Emacs Lisp buffer not running font lock mode until opened by user - emacs

My problem is I am opening a buffer using (set-buffer (find-tag-noselect (current-word))) and then I try to copy some text out of that buffer. The text that I get back has only the properties (fontified nil). find-tag-noselect automatically opens the buffer found in the TAGS file but it seems it does not run the font lock mode over it. When I manually switch to this buffer after it has been opened and then run the function again when it copies the text it has all the correct text properties attached. So what do I need to do to have this buffer completely initialized so that the correct syntax highlighting will be copied in?
(defvar newline-string "
(defun get-initial-indent-regexp-python()
"Gets the initial amount of spaces for the function we are looking at, does not account for tabs"
(concat "^" (get-current-indent-string) (concat "[^ #" newline-string "]")))
(defun get-end-of-function-python(spaces-regex)
"Gets the point at the end of a python block"
(forward-line 1)
(while (and (not (looking-at spaces-regex)) (equal (forward-line 1) 0)))
(defun get-point-at-end-of-function ()
"This might be better served checking the major mode."
(setq extension (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)))
(if (equal extension "py")
(get-end-of-function-python (get-initial-indent-regexp-python))))
(defun inline-function ()
"Must change to overlays, be able to toggle visibility"
(let (text indent-string)
; clean all overlays without attached buffer
(set-buffer (find-tag-noselect (current-word)))
(setq text (buffer-substring (point) (get-point-at-end-of-function))))
(setq text (concat newline-string text))
(move-end-of-line nil)
(let (overlay)
(setq overlay (make-overlay (point) (+ (point) 1) (current-buffer)))
(overlay-put overlay 'display text)
(setq inline-func-overlays (cons overlay inline-func-overlays))))))

What's happening is that font-lock is done on-the-fly, so only the displayed parts of the buffer get "fontified". If you want/need to overrule this optimization, you need different functions depending on the circumstance (depending on how font-lock happens to be configured). We should add a new font-lock-ensure-fontified function for that, but in the mean time, you can take ps-print-.el as an example:
(defun ps-print-ensure-fontified (start end)
(cond ((and (boundp 'jit-lock-mode) (symbol-value 'jit-lock-mode))
(jit-lock-fontify-now start end))
((and (boundp 'lazy-lock-mode) (symbol-value 'lazy-lock-mode))
(lazy-lock-fontify-region start end))))

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do, but set-buffer does not display the buffer, so its effect ends when the current command terminates. It's generally useful only for temporary buffer switches inside a function and I guess this is the reason it doesn't run font-lock on the buffer. When you manually go to the buffer you're probably using a different function - switch-to-buffer.

Try explicitly calling 'font-lock-fontify-buffer'.


emacs - scroll past top of buffer?

Emacs (and all other text editors) by default show blank space below the bottom lines of a buffer. I want emacs to be able to also scroll above/show blank space like this above the top lines in a buffer as well so that the top lines can be viewed in the center of the screen for small files.
With guidance from Thomas's answer here I have created a minor mode for this which is now available on MELPA:
TopSpace - Recenter line 1 with scrollable upper margin/padding
I've started a small minor-mode to accomplish this. However, as first versions go, it's probably buggy, doesn't handle all edge cases (such as e.g., narrowing), and isn't particularly efficient.
Thus, I'd be happy to accept improvements: feel free to directly edit this answer if you can make this code better or to extend it.
(defvar vertical-center-num-buffers 0
"The number of buffers in which `vertical-center-mode' is activated.")
(define-minor-mode vertical-center-mode
"This minor mode displays the contents of a buffer vertically
centered with respect to the window height. This, of course, only
makes sense for buffers whose content is shorter than the window
" vc"
;; is the mode being turned on or off?
(if vertical-center-mode
;; on
;; keep track of the number of lines in the buffer
(setq-local vertical-center-num-lines (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
;; use an overlay to display empty lines at the beginning of the buffer
(setq-local vertical-center-overlay (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max)))
;; initial call to the function that centers the buffer contents
(vertical-center--lines-changed 0)
;; react to changes to the buffer or the window
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'vertical-center--kill-buffer)
(add-hook 'window-size-change-functions 'vertical-center--window-size-changed)
(when (= vertical-center-num-buffers 0)
(add-hook 'before-change-functions 'vertical-center--before-change)
(add-hook 'after-change-functions 'vertical-center--after-change))
;; this is just to play nice and remove the above hook
;; functions when they're no longer needed. Let's keep our
;; fingers crossed that we'll always stay in sync.
(setq vertical-center-num-buffers (1+ vertical-center-num-buffers)))
;; off
;; delete/unset data structures when the mode is turned off
(delete-overlay vertical-center-overlay)
(makunbound 'vertical-center-num-lines)
(makunbound 'vertical-center-overlay)
(setq vertical-center-num-buffers (1- vertical-center-num-buffers))
;; remove hook functions when they're no longer needed
(when (= vertical-center-num-buffers 0)
(remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'vertical-center--kill-buffer)
(remove-hook 'window-size-change-functions 'vertical-center--window-size-changed)
(remove-hook 'before-change-functions 'vertical-center--before-change)
(remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'vertical-center--after-change))))
;; handle killing of buffers
(defun vertical-center--kill-buffer ()
(when vertical-center-mode
(setq vertical-center-num-buffers (1- vertical-center-num-buffers))))
;; react to changes in the window height
(defun vertical-center--window-size-changed (arg)
(vertical-center--lines-changed 0))
;; handle deletions of buffer text
(defun vertical-center--before-change (beginning end)
(when (boundp 'vertical-center-num-lines)
(let ((num-lines 0))
(while (< beginning end)
(when (= (char-after beginning) ?\n)
(setq num-lines (1- num-lines)))
(setq beginning (1+ beginning)))
(when (< num-lines 0)
(vertical-center--lines-changed num-lines)))))
;; handle insertions into the buffer
(defun vertical-center--after-change (beginning end previous-length)
(when (boundp 'vertical-center-num-lines)
(let ((num-lines 0))
(while (< beginning end)
(when (= (char-after beginning) ?\n)
(setq num-lines (1+ num-lines)))
(setq beginning (1+ beginning)))
(when (> num-lines 0)
(vertical-center--lines-changed num-lines)))))
;; update the display when either the buffer content or the window
;; height has changed
(defun vertical-center--lines-changed (num-lines)
(setq vertical-center-num-lines (+ vertical-center-num-lines num-lines))
(let ((top-margin (/ (- (window-height) vertical-center-num-lines) 2)))
;; set the top margin
(overlay-put vertical-center-overlay 'before-string
(when (> top-margin 0)
(make-string top-margin ?\n)))))
Save the above code in a file named "vertical-center.el" in a directory of your choice, and then add the following lines to your .emacs file:
(setq load-path (append load-path "<directory>"))
(autoload 'vertical-center-mode "vertical-center")
Here, <directory> should be the path to the directory in which you saved the "vertical-center.el" file.
After restarting Emacs, you can now activate or deactivate the mode by typing M-x vertical-center-mode.

Highlight a name throughout an Emacs buffer

I am starting to learn Emacs Lisp, and as a first project I would like to improve the fortran mode in Emacs. I would like to mark the name of a sub routine in the buffer, and then press a shortcut key. To bring up a buffer with all lines in the given source where the name of the subroutine is mentioned.
I found that I can get the marked text using:
(defun get-selected-text (beg end)
(if (use-region-p)
(list (region-beginning) (region-end))
(list nil nil)))
(message "%s" (if (and beg end)
(buffer-substring-no-properties beg end) "")))
and can store the line numbers of the subroutines using:
(defun get-line-numbers (str)
(interactive "sEnter string: ")
(goto-char 0)
(let (( sok 1) (list nil) pp)
(while sok
(setq pp (search-forward str nil t))
(if pp (push (line-number-at-pos pp) list)
(setq sok nil)))
(message "%s" list))))
I would now like to open a new buffer similar to when I use Ctrl-x Ctrl-b to execute list-buffers and then display each line number, together with the text on the line, and the user can select a given line, and press Enter to goto the given line in the original buffer..
Just wanted to show you my version of occur-dwim.
I remember spending some time to find out about the regexp-history variable.
The first function is similar to your get-selected-text.
(defun region-str-or-symbol ()
"Return the contents of region or current symbol."
(if (region-active-p)
(thing-at-point 'symbol)))
(defun occur-dwim ()
"Call `occur' with a sane default."
(push (region-str-or-symbol) regexp-history)
(call-interactively 'occur))
To display the list-buffer you use get-buffer-create and clear it with erase-buffer (it might be that it already extisted).
To output the lines you search in the current buffer save the line in a string and put it into the list buffer via with-current-buffer and insert.
To make return special on the text or to make it clickable put a text-property with a local keymap on it.
With this guide you should be able to find everything you need in the elisp-manual.
Regarding your code, you get the beginning and end of the current region with (interactive "r"). Therewith you also get the error message if there is no active region.

Is there emacs capability for visiting last edits?

In the JetBrains products, there's a very handy key binding that lets you visit all the spots you made an edit. Hit the key once to go to the last edit (file and location), and keep hitting the key to go back to earlier edits. It's typically when editing that you want to be editing the same places over and over again, and if one has many buffers open, many of which are not edited, this is even more useful.
Emacs has a mark ring, but that's not quite the same thing.
On a related note, is there functionality in magit, the emacs git add-on, to jump to edits?
There is GotoLastChange which allows you to travel along the chain of undo locations. You can assign it to a key:
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-\\" 'goto-last-change)
There is GotoChg which allows you to travel back and forth the chain of undo locations. Sample init code snippet:
(require 'goto-chg)
(global-set-key [(control ?.)] 'goto-last-change)
(global-set-key [(control ?,)] 'goto-last-change-reverse)
(Just like the other alternatives, GotoLastChange and session.el, it can not jump between buffers)
Global, multi-buffer goto-last-change:
;;; record two different file's last change. cycle them
(defvar feng-last-change-pos1 nil)
(defvar feng-last-change-pos2 nil)
(defun feng-swap-last-changes ()
(when feng-last-change-pos2
(let ((tmp feng-last-change-pos2))
(setf feng-last-change-pos2 feng-last-change-pos1
feng-last-change-pos1 tmp))))
(defun feng-goto-last-change ()
(when feng-last-change-pos1
(let* ((buffer (find-file-noselect (car feng-last-change-pos1)))
(win (get-buffer-window buffer)))
(if win
(select-window win)
(switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer))
(goto-char (cdr feng-last-change-pos1))
(defun feng-buffer-change-hook (beg end len)
(let ((bfn (buffer-file-name))
(file (car feng-last-change-pos1)))
(when bfn
(if (or (not file) (equal bfn file)) ;; change the same file
(setq feng-last-change-pos1 (cons bfn end))
(progn (setq feng-last-change-pos2 (cons bfn end))
(add-hook 'after-change-functions 'feng-buffer-change-hook)
;;; just quick to reach
(global-set-key (kbd "M-`") 'feng-goto-last-change)
from http://shenfeng.me/emacs-last-edit-location.html
This implementation works for the last two changes in any buffers. I imagine extending the length of its change-list beyond two wouldn't be too hard.
There is the command session-jump-to-last-change in session.el which allows you to travel along the chain of undo locations. Init code snippet:
(require 'session)
(setq session-jump-undo-threshold 80) ; default was 240
(global-set-key [(control ?.)] 'session-jump-to-last-change)
(Just like the other alternatives, GotoLastChange and GotoChg, it can not jump between buffers)
Single buffer
Tracking edits and go back to where they occurred depends on the type of them.
If your edit added something, you can go back to it with a rather simple:
(goto-char (car(cadr buffer-undo-list)))
If you deleted, something you can go back to it with:
(goto-char (abs (cdr(cadr buffer-undo-list))))
and you might like displaying what you deleted in the minibuffer:
(goto-char (abs (cdr(cadr buffer-undo-list))))
(message "DEL->: %s" (substring-no-properties (car(cadr buffer-undo-list)))))
Summing up:
(defun last-edit ()
"Go back to last add/delete edit"
(let* ((ubuf (cadr buffer-undo-list))
(beg (car ubuf))
(end (cdr ubuf)))
((integerp beg) (goto-char beg))
((stringp beg) (goto-char (abs end))
(message "DEL-> %s" (substring-no-properties beg)))
(t (message "No add/delete edit occurred")))))
Read C-h v buffer-undo-list and you might integrate this for less subtle edits, such as setting text properties (assuming you really need it).
I used the buffer-undo-list variable to carry out the tasks. There is a distinct list for each buffer and, as far as I know, there is no global undo-list. Most likely you know in which buffer you typed something and you want Emacs to bring to the edited spot. There is in this case a single global-mark-ring variable recording the sequence of buffers that you have been.
Successive uses of the command Meta-Xpop-global-mark,
or simply
Ctrl-X Ctrl-Space,
will bring you to earlier visited buffers (and mark positions). Once you get to the target buffer, you can trigger Meta-Xlast-edit (or the bound keys).

Why doesn't font-lock-fontify-buffer work from elisp when it works from the minibuffer?

So I'm hacking up some elisp to test a web service, and I'm running into trouble with syntax highlighting. I'm using url-retrieve-synchronously to get an HTTP response, then editing the text to get down to just the XML I need to see. Unfortunately, syntax highlighting doesn't work in the returned buffer, even though I've set it to nxml-mode and used "font-lock-fontify-buffer" in the script. However, if I do "M-x font-lock-fontify-buffer", the highlighting works as I would expect. Is there some difference between using it in elisp and from inside emacs?
Here are the relevant parts of the script I'm putting together. I admit up front that this is the first elisp scripting I've ever done, and I'm probably doing things in a ludicrously incorrect manner, but it's all worked thus far.
(defun modality-http-request (url args request-type)
(let ((url-request-method request-type)
(url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")))
(mapconcat (lambda (arg)
(concat (url-hexify-string (car arg))
(url-hexify-string (cdr arg))))
(url-retrieve-synchronously url)))
(defun modality-http-get (url args)
(modality-http-request url args "GET"))
(defun modality-http-post (url args)
(modality-http-request url args "POST"))
(defun test-modality (test)
(interactive "s\Test: ")
(let ((buffer (modality-http-get (concat (get-modality-path) test) nil)))
(set-buffer buffer)
(setq modality-beginning (point))
(setq modality-end (point))
(delete-region modality-beginning modality-end)
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(defun bf-pretty-print-xml-region ()
"Pretty format XML markup in region. You need to have nxml-mode
http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/NxmlMode installed to do
this. The function inserts linebreaks to separate tags that have
nothing but whitespace between them. It then indents the markup
by using nxml's indentation rules."
(interactive "r")
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward-regexp "\>[ \\t]*\<" nil t)
(backward-char) (insert "\n"))
(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))
URL uses temporary/internal buffers (recognized by the fact that their name starts with a space). They're plain normal, but some functions treat them specially: font-lock will not be activated, and the buffer will usually not be shown to the user (e.g. C-x b TAB will not show those buffers).
So either rename the buffer before enabling font-lock, or copy the text you need into another buffer whose name doesn't start with a space.

Disable auto-fill-mode locally (or un fill-paragraph) with emacs

I use M-q for fill-paragraph, can I do the un-fill-paragraph in auto-fill-mode?
With org mode, I sometimes enter [[Very long HTML][Name with spaces]], and for the 'Name with spaces' the auto-fill mode break the whole line based on the inserted space, which makes it very ugly.
Is there a command something like un-fill-paragraph? Or, is there a way disable auto-fill-mode temporarily/locally?
Emacs does not record what was your line before calling fill-paragraph. So the only thing you can do is C-_ which runs the command undo. It can undo your fill-paragraph command but only if it is the preceding command call.
If you want to put a multi-line paragraph on one line you could do like this :
Select the region
Xah Lee has updated his code since monotux's answer, and I refactored it somewhat for readability:
(defun my-toggle-fill-paragraph ()
;; Based on http://xahlee.org/emacs/modernization_fill-paragraph.html
"Fill or unfill the current paragraph, depending upon the current line length.
When there is a text selection, act on the region.
See `fill-paragraph' and `fill-region'."
;; We set a property 'currently-filled-p on this command's symbol
;; (i.e. on 'my-toggle-fill-paragraph), thus avoiding the need to
;; create a variable for remembering the current fill state.
(let* ((deactivate-mark nil)
(line-length (- (line-end-position) (line-beginning-position)))
(currently-filled (if (eq last-command this-command)
(get this-command 'currently-filled-p)
(< line-length fill-column)))
(fill-column (if currently-filled
(if (region-active-p)
(fill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(put this-command 'currently-filled-p (not currently-filled)))))
To remake a long line out of a paragraph in Org mode, I gave myself a new command. Here is the associated Emacs Lisp code:
(defun fp-unfill-paragraph (&optional justify region)
(interactive (progn
(list (if current-prefix-arg 'full) t)))
(let ((fill-column 100000))
(fill-paragraph justify region)))
(global-set-key "\C-ceu" 'fp-unfill-paragraph)
Of course, you adjust the command keybinding as you see fit!
I use the following snippet to fill and un-fill paragraphs (using only M-q), it is really, really handy. I borrowed it from Xah Lee, but removed some comments and whitespace in order to make it fit in here. The link in the first comment goes to his original code.
;; http://xahlee.org/emacs/modernization_fill-paragraph.html
(defun compact-uncompact-block ()
"Remove or add line endings on the current block of text.
This is similar to a toggle for fill-paragraph and unfill-paragraph
When there is a text selection, act on the region.
When in text mode, a paragraph is considered a block. When in programing
language mode, the block defined by between empty lines.
Todo: The programing language behavior is currently not done.
Right now, the code uses fill* functions, so does not work or work well
in programing lang modes. A proper implementation to compact is replacing
newline chars by space when the newline char is not inside string.
(let (bds currentLineCharCount currentStateIsCompact
(bigFillColumnVal 4333999) (deactivate-mark nil))
(setq currentLineCharCount
(setq bds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'line))
(length (buffer-substring-no-properties (car bds) (cdr bds)))))
(setq currentStateIsCompact
(if (eq last-command this-command)
(get this-command 'stateIsCompact-p)
(if (> currentLineCharCount fill-column) t nil)))
(if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
(if currentStateIsCompact
(fill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(let ((fill-column bigFillColumnVal))
(fill-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(if currentStateIsCompact
(fill-paragraph nil)
(let ((fill-column bigFillColumnVal))
(fill-paragraph nil))))
(put this-command 'stateIsCompact-p
(if currentStateIsCompact
nil t)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-q") 'compact-uncompact-block)