Access web service from GWT - gwt

Is there any way how I can access a web service from GWT using its WSDL? Previously I was trying to use the generated classes from ws-import.... but then someone pointed out to me that GWT cannot handle all Java, just a subset of it, hence it won't understand the ws-import classes.
Thanks and regards,

GWT can access web services using a RequestBuilder, which makes HTTP calls to a service and then gets access to its response.
Since your web service is using SOAP, the response you get in your RequestBuilder's callback will be XML. Parse that XML to find the information you're interested in, and you're good to go.

In our project we were using Axis Client to make SOAP Web Service Call(WSDL Driven). We had use the inbuild plug tool provided by the WTP/ AXIS Webservice in Spring Source Tool to create the client using provided WSDL. We had use the same client code to incorporate with GWT and everything works fine.


How to configure and call the RSDL or WADL for REST web service?

I want to implement the RSDL or WADL for REST webservice. I got the syntax for it from wiki, but not able to configure it in project. Can anyone tell me how the configuration is done and how to call. Basically how it works as far as workflow is concerned?
Finally I used Jersey for REST webservice implementation. And Jersey auto generates the WADL for the web service. In order to access the WADL, you need to just append the '/application.wadl' to your REST base URL.
For example: ""

Implement REST service in gwt

I want to implement REST service in gwt .But I don't know how to go about it. I read some documents where they have implemented it using RestyGwt and jercy. But I have one app which is deployed on tomcat. Then situation is that my client side app is calling the methods on the application present on tomcat.
I have to implement it using REST so that my client side call will first go to Proxy service on client then it make REST call to the application on tomcat and fetch result and return. How can I do this in gwt. ?
As mentioned, you can only communicate with REST service.
Anyway, maybe take a look on dispatch concept in GWTPlatform and their way of implementing it. (
Idea is easy, you have an action on client side which is registered to deal with rest url. You can define action interface with some additional annotations to tell what is excepected to be send and received. They are using piriti library for json serialization.
It is up to you if you need only client side implementation or you would like to use server side service creation too.
You can NOT implement a REST service in gwt, since gwt is thought as a client-side solution.
What the GWT kit provides for server side are a few utilities to facilitate the comunication between client-side and server-side when both are written in java (RPC, RF).
So you can consume a REST service from gwt (RequestBuilder, gwtquery-ajax, etc), but if you want to provide REST services you need a 3party solution for your server side like Jersey, CXF, etc.
There are, though, 3party solutions which provides the server side and client simultaneously like restygwt, errai-jax, etc.
If you are looking for a simple and reliable solution to query rest services from the client, in this question you have a client implementation done with gwtquery (ajax, databinding, promises)

Play framework + GWT + Restful

We're developing an app using play framework for the backend (with Restful services), and GWT in the client . We want to call Restful services from GWT. Can we use RestyGWT just to build the request and get JSON?
I have read the RestyGWT documentation ( but I don't have all clear, because we don't need build Restful service, just call them from client.
Thanks in advance.
I think in your case you can use two feature of RestyGWT:
Calling Restful web services which developed using Play Framework, see this part of documentations.
Manipulating JSON objects in your GWT application using RestyGWT API for encoding and decoding Java Object to JSON, see this part of documentations.

How to make REST calls from Google Web Toolkit?

I have my restful CXF service producing JSON with default JSON provider. I want to know if we can use GWT to build client which will user the restful service. Will it work ? If not, what would be a simple work around for this type ?
Thank you.
It will work. See this. Here's a quote:
GWT does not limit you to this one RPC mechanism or server side development environment. You are free to integrate with other RPC mechanisms, such as JSON using the GWT supplied RequestBuilder class, JSNI methods or a third party library.

Blackberry and RESTful services

I'm looking to develop a blackberry application to consume a RESTful service. At the moment we plan to develop a REST layer which we will use to perform searches on a back end database and return the results as JSON.
I have used the Jersey framework ( ) for consuming (and developing) REST layers in the past.
This is the first time we plan to develop such an app for a blackberry. From looking around I'm not sure if jersey is supported on the blackberry for consuming RESTful services.
So I'm wondering could someone offer some advice (on jersey or any other purpose built JARs) for using RESTful services on Blackberry? Otherwise we will have to build from scratch the code for consuming the RESTFul service. Or even use SOAP which I prefer not to have to do if possible.
Take a look at the website, they have lib in Java to parse JSON data(I'v manage to make it work for BlackBerry without to much modifications.
The only thing left to do is a connection to the web service by passing the parameter you need to it. And then parse the response with the JSON lib to rebuild your data model in your native client.
And please don't use SOAP for mobile application.
Please read RIM doc for socket
You can use a httpConnection too