How can I distribute a bookmarklet in FBML? - facebook

I have a JavaScript bookmarklet that I'd like fans of a certain page to take. Unfortunately, the only way I've found of distributing it is giving them the raw JavaScript source, which is then problematic to add as a bookmark.
Ideally, I'd use
Drag this to the bookmarks bar
But FBML filters out the JavaScript href.
Any advice?

If it is not possible using fbml, I would share a link to a web page where you put the actual bookmarklet. It is the opportunity to display on this page a tutorial on how install/use the bookmarklet.

Huh. Looks like dragging the bookmarklet in text form is sufficient to create a bookmark.


Remove facebook fan page profile picture on like box plugin

I just want to ask a simple question about facebook like box I just want to remove the fan page profile photo.. Is there a solution for this? Thanks!
First: It is against the facebook rules to change or hide things in the social plugins.
That being said, afaik it is not possible anymore to use custom css in the social plugins. A long time ago you could pass the absolute URL of a css file to the plugin code but it does not work anymore.
I would recommend using a simple Like button. If you really need the stream of the page too, you could just use an app to read them by yourself, in that case even with your own design.
I just thought to answer this question as someone else might need this information in the future. All you need to do is reduce the width of the facebook like box. That’s it. I have done that in my website
You can add the following CSS to hide the image

How to put a like box/button on a Dreamweaver MX v6.0 designed site?

Basically i'd like to put a like button on the website so that fans of the site can like the websites Facebook page.
The Like button page doesn't give me the code when i click the button, just says "Only verified developers can be added as listed developers of this application. Read for details." Is this a common error, or?
EDIT: Using Like box now, but would prefer Like button.
And the like box page gives me the iframe and XFBML codes. Sorry for being a n00b, but how do i add either one onto my site? I've tried Insert > Script and pasted it in there, using all four script types (Javascript, JS 1.1, JS 1.2 and VBScript but they don't show in the preview. Placed the code under the 'back to top' button at the bottom of the page. Not showing up when i look at code view of the online version though?
Hopefully its something really easy and obvious, but any help would be great.
Again, site is designed/updated with Dreamweaver MX 6.0.
I dont have that much experience with Dreamweaver - but implementing the facebook social plugins (eg. Like button) is very simple. All you have to do is copy and paste the XFMBL you generate from this link. Once you paste your URL into the "URL to Like" field and click "get code" you should get the correct code to use...
You place this code wherever you want it to appear - if you want the like button to be in the footer just paste it there...
The code snippet actually loads the facebook javascript sdk and places your like button inside an iframe on your page...
You can not place the like button code inside a different element - if that were possible people could trick you into liking their page by writing some different label on the button - eg. "Back to top" :)
This should be relatively simple to implement. If you are still having dificulties - why not try opening a new HTML file containing only the required HTML tags and the like button code...
Hope this helps!
Good luck!
The error appears because, just like it says in the message, you are not a verified developer.
In order to be a verified Facebook developer, you need a verified Facebook account, with a credit card or a phone number verification.
I'd suggest you verify your account as soon as you can if you plan to use more of Facebook's plugins and apps, since it will give you full access to their developer tools

Add email page link button to a webpage

I'm adding social media buttons to my website. Facebook like, Twitter tweet etc buttons were very easy.
However I also need an email the page (or rather a link to the page) button. I have trawled the internet but cannot find a simple and good implementation.
Ideally I'd like to be able to copy some reliable code, and have the button look in the same style as the ones on this page:
If anyone has done this before I would be very glad to hear from you :)
Thanks in advance.
Why not just use the AddThis service? You simply register, provide them with your website url and then select the social media / link mechanisms you would like to use on your site. At the end they provide you with a block of HTML code to drop into your site and low and behold, the buttons and appearance you selected will be present. You can also select mechanism such as pain old email when setting it up.
An example of it in place;
Here's the link:
As far as i know, you will have to use Mailto: apart from doing some deep Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail API integration. That's about as good as your going to get.
You can dynamically fill out subject, body, cc fields etc using javascript/php (or whatever you are using)

FB.provide is not a function

I'm developing a WordPress plugin to show above or bottom the posts Facebook like and send buttons.
Unfortunately when is also activated a plugin for Facebook share button there is a Javascript error (FB.provide is not a function) and like and send buttons don't appear.
For example this happens in this page:
How can I solve this issue?
Thank you very much
I ´ve faced the same problem and it happens if you add the script twice on the site (
I understood that part that we cant have all.js twice but I want to have Facebook Share Button and Facebook Like Button.
According to Docs, I need to include these two JS Files.
Now, If I include both Firebug will give me same error "FB.provide is not a function". If I remove either of them then Like or Share button wont work.
I can do iFrame version but I have HTML Encoding issues with iFrame Version. I am programmatic generating HTML Response.
Any idea, how to approach?
There is a workaround for this: instead of placing the javascript Fb.Share within the same page where you are loading the Javascript SDK, use an Iframe with the first and set it in the second.

JQTouch loading external html page

Do we need to have all pages inside divs in one html page?
In case of my website I would need to create a huge file to accomplish that.
Short answer is that no, you do not. In your link tags, instead of typing:
<a id="#linkTo">Link!</a>
You would type
Your content would have to be an html snippet instead of a fully baked web page. You can look at the demos to see how this is done.