apple push notification review - iphone

I am implementing APN's and want to release without switching it on yet..
So the app will happily receive them. but we will choose not to send them until later.
My question is, as when we want to send notifications is in our control, do apple care about this when reviewing the app.
I thinking not, maybe they send a test notification to the device to prove it works? but if anyone has any experience in dealing with this any info would be much appreciated.

Apple does not test the notifications during the review.
They doesn't register to notifications at the first launch of apps.


Perform action after receiving push notification without user acknowledging

I'm quite sure the answer to this question is no but here it goes.
Is it possible to send a push notification to my app and have it perform some work without the user clicking on the push notification?
And even if it WERE possible, will my application be rejected because of this?
This question is from upper management, they want me to get our appication to be able to do this. I already told them that I don't believe it's possible but maybe someone knows something I don't?
There is a method to to just what you want in Apple iOS 7 SDK, which unfortunately is under NDA at the moment so it's only allowed to discuss it inside Apple Developer Forums, but you can read more about it here

Is there possible make push notification without APNS

I need to know if its possible to make push notifications without use the APNS.
And if it can be done, what are the best options?
Web server ->pushNotification-> Device
What about the VoIP apps? --> Can we push notification without using APNs?
No, there is no way to use Push notification without APNS. This is restriction from Apple and is documented here
No you can not push notification to a device without using Apple's push notification service.
It is not possible to display push notifications for your application in the same way that the built in push notifications appear without using the Apple Push Notification Service.
You may be able to set up some kind of web socket-based solution, but that will not work when your app is in the background, thus defeating the point.
Check out Urban Airship
Push Composer makes sending Push Notifications simple for anyone in your organization. By putting the power of engagement into the hands of your business team, you can empower them to reach your customers quickly without adding strain on your engineering team. And because you can preview your message as you write it, you’ll know exactly how your users will see and engage with your message.

Question regarding iphone allowance of custom notifications

I have an app that I am working on, and part of its main functionality is to alert the user to do something. So even though they aren't in the app, I want to be able to pop up an alert from the app, reminding them to do something. Is that allowed with the iPhone sdk? Maybe it isn't even a big deal at all, but for some reason I was thinking that it would require background processes or something that may or may not be possible. Anyone who has any thoughts about how this would be implemented would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Check out the Apple documentation on push notifications. Short of jailbreaking and distributing your app outside the App Store, there is no way to run background processes at this time.
It is allowed through notifications, though you will need a server to actually send the notifications to the user. There is no limit to the number you can send, although the user may very well decide to shut off notifications or delete your app altogether if you are too spastic with them. Make very sure the user understands the notification volume they will receive and agrees to it...
The way the system works is the user gets a notification message (and/or sound) and can decide to open your app or not, as the time of notification.

iPhone real time notification from a server, without using Apple push notification

I'm looking for a way to get real time notification from a server in an iPhone App. I don't want to use Apple Push Notification as I have many notifications. My web service is coded in PHP, and I haven't figured out an easy way to implement this functionnality. Any idea what should I do?
Thx a lot for your help!
EDIT : I'm looking for a way to get notification only when the app is launched (otherwise, the only option IS Apple Push not.).
If the app is running you can open an http connection from the app to the server and have the server hold it open, pushing data through it when you want. This is basically how COMET works.
This will only work while your app is running. If you need the notification to happen even if the user has closed the app then Apple Push Notifications are your only option.
You must use Apple Push Notification for achieving push notifications cycle on Apple's mobile devices.

Implementing sms push in iphone

Is it possible to invoke an application on reception of an sms. I have created a sample application and it need to be launched when the iphone recieves a particular message. Is it possible to implement this in iphone. If possible, which way shall i do that... pls help...
In short, no.
In the long answer, I believe with version 3.0 you can have your app subscribe to Apple's push notification service. Meaning that you can have your app answer to a notification from Apple that you send. Not quite SMS, but it accomplishes the same thing.
Try this: