Modern web pages that can be scrolled using the arrow keys (how)? - plugins

Recently i've seen lots of modern web pages that can be scrolled using the arrow keys, like this one: I think they use jQuery (is not flash). Does anyone knows a good jQuery plugin (or other library) that does this?

I'm a fan of the jQuery hotkeys plugin. Just capture the up and down and/or left and right and use jQuery methods like .scrollTo() for the desired effect.


Any decent "html design" plugin available for use in a website?

I have a need of allowing visitors to my site to create their own "popup" screens.
I would like to have a WYSIWYG like interface where they can add images, backgrounds, text and move it around, resize, etc. Kind of like building a PowerPoint slide really...
Is there any plugin that can offer such function?
I've been Googling like crazy but can only find "big" solutions which I can't incorporate in my own web-site or "desktop" versions...
Something like this:
Although as a jQuery plugin or other simple to adapt plugin framework.
Any ideas?

Tooltip on Bing maps, what to use - Infobox, or something else?

I'm working on a wepbage where I have a Bing map, along with pushpins. When clicking on pushpins, I am supposed to show a tooltip with custom content - something which would ideally be pulled out from the database through ajax.
This custom content is likely to contain youtube video, some html, as well as some buttons and links with specific actions.
My question is what to use to implement this? I see two potential solutions:
Something like qTip or Fancybox: pros for this approach are that I am pretty familiar with either of these two, and that they can display virtually any content provided. Cons are that I may be having difficulties integrating the solution with the Bing maps (for example, when I move the map, I need to move the tooltip as well)
Infobox - as far as I know, regular part of Microsoft's api, well integrated with the maps. However, I have no idea how to fill Infobox with Ajax response. Moreover, I don't know how well Infobox can cope with rich html.
So, what to go for?
There are a couple of options. The first option is to us the built in infoboxes in Bing Maps by setting the htmlContent. I have a blog post on how to do this here:
The second method is to use the custom infobox module I created here:

Which is good modal popup working code?

I would like to have AJAX modal way of pop up box for my website need. I tried this,
It does not work to me well while passing the query strings etc.,
Is there better plugin ? I found this website, (click join / log in) ... it looks good.. Is there any plugin to do like this.
My website is mysql and php
Check out
I use it on a lot of my websites. Easy to implement and simple plug and play with jquery. They are skinnable and with themeroller you can easily mix and match the colors etc to easily implement it within your existing website theme.

What is the current proper way of creating Facebook Tab's with interaction?

I need to create an interactive Facebook Tab for a client, similar to this:!/knnktr.
The application has a number of slides, which are basically images that will scroll left/right as the visitor clicks on two arrows on either side of the displayed image.
I could do this in Flash, but I could also attempt doing this with JavaScript.
Now, I understand that Facebook's APIs often change, and iframe's are currently not an option.
What is the best/correct way to achieve this. Should I stick with the Static FBML? If we have an option to use JavaScript, we'll prefer that above Flash. The question is, does the Static FBML limit the ability to perform some JavaScript calls.
I need to respond to mouse clicks, and I also need to be able to make remote AJAX requests to our server.
If you're building a tab, FBML/FBJS are your only option. The official FB docs for FBJS are pretty good:
A couple caveats about FBJS:
They rewrite your Javascript to only allow limited functionality. If you're used to a nice Javascript lib like jQuery you're out of luck.
You can't use external js includes, the Javascript must be in the same page
Take a look at the event, animate and AJAX sections in the docs. Taking a quick look at your example I don't see anything you couldn't do with FBJS.

Any WYSIWYGs that use contentEditable rather than an iframe?

I am looking for a list of WYSIWYG editors that use contentEditable rather than a designMode iframe.
The reason I want this is that I want to have a few regions (divs) on my site that users can edit, and I want the styling (fonts, font colors, etc). to look the same in the edit area as it normally does. I don't want to have to apply a stylesheet to the WYSIWYG's iframe.
Anyone know of any light-weight, free/open-source ones?
It's not free but I personally feel that the Telerik RadEditor is hands down the best WYSIWYG around.
It's not free
It's .NET only
It allows you to style the editor to match your site exactly
It has some great asset management tools
It's super easy to configure.
Also if you can get away with a little less "fancy" I'd say that WMD is an awesome WYSIWY***M*** editor, and can be used across multiple development languages (It's what StackOverflow uses here on this site).
New ckeditor v4 beta has support for content-editable.
Looks like NicEdit uses contentEditable. YAY! THIS MAY WORK!
Another few to throw in there, although I've never used any of them in production so can't vouch for them:
Aloha Editor
Raptor Editor