Are tile overlays possible with the iPhone's MapKit - iphone

I already have a tile source set up for use with the Google Maps JavaScript API. I am trying to translate this for use with the iPhone MapKit. I have correctly implemented the javascript zooming levels into mapkit. Whenever - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated is called, I snap the region to the nearest zoom level based on the same center point.
Is it possible to implement a solution possibly with CATiledLayer to implement a tiling solution. Does the iPhone use the standard 256x256 tiles like google maps does natively? Any direction or help on this would be greatly appreciated. I would rather not waste a couple weeks trying to implement this if it's not possible.

FWIW, I spent quite a bit of time looking for a decent solution… before diving into a CATiledLayer example, I noticed MKOverlay and MKOverlayView — which are new in iOS 4 and plug right into a MKMapView.
Couldn’t find a good example implementation of using MKOverlays that pull arbitrary image data (say, UIImages from a remote tile server), but I tinkered around with the API enough until I got it working.
Built a simple example implementation of it in case anyone (like me) wants a reference:
Hope this helps someone out in the future.

MapKit doesn't provide much in the way of custom tile sources (in fact, it provides absolutely nothing to customize sources: you either use Google Maps or you don't). I've been working with a similar problem myself, though, and I've found RouteMe to be a pretty good solution for custom maps:
Built-in support exists for OpenStreetMaps, OpenAerialMaps (which is currently offline), Virtual Earth, and Yahoo Maps, but the framework makes it pretty easy to plug in your own tile source, too.

Yes, since iOS 7, MKTileOverlay will do:


How to drop a pin on the map on a particular place And draw route from user current location to that praticular place?

IN my project I need to draw a route between two pins. Can anyone tell me what are the methods used. And give me the example code for that.
Try these posts.. It will help you i think
This will automatically use Google Direction API and will fetch the points in between the locations i guess..
Anyhow see this blog
You can use MKPolyLineView - it allows you to draw a line (or polyline, if you need several segments) as an overlay on top of the MKMapView. Apple even has example code using this here.
Note that this method uses an MKOverlayView which was added in iOS 4, so it only works in iOS 4+. If you need to target iOS 3 devices, then you can use the MKAnnotationView hack that others have linked to (originating as far as I can tell from that spitzkoff blog post). I used to do it that way, but did away with it when iOS 4 had matured enough - I'd wholeheartedly recommend doing it the new way if you don't need iOS 3 support.
As for pins, use MKPinAnnotationView
Go to google maps. "Get directions". Make a screenshot. Then use UIImageView. This is what I would do.

iPhone MKMapKit Image Overlay

How can an image overlay be applied to a MKMapView? Basically, when you zoom in a specific location, I want an image to appear on top of the map that gives a more detailed view of the location.
I've had a look around and found different types of methods to use. I had a working example for an older SDK using the DrawMapRect function but this no longer seems to work on 4.2.
This is a good place to start...
I was looking for polygon sample code though.
#omniscian: If you have solved it you should post something helpful for others. This page has a high google rank.

Resizing Custom MKAnnotationView According to MapKit Zoom Level

Here is the situation:
I am displaying images on the map by using custom annotations. Everything works fine but I would like to improve it visually by resizing the AnnotationView so that it shrinks as the map is zoomed out. I want to do this because, obviously, more annotations fill up the screen and need to be shrunk so that they don't overlap each other too much and the user can see more annotations. (Of course, I would like to enlarge AnnotationViews when the map is zoomed in again).
I have achieved this by removing all annotations from the map and adding them back again, whenever regionDidChangeAnimated is called. However, these images are loaded from the internet, so downloading the images again (since the annotations have been removed) doesn't seem to make sense.
I hope I have explained the situation well, and hope to contribute to SO in the future.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I'm developing with iOS 4.0
Since you are using iOS 4.0 I would suggest using a class that conforms to the MKOverlay protocol instead of MKAnnotationView. Overlays zoom with the map and will scale appropriately. You can probably use 1 overlay to handle all your annotations. Check out the HazardMap demo Apple provided in the 2010 WWDC talks on
Alternatively, you could use something like the k nearest neighbors algorithm to group annotations per zoom scale. However, that can be kind of slow if you have a lot of annotations. I tried it once with several thousand annotations and did not like the performance hit that was incurred. I think < 1000 annotations might have decent performance with this method though.
It sounds like you're already on the right path and that the only real problem is the downloading of the images. Is there any particular reason you can't cache them by writing them to the documents directory (or the cache directory if you want them to go way when the app quits) when you receive them and look there first before displaying them?

Getting a tiled image collection on the iPad (Deep Zoom)

I have a set of tiled image collections created via Microsoft's Deep Zoom composer, and a Silverlight application that currently consumes them for display via MultiScaleImage - it's all working pretty well - I'd just like to get some experience with iPad programming and
have a couple of ideas for some iPad applications. All my ideas rely on me being able to display/manipulate these tiled image sets (on the iPad).
I just picked up a iMac to facilitate this. I'm not seeing any Objective-C / Cocoa-touch libraries for this though, so am assuming I will have to roll my own. (I saw the Seadragon Ajax component, which is pretty slick, but I'm dealing with collections here, which it doesn't support. I would also like to roll this as a native application just to get the experience.)
The only open source project I found for displaying/manipulating the tiled image sets was Openzoom - a Flash component. I'm not to familiar with ActionScript either (Python, Java, C#, and c are the only languages I have really used), but briefly inspecting the code I didn't really have any issues with it and can probably use it for hints on how to swap the tiles in and out, etc. But, as I'm pretty new to Objective-C/Cocoa-touch, some pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
1) Are there any other projects out there I am missing, or is OpenZoom my best bet for some reference?
2) Should I be trying to do this display in the UIKit framework, or should I do it as an OpenGL display?
3) Any other suggestions/pointers that I didn't think to ask.
I have just been working on a few apps that rely on tiling large images to allow for deep zooming. I found a couple of examples but the best and most useful for me was Apple's "PhotoScroller" sample code.
It relies on CATiledLayer to handle the tiling. The result is an extremely smooth and responsive interface even with very large images and its not too complex. (A little complex but not too bad).
So to answer your question directly:
PhotoScroller Code
QuartzCore Framework (which is part of the SDK)
There is a great, free little mac app for slicing images into tiles that I use a lot: "Tilen"
In the WWDC 2010 source samples, under iOS, there is a project in the ScrollView Suite called Tiling. It corresponds to WWDC10 session 104. It is probably the best image tiling example out there.
You can take a look at they way RouteMe library does this, the dynamic loading of higher resolution tiles, panning, etc.
I can't believe nobody has told you about UIScrollview; the UIScrollView component is designed for this very purpose! (think Google Maps, which uses it).
Check out the class reference...
The delegate method you require is the following....
- (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
This allows you to check the zoom level, offset etc and then provide a view for zooming. This way you can maintain your 'position' within the tiled landscape independently of the graphics used to represent it.
Don't roll your own UIScrollView, no need to!
Take a look at CATiled Layer. See my answer to a similar question here: Drawing in CATiledLayer with CoreGraphics CGContextDrawImage

iPhone Map Rendering

I'm with building a map application for iPhone, and I wanted to ask what the best way is for bringing maps from a website onto the iPhone.
I want to fetch small images of size 80x80 and show them. This kind of activity might be achieved by using UIKit or OpenGL ES.
Also if you can bring to my notice some kind of achievement and guides for this thing, I would be really very thankful.
I need to get the custom maps for some other vendor..
Besides that i know how to get the images its the rendering part and displaying part that what my problem man.
For small static maps, you could use Google's static map API
You can construct a URL to get your image like this:
NSString* urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#",%f&zoom=%d&size=%1.0fx%1.0f&key=%s&sensor=true",
aLocation.coordinate.latitude, aLocation.coordinate.longitude, // aLocation is set to the center of the map
80, 80, // your map size
kAIGoogleMapAPIKey]; // your google maps API key
All the other maps suppliers support static tiles - Microsoft, Yahoo and CloudMade.
Take a look at this topic: It's nearly the same as what you're asking for.
As far as displaying the scrolling map is concerned, CATiledLayer would be the way to go. It's a slightly complex class to use, but you can find some examples if you google it.
Would you be able to use iPhone SDK 3's MapKit API, or do you need to use custom maps?
If you have a set of custom tiles you want to load, you may want to look at mapping engines put together by companies like MapNinja that let you use your own tilesets.
Otherwise it's a lot of coding to do something like a tiled map engine yourself.
If you're looking to just embed a single, non scrollable map, then have a look at the Google Static Maps API, which will generate map images for you on the fly, depending on your request parameters.
If you want to implement a slippy map, then either try route-me, which works with OS 2.2.1, and supports custom tile servers. Or have a look at MapKit/Google Maps in OS 3.0.
You could also use the Route-Me project
BSD Licensed - perfect if you need to render your own tiles