jQuery - submit form via AJAX and put results page into a div...? - forms

I'm using jQuery Form (http://jquery.malsup.com/form/) to get send data to a form - is there a way I can then, without refresh, put the results page that's generated by the form into a div on the page?
Any advice appreciated!

I would suggest not using that form plugin - it was made back in the days before there was an easy way to serialize form data using jQuery, and serves no real purpose any more. I would suggest something like this:
$("form").submit(function() {
$.post($(this).attr("action"), $(this).serialize(), function(data) {
return false; // prevent normal submit
If you insist on using jQuery Form Plugin - which is NOT recommended -, you can set the target option to a selector of the element(s) you would like to fill up:
// prepare Options Object
var options = {
target: '#divToUpdate',
url: 'comment.php',
success: function(data) {
alert('Thanks for your comment!');
Take a look at http://jquery.malsup.com/form/#options-object for more info.
To prevent refresh, just make sure the form's onsubmit event returns false:
<form method="post" onsubmit="return false">


Make a standard POST form validation in Knockout

To allow to make validation of form before submit,
I want to make a simple HTTP POST submit from the Submit method i defined.
Code of the view :
<form data-bind="submit: BaseSubmit" id="FormId">
<!-- Some rows ... -->
<button type="submit">Create</button>
And of the JS behavior
this.viewModel.BaseSubmit =
function(formElements) {
//Here the code to make the submit redirection
Is this possible ?
Thanks by advance.
Upon successful validation, make sure and return true from your binding handler:
this.viewModel.BaseSubmit =
function(formElements) {
if (/* validation is successful */) {
return true;
} else {
/* handle validation errors */
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/CCNtR/22/
From the documentation:
By default, Knockout will prevent the event from taking any default action. For example if you use the event binding to capture the keypress event of an input tag, the browser will only call your handler function and will not add the value of the key to the input element’s value. A more common example is using the click binding, which internally uses this binding, where your handler function will be called, but the browser will not navigate to the link’s href. This is a useful default because when you use the click binding, it’s normally because you’re using the link as part of a UI that manipulates your view model, not as a regular hyperlink to another web page.
However, if you do want to let the default action proceed, just return true from your event handler function

C# - Get textbox value and send to a javascript function

I have a simple form with three textboxes and a <canvas> on the same page and I have to validate these three fields and then get the values (if validated) sent to a javascript function to draw a picture and some text inside the <canvas> element. The form and textboxes wouldn't have to disappear after the values were submitted because the user could try out different results with different values. I've done other forms before but never tried using Ajax. I know I could use a client-side validation and get the textbox values with jQuery but I have more server-side code running that would make use of these three values. How can I do this?
in your controller, create a method to handle the results. I assume that this is for logging only, and does not need to actually return data.
public useResults(string value1, string value2)
// ... Do something with the results
return Json(true);
In your view, work out a way to construct the url to the above action. Perhaps in a hidden field;
#Html.Hidden("useResultsUrl", Url.Action("useResults", "controllerName"))
Then in your javascript, attach a click event to the button, as you probably have already (to trigger your javascript task) and add in an ajax call.
Note that the following uses JQuery, but you could use microsoft AJAX if you preferred;
$(function () {
$("#button").click(function() {
url: $("input[name='useResultsUrl']").val(), // Get the url from the hidden field
type: "POST",
dataType: "JSON",
data: $("input[type='text']").serialize() // Get the value of the text inputs and serialise them.
// ... do other stuff
Your View can make an ajax call to the server using JQuery - either using JQuery.post
or JQuery.ajax - you give the Url of the controller action to the JQuery method, and it will handle the AJAX call for you.
Then, in your controller action, you return a JsonResult - which serialize the data for you into JSON format:
e.g. return Json( model );
Finally, implement a success function in the JQuery Ajax call in your view - this wil have the data returned by the controller available for you to do whatever you want with.

Loading results of form into specified DIV

I am trying to target a specific div with the results of a form post.
I have found the below code, but am unclear on where the URL for the page that handles the form data is specified. Any help greatly appreciated.
$("form1").submit(function() {
$.post($(this).attr("action"), $(this).serialize(), function(html) {
return false; // prevent normal submit
For example, I want to send form id="form1" to somepage.php, and have somepage.php displayed into div id=someDiv.
In that code-snippet, $(this).attr("action") is the URL: it's taken from the action="..." attribute of the <form> element. If, for whatever reason, you don't want to use that attribute to specify the URL, you can replace $(this).attr("action") with an explicit URL (as a string).
It is defined in the action attribute of your form tag

jQuery live() for removeAttr()?

I need to use removeAttr on elements that may be loaded via ajax. Is there a way to automatically do this, similar to the way you can bind events automatically with live()?
NOTE: I don't have control over the JavaScript libraries that are doing the ajax calls.
this creates a new event for all elements now and in the future that have your 'undesirable attribute', next we'll trigger it to fire and do its work.
$("mySelector").live("myRemoveAttrEvent", function(event){
on the successfull ajax call's function
// quick jQ ajax, the important part is on success
$("div").load("url", function(data, status, xhr){
..do work..
// this is the important part
if you do not have control over all the ajax, you have to piggy back on the user events that Cause the ajax to fire ... this is dirty:
//events you think cause the uncontrollable ajax to fire, e.g change
You can use complete option of the $.ajax request like this:
$('selector').removeAttr('attribute here');
What you're looking for is to handle this at the time those elements are loaded, which would be in the success callback for your AJAX call:
// your details
success: function(html){
$('a', html).removeAttr('title');
Update: If you don't have control of whatever is making the AJAX calls and it doesn't provide any hooks or callbacks, you are going to need to find another event to bind to in order to perform this action. Depending on how these elements are being inserted into the page and exactly what you're doing with them, you might be able to use delegate like this (just a guess):
$('body').delegate('p', 'load', function(){ /* remove attr */ });
I don't know of any events that are triggered when the DOM or a single element is modified. You can try load, but I don't think it gets called in the case of AJAX loaded and inserted elements.

Programmatically submitting a form while using AjaxForm

I wanted to find a way to upload a single file*, in the background, have it start automatically after file selection, and not require a flash uploader, so I am trying to use two great mechanisms (jQuery.Form and JQuery MultiFile) together. I haven't succeeded, but I'm pretty sure it's because I'm missing something fundamental.
Just using MultiFile, I define the form as follows...
<form id="photoForm" action="image.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
The file input button is defined as...
<input id="photoButton" "name="sourceFile" class="photoButton max-1 accept-jpg" type="file">
And the Javascript is...
afterFileSelect: function(){
This works perfectly. As soon as the user selects a single file, MultiFile submits the form to the server.
If instead of using MultiFile, as shown above, let's say I include a Submit button along with the JQuery Form plugin defined as follows...
var options = {
success: respondToUpload
... this also works perfectly. When the Submit button is clicked, the form is uploaded in the background.
What I don't know how to do is get these two to work together. If I use Javascript to submit the form (as shown in the MultiFile example above), the form is submitted but the JQuery.Form function is not called, so the form does not get submitted in the background.
I thought that maybe I needed to change the form registration as follows...
$('#photoForm').submit(function() {
...but that didn't solve the problem. The same is true when I tried .ajaxSubmit instead of .ajaxForm.
What am I missing?
BTW: I know it might sound strange to use MultiFile for single-file uploads, but the idea is that the number of files will be dynamic based on the user's account. So, I'm starting with one but the number changes depending on conditions.
The answer turns out to be embarrassingly simple.
Instead of programmatically submitting using...
... I used...
Also, since I only need to upload multiple files on occasion, I used a simpler technique...
1) The form is the same as my original...
<form id="photoForm" action="image.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
2) The file input field is basically the same...
<input id="photoFile" "name="sourceFile" style="cursor:pointer;" type="file">
3) If the file input field changes, submit is executed...
$("#photoFile").change(function() {
4) The AjaxForm listener does its thing...
var options = {
success: respondToUpload