closest("div .ProfileForm").remove(); // Closing Profile Form
else if (PButtonName=="plusAdresse")
$(".MainForm").closest("div .BlackBox").show();
And I will recommend you using Switch case instead of loops at this place.

jQuery next() selector when divs are not neighboring

Ive been using the following to change the width of the that appears after the one you've clicked:
$(".my-div").click(function () {
As my divs were neighboring, this worked fine:
<div class="my-div">stuff</div>
<div class="my-div">stuff</div>
<div class="my-div">stuff</div>
However now the structure has changed so they are no longer neighboring:
<div class="my-div">stuff</div>
<div class="my-div">stuff</div>
<div class="my-div">stuff</div>
Whats the simplest way to select the next element of the same class?
jQuery will return elements in order of their appearance in the DOM.
As such, you could cache all the .my-div elements, use the index()[docs] method to get the index of the one that received the event, increment it and use the eq()[docs] method to get the next one.
var divs = $(".my-div"); // cache all of them () {
var idx = divs.index( this ); // get the index in the set of the current one
divs.eq( idx + 1 ).css({'width':'500px'}); // get the one at the next index
This saves you from doing a bunch of unnecessary DOM selection and traversing.
EDIT: Posted wrong example link. Fixed.
You can traverse the tree hierarchy. That is, you can first jump to parent, then to next, then to children, like this:
$(this).parent().next().find(' > div').css({'width':'500px'});