Restore Emacs Session/Desktop - emacs

I've been searching for how to restore an emacs session, with no luck. I'm looking to restore all previously open buffers, some of which might contain erc, shells, directory listings, files, etc.
Every time I open emacs, I spend a considerable amount of time arranging my buffers; splitting them into rows and columns, opening a shell, arranging irc channels. It takes a while to get onto work.
I've tried adding the following to my init.el
(desktop-save-mode 1)
And then using M-x desktop-save. This only seems to restore files that are open, not shells or anything else running within buffers.
I've also checked the following questions:
Session management in emacs using Desktop library
Emacs session / projects / window management
Emacs: reopen buffers from last session on startup?
And read through:
DeskTop and EmacsSession at
Here's a screenshot example of my emacs session.
A simple answer would be to just focus on real work :P

I'd suggest a simple solution - create a function that sets up your preferred layout. For example I like to have some IRC channels in the second half of my screen in separate windows, so that I may have a look at them from time to time, while coding for instance in another window. So I've written some simple code to take care of the window splitting and arrange my buffers as I wish:
;; show some buffers
(defun show-some-buffers (buffer-list)
(other-window 1)
(dolist (buffer buffer-list)
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer buffer))
(other-window 1))
;; at the end we have one extra window we need to delete
;; show some erc buffers
(defun show-erc-buffers ()
(show-some-buffers '("#emacs" "#clojure")))
The code is fairly simple and features no error checking, but it will give you a hint about what I mean.
You might want to consider using registers as well to store some window configurations.

As you've found, desktop.el and session.el are a good start, but they don't restore the window layouts.
However, using revive.el you can save/restore arbitrary window configurations, which are remembered between restarts.
Also check out these hints relating to window layouts, which cover winner-mode and the trick of saving window configurations into registers.

In addition to #Bozhidar's excellent answer on automating your window layout (which I do myself), you may also want to look into using GNU Screen which can be used to retain an arbitrary set of processes across log ins. There's a pretty good tutorial here, and since you'll be using emacs you'll also want to give this a read.


Emacs sr-speedbar

I am currently trying to learn Emacs more in depth so that I can do more with my Emacs than just simple editing stuff...
I am making good progress and at the moment I am trying to configure the 'sr-speedbar' module to my liking, but some details I can't figure out myself:
Say that I've 2 open buffer windows A and B plus the speedbar window. If I open a file by pressing Enter in the speedbar window, then the new file always get opened in the same buffer window B (which I opened last). Can I somehow specify that the new content should be opened in buffer window A?
Currently the speedbar window refreshes itself automatically to the new location whenever I open a new file using 'C-x C-f'. This is actually pretty useful, but sometimes I don't want this when I am quickly trying things out in a tmp file. And the refresh also "destroys" my "tree-view" of the speedbar, where I expanded the directory contents rather than opening them directly. The question is, how can I suppress this "refreshing behaviour"? Can I somehow disable the automatic mode and trigger it manually if I need it?
And do you guys have more useful tips regarding speedbar navigation? How does a Emacs guru use speedbar or are there better alternatives?
Thx in advance for your help!
You can turn off the auto-refresh in your init file like this -
(require 'sr-speedbar)
(setq sr-speedbar-auto-refresh nil)
and/or turn it on and off later with the function sr-speedbar-refresh-toggle.
The defaults it (and speedbar) comes with are a bit odd though - it also doesn't show files that it doesn't recognize, uses images for buttons, and is set on the right side - so you can set these if you'd like -
(setq speedbar-show-unknown-files t) ; show all files
(setq speedbar-use-images nil) ; use text for buttons
(setq sr-speedbar-right-side nil) ; put on left side
I do use sr-speedbar for projects that have enough of a directory structure - otherwise I use the usual switch-to-buffer (C-x b), ibuffer (C-x C-b), and dired (C-x d), and another function that switches to the previous buffer. Also bound to single keys because they get used so much.
But... I'm still learning Emacs - I haven't tried helm, projectile, or project-explorer yet - they look interesting also.

emacs: control tab buffer cycling, or stack buffer cycling, similar to alt-tab between windows

I have consulted this resource:, and tried buffer-stack.el, which is useful, but I find the user experience slightly awkward without being able to visualize other buffers further down the stack. It is also outdated (2002), so I wonder if there is an improved version. Most other links on that page are broken or very old as well.
I am seeking a ctrl +tab stack-based buffer cycling, similar to the way alt + tab works with windows. Ideally it would include an indicator for my current location in the buffer list. I don't think my desired feature is too specific, since many IDE's already have this feature.
I would imagine a tool that is similar to how buffer cycling works in Eclipse. Pick below:
I have explored other options, but nothing seems to mimic the functionality that has already been implemented across other IDE's like Eclipse.
I am aware of ido-mode, although it does not suit my needs for rapid stack-based switching.
I am also aware of other non-stack solutions like the one below:
(global-set-key [C-tab] 'next-buffer)
(global-set-key [C-S-iso-lefttab] 'previous-buffer);Linux
(global-set-key [C-S-tab] 'previous-buffer);Windows/Linux
but I prefer a stack-based switch.
Any suggestions? Is this feature available somewhere, or even in development? Especially with an index indicator, as shown in Eclipse above. That would be awesome - I imagine it would be as a pop-up or in the mini-buffer.
Try out this snippet:
(defun ctrltab ()
"List buffers and give it focus"
(if (string= "*Buffer List*" (buffer-name))
;; Go to next line. Go to first line if end is reached.
(if (>= (line-number-at-pos)
(count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(switch-to-buffer "*Buffer List*")
(global-set-key [C-tab] 'ctrltab)
It's often inferior to ido-switch-buffer, but it does its job anyway.
elscreen does a little bit what you seek:
You have to create screens (tabs) on demand and you can call M-x elscreen-select-and-goto to select a screen from a list in the minibuffer.
Fortunately it is already coupled with helm: helm-elscreen. That gives a good looking and handy choice list:
fuzzy matching
scrollable list
choose actions (press TAB and choose "Change screen/Delete/Only").
However, you still have to create a screen manually (but I like it because I can organize sort of work areas -it is possible to isolate buffers per screen. A tab per buffer would be way too much + emacs creates many internal buffers so they can get on the way).
ps: helm-buffers-list is close to the interface you want for switching buffers, without tabs…
I have been maintaining a personal copy of buffer-stack. It works really well -- to the extent that I haven't thought about it for years until recently when I had to fix a legacy workaround which caused a bug.
I will put my fork up on github when time allows. I'm not averse to adding some sort of index display although it does not matter much in my use-case -- helm is great to choose from a list of buffers.

Emacs: what are good tactics for navigating directories and opening files?

Last week, infuriated (again) by having to cope with different IDEs for R and Perl, neither of which I like or use enough to get really comfortable in, I decided to try Emacs. This decision was not made without a certain trepidation on my part. My main use is for Perl with cperl and for R with ESS. My environment is Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and I am running v23.4.1, which I think is what the ESS package installed on my behalf.
Nearly a week in and so far it has been surprisingly painless, no more involved than any other significant piece of software. I have remapped my ctrl key to caps-lock, changed default folders, messed around with .emacs and made some additions such as auto-install, yasnippet, color-theme, icicles and a few others. Clearly there is some very sophisticated stuff out there. In addition of course certain features of base Emacs are immediately very powerful and useful, such as isearching up and down. On the whole I have been pleasantly surprised and reassured.
One thing that is cruder than I was expecting is the process of finding and opening files. After a cursory read of various tutorials I had this image of quasi-magical file location and filename auto-completion. The main directories in my setup have paths like g:/roaming/code/perl or g:/roaming/code/R/ but I often need to branch into completely different paths like g:/pricedata/support files/sector/project01/ and so on.
Currently I laboriously delete the file path when I need to take a different fork, then use auto-complete to move deeper into that branch of the filesystem. It kinda takes me back to running a bash shell on the Amiga twenty years ago.
What had I expected? Something like (using the above example) typing 'project01' to skip immediately into the folder at the bottom of the path. For some reason I had got the idea in my head that Emacs would preload directories. So maybe this wasn't realistic.
My guess is that my difficulties probably stem from my own lack of familiarity rather than a structural shortcoming in Emacs and leads on to my questions. I can't complain that there is not enough documentation; rather there is abundant information that it is scattered around rather haphazardly. Icicles has a similar problem - if anything there's too much.
1) What is the best tactic for moving around different branches of the file tree when trying to open files in the minibuffer or using some other method? Are there aliases that can be used to shortcut from one place to another or can one specify directories to be preloaded? Do people just cd around a lot? Or am I coming at this from completely the wrong angle and need to adopt a different strategy?
2) With additional setup, can auto-complete be used to find files in (say) the project01 directly above by prefixing with wildcards etc? What should I focus on to become more efficient here? Am I not tapping the power of add-ons like icicles, anything etc?
I realise these questions veer dangerously close the deprecated category of not having clear answers. My defence is that some tips/guidance at this stage before I commit myself to bad habits or a poor long-term solution would be welcome and I suspect the answers will benefit others who might be considering the switch. I am happy to withdraw or rephrase if there are problems.
helm (formerly known as anything) might suit you. You can install it manually, or using a auto-install extension.
For the auto-install way: download it, put in Your load-path, then add to .emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/auto-install")
(require 'auto-install)
(setq auto-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/auto-install/")
Then do M-x auto-install-batch anything. After that is done, put in .emacs:
(require 'anything)
(require 'anything-match-plugin)
(require 'anything-config)
(require 'anything-show-completion)
Then do M-x anything for anything.
Also give a try to ECB (stands for Emacs Code Browser). If you're on Linux, you probably have it available in a standard repository.
You could benefit from using ido-mode, which greatly enhances autocompletion nearly everywhere in emacs (especially when finding files or buffers)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t
ido-auto-merge-work-directories-length -1
ido-create-new-buffer 'always
ido-use-filename-at-point 'guess
ido-everywhere t
ido-default-buffer-method 'selected-window)
(ido-mode 1)
(put 'ido-exit-minibuffer 'disabled nil)
(when (require 'ido-ubiquitous nil t)
(ido-ubiquitous-mode 1))
While this might help you quickly finding files "not far away", it probably won't help you much finding files in entirely different locations.
If find that one way to begin tackling this problem is using recentf-mode to quickly jump to recent locations (if you have only a small number of usual project directories, this might do the trick). recentf can be coupled with ido using something like this (I'm not sure where I got this snippet from):
(recentf-mode 1)
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 50)
(defun ido-recentf-open ()
"Use `ido-completing-read' to \\[find-file] a recent file"
(if (find-file (ido-completing-read "Find recent file: " recentf-list))
(message "Opening file...")
(message "Aborting")))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-r") 'ido-recentf-open)
With this, you can use C-x C-f (ido-find-file) to look for files near you current location, and C-x C-r (ido-recentf-open) to look for recently opened files (hoping one of them is not too far away from where you want to go).
There are various approaches. File name cache is a built in solution. Opening files from recent files is also very effective, especially if you set the stored files to a high number (e.g. 1000). There are also packages for opening files from anywhere on the file system. And there are meta solutions like anything.el which can show you file completions from multiple sources (history, project files, etc.) in a common interface.
You should investigate the different options to find out which is the most suitable for you.
In addition to IDO and recetf you can use the following methods:
Open the directory recursively.
(defun op-i:dired (rec)
"customized dired: will display directory recursively when called with an argument"
(interactive "P")
(let ((dir (car (find-file-read-args "Dired: " nil)))
(opts (if rec (read-string "options: " "-lhAR") "-lhA")))
(if (file-directory-p dir) (dired dir opts))))
(define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "C-x C-d") 'op-i:dired)
Then you can navigate in the directory buffer as in any other buffer using a (wildcard) search.
Use Emacs registers to point to often used directories. You can initialize them in your .emacs
(set-register ?0 (cons 'file "c:/path/to/my-project0"))
(set-register ?1 (cons 'file "c:/path/to/my-project1"))
Then jump to register using C-x r j
Other people have already mentioned anything, suffice it to say, I believe it solves all your problems. :)
Calling out one specific feature of anything is anything-locate. On *nix systems, this uses the DB created by the locate command to quickly find files. On Windows, I believe it works with "Everything", which should give you near instantaneous search results across all your files. I mean all.
Tom has mentioned file-cache. Anything works with that.
Just as a side note, Dired is an absolute monster once you get used to it. You should read the emacswiki pages related to it. In particular dired-x, which comes with Emacs binds C-x C-j, jumps to current buffer in Dired was a revelation for me. Also dired-find, wdired.
Edit: some details on why C-x C-j is awesome.
When you pop the current buffer in a Dired buffer, you can modify it, i.e. rename, delete, etc. And Emacs is aware of what you've done, and adjusts accordingly.
Other possibilities:
Bookmarks. If you use Bookmark+ then you can also:
Bookmark Dired buffers, which remembers their inserted subdirs, their markings, and their file omissions. You can have a bookmark that opens Dired to a specific set of files that need not be in the same directory or even the same directory tree.
From Dired you can hit a key to create a separate bookmark to each marked file or subdir.
Bookmark files automatically (autofiles).
Tag bookmarks and files (autofile bookmarks) with arbitrary-text tags. (Tags can even be non-text Lisp objects). Use tags to organize, search, etc. different categories of bookmarks.
Bookmark sets of bookmarks or bookmark files or Emacs desktops. Jump to such a bookmark to restore a given project state/context.
Define temporary or persistent sets of files on the fly, even from different directories. Operate on the files in a set in various ways. (Use Emacs filesets, less powerful, the same way.)
Complete against file names from such saved sets during any completion command, not just file-finding.
Act in different ways on candidate files during completion.
Search bookmarked objects or saved sets of files or buffers.
Additional navigation, including i bouncing between a subdirectory listing and the subdirectory's line in the parent listing.

How can I more easily switch between buffers in Emacs?

I've recently started using emacs and I'm enjoying using it for the most part. The only thing I'm not enjoying, is switching between buffers. I often have a few buffers open and I've grown tired of using C-x b and C-x C-b, are there any packages that make switching between buffers easier? I've looked into emacs wiki on switching buffers and I'd appreciate insight/feedback on what are are using/enjoying. Thanks.
UPDATE: iswitchb-mode is obsolete in Emacs >= 24.4, replaced by ido.
All of the features of iswitchdb are now provided by ido. Ross provided a link to the documentation in his answer. You can activate with the following in your .emacs (or use the customization interface as Ross suggests):
(require 'ido)
(ido-mode 'buffers) ;; only use this line to turn off ido for file names!
(setq ido-ignore-buffers '("^ " "*Completions*" "*Shell Command Output*"
"*Messages*" "Async Shell Command"))
By default, ido provides completions for buffer names and file names. If you only want to replace the features of iswitchb, the second line turns off this feature for file names. ido will ignore any buffers that match the regexps listed in ido-ignore-buffers.
The behaviour described below for iswitchb-mode applies equally to ido for switching buffers.
iswitchb-mode (Emacs < 24.4)
iswitchb-mode replaces the default C-x b behaviour with a very intuitive buffer-switching-with-completion system. There are more sophisticated options, but I've never needed more than this.
After you hit C-x b, you are presented with a list of all buffers. Start typing the name of the buffer you want (or part of its name), and the list is narrowed until only one buffer matches. You don't need to complete the name, though, as soon as the buffer you want is highlighted hitting enter will move you to it. You can also use C-s and C-r to move through the list in order.
You can turn it on by default with this in your .emacs:
(iswitchb-mode 1)
You can also tell it to ignore certain buffers that you never (or very rarely) need to switch to:
(setq iswitchb-buffer-ignore '("^ " "*Completions*" "*Shell Command Output*"
"*Messages*" "Async Shell Command"))
You can use C-x <right> (next-buffer) and C-x <left> (previous-buffer) to cycle around in the buffer ring. You could bind S-<right> and S-<left> to these functions. (S is the "super-key" or windows-key). This way you can save some keystrokes.
Moreover, note that C-x b has a default entry, i.e. it displays a standard value (most of the time this is the previously viewed buffer), so that you don't always need to enter the buffer name explicitly.
Another nice trick is to open separate windows using C-x 2 and C-x 3. This displays several buffers simultaneously. Then you can bind C-<tab> to other-window and get something similar to tabbed browsing.
M-x customize-group ido then set Ido Mode to Turn on both buffer and file and set Ido Everywhere to on. Then click the Save for future sessions button at the top and enjoy ido magic for both files and buffers. Read the docs to get a sense of how to use ido.
Also, take a look at smex.
ido-mode provides an efficient way to switch buffers.
ibuffer is best for managing all opened buffers.
anything is good for selecting an interested thing from different
sources. (for eg: a single key can be used to switch to another
buffer or to open recently closed file or to open a file residing
in the same directory or ... anything you want ... )
If you've looked at the Emacs Wiki, you probably have all this information already, but here are a few other relevant Q&As:
Emacs: help me understand file/buffer management
Buffer switching in Emacs
How to invoke the buffer list in Emacs
My toolkit consists of ibuffer, windmove+framemove, winner-mode, and a custom binding to make C-xleft/right and C-cleft/right less of a hassle to use.
I have mapped the "§"-key to 'buffer-list and I find it to be very efficient.
I've started using anything for a couple of days and I'm really liking it: .
Emacs-fu has an good intro to anything:
My favourite function for this is helm-mini which is part of helm.
As other helm functions, it allows incremental narrowing of the selection. It also searches your recently visited buffers, which is a really nice way to re-open a buffer. Helm can be a little surprising at first and as a new Emacs user, I found it visually overwhelming and I preferred ido or ibuffer which have been suggested in other replies. But now I absolutely love it and use it all the time for countless things.
Something that I realized by accident and that can be useful:
mouse-buffer-menu is by default bound to <C-mouse-1> (Control key + mouse left click) and opens a popup with a list of the current buffers.

Emacs C-x C-c overriding save-buffers-kill-terminal if within last open frame

I have setup emacs -daemon to run on login to Gnome and associated emacsclient with .cpp and .py files that I work with in Eclipse in order that emacs is used as my default editor for these files when selected within Eclipse. This way I can get a good work flow combining the editing capabilities of emacs and the project/build management and debugging facilities of Eclipse.
Anyhoo... I want to prevent C-x C-c from closing the Emacs frame I am currently editing in if it is the only Emacs frame remaining visible at any given moment.
Is there a way of querying the daemon Emacs process in order to find out how many frames are open and override the default C-x C-c behaviour to do nothing (if only 1 frame remaining) thereby ensuring there is always at least one visible frame open at all times?
Some elisp that implements this behaviour and that can be added to my .emacs would be great.
Bonus Points :¬)
I have aliases that map vi, emacs etc... to "emacsclient -c", so I get emacs frames coming and going all the time in general. A further enhancement would be for Eclipse to send files that I want to edit directly to a specific frame e.g. the 1st frame opened with emacsclient -c.
Make emacs immortal (what ever the way you've started it) :
(defadvice kill-emacs (around emacs-immortal) nil)
(ad-activate 'kill-emacs)
Use ad-deactivate to deactivate this trick.
Within emacs-clients, save-buffers-kill-terminal only calls server-save-buffers-kill-terminal, so you might want to install an advice onto that to not affect non-client frames. The frame-list function cal be used to introspect the currently existing frames. It apparently always includes one entry for the daemon process itself, and then one for each open frame.
(defadvice server-save-buffers-kill-terminal (around dont-kill-last-client-frame activate)
(when (< 2 (length (frame-list)))