Powershell script required - powershell

this is the scenario.
Can anyone please help me with a powershell script that copies the files shown above from the TFS to a temporary folder ??? where f1,f2,and so on are the subfolders..

I have no experience with either, but in the interest of a least pointing you in the right direction, check out this site. http://coolthingoftheday.blogspot.com/2009/03/pstfs-powershell-and-tfs-better-than.html
There are a couple of commands that will give you at least part of what you want. You will still need to do some digging to figure out the time stamp stuff.

You may want to check the answer to my question on a very similar scenario.
You will find answer to
give me all files in this folder (or subfolder)
as well as
that where modified after x/y/zzzz
but I'm still not sure about the
dump those files to folder other than they would normally go to
Incorporating your approach
Get-TfsItemProperty $/MyFirstTFSProj -r -server xyzc011b |
Where {$_.CheckinDate -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} |
Copy-Item -Destination C:\SomeDir -Whatif
you normally can omit the Copy-Item -Path param because it will be provided by the pipeline.
I don't have a TFS at to test with Get-TfsItemProperty but you could try
Get-TfsItemProperty $/MyFirstTFSProj -r -server xyzc011b |
Where {$_.CheckinDate -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} |
do find out about where this $null value is coming from.
I assume you did already see this post. To maintain the folder structure on the destination you need to include the -Force switch on the Copy-Item to create missing target folders:
Get-TfsItemProperty $/MyFirstTFSProj -r -server xyzc011b |
Where {$_.CheckinDate -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} |
Copy-Item -Destination C:\SomeDir -Force -Whatif
I'm still not sure if you need to retrieve/export the files prior to copy them - you should check on the second answer from Richard Berg in the post mentiond above.


Powershell: How to copy files from one Directory to another

I am looking to copy a series of files from one directory to another. Essentially the files are a series of zip folders that are simply changed versions of programs. The files will be named something like: test_1_092.zip in the source directory and test_1_091.zip in the target directory. I don't want the script to look at the numeric portion of the folder, simply the name.
Please forgive my lack of knowledge as this is my first foray into powershell scripting. Any thoughts or need more info?
Something to start with
(Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.zip").Name | where {$_ -like 'test_1_*'} | Move-Item -Destination .\1 -Force -WhatIf
Please confirm the output from –whatif , then remove it to perform the action.
For the relation between the new and old name, please provide some more information.

Could you help me with a script (made on Powershell) to delete files (eventualy subfolders) of a specific folder that are older than 5 days?

As I said in the question, I have tried to create a script that would delete files and subfolders of a folder that are older than 5 days.
I am new to Powershell, I have already seen some tutorials and read about the syntax of it, but that has not helped me much, so I just found a code that is alike the one I need and I have tried to adapt it to my needs. I will paste it here:
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-5)
$path = "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\example"
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -and
$_.CreationTime -lt $limit} | Remove-Item
The script has runned, without any error message, but the files have not been deleted. I would like to know what may be the problem. By the way, would this script delete subfolders as well? Other thing, how do I do to schedule this script?
Note: As I said, I am a beginner, so if someone could clarify these objects for me, I would be very glad: "PSIsContainer", "CreationTime", "|". I have already search what this "$_." means, but I have not understood it well yet, so if someone could tell me it directly, I would be very thankful as well. Thank you in advance.
I have tried a different code structure, but that basically does the same thing, and it has worked:
Get-Childitem C:\Users\Me\Downloads | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime –lt
$Now.AddDays(-5) } | Remove-Item
Now I am just not sure if it will delete subfolders as well, and I still need to schedule it, but I will keep on trying it and if I get it, I will bring some update about it here.

How to limiting files searched by Get-ChildItem (or limiting depth of recursion)?

There is a directory that is automatically populated with MSI files throughout the day. I plan on leveraging Task Scheduler to run the script shown below every 15 minutes. The script will search the directory and copy any new MSIs that have been created in the last 15 minutes to a network share.
Within this folder C:\ProgramData\flx\Output\<APP-NAME>\_<TIME_STAMP>\<APP-NAME>\ there are two other folders: Repackaged and MSI Package. The Repackaged folder does not need to be searched as it does not contain any MSIs. Also I have found that it needs to be excluded in some way to prevent this error:
Get-ChildItem : The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
At line:14 char:32
+$listofFiles=(Get-ChildItem <<<< -Recurse -Path $outputPath -Include "*.msi" -Exclude "*.Context.msi" | where {$_.LastAccessTime -gt $time.AddMinutes($minutes)})
+ CategoryInfo : ReadError: C:\ProgramData\...xcellence\Leg 1:String) [Get-ChildItem], PathTooLongException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DirIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand
I am stuck using Powershell v1.0
I have no control over the directory structure of the source location
I don't know the app name or the what the time stamp will be. That is something else that is out of my control.
Current plans
I have read about using -Filter and I am aware of filters that are similar to functions but I wasn't able to come up with any ideas of how to use them. My only thought at the moment would be to do something like:
$searchList=Get-ChildItem "all instances of the MSI Package folder"
foreach($folder in $searchList){
$listofFiles=Get-ChildItem "search for *.msi"
foreach($file in $listofFiles){"Logic to copy MSI from source to destination"}
However...I thought that there might be a more efficient way of doing this.
How can I limit depth that Get-ChildItem searches?
How can I limit the Get-ChildItem search to C:\ProgramData\flx\Output\<APP-NAME>_<TIME_STAMP>\<APP-NAME>\MSI Package
How can I only search folders that have been accessed in the last 15 minutes? I don't want to waste time drilling down into folders when I know MSI has already been copied.
Any additional advice on how to make this script more efficient overall would also be greatly appreciated.
My current script can be found here. I kept getting: "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code" and gave up after the fourth time trying to reformat it.
You can try this
dir C:\ProgramData\flx\Output\*\*\*\*\* -filter *.msi
this search all .msi files at this level
C:\ProgramData\flx\Output\<APP-NAME>\_<TIME_STAMP>\<APP-NAME>\Repackaged or 'MSI Package' or whatever else present folder
without recursion, this avoid too deep folder that give you error.
Pipe the result to:
Where {$_.LastAccessTime -gt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-15)} #be sure no action on file is taken before the dir command
Where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-15)} #some file can be re-copied maybe
With help from C.B. this is my new search which eliminates the issues I was having.
Changed -Path to C:\ProgramData\flx\Output\*\*\*\* to help limit the depth that was searched.
Used -Filter instead of -Include and put the -Exclude logic into the where clause.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ProgramData\flx\Output\*\*\*\* -Filter "*.msi" | where {$_.Name -notlike "*.Context.msi" -and $_.LastAccessTime -gt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-15)}
You can't limit the recursion depth of Get-ChildItem except to not use -Recurse i.e. Get-ChildItem is either depth = 0 or N.
Set up variables for app name and timestamp e.g.:
$appName = "foo"
$timestamp = Get-date -Format HHmmss
Get-ChildItem "C:\ProgramData\flx\Output\${appName}_$timestamp\$appName\MSI Package" -force -r
You can filter the results like so:
Get-ChildItem <path> -R | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-15)}

Powershell script to locate specific file/file name?

I wanted to write a small script that searched for an exact file name, not a string within a file name.
For instance if I search for 'hosts' using Explorer, I get multiple results by default. With the script I want ONLY the name I specify. I'm assuming that it's possible?
I had only really started the script and it's only for my personal use so it's not important, it's just bugging me. I have several drives so I started with 2 inputs, one to query drive letter and another to specify file name. I can search by extension, file size etc but can't seem to pin the search down to an exact name.
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT : Thanks to all responses. Just to update. I added one of the answers to my tiny script and it works well. All three responses worked but I could only use one ultimately, no offence to the other two. Cheers. Just to clarify, 'npp' is an alias for Notepad++ to open the file once found.
$drv = read-host "Choose drive"
$fname = read-host "File name"
$req = dir -Path $drv -r | Where-Object { !$PsIsContainer -and [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name) -eq $fname }
set-location $req.directory
npp $req
From a powershell prompt, use the gci cmdlet (alias for Get-ChildItem) and -filter option:
gci -recurse -filter "hosts"
This will return an exact match to filename "hosts".
SteveMustafa points out with current versions of powershell you can use the -File switch to give the following to recursively search for only files named "hosts" (and not directories or other miscellaneous file-system entities):
gci -recurse -filter "hosts" -File
The commands may print many red error messages like "Access to the path 'C:\Windows\Prefetch' is denied.".
If you want to avoid the error messages then set the -ErrorAction to be silent.
gci -recurse -filter "hosts" -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
An additional helper is that you can set the root to search from using -Path.
The resulting command to search explicitly search from, for example, the root of the C drive would be
gci -Recurse -Filter "hosts" -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path "C:\"
Assuming you have a Z: drive mapped:
Get-ChildItem -Path "Z:" -Recurse | Where-Object { !$PsIsContainer -and [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name) -eq "hosts" }
I use this form for just this sort of thing:
gci . hosts -r | ? {!$_.PSIsContainer}
. maps to positional parameter Path and "hosts" maps to positional parameter Filter. I highly recommend using Filter over Include if the provider supports filtering (and the filesystem provider does). It is a good bit faster than Include.
I'm using this function based on #Murph answer.
It searches inside the current directory and lists the full path:
function findit
$filename = $args[0];
gci -recurse -filter "*${filename}*" -file -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach-object {
$place_path = $_.directory
echo "${place_path}\${_}"
Example usage: findit myfile
To search the whole computer:
gdr -PSProvider 'FileSystem' | %{ ls -r $_.root} 2>$null | where { $_.name -eq "httpd.exe" }
In findFileByFilename.ps1 I have:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3428044/powershell-script-to-locate-specific-file-file-name
$filename = Read-Host 'What is the filename to find?'
gci . -recurse -filter $filename -file -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# tested works from pwd recursively.
This works great for me. I understand it.
I put it in a folder on my PATH.
I invoke it with:
> findFileByFilename.ps1
To search the whole computer:
gdr -PSProvider 'FileSystem' | %{ ls -r $.root} 2>$null | where {
$.name -eq "httpd.exe" }
I am pretty sure this is a much less efficient command, for MANY reasons, but the simplest is your piping everything to your where-object command, when you could still use -filter "httpd.exe" and save a ton of cycles.
Also, on a lot of computers the get-psdrive is gonna grab shared drives, and I am pretty sure you wanted that to get a complete search. Most shares can be IMMENSE with regard to the sheer number of files and folders, so at the very least I would sort my drives by size, and add a check after each search to exit the loop if we locate the file. That is if you are looking for a single instance, if not the only way to save yourself the IMMENSE time sink of searching a 10TB share or two, is to comment the command and highly suggest any user who were to need to use it should limit their search as much as they can. For instance our User Profile share is 10TB, at least the one I am on is, and I can limit my search to the directory $sharedrive\users\myname and search my 116GB directory rather than the 10TB one. Too many unknowns with shares for this type of script, which is already super inefficient with regard to resources and speed.
If I was seriously considering using something like this, I would add a call to a 3rd party package and leverage a DB.

Get powershell to display all paths where a certain file can be found on a drive

I'm trying to build a function that will show me all path's where a certain filename is located. The function would take one parameter, that being the file name.
The result would be either a list of all paths, or a message saying there's no such file on the system.
I'm new to Powershell, and I'm not getting the syntax just yet.
I've tried this:
Get-ChildItem -Path -Include notepad.exe
But that threw an error message. I'm currently trying:
Foreach ($i in Get-ChildItem c:\ -Recurse){echo -Path}
Started that now, it's still running, don't know what'll happen, really.
EDIT: echo'd an enormous amount of lines that just say "-Path"...
Can anybody help with this problem? I'm running Powershell 1.0 by the way.
So, to explain what I wish to see when executing this command, here is an example of what I expect after looking for *.txt:
And so on, listing the path to all .txt files on my harddrive. Only the paths, one per line, no extra info needed.
I've done it. I'm gonna leave this question up for those who make look for this in the future.
The function I used was this(this specific example will hand you a list of all .zip files on your harddrive, edit where needed):
Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -Include "*.zip" -Recurse -Force -Name > c:\listOfPaths.txt
This created a file called listOfPaths.txt on my C:\ folder and this contained a list of all occurences of any file ending with .zip in all subfolders of my harddrive.
The "c:\" bit isn't mentioned, but I don't mind.
thanks capar for a more complete version.
Here is capar's code(or how I got it to work, since Get-Children doesn't work in 1.0)
Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -Recurse *.txt | Select-Object -Property FullName
Since it's Friday night, I decided to play with Power Shell to see if I can help :)
This comes pretty close to what you are asking for I think:
Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -Recurse *.txt | Select-Object -Property FullName
If it helps, this command will list the properties of any object that will be returned by Get-ChildItem:
Get-ChildItem | Get-Member
ls c:\ -r | ? {$_.name -eq "notepad.exe"}
Get-Children is not recognized in Powershell V3 either. It would be great if someone removed that bad example.
As a warning to anyone searching for files: C:\ on today's hard drives will take a long time to run. You are well advised to narrow your search as much as you can. Since your folder structure might include spaces or special characters, use the typewriter quote (") or apostrophe (') delimeters.
$mylistoffiles = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts' -Recurse *.cmd | Select-Object -Property FullName