iphone threading speed up startup of app - iphone

I have an app that must get data from the Sqlite database in order to display the first element to the User.
I have created a domain object which wraps the DB access and is a thread safe singleton.
Is this following strategy optimal to ensure the fastest load given the iPhone's file access and memory management capabilities in threaded apps:
1) In the AppDelegate's FinishedLaunching event the very first thing I do is create the domain singleton within a new thread. This will cause the domain object to go to Sqlite and get the data it needs without locking the UI thread.
2) I then call the standard Window methods to add the View and MakeKeyAndVisible etc.
Is there an earlier stage in the AppDelegate where I should fire off the thread that creates the Domain Object and accesses Sqlite?

Heh, you can go all the way back to the app's execution entry point and create your own thread before invoking UIApplicationMain... that's overkill.
applicationDidFinishLaunching is the best place to do it, if you're worried about fast loading a better approach would be to cache the data in your plist or NSUserDefaults and then update it a couple hundred millisecs later when the DB is ready.


Open UIManagedDocument take too much time

Recently, I'm working with a timetable app in iOS, and i get trouble with Core Data.
My app has a main user interface kind of like the original calendar app created by Apple, and i save all my events data in the Core Data database.
I create a UIManagedDocument in order to fetch data from database by using its NSManagedObjectContext, and everything works just fine.
However, i need to use the NSManagedObjectContext to fetch data several times in several different view controllers during the runtime. And every time i do this, i need to reopen the UIManagedDocument, but open the document take too much time(it may take 2 seconds or even more, i have to display a spinner in view).
So here are my questions:
What's the right way to open a managedDocument?(I mean like open it during the lunch image time?)
Is there a way to only open the managedDocument once and keep it open during runtime?(So i can use its context all the time)
Does data store in the managedDocument i create?(I found that if i delete the document, data was gone)
You will get lots of different opinions on how to do this but basically you should only have to open the document once. This is done by some object that does the work and stores it so it can return it again when asked by a different view controller.
Many people create singleton's for this or put it in the App Delegate. I have implemented a protocol that lets me put it where ever it is convenient for a particular application without my other code having to know anything about the object that returns the information. As long as it responds to the protocol it can be the App Delegate, a singleton class, or any other object type.
See importing AppDelegate
The protocol that I put in the above example just returns information about where the database is. In my actual implementation I have an openDatabase method with a call back to let me know when it is done plus automatic initialization and updating methods.
You can also improve your performance by having the open operation happen off the main thread. This keeps your UI responsive but does not show the data any faster and you have to be carefull about managed object contexts and the threads they are in.
Good luck...

Core Data - sharing NSManagedObjects among multiple threads

I suffered all the consequences of using a single MOC in multiple threads - my app crashes at random points because the MOC is created in the main thread and I also use it to fill the DB in another thread.
Though the code is synchronized (#synchronize) using a global singleton the app crashes.
I read that using a separate MOC for each thread will make things ok but I also read that it is considered also a bad approach to share NSManagedObjects across threads.
My use case is the following:
1)I load and parse XML from a server and during the parsing I insert each new NSManagedObject in the database. This all happens in a separate thread.
2)From the main thread the user interacts with the UI which reads data from the database.
In both threads I use NSManagedObjects. How would you suggest me to fix this? I failed multiple times already.
Most often the app creashed with error suggesting that I am modifying a collection while enumerating it which is not true as the code is synchronized and while I am iterating it no modifying happens and vice versa - while I modify it I don't iterate and I save once I am done.
Use one NSManagedObjectContext per thread. If you communicate between threads, pass the NSManagedObjectID, which is thread safe, and fetch the object again from you thread context. In my apps I sometimes even use one context per controller.
To manage the different contexts, register an Observer for the NSManagedObjectContextDidChangeNotification. Within this notification handling, you pass the notification to each of your contexts via the mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: method. This method is thread save and makes the context update its state.
After this you have to refresh your views. If you have a table view based application, have a look at NSFetchedResultsController. This helps you update the table automatically with appropriate animations. If you don't use table views, you have to implement the UI update yourself.
If you are only supporting iOS 5 and above you don't need to deal with NSManagedObjectID and merging contexts anymore. You can use the new concurrency types of NSManagedObjectContext instead. Then do your operations within managedObjectContext:performBlock and they will be merged automatically.
See the answer from svena here for more information:
Core Data and Concurrency using NSOperationQueues

Running continuos thread in app delegate is proper or not

In my app requirement is, when the app is launch for the first time it will send request to server to get data, parse it and save it in document folder which will be used across entire project.Again after particular time interval the app will send request to server to get updated data(if any) and update that data in document folder, which again will be updated across entire project.All this process is happening in background thread.This process will repeat until the app is running in foreground once the user close the app, the app will get terminate, it will not go in background.
This repeated request I am creating in app delegate as well as doing xml parsing once the data is received and saving after parsing. Now my question is, Is this proper means doing too much stuff in app delegate is safe or there is some limitation or is this bad programming?
What is the correct way of doing this?
I disagree with torrey.lyons to an extent. I think creating singletons is bad practice generally speaking and should be avoided where possible. One thing you should never do is code a class so that it has to be a singleton. Purpose built singletons tend to increase coupling and can be really problematic when it comes to unit testing where you might want to replace your singleton with a stub class or you might need it to be reinitialised for each unit test.
If this task of getting data is an application level task, there is absolutely no reason why it can't logically be located in the application delegate. I would however create a "connection manager" as torrey.lyons suggests and have one as a property of the app delegate.
I would also not use an explicit background thread to do the data update but I would use a subclass of NSOperation. This is a whole lot easier than managing your own thread.
It is bad practice. Your app delegate should ideally be concerned purely with its own responsibilities, i.e.. responding to the messages the application sends its delegate. It is much better to split off other discrete responsibilities into other objects. For example, you could have a "connection manager" object that is responsible for periodically communicating with the server. If you are sure the app will only connect to one server at a time you probably want to use the singleton pattern so that there only one instance of the object in your application and it can be easily reached by any other class. A good discussion of the proper role of the app delegate and singletons can be found on at Singletons, AppDelegates and top-level data. A good general overview on writing singletons can be found under the Care and Feeding of Singletons.

Core Data client+server/background saving/general import question

I'm working on a Core Data-based application that has a Mac application acting as a 'server' and an iPhone as a client. Everything is going swimmingly, except I'm running into performance issues.
When the user taps an object, the server must return some objects related to that object (nothing too heavy, usually 3-4 objects) and show a UI to choose some options. This needs to be as fast as possible. The round-trip time to the server, the server pulling the data, formatting it, returning it to the client, and the client creating NSManagedObjects from the data (which cannot be optimized further) is about 200 ms. The code relating to presenting the UI (which cannot be optimized further, again) requires around 150 ms. On an iPod touch 2G running iOS 4.0, the single line of code saving the managed object context after the objects are imported is taking anywhere from 150-200 ms.
To me, this screams that I should be backgrounding the managed object context saving. However, as far as I understand it, that won't really meet my needs. If I want to save the managed object context on a background thread, then all the objects in it must have been created on a background thread in a separate managed object context, so I won't see any speed gain because it will still take 100-200 ms for the save to occur, and I'll be seeing even more overhead because I'll still need to tell my main thread to update it's managed objects from the backgrounded managed object context's save before my view controller sees that it needs to refresh itself.
Am I missing an obvious solution? Is there something about Core Data I could use in this situation that would help? I hate to throw such a general question like this out there, but I'm at a complete loss where to go from here.
Sounds like you need to move the entire server communication to a background thread. If you did that then the entire UI would be responsive no matter how long the communication with the server took.
To do this, you stand up a second NSManagedObjectContext on the background thread connected to the same NSPersistentStoreCoordinator. Then you perform your server communication on that background thread (it might even make sense to use an NSOperation) and save the changes.
Your main thread and therefore main NSManagedObjectContext listens for save notifications and when it receives one it updates the main thread and UI. This will eliminate any freezing you are seeing and the processing time becomes mostly irrelevant.

What's the proper way to use sqlite on the iPhone?

Can you please give some suggestions on sqlite using on the iPhone?
Within my application, I use a sqlite DB to store all local data. Two methods can be used to retrieve those data during running time.
1, Load all the data into memory at initialization stage. (More memory used, less DB open/close operation needed)
2, Read corresponding records when necessary, free the occupied memory after using. (Good habit for memory using, but much DB open/close operations needs).
I prefer to use method 2, but not sure whether too many DB opening/closing operations could affect app's efficiency. Or do you think I can 'upgrade' method 2 by opening DB when app launches and closing DB when app quits?
Thanks for your suggestions very much!
First of all: use FMDB to access SQLite!
Then, create your own singleton "MyDB" class.
Every time you need the database, you do [MyDB instance] to get your FMDB instance.
That way you only have one DB open (in didFinishLaunching) an you close it when your app exits.
That's far and away the best way to use SQLite on the iPhone.
The other option is to use CoreData, something I find great for when you start with an empty database, but FMDB/SQLite works best for me if I have a set of data that's read-only.
Apple seems to suggest that you avoid preloading all the data during the startup in order to ensure faster and smoother startup. Supposedly you should only load data when/if the user needs it.