How can I check if contents of one file exist in another in Perl? - perl

File1 has contents like -
ABCD00000001,\some\some1\ABCD00000001,Y,,5 (this indicates there are 5 file in total in unit)
File2 has contents as ABCD00000001
So what i need to do is check if ABCD00000001 from File2 exist in File1 -
if yes{
print the output to Output.txt till it finds another ',Y,,X'}
else{ No keep checking}
Anyone? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi Arkadiy Output should be :- any filename from file 2 -ABCD00000001 in file1 and from Y to Y .
for ex :- file 1 structure will be :-
so out put should contain all line between
ABCD00000001,\some\some1\ABCD00000001,Y,,5 and
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $optFile = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\rgolwalkar\\Desktop\\perl_scripts\\SampleOPT1.opt";
my $tifFile = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\rgolwalkar\\Desktop\\perl_scripts\\tif_to_stitch.txt";
print "Reading OPT file now\n";
open (OPT, $optFile);
my #opt_in_array = <OPT>;
print "\nReading TIF file now\n";
open (TIF, $tifFile);
my #tif_in_array = <TIF>;
so all it does it is reads 2 files "FYI -> I am new to programming"

Try breaking up your problem into discrete steps. It seems that you need to do this (although your question is not very clear):
open file1 for reading
open file2 for reading
read file1, line by line:
for each line in file1, check if there is particular content anywhere in file2
Which part are you having difficulty with? What code have you got so far? Once you have a line in memory, you can compare it to another string using a regular expression, or perhaps a simpler form of comparison.

OK, I'll bite (partially)...
First general comments. Use strict and -w are good, but you are not checking for the results of open or explicitly stating your desired read/write mode.
The contents of your OPT file kinda sorta looks like it is CSV and the second field looks like a Windows path, true? If so, use the appropriate library from CPAN to parse CSV and verify your file names. Misery and pain can be the result otherwise...
As Ether stated earlier, you need to read the file OPT then match the field you want. If the first file is CSV, first you need to parse it without destroying your file names.
Here is a small snippet that will parse your OPT file. At this point, all it does is print the fields, but you can add logic to match to the other file easily. Just read (slurp) the entire second file into a single string and match with your chosen field from the first:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
my #opt_fields;
while (<DATA>) {
if ($csv->parse($_)) {
push #opt_fields, [ $csv->fields() ];
} else {
my $err = $csv->error_input;
print "Failed to parse line: $err";
foreach my $ref (#opt_fields) {
# foreach my $field (#$ref) { print "$field\n"; }
print "The anon array: #$ref\n";
print "Use to match?: $ref->[0]\n";
print "File name?: $ref->[1]\n";


Storing a file in a hash - Only stores first line?

I am trying to read a file and store it into a hash. When i print out the contents of the hash only the first line from the file stores.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump;
local $/ = "";
my %parameters;
open(my $PARAMS, 'SimParams.conf')
or die "Unable to open file, $!";
while(<$PARAMS>) {
my #temp = split(/:\s*|\n/);
$parameters{$temp[0]} = $temp[1];
exit 0
The dd(\%parameters) shows only the first line of the file as key and value. How can I get all 3 lines to be Key and Value pairings in this hash?
EDIT: SimParams file as requested:
RamSize: 1000
PageSize: 200, 200
SysClock: 1
The datadump gives the output:
{ RamSize => "1000\r" }
The line
local $/ = "";
is reading your 3 line file as 1 chunk, the entire file. If you eliminate that code, your hash should be created.
You should probably chomp your input to remove the newline . Place it in your code before splitting to #temp.
Borodin best explains what local $/ = ""; does.
Setting $/ to the null string enables paragraph mode. Each time you read from $PARAMS (which should be $params because it is a local variable) you will be given the next block of data until a blank line is encountered
It looks like there are no blank lines in your data, so the read will return the entire contents of the file
You don't say why you modified the value of $/, but it looks like just removing that assignment will get your code working properly

Using Perl to find and fix errors in CSV files

I am dealing with very large amounts of data. Every now and then there is a slip up. I want to identify each row with an error, under a condition of my choice. With that I want the row number along with the line number of each erroneous row. I will be running this script on a handful of files and I will want to output the report to one.
So here is my example data:
Desired output:
Row#5,4.csv,4,Jim,9876,not_a_date,jones (this is an erroneous row)
The condition I have chosen is print to output if anything in the date field is not a date.
As you can see, my desired output contains the line number where the error occurred, along with the data itself.
After I have my output that shows the lines within each file that are in error, I want to grab that line from the untouched original CSV file to redo (both modified and original files contain the same amount of rows). After I have a file of these redone rows, I can omit and clean up where needed to prevent interruption of an import.
Folder structure will contain:
Modified: 4.txt
Original: 4.csv
I have something started here, written in Perl, which by the logic will at least return the rows I need. However I believe my syntax is a little off and I do not know how to plug in the other subroutines.
$count = 1;
while (<>) {
unless ($F[4] =~ /\d+[-]\d+[-]\d+/)
print "Row#" . $count++ . "," . "$_";
The code above is supposed to give me my erroneous rows, but to be able to extract them from the originals is beyond me. The above code also contains some syntax errors.
This will do as you ask.
Please be certain that none of the fields in the data can ever contain a comma , otherwise you will need to use Text::CSV to process it instead of just a simple split.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use autodie;
open my $fh, '<', 'example.csv';
<$fh>; # Skip header
while (<$fh>) {
my #fields = split /,/;
if( $fields[4] !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ ) {
print "Row#$.,$_";
If you want to process a number of files then you need this instead.
The close ARGV at the end of the loop is there so that the line counter $. is reset to
1 at the start of each file. Without it it just continues from 1 upwards across all the files.
You would run this like
rob#Samurai-U:~$ perl *.csv
or you could list the files individually, separated by spaces.
For the test I have created files 1.csv and 2.csv which are identical to your example data except that the first field of each line is the name of the file containing the data.
You may not want the line in the output that announces each file name, in which case you should replace the entire first if block with just next if $. == 1.
use strict;
use warnings;
#ARGV = map { glob qq{"$_"} } #ARGV; # For Windows
while (<>) {
if ($. == 1) {
print "\n\nFile: $ARGV\n\n";
my #fields = split /,/;
unless ( $fields[4] =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ ) {
printf "Row#%d,%s", $., $_;
close ARGV if eof ARGV;
File: 1.csv
File: 2.csv

How to print result STDOUT to a temporary blank new file in the same directory in Perl?

I'm new in Perl, so it's maybe a very basic case that i still can't understand.
Program tell user to types the file name.
User types the file name (1 or more files).
Program read the content of file input.
If it's single file input, then it just prints the entire content of it.
if it's multi files input, then it combines the contents of each file in a sequence.
And then print result to a temporary new file, which located in the same directory with the .
print "File name: ";
$userinput = <STDIN>; chomp ($userinput);
#read content from input file
open ("FILEINPUT", $userinput) or die ("can't open file");
#PRINT CONTENT selama ada di file tsb
while (<FILEINPUT>) {
print ; }
File name: file1.txt
I found tutorial code that combine content from multifiles input but cannot adapt the while argument to code above:
while ($userinput = <>) {
print ($userinput);
I was stucked at making it work for multifiles input,
How am i suppose to reformat the code so my program could give result like this?
File name: file1.txt file2.txt
i appreciate your response :)
A good way to start working on a problem like this, is to break it down into smaller sections.
Your problem seems to break down to this:
get a list of filenames
for each file in the list
display the file contents
So think about writing subroutines that do each of these tasks. You already have something like a subroutine to display the contents of the file.
sub display_file_contents {
# filename is the first (and only argument) to the sub
my $filename = shift;
# Use lexical filehandl and three-arg open
open my $filehandle, '<', $filename or die $!;
# Shorter version of your code
print while <$filehandle>;
The next task is to get our list of files. You already have some of that too.
sub get_list_of_files {
print 'File name(s): ';
my $files = <STDIN>;
chomp $files;
# We might have more than one filename. Need to split input.
# Assume filenames are separated by whitespace
# (Might need to revisit that assumption - filenames can contain spaces!)
my #filenames = split /\s+/, $files;
return #filenames;
We can then put all of that together in the main program.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #list_of_files = get_list_of_files();
foreach my $file (#list_of_files) {
By breaking the task down into smaller tasks, each one becomes easier to deal with. And you don't need to carry the complexity of the whole program in you head at one time.
p.s. But like JRFerguson says, taking the list of files as command line parameters would make this far simpler.
The easy way is to use the diamond operator <> to open and read the files specified on the command line. This would achieve your objective:
while (<>) {
print "$_\n";
Thus: file1.txt file2.txt
If this is the sole objective, you can reduce this to a command line script using the -p or -n switch like:
perl -pe '1' file1.txt file2.txt
perl -ne 'print' file1.txt file2.txt
These switches create implicit loops around the -e commands. The -p switch prints $_ after every loop as if you had written:
while (<>) {
# your code...
} continue {
Using -n creates:
while (<>) {
# your code...
Thus, -p adds an implicit print statement.

Value not stored in file <Perl>

I am new to perl. My motive is to read some value from a txt file and use it in my perl script.
The text file is something like this ::
Servers ::
What i need to do is to get the 3rd line value (Tomas-Server2) and use it in my perl script. basically its calling the 3rd value to the perl script.
I have written a basic code for it ::
my($ServName1,$ServName,$ServName3) = getservername($servername);
my ($filenam) = 'data.txt';
my #Param = ();
open(INFILE,"<$filenam") or die "Couldn't open $filenam for reading\n";
while(<INFILE>) {
return #Param;
But when i try to use the "$ServName2" value , it does not return anything. I guess the value contained should be "(local)" for it.
There a few problems with you example data, but I think I understand what you are trying to do. Assuming that you want the third server value (and not just line #3) you would probably want to have code that looks something like this...
#some includes
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
#set some vars
my $TargetFileName="data_file.txt";
my $TargetServerNumber=3;
#call the sub
my #ServerArray=GetServerName($TargetFileName);
#did we get anything back?
if(#ServerArray) {
#yep, we got some content
print "Server number ".$TargetServerNumber."/".($#ServerArray+1)." is \"".$ServerArray[$TargetServerNumber-1]."\"\n"; #array numbers are 0-based
} else {
#nope, we read the file but didn't any matching content
print "No servers found in file \"".$TargetFileName."\".\n";
} #end if
print "\n";
print "Here's what was loaded into \#ServerArray...\n";
print Data::Dumper::Dumper(#ServerArray); #so you can see the full content of #ServerArray
print "All Done\n";
#----- subs go here -----
sub GetServerName {
my $DataFileName=shift; #pull in the first arg - this alters #_ for the rest of the sub, so take care when doing this
my #ReturnArray;
#do some QA
if(!$DataFileName) {die "You need to provide a file name to use this sub.\n"} #do we have a file name?
if(!stat($DataFileName)) {die "The requested file name of \"".$DataFileName."\" does not exist.\n";} #does the file exist?
open(INFILE, "<".$DataFileName) or die "Unable to open \"".$DataFileName."\" - ".$!;
#ok, read the file content
while(my $Line=<INFILE>) {
$Line=~s/^\s+//g; #remove leading white spaces
$Line=~s/\s+$//g; #remove trailing white spaces
if(!$Line) {next;} #blank line, skip it
#check for the headers
if($Line=~m/^Servers/) {next;} #skip lines beginning with "Servers"
if($Line=~m/^\(local\)/) {next;} #skip lines beginning with "(local)"
#if we get here, we must want the line content, so add it to the array
push(#ReturnArray, $Line);
} #end while
#send the array data back, if any
return #ReturnArray
} #end GetServerName sub
stuff below here does not need to be commented
I admit this is not the best way to approach the problem, but like most Perl hacks, it works. You'll notice the code is a bit overkill and does validation checks before passing data to some operations - get into the habit of doing this in any language you work in. This will help you return more meaningful errors when things go wrong and will also catch data related problems. The sample code also does a bit of data cleanup because leading and trailing will likely cause you problems later on. Blank lines (after cleaning) are also removed.
BTW, the data file I used as an example look like this...
Servers ::
You never define a $ServName2 variable. The variable between $ServName1 and $ServName3 is just named $ServName, with no number.

Perl: How to add a line to sorted text file

I want to add a line to the text file in perl which has data in a sorted form. I have seen examples which show how to append data at the end of the file, but since I want the data in a sorted format.
Please guide me how can it be done.
Basically from what I have tried so far :
(I open a file, grep its content to see if the line which I want to add to the file already exists. If it does than exit else add it to the file (such that the data remains in a sorted format)
open(my $FH, $file) or die "Failed to open file $file \n";
#file_data = <$FH>;
my $line = grep (/$string1/, #file_data);
if($line) {
print "Found\n";
#add the line to the file
print "Not found!\n";
Here's an approach using Tie::File so that you can easily treat the file as an array, and List::BinarySearch's bsearch_str_pos function to quickly find the insert point. Once you've found the insert point, you check to see if the element at that point is equal to your insert string. If it's not, splice it into the array. If it is equal, don't splice it in. And finish up with untie so that the file gets closed cleanly.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::File;
use List::BinarySearch qw(bsearch_str_pos);
my $insert_string = 'Whatever!';
my $file = 'something.txt';
my #array;
tie #array, 'Tie::File', $file or die $!;
my $idx = bsearch_str_pos $insert_string, #array;
splice #array, $idx, 0, $insert_string
if $array[$idx] ne $insert_string;
untie #array;
The bsearch_str_pos function from List::BinarySearch is an adaptation of a binary search implementation from Mastering Algorithms with Perl. Its convenient characteristic is that if the search string isn't found, it returns the index point where it could be inserted while maintaining the sort order.
Since you have to read the contents of the text file anyway, how about a different approach?
Read the lines in the file one-by-one, comparing against your target string. If you read a line equal to the target string, then you don't have to do anything.
Otherwise, you eventually read a line 'greater' than your current line according to your sort criteria, or you hit the end of the file. In the former case, you just insert the string at that position, and then copy the rest of the lines. In the latter case, you append the string to the end.
If you don't want to do it that way, you can do a binary search in #file_data to find the spot to add the line without having to examine all of the entries, then insert it into the array before outputting the array to the file.
Here's a simple version that reads from stdin (or filename(s) specified on command line) and appends 'string to append' to the output if it's not found in the input. Outuput is printed on stdout.
#! /usr/bin/perl
$found = 0;
$append='string to append';
while(<>) {
$found = 1 if (m/$append/o);
print "$append\n" unless ($found);;
Modifying it to edit a file in-place (with perl -i) and taking the append string from the command line would be quite simple.
A 'simple' one-liner to insert a line without using any module could be:
perl -ni -le '$insert="lemon"; $eq=($insert cmp $_); if ($eq == 0){$found++}elsif($eq==-1 && !$found){print$insert} print'
giver a list.txt whose context is:
the output is:
local ($^I, #ARGV) = ("", $file); # Enable in-place editing of $file
while (<>) {
# If we found the line exactly, bail out without printing it twice
last if $_ eq $insert;
# If we found the place where the line should be, insert it
if ($_ gt $insert) {
print $insert;
# We've passed the insertion point, now output the rest of the file
print while <>;
Essentially the same answer as pavel's, except with a lot of readability added. Note that $insert should already contain a trailing newline.