Cocos2d for this? - iphone

I just finished my concept for an iphone app. I have a main program and in that program I want to start a game.
Cocos2d Game
Is this possible? To use cocos2D in a normal "iphone app"???
Thanks so much!!!

It is definitely possible to mix UIKit with Cocos2d. Usually people accomplish this by putting their UIKit views inside a Cocos2d layer. It sounds like you want to embed the Cocos2d game inside a UIKit view instead. This should be possible, but I am unsure of the specifics involved. Try looking at -(BOOL)attachInView:(UIView *) view in CCDirector.
Note that Cocos2d uses OpenGL and there are possible performance issues when mixing OpenGL and UIKit. Pausing Cocos2d when using the other part of your application will help.

I found a vast array of great tutorials on Cocos2D for iPhone at Ray Wenderlich's site. One tutorial you might especially want to check out is
How to integrate Cocos2D and UIKit
Note: the original "Cocos2D" framework was written in Python and not designed for iOS; here's the actual homepage for the iOS port.

It is possible, but you should know that the main core of your app must be controlled by Cocos2D, that means CCDirector needs to be instantiated in AppDelegate.
Start with:
a). install Cocos2D:
Go to Terminal and write (if you save cocos2D file in desktop, if not use the path where you save it)
cd Desktop/cocos2d-iphone-1.1-beta
sudo ./
and if you couldn't install try again with
./ -f -u
b). Import cocos2d.h inside AppDelegate
c). Declare CCDirector in applicationDidFinishLaunching method inside
AppDelegate (you should check the code for this in Cocos2D template is pretty straight
I did this in my applicationDidFinishLaunching method:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
[window setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
[window setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];
CCDirector *director = [CCDirector sharedDirector];
// Create an EAGLView with a RGB8 color buffer, and a depth buffer of 24-bits
EAGLView *glView = [EAGLView viewWithFrame:[window frame]
pixelFormat:kEAGLColorFormatRGB565 // kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8
depthFormat:0 // GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_OES
[glView setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];
// attach the openglView to the director
[director setOpenGLView:glView];
// Enables High Res mode (Retina Display) on iPhone 4 and maintains low res on all other devices
if( ! [director enableRetinaDisplay:YES] )
CCLOG(#"Retina Display Not supported");
// make the OpenGLView a child of the main window
[window addSubview:glView];
// make main window visible
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
GameScene *gs = [GameScene node];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] runWithScene:gs];
//General is part of UIKit where I load the tabbar
General *principal;
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
principal = [[General alloc] initWithNibName:#"General-iPad" bundle:nil];
} else {
principal = [[General alloc] initWithNibName:#"General" bundle:nil];
self.general = principal;
[principal release];
[self showUIViewController:general];
To push a scene from tabbar in UIKit
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] pushScene: [CCTransitionMoveInB transitionWithDuration:0.0f scene:[MyScene scene]]];
Next I recommend you to follow Ray Wenderlich's tutorial How to integrate Cocos2D and UIKit and read this post aswell how we can show UIViewController and UIView by using cocos2d? Maybe you should search for some code in the Cocos2D forums too, always help to see that.
1) You can download a easy example from here: UIKit Cocos2D
You could check out this framework too: Kobol2D "is an extended and improved version of the popular Cocos2D for iPhone game engine. Everything you know about Cocos2D can still be applied, and Kobold2D is easier to get started with, more convenient to use, more powerful and flexible than Cocos2D with all the documentation available online and offline. Use Kobold2D to develop iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Mac OS X games for both Apple App Stores. And it has some examples using UIKIT and Cocos2D".

You can certainly create a game with your requirements in Cocos2D. You might want to ask some follow-up questions over at the Cocos2D forums and read through their documentation.

You can probably do this easily......
You have to only make the (UIView *) view in CCDirector.
after attaching the view.....

Yes.It is very easy and handy to implement Cocos2D with normal Iphone FrameWork.Refer Ray Wenderlich UIKit and Cocos2D Integration Tutorial here.It will helpful to you.

Yes! Is very possible, only install the Cocos2d and his templates.
Inclusive, I used Cocos2d to create simple apps with a lot of effects :)


How to launch a cocos2D game from single view app

I created a regular simple iOS app (a single view application) with one button and I want to launch a cocos2D game from the iOS app. In other words, I want to launch the cocos2D game when I press on the button from my myapp.xib. I don't want to use URL schemes to launch the game because that will require the user to download my app as well as download the game. I want the user to be able to launch the game from my app internally. This is the game I want to launch from my app:
I was able to successfully add this game as a dependency in my xcode project. However, I'm not sure how to go about launching the game from app.
Here's some ideas that I had, but they didn't really work for me.
Is there any way I can:
Call the app delegate of the game (not the app delegate of my app) from the IBAction in my app to launch the game?
Call the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of the game (not the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions of my app) from the IBAction in my app to launch the game?
Call the main.m file of the game (not the main.m of my app) from the IBAction in my app to launch the game?
From what I understand, these are three different ways of launching an iOS app. Keep in mind that I am developing an app (not a game) that will allow a user to launch the game above internally through the app. Ideally, it would nice (and also easy) if I can simply do a pushviewcontroller from my app to the game, but I'm not sure if there is an easy way to approach this.
Is there anyway I can launch this game internally through my app? Any advice, suggestions, sample source code would be greatly appreciated.
Short answer: YES
You would need to have just one AppDelegate (the one of your iOS app), and move there all the cocos2D init stuff. Then, you can launch the game from your IBAction with something like this.-
CCDirector *director = [CCDirector sharedDirector];
[director pushScene:[YourFirstGameScene node]];
[director resume];
[self presentModalViewController:director animated:YES];
Please, take next snippet as an example to init/end cocos2d from your appDelegate
- (void) initCocos {
// Create an CCGLView with a RGB565 color buffer, and a depth buffer of 0-bits
CCGLView *glView = [CCGLView viewWithFrame:[self.window bounds]
pixelFormat:kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8 //kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8
depthFormat:0 //GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES
self.director = (CCDirectorIOS*) [CCDirector sharedDirector];
self.director.wantsFullScreenLayout = YES;
// Display FSP and SPF
[self.director setDisplayStats:NO];
// set FPS at 60
[self.director setAnimationInterval:1.0/60];
// attach the openglView to the director
[self.director setView:glView];
// for rotation and other messages
[self.director setDelegate:self];
// 2D projection
[self.director setProjection:kCCDirectorProjection2D];
// [director setProjection:kCCDirectorProjection3D];
// Enables High Res mode (Retina Display) on iPhone 4 and maintains low res on all other devices
if( ! [self.director enableRetinaDisplay:NO] )
CCLOG(#"Retina Display Not supported");
// Default texture format for PNG/BMP/TIFF/JPEG/GIF images
// It can be RGBA8888, RGBA4444, RGB5_A1, RGB565
// You can change anytime.
[CCTexture2D setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat:kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888];
// When in iPhone RetinaDisplay, iPad, iPad RetinaDisplay mode, CCFileUtils will append the "-hd", "-ipad", "-ipadhd" to all loaded files
// If the -hd, -ipad, -ipadhd files are not found, it will load the non-suffixed version
//[CCFileUtils setiPhoneRetinaDisplaySuffix:#"-hd"]; // Default on iPhone RetinaDisplay is "-hd"
[CCFileUtils setiPadSuffix:#""]; // Default on iPad is "" (empty string)
//[CCFileUtils setiPadRetinaDisplaySuffix:#"-ipadhd"]; // Default on iPad RetinaDisplay is "-ipadhd"
// Assume that PVR images have premultiplied alpha
[CCTexture2D PVRImagesHavePremultipliedAlpha:YES];
- (void) endCocos {
self.director = nil;
Actually, what I do is a call to initCocos just before pushing my director, and endCocos just after closing the game, like
AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *) [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[appDelegate endCocos];
Hope it helps.

Kobold2d and Cocos Builder: setting start scene

In Kobold2d certain functions that in Cocos2d is in the appDelegate is in a config.lua file. And this brings me to the problem cause to initialize a Cocos Builder as the first scene in cocos2d you replace this line (in the app delegate)
[director runWithScene: [IntroLayer scene]];
[director runWithScene: [CCBReader sceneWithNodeGraphFromFile:#"MainMenuScene.ccbi"]];
but this is all hidden away in Kobold2d - replaced by FirstSceneClassName = "HelloWorldLayer" in the config.lua file.
Anyone knows a bugfree way around this?
You can still use runWithScene, just put it in AppDelegate's initializationComplete method. This will take precedence over loading the scene specified in config.lua.

cocos2d: animation stopped. Integrate Cocos2D and UIKit

I already integrate Cocos2D and UIKit.
I have the navigation among the views and the first time that I open the cocos view, it works.
But when I return to my main menu, the log console displays:
cocos2d: animation stopped
After that, if I try to get in to the cocos2D view again, the animation does not start.
What can I do to solve this?
I followed this tutorial but it donĀ“t help
There have been issues regarding this. There was a similar discussion in another SO Question.
Whenever I want to include UIKit elements, I tend to do it the other way round.
With the CCUIViewWrapper code at:
This maybe be different depending on the version of cocos2d you are using, but stopAnimation should be being called on CCDirectorIOS.m:viewDidDisappear and startAnimation should be being called on viewWillAppear. So I would set breakpoints there to make sure it is being called on. And if your -(void) mainLoop:(id)sender is running.
-(void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self startAnimation];
-(void) viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated
[self stopAnimation];
[super viewDidDisappear:animated];
If you want to investigate further the mainLoop calls drawScene and if it is not isPaused, then the CCScheduler will update the CCActionManager which runs all of the animations.
Hope this helps.

Game center cocos2d questions

Do I need iPhone developer certificate and the app available on the app store in order to implement game center.
Is it easy to implement game center leader boards into your game and if so any tutorials on doing so. I have a score counter already ,but not sure how I would add it into game center.
Any good tutorials on implementing game center into cocos2d and if so may I see a link (yes I have seen some tutorials ,but I want to be recommended a good tutorial).
You need an iPhone developer account to test and implement game center. You don't need to have an app on the App Store you can just test it on an unreleased project. I suggest you read the following tutorial, which explains everything about leaderboards pretty clearly:
Leaderboards Tutorial
Yes - but you would anyway to test on a device. And no, you have a 'sandboxed' version of Game Centre where games not on the app store/ development builds are tested.
Implementing leader-boards difficulty depends on what version of cocos2D you are using. From experience version 1 is a little more challenging then 2. Here is some code on how I have implemented it;
- (void)showLeaderboardForCategory:(NSString *)category
// Create leaderboard view w/ default Game Center style
GKLeaderboardViewController *leaderboardController = [[GKLeaderboardViewController alloc] init];
// If view controller was successfully created...
if (leaderboardController != nil)
// Leaderboard config
leaderboardController.leaderboardDelegate = self; // The leaderboard view controller will send messages to this object
leaderboardController.category = category; // Set category here
leaderboardController.timeScope = GKLeaderboardTimeScopeAllTime;
// Create an additional UIViewController to attach the GKLeaderboardViewController to
myViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView] addSubview:myViewController.view];
// Tell UIViewController to present the leaderboard
[myViewController presentModalViewController:leaderboardController animated:YES];
- (void)leaderboardViewControllerDidFinish:(GKLeaderboardViewController *)leaderboardController
[myViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
myViewController.view = nil;
[myViewController release];
(Credit to the SO post that I originally used though - Leaderboard doesn't add in the screen cocos2d)
The Rod Strougo and Ray Wenderlich book "Learning Cocos2d" (2012) gives some good sample code for implementing game center leaderboards and achievements. Also "Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS5" by Itterheim and Loew gives good examples too.
I followed the Strougo examples and it worked more-or-less the first time. But something people get stuck on (I did) is how to test. If you don't do it right it will seem like it isn't working when it actually is. It sounds like you haven't gotten started with GC yet so I won't try to explain what to do. Just be aware when the time comes to test that there is a procedure you need to follow that isn't completely obvious.

iphone cocos2d iAd problem

we have an application built using cocos2d, the first class (scene) called from the app delegate is the levels class which then calls the game class (scene) according to user choice. where should i write my iAd code and how ? any help please.
My suggestion would be to look at AdWhirl, which would make your ads decoupled from the ad network.
More can be found below.
My understanding is that you can not put UIViews directly into CCLayer, or CCScene (i hope those are the names), you will have to shrink your scene in order to put the iAd beside your Cocos2d view.
To implement iAd add the import
#import <iAd/ADBannerView.h>
If you initialize iAd in the AppDelegate, it will displayed everywhere.
This is very easy to achieve.
ADBannerView* iAdView = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
iAdView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierLandscape;
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView] addSubview:iAdView];
For more information, look at apples programming guide
I recently wrote a post about this issue (integrating iAd in a Cocos2d-x game) in my blog. Take a look and ask me if you have any questions.