N2 CMS - My Items dont show in the tree - content-management-system

Anyone familier with N2 CMS ??
ive just started using it, and so far so good, but i have an issue that im sure you guys will know whats wrong.
i have this simple Item class...
using N2;
using N2.Details;
using MVCSite.ContentCMSItems;
[PageDefinition("Home page", Description = "The Page for the home page")]
public class PageItem : AbstractBaseClass
/// <summary>
/// There are code snippets to help generate these properties.
/// Look in the snippets directory of the package.
/// </summary>
[EditableFreeTextArea("MainText", 97)]
public virtual string MainText
get { return (string)GetDetail("MainText"); }
set { SetDetail("MainText", value); }
[EditableFreeTextArea("Home Page Fotter Text", 100)]
public virtual string FooterText
get { return (string)GetDetail("Home Page Fotter Text"); }
set { SetDetail("Home Page Fotter Text", value); }
In edit mode, N2 CMS picks it up and i can create a page and fill in all the data.
Once this is done i expect to see it in the tree, below my start page, but it never shows.
All the data is in the database but not in the tree, so once its created i cannot edit it :(
can anyone suggest what im doing wrong ??
thanks for your time

Found the problem, as i copied the AbstractBaseClass which it inherits, from the N2CMS MVC example project, it contained methods that caused this problem. After removing these it now shows in the tree.


Fuelphp - route index with parameters

Using Fuelphp, I'd like to be able to use a URL system similar to here on StackOverflow to get to specific pages.
Desired behavior:
-stackoverflow.com/questions -> page with many questions
-stackoverflow.com/questions/1982 ->page with specific question
Here's my controller:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index($id=null)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
I can access the "generic" page with mysite.com/images/ - this is routed to the action_index function. I can access a "specific" page with mysite.com/images/index/1. What I'd like to do is be able to skip index in this case too, so that mysite.com/images/1 works. Right now I'm getting 404. How do I set up routing for this?
After poking around a bit more, I came up with a solution that works fine:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index()
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
public function get_id($id)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
In routes.php:
return array(
//other routing stuff...
With this setup, the url "mysite.com/images/1" now appropriately displays the selected image as if "mysite.com/images/id/1" was used instead. Not a huge deal, but it is a nicer interface, which is important!

How to create an accordion in wicket

I am using wicket 1.4.17.I went through quite a few posts on this but couldn't understand it clearly. How can I make an accordion in wicket?
Basically what I am looking for is kind of a table with 1 column and multiple rows where each row can be expanded or collapsed, and each row on expansion shows another table of data.
The following code example should help you get started.
Feel free to ask questions if something seems unclear. Of course you could go even deeper in your DetailPanel (that's why I would suggest that approach)
AbstractRepeater exampleView = new ListView<Object>("exampleView", myList) {
protected void populateItem(ListItem<Object> item) {
//you can use a own panel, fragment, etc to illustrate your detail view here
//you could also use one WebMarkupContainer for visibility - but I'd assume this will get very messy, very soon
final DetailPanel detailPanel = new DetailPanel("detailPanel", item.getModel());
//add AjaxLink to switch between the visibilty of the detailView
AjaxLink<Void> detailLink = new AjaxLink<Void>("detailLink") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {

MvvmCross: Android custom webview urls handlers

My Android application had some complex text with hyperlinks embedded inside. The easiest way for me to handle this was to just use an embedded WebView and detect hyperlink clicks to perform custom commands. I am trying to do this the MvvmCross way. Is there a binding available for WebView.SetBackgroundColor or WebView.LoadData? Once I get my custom html inside and the user clicks on hyperlinks, I have used WebView.SetWebViewClient to install my own client which can detect hyperlink clicks and perform custom actions. Any way to turn all of that into proper MvxCommand usage?
Is there a binding available for WebView.SetBackgroundColor
For View color binding see the sample: https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross-Tutorials/tree/master/ValueConversion
or WebView.LoadData?
See Dynamic Binding UIWebView in MVVMCross
I have used WebView.SetWebViewClient to install my own client which can detect hyperlink clicks and perform custom actions. Any way to turn all of that into proper MvxCommand usage?
It's not clear to me what your question is. Maybe try coding something first and then coming back with some sample code for the problem - eg come back with a specific question about a specific ViewModel so that others can try to answer at a code level instead of at this more general level. Perhaps also try asking one question at a time and asking with a deeper level of detail - How to ask may help you get better results - see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/how-to-ask
I created a custom WebView by inheriting and added Command properties. I then added a custom WebViewClient to detect certain URL's and to call the corresponding command that was bound. Is this a good way to accomplish this?
public class AboutWebView : WebView
public IMvxCommand AboutCommand { get; set; }
public IMvxCommand LicenseCommand { get; set; }
public IMvxCommand PrivacyCommand { get; set; }
public AboutWebView (Context ctx,IAttributeSet aset) : base(ctx,aset)
SetWebViewClient (new AboutWebViewClient(this));
private class AboutWebViewClient : WebViewClient
private AboutWebView _parent = null;
public AboutWebViewClient(AboutWebView parent)
_parent = parent;
public override bool ShouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, string url)
if (url.StartsWith ("about://"))
_parent.AboutCommand.Execute ();
else if (url.Equals (App.LICENSE_URL))
_parent.LicenseCommand.Execute ();
_parent.PrivacyCommand.Execute ();

How to access child controls inside inherited class?

Here is what I'm doing, I have a large amount of reports, rather than copy and pasting the repeated code, I have the following..
public class ReportPage : System.Web.UI.Page
// Code
My report Pages have
public class MyReportPage : ReportPage
Problem I'm having is, I want to be able to access a control inside MyReportPage within ReportPage, for instance, I want all pages grid to have a specific property.
Inside ReportPage I tried
protected void Page_PreRender(object s, EventArgs e)
var obj = this.FindControl("reportGridName");
But unable to find the control, went through all the controls to see if I could it in, no luck..
Any ideas how to get the grid access on the inherit?
Page page = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;
var obj = page.FindControl("reportGridName");
Does that work? I'm having the exact same problem and stumbled upon this link

GWT - Code Splitting - How can GWT know which data load first time?

Im curios about this. I have for example this code :
button_article.addClickListener(new ClickListener(){
public void onClick(Widget w) {
GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
public void onFailure(Throwable reason) {
// somethings
public void onSuccess() {
public final void designArticles() {
this.add(new ProfileArticles(this.rpcService, this));
I see that until i click on button_article, the elements on ProfileArticles() (that is a FlowPanel) arent loaded when i start the application. So, how can GWT know that element on that class shouldnt loaded when the application start? It check each methods under GWT.runAsync() and their correspondents Class?
I also see that when i leave that "context" they arent released (in fact, if i change context and i return there, when i click again on that method it doesnt call the server. So it use the previous loaded code). Is it right? :)
The GWT compiler analyzes the flow of your program to figure out what chunks it can load later. If you want to visually understand what it's done, check out http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCompileReport.html .
Once code is loaded, most of it can be cached, so even if the user navigates off the page and then back to yours, the code will not need to be reloaded.