'Like' a page using Facebook Graph API - facebook

Using the Graph API I'd like to be able to have an authorized user "like" a page.
I tried posting the following
And I get an HTTP error 500 accompanied by "Invalid post_id parameter" in the JSON response body. Looks like the /likes resource is suited to liking a wall post and not a page. How do I get this to work with a page?

Facebook has announced support for liking URL's outside of Facebook by using the official built-in Like action. You need to have publish_actions permissions. The graph url for this is:
https://graph.facebook.com/[User FB ID]/og.likes?object=OG_OBJECT_URL&access_token=USER_ACCESS_TOKEN
However, you cannot use this to like a page on Facebook currently, as the documentation states:
For Facebook Pages or websites that do not integrate with Facebook
Authentication, developers should continue to use the Like button
social plugin.

Update June 2016
It's still not possible to like a page using Facebook API, as stated in the /{user_id}/likes documentation page about Creating/Updating/Deleting:
You can't perform this operation on this endpoint.
In previous versions the message was clearer (see the quote below), but the result is the same: it's not possible.
May 2014
The /{user-id}/likes documentation page States about Publishing Likes of Facebook Pages:
You can't publish using this edge, as it is not possible to like a Facebook Page via any API. You should use the Like Button if you want people to be able to like a page in your app.
This is the most obvious and clear statement that has been able to give me an answer to the question.

if your app is an open graph app, now you can like using the api, and no need for the button anymore.

If you want this functionality in a page tab or canvas page within facebook (say to allow for liking the page from within a likegated page), a work around you can involves what Tom Wells suggested in his reply to Luke. You first embed the iframe version of their like button on your page, and then simply listen for the edge.create event in your JS like so:
function(response) {
alert('You liked the URL: ' + response);
// ...
In the callback, you can deal with with what happens when the user has liked the page, say like navigating away from the like-gate page, or showing liked-only content.
When the user clicks the iFrame like button, your JS code should receive the edge.create event assuming the iFrame was configured to point to the url of the page in question.

I believe this is not allowed except for specific partner sites, like yelp. The reason is security, you would be able to put some javascript on a page and have everyone that visits that page "Like"ing it without their knowledge.
See How do I "Like" a URL? on the Facebook Platform Developer Forum

You can like an object with its object id using Facebook api using the following piece of code
[FBRequestConnection startForPostWithGraphPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"/%#/likes",{object_id}] graphObject:nil completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error) {
//do you customisation post like here


Like an object on Facebook outside Facebook

I've been trying to use the Like button generator to get a Like button for some content on my fan page: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=363385833679921&set=a.314588171893021.85085.305618229456682&type=1
What I want to do is show the likes this photo got on Facebook in the like button on my site and vice versa.
This seems to work for the actual fan page url but doesn't work for individual photos (haven't tested other objects).
You are able to see the likes the object on Facebook got through the graph API call: http://graph.facebook.com/363385833679921. So shouldn't that be available on non-Facebook sites as well?
Anyone know a solution to this without having to make a custom handler to show and post likes on site?
Why don't you just use the API to read the comments and likes on the object? Any user's access token will work if that user can see the object

How to get insights for separate "Like" button(s), not for whole domain

I have put a like button on my web page which is dynamically linked to different Facebook fan pages. I have checked the insights pages of Facebook but it gives an overall count of button clicks from my site. Is there a way to get more detailed information like how many users clicked which Like button?
Facebook documentation mentions a ref tag that can be added to Like button code, however this tag does not show up in insights reports. Also I know I have the chance use JavaScript events to handle reporting personally, but I cannot since I am using iframe version of the button.
Also, is there a way for the Facebook fan page admin (the one that my like button links to) to see that detail exactly? e.g. "xx number of clicks generated with like button from this site (or app--which the like button is tied ?)"
In my opinion, Facebook insights are far from being complete.
If I where you, I would track like events, and visits from like using an analytic tools like Google Analytics. This is what I do for my website, and the website of the company I am working for.
However, Facebook insights can give you complementary metrics (age, gender...).
As Antoine says, you can track your likes with Google Analytics. I don't know about insights though.
Here's more info on how to track likes with GA:
Use FB.Event.subscribe:
function(response) {
alert('You liked the URL: ' + response);
Why use iframe if it is limiting you from doing what you need to do? Use XFBML or HTML5 versions and use the event handler to do an AJAX call to your server. Kinda like, Dr it hurts when I hit my thumb with a hammer, and the Dr says don't hit your thumb.

Feed dialog to event/fan page says "Sorry, something went wrong." after clicking share

Having some issues with the feed dialog when attempting to post to a event or fan page. In my application I am using the JS API and FB.ui using the method feed.
But for a demonstration you can do it using the feed url too for example:
After clicking share you get the:
Sorry, something went wrong.
We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.
app_id = your app
to = a event / fan page
redirect_uri = a url you are allowed to redirect to
note that the app has publish_stream permissions. (it also has manage_pages for fan pages)
The app in question by the way is: http://apps.facebook.com/tndcountdown/
An Example taken straight from the documentation:
just replace to=287203454659917 with an event.. (make a test one like it did there)
A few issues I've run into will dialog is that Facebook tries to fill in any missing data. So if you don't provide a description and caption, Facebook will try to scrape the page to get that content. Depending on how the page responds to the "scraping" Facebook will error out. I always make sure I include at least a space for those fields.
It seems the feed url you provided is similar to what is in the documentation. But the demo in the documentation has extra parameters.
I'm about to add page support to my Facebook app, which does the same thing as yours.
As I posted here - Facebook Send Button - 'Sorry, something went wrong.'...
I had the same problem & worked out that this was due to linking to a Facebook page that did not have a vanity URL set up (i.e. http://www.facebook.com/CubicMushroom rather than http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=261963707177053). If you set up a vanity URL for the page it seems to work OK (providing you link to the vanity URL version of the page URL).
To claim a vanity URL, once you have a certain no of like (it used to be 25, but think it's a little lower now) visit https://www.facebook.com/username/

How to auto like facebook page from other site?

On the facebook page,we can click the like button to like the page.
How can we use any api or plugin to realize from other site?
You can not automatically like an object for a user nor can you present like via the APIs. This prevents anyone "secretly" having users like pages / objects.
The solution is to embed a like button to your page and give users a clear reason to use it [sell the benefit of liking your page]. You can run a separate version for individual pages, objects or just an aggregate button for all of your site via the data-href element.
You can check if a user has liked your page using:
FB.api('/me/likes', function(response) {
Loop through the response and look for your page ID.
The open-graph api has now been updated to support creating (and deleting) likes.
See here:

Liking a Specific Facebook Post

I'm trying to embed the Facebook Like button on a web site. The URL of the item I am trying to allow the user to "like" is an individual Facebook post on a Page's wall.
I'm using a simple FBML implementation of the Like button like so:
<fb:like href="http://www.facebook.com/[PAGENAME]?v=wall&story_fbid=[ID OF THE POST]" layout="button_count"></fb:like>
The like button works, but when it is clicked, the user is actually liking the PAGE, not the individual post.
Any help would be much appreciated. I've tried various formats for the URL, but so far have not been able to make it work.
What you are trying to do is not possible. You can only 'like' things that have a unique page to display them. The url you have ?v=wall&story_fbid=[ID OF THE POST] is just a 'helper' url for facebook. It takes you to the http://www.facebook.com/[PAGENAME] url and Facebook will treat this url the same as the page.
It is a bit confusing because you could do something like you are talking about off of facebook, but the like inside of Facebook isn't really the same as what the like button's are doing. The like buttons are using the Open Graph protocol. Content on facebook.com doesn't play by the same rules.
In short, likes for "facebook generated" content inside of facebook can only be liked inside of facebook.
Check out this article for more information on some of the things you can do with the like button inside facebook: http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/407
Very late answer, but the Graph API might help. You might be able to grab a post and like it - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/