SSL socket connection on iPhone - iphone

Is there a way to reuse SSL socket connections on the iPhone. I'm seeing an extra 3-4 second overhead in doing SSL handshaking. I'm using NSURLconnection currently to do the API calls and each one of them is taking 4-5 seconds on Wifi. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Are you asking how to "reuse" sockets for the same specific address and port? Or for different URLs?
If the former, just don't close the socket until you're absolutely sure you don't need it anymore.
If the latter, there's nothing you can do about that. The SSL certificate verification process is likely where you're getting the overhead from.
You'll need to add more context to your question if you want a more specific answer.

you might want to establish an SSL connection an keep reusing it. Rather than make a new connection each time. There is definitely an overhead to SSL connections as well as handshaking. You cant get rid of the overhead from the encryption but the handshaking can be reduced by using NSStreams and keeping the connection open as you use it.
I have posted code and instructions on how to do it here:
NSStream SSL on used socket


golang grpc socket tuning

I have a golang client application talking a server via GRPC. I noticed that while the application is running that the number of sockets accumulated on the client app keeps climbing till around 9000. At which point I pause client. However, after there are no more traffic between the client and the server the number sockets still stayed at that level even after 8 hours.
Is there anyway we can tune GRPC for socket usage? Such as closing sockets after a timeout? Is using streaming another way to limit number of sockets being opened?
Thanks for any help.
I'd start by making sure that your client application cleans up unused connections (grpc.ClientConn) by calling Close() method on it.
Also, since I don't know what exactly your application does so I'm gonna go ahead and suggest reusing connections for multiple RPCs (you're probably already doing this).
And to answer your question about setting timeout deadline on connections:
1. You shouldn't have to do this. Feel free to open up an issue on about whatever gRPC shortcoming is forcing you to take this route.
2. But if you must know, you can use a custom dialer( and set a deadline on the net.Conn that you return from it.

TCP Server is overwhelmed by clients that only "connect" without sending any data

I have created a TCP server using .NET TcpListener.
I have some concerns on how it could be abused by spamming a lot of bogus connections similar to a DoS-like kind of attack.
I created a small console app to repeatedly initiate a connection to the server (only "connect" without transmitting other kind of data). The "max allowable concurrent connections limit" which is a setting in the server to prevent it from being overwhelmed, was met in an instant. This rendered my server pretty much useless since it could not accept new connections unless the other fake connections disconnect. This proves that my concern is not unfounded.
Is there any way we can do from the application level to prevent this?
I was thinking to require clients to send a kind of token when connecting and the server would refuse connections that don't but I don't think TCP works that way.
Is relying on external solutions the only way? Eg. VPN, firewall, NAT etc?
Set a read timeout on every accepted socket, and close it if it triggers.

Push notifications with sockets for desktop WPF aplication (No Win8 App)

I'm trying to get into an implementation of some kind of push notification for a Windows WPF client application and a java backed server.
The idea is to avoid as much as possible polling the server, so I thought to implement it with sockets and messages, and relying in some easy pulling solution in case a socket connection could not be done, (Firewalls, etc).
In the other hand is important that the data traveling get encrypted.
So I have a couple of question/"request for opinions" more related with the WPF client:
Perhaps already exist some solution for that, any tips?
Could be good to think in some SSL sockets connections for that?
If 2 is OK, there is some native solution for secure sockets in .net or any library?
If sockets solutions is an option, I guess i need to go through port 443 and by the way it will avoid many problems with firewalls and so on, am i right?
I know there is many question but all are related to the same problem.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, SSL is good if you need to keep the data secure during transfer
Yes, indicates it supports SSL/TLS
Well, it depends on whether you are controlling the server or not. If you have control over it you can use whatever port you want.

What is the number of persistent connections to APNS allowed?

I am trying to write a server side code for sending push notifications for my applications. As per Apple recommendation, I am planning to retain the connection and send push notification as required.
Apple also allows opening and retaining multiple parallel connections for sending push notifications.
"You may establish multiple, parallel connections to the same gateway or to multiple gateway instances."
For this purpose I would like to maintain a connections pool.
My question is what is the limitation of connections pool, or the number of persistent connections with APNS can I maintain?
Thanks for anticipated help.
Don't know if you're going to get a precise answer to this one. As large and dynamic a system as APNS is, it behooves Apple to be ambiguous about such a number; it gives them liberty to change it at will. I found a similar vagueness here.
From this discussion it appears a rule of thumb is 15 connections max
One suggestion is to have an open-ended pool where new connections can be created until they start being refused. Just an idea.
I agree with #paislee, I don't think you'll get a precise number. I'm opening over 20 distinct connections simultaneously and there are ok.
In order to help you with your test, use TcpView, where it is possible to see every opened connection.

TCP connection management

I have this question asked in the Go mailing list, but I think it is more general to get better response from SO.
When work with Java/.Net platform, I never had to manage database connection manually as the drivers handle it. Now, when try to connect to a no sql db with very basic driver support, it is my responsibility to manage the connection. The driver let connect, close, reconnect to a tcp port, but not sure how should i manage it (see the link). Do i have to create a new connection for each db request? can I use other 3rd party connection pooling libraries?
I don't know enough about MongoDB to answer this question directly, but do you know how MongoDB handles requests over TCP? For example, one problem with a single TCP connection can be that the db will handle each request serially, potentially causing high latency even though it may be bottlenecking on a single machine and could handle a higher capacity.
Are the machines all running on a local network? If so, the cost of opening a new connection won't be too high, and might even be insignificant from a performance perspective regardless.
My two cents: Do one TCP connection per request and just profile it and see what happens. It is very easy to add pooling later if you're DoSing yourself, but it may never be a problem. That'll work right now, and you won't have to mess around with a third party library that may cause more problems than it solves.
Also, TCP programming is really easy. Don't be intimidated by it, detecting a closed socket, and reconnecting synchronously or asynchronously is simple.
Most mongodb drivers (clients) will create and use a connection pool when connecting to the server. Each socket (connection) can do one operation at a time at the server; because of how data is read off the socket you can issue many requests and server will just get them one after another and return data as each one completes.
There is a Go mongo db driver but it doesn't seem to do connection pooling.
In addition to the answers here: if you find you do need to do some kind of connection pooling redis.go is a decent example of a database driver that pools connections. Specifically, look at the Client.popCon and Client.pushCon methods in the source.