Xcode won't let go a resource file - iphone

My question today is about how Xcode deals with resource files in the app bundle which it creates. I know that it may be trivial, but I can't find an easy way out.
Basically my problem is that Xcode seems to keep on including a resource file (eg a text file) in the app bundle even if the file has been removed from the project.
Here it is in detail what is happening here.
⁃ Added a file to the project (both by choosing file - new file or dragging a file to the Xcode groups and files left column checking add to project folder if needed checkbox)
⁃ Compiled and launched the project in simulator
⁃ Verified that the file is present in myApp.app bundle, located in User/Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app and even in <my Xcode projects folder>/myApp/build/debugiPhonesimulator/myApp.app
⁃ Deleted the file from groups and files column in Xcode
⁃ Deleted the actual file with Finder in <my Xcode projects folder>/myApp/myFile
⁃ Deleted User/Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app and even <my Xcode projects folder>/myApp/build/debugiPhonesimulator/myApp.app
⁃ Emptied the trash
⁃ Verified that there is no reference to the file with Finder spotlight
⁃ Verified that there is no reference to the file with Xcode search
⁃ Rebuilt and relaunched the app in simulator
⁃ Verified that a brand new /Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app has been just created
⁃ Verified the content of /Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app bundle: the file is still there. Where the h. did Xcode take it from?
I am surely missing something really obvious. Any help?

Have you checked the "Targets" node ? If not then;
Expand the "Targets" node and the application one.
There must be a build phase called "Copy Bundle Resources".
Check that the resource is not in the phase.
You can also try to perform a full clean of the project to ensure that no temporary files stay.

Clean used to work in xcode 3 but it doesn't seem to do a thing in 4. I found that deleting the app from the test device seems to help make the resource disappear.

Ran into a similar problem a few days ago.
It turned out that under 3.2, the simulator creates several application folders, one for each SDK version installed. I have:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.0
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.1.2
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.1.3
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User
If you compile under a different SDK it creates a new application directory for the app within the folder for the new SDK. I had an alias to the old folder and ended up looking in the wrong folder at a version of the app that Xcode was no longer targeting and therefore never changing. IIRC, I had to track down the new app in the matching SDK folder.

I had the same problem. However the solution proposed in the answer, didn't solve my problem.
In the Targets > Copy Bundle Resources, I don't see the "ghost" files.
I tried doing a full clean up, delete the app and reinstall it, and I still have the files in my app.
The solution I found was by manually deleting the contents of the folder: ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/4.3/Applications/

Remove the app from the simulator and delete with finder the directory of your app in Library > Developer > Xcode > DerivedData.

I ran into a similar problem. Xcode 4 keeps complaining about missing resource file even though it has been removed from the project. It results in build error.
This is how it's resolved:
1) Open the .pbxproj file
2) Delete all the lines referencing the resource file that you want to get rid of
3) Build it

I had a similar problem with a .scnassets file - XCode Copy Resources only lists the .scnassets file (a real folder, not a group) but also remembers and copies it's contents even if they've been deleted. An intentional clean fixes this. Moreover, files deleted from a ghost .scnassets files appear to be copied every time you run the app, instead of the first time they're needed. Cleaning speed my build time up by 300%!


Copying non-existent resources during iPhone build

At one point in my iPhone app development, I had 2 rather large video files as resources for use in the app. After some tests, I decided I didn't want them anymore. So I deleted both from the resources folder in xcode - and I selected 'remove and delete selected references.' When I try to build on my iPhone or iPad, it still says "copying file opening.mov to iPhone." And it takes up space in the build.
What is happening? I deleted all references to the file everywhere on my computer, but it still copies the file on my iDevices.
I checked the xcode project folder in finder and it's not there!
You can go to Project->Build Phases->Copy Bundle Resources, chances are those files are still there somehow, delete them if they are.
Additionally as suggested do a product clean.
Go to /Users/your user/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/your version/Applications and delete the folder for your app.
Hint: Library could be a hidden folder. If you not see it use tinker tools to make the folder visible.
Delete the app on your test device.
In xcode go to Build Phases and check if your file is copied to bundle resources. If yes - delete it from there.
Clean your build an run.

How to run phone gap with xcode4?

Since moving to XCode4, I have been getting errors like:
/VERSION: No such file or directory
cp: /javascripts/phonegap..js: No such file or directory
cp: /javascripts/phonegap..min.js: No such file or directory
error: /VERSION: No such file or directory
for projects that were working under XCode3.
Open XCodes Preferences, and navigate to Source Trees. If there is no PhoneGapLib entry there, try adding a new setting with the following values:
Display Name: Phone Gap Lib
Path: /Users//Documents/PhoneGapLib
Note that the path should be to the location of your PhoneGapLib folder, and that it may not be in your documents folder, depending on how you installed PhoneGap.
I just learned about a great web service recently made available by Nitobi (makes of PG), which will automatically generate the necessary PhoneGap files you need for use in Xcode 4.
Just enter your project name, hit a button and they'll generate a zip file for you to download. This lets you set up a new project without messing with the command line.
You could set up a new project, then migrate your older project files over.
Did you search Google for this error?
I'm a bit of a noob with PhoneGap and Xcode still, but I know there have been recent issues with PG and Xcode 4. Perhaps you're experiencing the same issues as the commenters to this post: PhoneGap + XCode4 (and more specifically, here).

update iphone app "CodeResources file must be a symbolic link"

I tried to update an iphone app, which lies in an other "itunes connect" profile. I used "application loader" and everything is fine until I try to upload the zip file
I get this strange message and cant figure out whats going wrong
"The CodeResources file must be a symbolic link to _CodeSignature/CodeResources"
I opened the bundle and the folder _CodeSignature is there.
I compiled the app with my distribution profile (no problems)
How are you zipping it? I'm betting that FooApp.app/CodeResources is a file, not a symlink.
If you're using command-line "zip", you need to use zip -y -r to preserve the symlink.
Had the same issue with XCode 3.2.5 (new submission interface), and all it took was to:
delete the build folder
clean, and then
build and archive again.
I had the same issue. But then I noticed that I was building in release mode to the simulator, and not a device. When I targeted a device, I got the proper application file, which I then zipped with the iTunes Artwork and submitted without issue.
I had the same issue here but I "fixed" it after I changed the "Deployment Target" from 2.0 to 3.0 in the target I was building and removed the "Architectures" to only armv6 (before I had both armv6 and armv7). Finally I had to put 'No' to 'Build Active Architecture Only'.
I haven't figured out why I keep getting this error for every binary I create. I've followed all the standard procedures (double-checking my project settings, deleting build folders, cleaning all targets, removing and reinstalling certificates and provisioning profiles, creating and installing new certificates and provisioning profiles, repairing disk permissions, etc) but none of them seem to solve the problem.
I think the problem is that my XCode installation is unable to create symbolic links. I might reinstall it (or even OS X) to see if that fixes the issue permanently.
But in the mean time, this works for me. I use terminal to navigate into the binary and run the following commands
rm CodeResources
ln -s _CodeSignature/CodeResources CodeResources
This deletes the invalid CodeResources file and replaces it with the required symbolic link to _CodeSignature/CodeResources.
I just ran across this issue. It turned out, I had two info.plist files in my resources folder (one for the iPhone version and another for the iPad version). Once I took care of that, the issue went away.
Try this on the command line:
cd (to where your project is)
ln -s _CodeSignature/CodeResources CodeResources
I've just had the same problem. Turns out the project file project.pbxproj in Project.xcodeproj had been corrupted while uploading to an SVN server.
My solution was simply to revert to an older revision, which worked fine.
You have to:
1. Enter the AppName.app folder
2. Create a file named CodeResources
3. Open the file with a plain text editor
4. Type in _CodeSignature/CodeResources (The path where the actual CodeResources file is.)
{The app will now know where the CodeResources file is, and will have an account for all the files in the .app folder.}

iphone simulator picks up deleted resources from xcode

I'm getting confused. I add resources (mp4 videos) to the resources folder in xcode and run the simulator and it picks them up, great!
I delete the file and simulator still picks it up from the resources directory. I delete the file in the app bundle that xcode is using and it still detects this file. I'm at a loss as to where/how I should delete items from xcode for it to actually remove them.
There's no 'remove from project' option, what am I missing here?
You need to 'clean' the build to move these artefacts. Go to 'Build' and 'Clean' to remove them.
Alternatively you can blat projects from ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/sdk_version/Applications
Have you also deleted the app from the simulator?
Product>Clean didn't do it for me. I needed to do "Reset Content and Settings..." from inside the Simulator's menu -- a much safer way than messing around inside ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/*sdk_version*/Applications

Problem installing ad-hoc app on iphone: "resources have been modified."

I can install an app on my development iPhone compiled with "Debug" configuration using my Ad Hoc provisioning and everything works OK.
But when I build it using "Release" configuration, iTunes says:
The application XXX was not installed on the iPhone "YYYY" because its resources have been modified.
I've never seen this message before. Does anybody know what it means?
We had the same problem during our first Beta. Someone on Windows dug in the xxx.app folder then Explorer created a Thumbs.db file inside and, boom, he got the message "The application XXX was not installed on the iPhone "YYYY" because its resources have been modified." when he tried to install.
He had to remove the app from iTunes, deleted all the Thumbs.db from xxx.app and then it worked.
We finally got rid of the problem. We were trying to include an image for iTunes after creating the build, but when we used this method (http://iosdevelopertips.com/xcode/itunes-icon-for-ad-hoc-distributions.html) everything went smoothly.
Just in case it helps someone: In my case, I copied the .app to a network drive, then to my Win7 computer before dragging into iTunes - then it did not work. When I zipped the .app first before copying, and then unzipped it on the other end - it worked. Of course, I have no real idea why....
Your debug configuration and your release configuration have some important differences, and release is a lot closer to what ad-hoc should look like. So you first need to duplicate the release configuration and make and call your copy "Ad-Hoc", and make sure you use your ad-hoc provisioning profile with it. Then you need to create a new entitlements file. The new version of Xcode has a cool feature where you can build and archive your app into an ipa file that includes your provisioning profile.
How to do all of this is explained here: http://www.tuaw.com/2010/05/23/devsugar-a-better-way-to-share-ad-hoc-builds/
In those instructions, when it tells you to make the entitlements plist file, it says to uncheck get-task-allow in the plist file. When I created the entitlements file, there wasn't a get-task-allow row at all, so I created one, set the type to boolean, and left it unchecked. It worked great for me.
The best solution to avoid wierdness like this is to create an IPA file. A good step-by-step guide to creating an IPA target in XCode is here:
It starts out with an introductory project so search for "Aggregate" to find the point where it starts telling you how to create a new IPA target for build.
I directly upload the app to a server where the windows can also visit. Then compress it in Windows.
I had it, did a clean build and never saw it again.
Incomplete ipa/zip archives (received at the installation end) were the cause for us.
I had this problem using a run script to cp -R the .app file to the Payload folder, for some reason when the script copied the file it modified it somehow, if I used finder and manually copied the .app file into the payload folder and manually zipped the .ipa file it worked fine. I tested it several times using codesign -v to verify the .app file. it always through the error after a build and the run script. but no error when I would copy the file manually.
For me the issue was the .Double files being added to every directory on a shared network drive. We are primarily a Windows environment, and the Mac was saving .Double file on the drive, in every directory.
Literally, to fix the issue referenced above, I simply deleted the .Double files in every directory (of the app being copied to iTunes) and it fixed it.
Hope this helps someone!
I was tasked to test some apps and for some reason was the only one on my team getting this this error. I am working on an XP. All the apps we are testing use the same provisioning file yet some would sync while others would not. Not sure what fixed it but I did go into my *My Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications* folder, deleted the existing .ipa file for the app I was trying to sync and it seemed to sync fine after. It might not be the answer to your problem but give it a try.
If you work with asstes on a Mac, or have versioned content, I had the same problem with .DS_Store files and hidden .git folders. Once deleted from assets, problem gone. It might be an issue with hidden files.