First run notepad with my.cfg and only then start the service - service

I install along with my application:
1) a service that starts and stops my application as needed
2) a conf file that contains actually the user data and that will be shown to the user to modify as needed (I give the user the chance to change it by running notepad.exe with my conf file during installing)
The problem is that in my code the service I install starts before the user had the chance to modify the conf file. What I would like is:
1) first the user gets the chance to change the conf file (run notepad.exe with the conf file)
2) only afterward start the service
<Component Id="MyService.exe" Guid="GUID">
<File Id="MyService.exe" Source="MyService.exe" Name="MyService.exe" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
<ServiceInstall Id='ServiceInstall' DisplayName='MyService' Name='MyService' ErrorControl='normal' Start='auto' Type='ownProcess' Vital='yes'/>
<ServiceControl Id='ServiceControl' Name='MyService' Start='install' Stop='both' Remove='uninstall'/>
<Component Id="my.conf" Guid="" NeverOverwrite="yes">
<File Id="my.cfg" Source="my.cfg_template" Name="my.cfg" KeyPath="yes" />
<Property Id="NOTEPAD">Notepad.exe</Property>
<CustomAction Id="LaunchConfFile" Property="NOTEPAD" ExeCommand="[INSTALLDIR]my.cfg" Return="ignore" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred"/>
<!--Run only on installs-->
<Custom Action='LaunchConfFile' Before='InstallFinalize'>(NOT Installed) AND (NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE)</Custom>
What am I doing wrong in the above code and how could I change it in order to achieve what I need? (first run notepad with my conf file and then start the service).

I would extend the MSI UI to ask for the parts the user needs to modify and then update the text file using XmlFile and XmlConfig elements. Then Windows installer can come by and start the service.


Controlling the sequence of events in a Wixtoolset (.msi) installer

I am creating a Microsoft Installer (.msi file) using the Wixtoolset (Windows Installer XML). This installer must automate the installation of an existing .exe program (named installer.exe below) and copy a custom configuration file (named settings.conf below) to the target directory. In addition the installer must modify the configuration file using the InstallFiles command below. But the timing of events is critical. If the executable installer runs too early, it fails or exhibits strange behavior. And if the executable installer run too late in the install sequence, it overwrites my modified configuration file with the generic values. I believe this can be done by assigning a string to the Before or After property value. What Before or After property assignment will allow the executable to run properly but not overwrite the configuration file I moved by the CopyFile element? Here is my Wixtoolset XML code.
<Property Id="CONFIGFOLDER" Value="C:\acme\config" >
Title="Configuration File"
<ComponentRef Id="CMP_ACME_Config_File" />
<DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
<Component Id="CMP_ACME_Config_File" Guid="">
<CopyFile Id="Copy_ACME_Config"
DestinationName="settings.conf" />
SourceFile="installer.exe" />
Return="check" />
<Custom Action="Launch_Installer"
I can't explain exactly why this works but assigning "InstallFiles" to the "After" property in the "Custom" element seems to do the trick.
<Custom Action="Launch_Installer"

WIX - Reference a heat generated file ID for use in Custom Action

New to Wix, but trying to learn!
I'm using heat to generate a 'directory.wxs' file that contains all of the files I need for my application. One of these files is a Powershell script that I need to run as a custom action. I'm trying to use the -suid flag so the File Id is consistent across runs. I don't like this solution as I may be in a bad way if I ever have two files with the same name... suggestions welcome on that one.
In the customaction.wxs file, I'm trying to use what is generated, "install-service-filebeat.ps1" as my Property value in my custom action. I have looked at a quite a few examples / problems similar to this across here and other sites. I may just be an idiot and missing something, but was wondering if my issue is with referencing the ID from my directory.wxs file, or if it elsewhere in my syntax.
Below are my scripts, I included them at the end as they are long.
Thanks in advance!
My PS script:
## Powershell Script to Create MSI ##
## Variables ##
# WIX Source Dir #
$WIX_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin"
# Source Dir for files to be enumerated into MSI #
# Name of our Application #
# Where to stage the various .wxs files #
# Where to deliver the Final Product #
## Create MSI ##
# Compile the source files into a Fragment to be referenced by main builder Product.wxs #
& ${WIX_DIR}\heat.exe dir $SRC_DIR -srd -dr INSTALLDIR -cg MainComponentGroup -out ${STG_DIR}\directory.wxs -ke -sfrag -gg -ssuid -var var.SourceDir -sreg -scom
# Convert the .wxs files into .wxobj for consumption by light.exe #
& ${WIX_DIR}\candle.exe -dSourceDir="${SRC_DIR}" ${STG_DIR}\*.wxs -o ${STG_DIR}\ -ext WixUtilExtension -arch x64
& ${WIX_DIR}\light.exe -o ${TGT_DIR}\${APP_NAME}_installer.msi ${STG_DIR}\customaction.wixobj ${STG_DIR}\directory.wixobj ${STG_DIR}\product.wixobj -cultures:en-US -ext WixUIExtension.dll -ext WiXUtilExtension.dll
This generates my files just fine, and compiles them. The contents of my customaction.wxs:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<Wix xmlns=''>
<!--Define the CustomAction for running the PowerShell script-->
<CustomAction Id="RunPowerShellScript_set"
Value=""[\[]POWERSHELLEXE[\]]" -Version 2.0 -NoProfile -NonInteractive -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "&'4(var.SourceDir)\[\[]#install_service.ps1[\]]'; exit $$($Error.Count)"" />
<CustomAction Id="RunPowerShellScript"
Impersonate="yes" />
<!-- Ensure PowerShell is installed and obtain the PowerShell executable location -->
<RegistrySearch Id="POWERSHELLEXE"
Name="Path" />
<Condition Message="This application requires Windows PowerShell.">
And the relevant portion of my product.wxs:
<!-- Execute Custom Action -->
<Custom Action="RunPowerShellScript_set" After="InstallFiles" />
<Custom Action="RunPowerShellScript" After="InstallFiles">
<![CDATA[NOT Installed]]>
I think that your Property="install_service.ps1" is incorrect. Try to follow the pattern from my blog post. I hope it helps you, just tested my script again and it works. Have a nice day!

How to write AssemblyVersion to file using MSBuild?

FinalEdit: Despite relative directories not working in the first post, it worked if I simply removed the $(MsBuildThisFileDirectory) from the Exec line.
Edit2: I added the new targets to the DefaultTargets. Which now runs them by default. However, timing was now off with the postbuild command. I added <Exec Command="call $(MsBuildThisFileDirectory)documentation\tools\GenerateDocumentation.bat" IgnoreExitCode="false" /> to the target, but it gives an error that C:\Users\my is not a valid batch file because of the space which is actually C:\Users\my program\documentation\tools\GenerateDocumentation.bat. Putting quotes around the path gives me error MSB4025 that Name cannot begin with $.
Edit: I have tried stijn's code and it works when I explicitly run it from the command line using /t:RetrieveIdentities, but for some reason it doesn't seem to run otherwise.
I have been using Doxygen to generate documentation for my source code, however, I would like to be able to do it automatically. I wrote a simple .bat script to run Doxygen with my desired config file and compile the output into a .chm help file, but I have been unable to change the revision number automatically in Doxygen.
I was attempting to simply update the config file by adding a new line to the config file with the new revision number using MSBuild, but I have been unable to get anything to print or even create a new file when none is present.
The code I have so far I have gotten from other similar questions, but I cannot seem to get it to work.
<MyTextFile Include="\documentation\DoxygenConfigFile.doxyconfig"/>
<MyItems Include="PROJECT_NUMBER = %(MyAssemblyIdentitiesAssemblyInfo.Version)"/>
<Target Name="RetrieveIdentities">
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="bin\foo.exe">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="MyAssemblyIdentities"/>
<WriteLinesToFile File="#(MyTextFile)" Lines="#(MyItems)" Overwrite="false" Encoding="UTF8" />
Encoding is wrong, it should be UTF-8
When working with items/properties, the % and # and $ must come right before the (, no spacing in between: %(MyAssemblyIdentitiesAssemblyInfo.Version)
MyAssemblyIdentitiesAssemblyInfo does not exist, you probably meant MyAssemblyIdentities
Look up how msbuild evaluates properties and items. Basically what it will do in your script is evaluate MyItems, but at that time MyAssemblyIdentities does not yet exist so is empty, and only afterwards the GetAssemblyIdentity gets executed. Fix this by enforcing correct evaluation order: put your items inside the target and make it depend on another target that creates MyAssemblyIdentities before evaluating your items.
To summarize:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Target Name="GetAssemblyIdentities">
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="bin\foo.exe">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="MyAssemblyIdentities"/>
<Target Name="RetrieveIdentities" DependsOnTargets="GetAssemblyIdentities">
<MyTextFile Include="\documentation\DoxygenConfigFile.doxyconfig"/>
<MyItems Include="PROJECT_NUMBER = %(MyAssemblyIdentities.Version)"/>
<WriteLinesToFile File="#(MyTextFile)" Lines="#(MyItems)"
Overwrite="false" Encoding="UTF-8" />
Note this will only work if you invoke msbuild in the directory where the script is, else the paths (documentation/foo) will be wrong. That could be fixed by using eg $(MsBuildThisFileDirectory)\bin\foo.exe)

NetBeans: Run Target to execute an external bat file

I have a JavaHelp project and I have a bat file that basically runs a jhindexer (to create help index).
I would like to make it so that every time I make a build (Run>Target>Other target>Final build - it would run the jhindexer bat on pre-compile. Unfortunately I can't seem to get it working.
Here is my build.xml bit:
<target name="-pre-compile">
<echo message="Creating index"/>
<property name="createIndex" value="${basedir}\" />
<!--<exec command="cmd /C createIndex.bat" />--> //Says its deprecated
<exec dir="${createIndex}" executable="createIndex.bat">
<arg file="cmd createIndex.bat" />
This code gives me:
Creating index
Y:\NetBeansProjects\JavaHelp\build.xml:79: Execute failed: Cannot run program "\createIndex.bat" (in directory "Y:\NetBeansProjects\JavaHelp"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
If I change it to:
<exec command="cmd /C createIndex.bat" />
Creating index
The command attribute is deprecated.
Please use the executable attribute and nested arg elements.
I can't seem to figure out a way to run the bat file...
Edit 1:
here is the contents of the bat file:
cd src\helpsetproject
..\..\javahelp\bin\jhindexer topics
It basically goes from basedir too the folder where Images, Topics folders are. Then I run jhindexer (which is in basedir\javahelp\bin) and give it topics (name of folder in the director i am in) as a parameter I guess. It works standalone, but not from Run Target in NetBeans.
Try this:
<target name="-pre-compile">
<echo message="Creating index"/>
<property name="createIndex" value="${basedir}\" />
<exec dir="${createIndex}" executable="cmd">
<arg line="/c createIndex.bat" />

Deploy to remote server using scp in NANT script

I am trying to copy a file to a remote server using scp task in Nant.Contrib .
I have used the following code to do that:
<target name= "QADeploy"description="gthtyb" >
<loadtasks assembly="C:\nantcontrib-0.85\bin\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
<echo message="htyh"/>
<scp file="D:\SourceTest\redist.txt" server="\\" user="xxx:uuuu">
But I am getting an error: scp failed to start. The system cannot find the file specified.
The code is as follows:
Then I have downloaded pscp.exe and modified the code as below:
<target name= "QADeploy"
description="gthtyb" >
<loadtasks assembly="C:\nantcontrib-0.85\bin\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
<echo message="htyh"/>
<scp file="D:\SourceTest\redist.txt" server="\\" user="xxx:uuuu" program="C:\pscp\pscp.exe">
Now I am getting the following error:
[scp] ssh_init:host does not exist
External Program Failed:C:\pscp\pscp.exe
can u please help whats the best way to copy a file to a remote server using Nant. I am using this code to deploy files to a remote server.
You don't have to put two backslashes behind the IP of your server.
<scp file="D:\SourceTest\redist.txt" server="" user="xxx:uuuu" program="C:\pscp\pscp.exe">
Also note that without the "path" parameter, the default destination folder is "~".
Update: it is the username that is crashing the pscp.exe program. Remove the ":" from your username or try with a different one.
it seems like there is some weirdness on how pscp parses paths in windows. The following should fix ssh_init:host does not exist problem:
pscp some.file user#[remote-host-or-ip]:/some/path/
pscp user#[remote-host-or-ip]:/some/path/some.file some.file